I actually don’t drink at all. 🙂
I’m there, no mortgage, live secluded, have no neighbors and don’t want any.
I keep up on what goes on around me. Worldwide. It all fits together like a neat little puzzle. I don’t like any of it.
Im a thorn in the side and a seed of the first time we saw a genocide in the US. Research the Trail of Tears.
I think this is what causes me the need to know the enemy and when it is they ride upon my camp.
Cool thing is, it’s all discussed in here by many with different points of view and done so kindly. That’s a start! A big one! It’s all open for discussion on da corner!
Gooooooooood morninnnnnnnn Slim Shadey! 🥰
Buenas dias CG!
im with you on not wanting any neighboors. The only neighboors i want are squirrels, deer and birds lol.
And yeah the news is a damn circus. Most of today's political parties are just part of the same matrix-like system that wants to conform society into a machine that fulfills the top 1%'s wishes.
Most people cant see the forest for the trees and now were on the brink of destroying the planet.

Im familiar with the Trail of Tears. Such a backstabbingly horrific event. I always wondered why more wasnt done to repair the wrongs done to the Natives by this governement. Then i grew up and realized they still dont give a crap about the Natives, or anyone else for that matter.
I actually don’t drink at all. 🙂
I’m there, no mortgage, live secluded, have no neighbors and don’t want any.
I keep up on what goes on around me. Worldwide. It all fits together like a neat little puzzle. I don’t like any of it.
Im a thorn in the side and a seed of the first time we saw a genocide in the US. Research the Trail of Tears.
I think this is what causes me the need to know the enemy and when it is they ride upon my camp.
Cool thing is, it’s all discussed in here by many with different points of view and done so kindly. That’s a start! A big one! It’s all open for discussion on da corner!
Gooooooooood morninnnnnnnn Slim Shadey! 🥰

Good morning CG! It does indeed fit together like a puzzle and once your eyes and mind are open to what's going on around you it's really hard to not live in a constant state of semi-depression. There is a lot of good in the world, and many(if not all) of you here are fact to that statement. But everywhere we go and look we seem to be surrounded by a cloud of evil nefarious control and destruction. @TSD highlighted it earlier when she made a comment about not slowing down to save the planet in pursuit of capitalism. It's really hard not to be disgusted or sickened by the construct which we call society. Anyways I digress...hope you all have a wonderful day. It's looking to be about 24c today and I've got some buds that are close to being ready for final trim.

100% @ZombieRider they got them so stressed out about their daily lives, living paycheck to paycheck that the average citizen's brain doesn't have the energy to worry about the reality
I love starting my day with a strong sativa 💪🏼
Makes for an excellent day lol.
When i was in Amsterdam for the first time, my tolerance was hella low ( i was 19 and only started smoking the year before) and I loved the flavor of the super silver haze i got from the coffeshops. Hoooolllly crap are the roads confusong to navigate when your mind is racing and paranoid with that mega mega sativa hit from the ssh lol. I remember riding around for like 2 hours looking for the train station. Was cool though, lots of the streets in Amsterdam look like something straight out of a WW2 movie. The high was so strong i felt like i was on shrooms.
When i was in Amsterdam for the first time, my tolerance was hella low ( i was 19 and only started smoking the year before) and I loved the flavor of the super silver haze i got from the coffeshops. Hoooolllly crap are the roads confusong to navigate when your mind is racing and paranoid with that mega mega sativa hit from the ssh lol. I remember riding around for like 2 hours looking for the train station. Was cool though, lots of the streets in Amsterdam look like something straight out of a WW2 movie. The high was so strong i felt like i was on shrooms.
Ive always wanted to go to Amsterdam, havent made it yet, some day i will though. Im gonna be getting some silver haze pretty soon hopefully. My wife doesnt like haze as she says it tastes like cat piss, i think it tastes quite delightful, but shes an indica fan so shes used to the fruity, sweet, earthy tones.
Thats fine, ill come for dinner then cause i enjoy a good cajun meal 😋😆
I do mostly all the cooking here and have the same issues, never know what to make.
My wife works 12 hour days 6 days a week so shes not really around much to cook.

Now im hungry.
Me and the wife split also, one cooks one cleans that way we both get a break or a min with the kids.
We have to plan our meals out every Sunday. The week is just to hectic to make a store run. It suck’s sometimes cause you get to a meal that sounded good on Sunday but dosent hit the spot on Thursday when it’s time to cook but oh well.

One year we came home from camping and my oriole feeder was upside down (grape jelly jar screwed into a distribution head) I was like, that’s weird. Then my neighbor called me over and was like “look at these bear tracks in the fresh dirt” I was skeptical as a hunter and the tracks weren’t clear at all but I went home and told my wife we may have a bear eating our jelly. So we put out more and the next few day it kept getting flipped. So borrowed trail cameras and set this thing up like fort knock’s. Mind you I’m like 3 jars of grape jelly into this. Then I wake up and the jar is smashed on the ground and I thought I had him, check the cameras and they malfunctioned. Fourth jar goes in cameras are re programmed. Next morning jar is flipped I’m so excited. Check the camera and it’s…………a momma trash panda, huge milk filled momma. She got me for 4 jars of grape jelly in a week 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Me and the wife split also, one cooks one cleans that way we both get a break or a min with the kids.
We have to plan our meals out every Sunday. The week is just to hectic to make a store run. It suck’s sometimes cause you get to a meal that sounded good on Sunday but dosent hit the spot on Thursday when it’s time to cook but oh well.

One year we came home from camping and my oriole feeder was upside down (grape jelly jar screwed into a distribution head) I was like, that’s weird. Then my neighbor called me over and was like “look at these bear tracks in the fresh dirt” I was skeptical as a hunter and the tracks weren’t clear at all but I went home and told my wife we may have a bear eating our jelly. So we put out more and the next few day it kept getting flipped. So borrowed trail cameras and set this thing up like fort knock’s. Mind you I’m like 3 jars of grape jelly into this. Then I wake up and the jar is smashed on the ground and I thought I had him, check the cameras and they malfunctioned. Fourth jar goes in cameras are re programmed. Next morning jar is flipped I’m so excited. Check the camera and it’s…………a momma trash panda, huge milk filled momma. She got me for 4 jars of grape jelly in a week 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Thats just too funny man, i havent seen a single racoon here, just porcupines and these fuckers 20230515_202220.jpg
They will pick up a 100 gallon trash can thats totally full, probably 250-300 pounds of trash, and just walk off with it, like nothing. Ive seen the video of it happening, theyve ripped truck bed covers apart, broke open a tailgate, busted shed doors off, bears are just too strong for their own good.
I don’t blow smoke on him at all, and am always the one raising hell when others blow smoke on animals.
You are one hundred percent right about their ears tho. My other cat got spider bit near the ear, it was super hard to treat, only certain things that close to her ear. It neurologically destroyed her.
Cats love their ears rubbed and massaged. I think that helps more than anything

Usually cats have each other for grooming and are really social animals. So a lone cat needs some help with grooming more than anything IMO
Ive always wanted to go to Amsterdam, havent made it yet, some day i will though. Im gonna be getting some silver haze pretty soon hopefully. My wife doesnt like haze as she says it tastes like cat piss, i think it tastes quite delightful, but shes an indica fan so shes used to the fruity, sweet, earthy tones.
We've been twice,into the airport once into town, after finding a hotel and parking we went for a walk into the main square area near the Casino. We wandered around for a while had a smoke and beer in the Bull Dog cafe then went where the fk are we?...No idea where we were and it took us a couple of hours to find our small hotel....after up and down a few roads they all looked the same and we got lucky after refinding the casino and guessing from there...out of town the next day heading east, into Germany and down the Rhine river castle hunting.
Oh gads, the coons! I had a Mama bring out four babies last week. My poor cats didn’t know what to think. I call em Trash Panda’s.
Nice morning here, cool with rain on the way.

I woke last night to the sound of thunder
How far off I sat and wondered?
Started hummin' a song from 1962
Ain't it funny how the night moves?
They crawl up the trees here and watch us looking for an opportunity.

No mercy for racoons here. If I get my hands on them I'll have Tony skinning it and making a hat. I'll kill the whole family and they can all hang out together

Raccoon is a lot like humans. Smart nuance animals that are dangerous. I got something for them. I'll leave them alone if they do the same. 🐻 Fall in the same category

Peaceful Co- existence or my alternative plan B


Plan C
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We've been twice,into the airport once into town, after finding a hotel and parking we went for a walk into the main square area near the Casino. We wandered around for a while had a smoke and beer in the Bull Dog cafe then went where the fk are we?...No idea where we were and it took us a couple of hours to find our small hotel....after up and down a few roads they all looked the same and we got lucky after refinding the casino and guessing from there...out of town the next day heading east, into Germany and down the Rhine river castle hunting.
Sounds like it was a cool trip, never been to Germany though hopefully I will one day. Love me some castles too, anything old and abandoned Im there!
Yeah all the streets look so similar its easy to get lost. Though with coffeeshops and cafe's everywhere there are worse places on earth to get lost in.
Going to Maine to see my mom this weekend~! Well actually Friday..
She lives in Florida and I don't get down to see her.
We will be staying in my sister and brother in-laws cottage on Wells Beach.
This will be the first time going back to Maine for my mom since my sisters death and funeral almost 3 years ago.
Excited to see mom and Wells is my happy place. Been going there my whole life.
Still love it 58 years later.
They crawl up the trees here and watch us looking for an opportunity.

No mercy for racoons here. If I get my hands on them I'll have Tony skinning it and making a hat. I'll kill the whole family and they can all hang out together

Raccoon is a lot like humans. Smart nuance animals that are dangerous. I got something for them. I'll leave them alone if they do the same. 🐻 Fall in the same category

Peaceful Co- existence or my alternative plan B

View attachment 6068

Plan C
View attachment 6110

In order to conquer him, I have to think like an animal.

Afternoon yall morning was busy for me trying to find some cheap quart or two size pots to move some plants to out of solo cups. Got em outside so I just wanted something to give me a couple more weeks. Fingers crossed I'm going to attempt to move them inside and avoid a huge disaster by bring some freeloaders in with them. So far they look clean but that's just with the naked eye.

I plan to try something I've never done before, I'm going to try and soak the pots with a water/peroxide mix to hope and clear the soil out from any critters before they come in. Maybe some sort of sulfur for the above ground plant parts, also considered neem dipping them entirely in like a bucket or something (a friend that works at a grow facility suggested this)...anyone got some thoughts on this? Maybe a recommendation on how strong to mix peroxide, sulfer or neem with water?
Thats just too funny man, i havent seen a single racoon here, just porcupines and these fuckers View attachment 6062
They will pick up a 100 gallon trash can thats totally full, probably 250-300 pounds of trash, and just walk off with it, like nothing. Ive seen the video of it happening, theyve ripped truck bed covers apart, broke open a tailgate, busted shed doors off, bears are just too strong for their own good.
One of these days one of these boys will amble passed me and I hope to stick him solid with an arrow 🤞🤞
When i was in Amsterdam for the first time, my tolerance was hella low ( i was 19 and only started smoking the year before) and I loved the flavor of the super silver haze i got from the coffeshops. Hoooolllly crap are the roads confusong to navigate when your mind is racing and paranoid with that mega mega sativa hit from the ssh lol. I remember riding around for like 2 hours looking for the train station. Was cool though, lots of the streets in Amsterdam look like something straight out of a WW2 movie. The high was so strong i felt like i was on shrooms.
SSH is one of my favorites... definitely can make you paranoid if you over do it. Kinda regretting not growing another this year, but I'll have some new sativa doms to try.
So where's the perfect weather? Central California Coast is nice but it can shake there at times....Hawaii is nice but It gets hurricanes & Volcano's, anywhere in the center states gets Tornado's and cold cold cold weather.....We got some sht weather here too but each place has advantages and faults......who has the best weather???
I say I got about as good as it gets - sunny and 80-90 fir 6/8 months out the year - it’s the traffic sux
Afternoon yall morning was busy for me trying to find some cheap quart or two size pots to move some plants to out of solo cups. Got em outside so I just wanted something to give me a couple more weeks. Fingers crossed I'm going to attempt to move them inside and avoid a huge disaster by bring some freeloaders in with them. So far they look clean but that's just with the naked eye.

I plan to try something I've never done before, I'm going to try and soak the pots with a water/peroxide mix to hope and clear the soil out from any critters before they come in. Maybe some sort of sulfur for the above ground plant parts, also considered neem dipping them entirely in like a bucket or something (a friend that works at a grow facility suggested this)...anyone got some thoughts on this? Maybe a recommendation on how strong to mix peroxide, sulfer or neem with water?
I would think Neem should be effective during veggies. Purecrop one works some also but nothing is bulletproof

Needs to be balanced approach. Good plant vigor is the best defense IMO
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Buenas dias CG!
im with you on not wanting any neighboors. The only neighboors i want are squirrels, deer and birds lol.
And yeah the news is a damn circus. Most of today's political parties are just part of the same matrix-like system that wants to conform society into a machine that fulfills the top 1%'s wishes.
Most people cant see the forest for the trees and now were on the brink of destroying the planet.

Im familiar with the Trail of Tears. Such a backstabbingly horrific event. I always wondered why more wasnt done to repair the wrongs done to the Natives by this governement. Then i grew up and realized they still dont give a crap about the Natives, or anyone else for that matter.
Part of why the whole reparation thing burns my azz. We aren’t asking, but if they want to persist in doing such, that would be a great place to start! Or in my general opinion it’s insane to charge a person today for what an ancestor did eight generations ago.
Good morning CG! It does indeed fit together like a puzzle and once your eyes and mind are open to what's going on around you it's really hard to not live in a constant state of semi-depression. There is a lot of good in the world, and many(if not all) of you here are fact to that statement. But everywhere we go and look we seem to be surrounded by a cloud of evil nefarious control and destruction. @TSD highlighted it earlier when she made a comment about not slowing down to save the planet in pursuit of capitalism. It's really hard not to be disgusted or sickened by the construct which we call society. Anyways I digress...hope you all have a wonderful day. It's looking to be about 24c today and I've got some buds that are close to being ready for final trim.

100% @ZombieRider they got them so stressed out about their daily lives, living paycheck to paycheck that the average citizen's brain doesn't have the energy to worry about the reality
Afternoon Shadey!
Once you get over the shock of the truth, take your life back. Too live in a state of fear or depression is a goal of the enemy. Most would have you to believe there is no good left. As you said above there is. I see it everyday because I allow myself to see it. We are the sole drivers of our own matrix Mobil’s.
The control and break down of family values started in the 1970’s, when due to the economy for the first time Mothers left the family home. It took two even back then to make a living.
Part of why the whole reparation thing burns my azz. We aren’t asking, but if they want to persist in doing such, that would be a great place to start! Or in my general opinion it’s insane to charge a person today for what an ancestor did eight generations ago.
Bless you for say this. I understand the thought of reparation but also feel that probably all of us by now had nothing to do with the past and would just like to move forward as a cohesive bunch. I believe things like this can only drive a wedge in between differ groups😥 but I’m the dumbest person I know sooooo 🤷🏼‍♂️🤷🏼‍♂️🤣
Afternoon Shadey!
Once you get over the shock of the truth, take your life back. Too live in a state of fear or depression is a goal of the enemy. Most would have you to believe there is no good left. As you said above there is. I see it everyday because I allow myself to see it. We are the sole drivers of our own matrix Mobil’s.
The control and break down of family values started in the 1970’s, when due to the economy for the first time Mothers left the family home. It took two even back then to make a living.
^^ This x 100^^
Stop looking at their world and look at yours. I am no fan of how society is conducting itself.
On any given day bad/ wrong things happen, but it is still my day to do the best with I can FOR ME and MINE.
I don't subscribe to what they want us to believe is needed for happiness. They have made it very hard for some to achieve their way.
Happiness is mine to make and share. I can do it and except it all on my own.
It is for all to make and share. How you do it is up to you.
A little help from friends is a powerful thing in my book.
Going to Maine to see my mom this weekend~! Well actually Friday..
She lives in Florida and I don't get down to see her.
We will be staying in my sister and brother in-laws cottage on Wells Beach.
This will be the first time going back to Maine for my mom since my sisters death and funeral almost 3 years ago.
Excited to see mom and Wells is my happy place. Been going there my whole life.
Still love it 58 years later.
Wells is a beautiful place. Enjoy yourself up there man.
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