Afternoon yall morning was busy for me trying to find some cheap quart or two size pots to move some plants to out of solo cups. Got em outside so I just wanted something to give me a couple more weeks. Fingers crossed I'm going to attempt to move them inside and avoid a huge disaster by bring some freeloaders in with them. So far they look clean but that's just with the naked eye.
I plan to try something I've never done before, I'm going to try and soak the pots with a water/peroxide mix to hope and clear the soil out from any critters before they come in. Maybe some sort of sulfur for the above ground plant parts, also considered neem dipping them entirely in like a bucket or something (a friend that works at a grow facility suggested this)...anyone got some thoughts on this? Maybe a recommendation on how strong to mix peroxide, sulfer or neem with water?