This is actually the case now because a lot of the smaller easy to kill prey live near populated areas, so the predators are getting closer and closer to civilization.
I was reading something about it in a conservation article.
Cats are our life now, with 3 boys we treat like children. We don't do anything without accounting for them first. I've one sleeping 6" from me, he won't let me go out in the morning without him. I was never really into cats until my first black one Coal, he put the cat Voodoo on me and made me get more, if it wasn't for my wife we'd have more......ya...I voodoo is

woke up to 3 cats chasing a chipmunk around, I captured it hanging off our shower curtain, poor little thing was just about done for but I tossed it out the window and it scrambled away.....Cats have 24/7 access to an outdoor contained play land
I get bringing them back, but they were never this far downstate. They were really up in the adks mainly, but the reason DEC did it was dumb. They only brought them in to kill the coyotes and all it did was create more issues for farmers and such with them eating all their livestock.
My parents neighbor had 9 cows killed by mountain lions last year.
Farmers wiped them out to begin with, itll just happen again unfortunately, humans suck. 😑
They dumped a bunch of Canadian wolves in Yellowstone. Ask ranchers in the area how thats going. My father in law had a feed and ranch supply store in dillon, they called cattle, "slow elk"
Stella got her groove back! View attachment 6848
Awesome, nice job, Its not something I've ever done....I've seen a gun a few times in my life....I've shot a gun a few times in my life and used to own a BB gun..Its not something I've really been around except when living in the USA for a few years, even then it was an oddity in my group...more pot and hippy shit stuff. Living up here I'm not around guns at all. I'd like an opportunity to shoot some time, I always thought I'd be pretty good at it but good as in hit the barn door...not the door handle.....I'm a Bit too shaky for close aiming.

But Congratulations for your accomplishment I guess you're the type that can't hit the handle.
Awesome, nice job, Its not something I've ever done....I've seen a gun a few times in my life....I've shot a gun a few times in my life and used to own a BB gun..Its not something I've really been around except when living in the USA for a few years, even then it was an oddity in my group...more pot and hippy shit stuff. Living up here I'm not around guns at all. I'd like an opportunity to shoot some time, I always thought I'd be pretty good at it but good as in hit the barn door...not the door handle.....I'm a Bit too shaky for close aiming.

But Congratulations for your accomplishment I guess you're the type that can't hit the handle.
This is actually at 600 yards 🙂 I started shooting at an early age. My Dad really wanted a Son, but he had four Daughters…so you know the rest of the story. We could shoot, ride horses and cuss well. Lol. Only one of us left that shoots. One has walked on, one is for life fecked because of a certain “shot”, and the other newly divorced and wild as a March hare. That just leaves me and I work hard at it.
Thanks PC!
This is actually at 600 yards 🙂 I started shooting at an early age. My Dad really wanted a Son, but he had four Daughters…so you know the rest of the story. We could shoot, ride horses and cuss well. Lol. Only one of us left that shoots. One has walked on, one is for life fecked because of a certain “shot”, and the other newly divorced and wild as a March hare. That just leaves me and I work hard at it.
Thanks PC!
I saw a pic or 2 of you shooting the long guns on a range. .....Ya........No.....way out of any league of any thing I've been involved with......They wouldn't let a guy like me hold a gun like that up here. I'm far too unstable for anything involving a deadly weapon......

I google for me trying to buy a BB gun....I'd need to take a firearms safety course and a police check......A long gun like you've got???? I'm pretty sure they'd lock me up for asking about it.......

WE got gun laws you know....not just any Tom, Dick, Harry or Betty can own a gun........its for our safety...only criminals are allowed guns......It should be our national motto.....Instead of " he shoots he scores"
I saw a pic or 2 of you shooting the long guns on a range. .....Ya........No.....way out of any league of any thing I've been involved with......They wouldn't let a guy like me hold a gun like that up here. I'm far too unstable for anything involving a deadly weapon......

I google for me trying to buy a BB gun....I'd need to take a firearms safety course and a police check......A long gun like you've got???? I'm pretty sure they'd lock me up for asking about it.......

WE got gun laws you know....not just any Tom, Dick, Harry or Betty can own a gun........its for our safety...only criminals are allowed guns......It should be our national motto.....Instead of " he shoots he scores"
I saw a t shirt yesterday that said “when they take the guns from the good guys, then only the bad guys will have guns.” I believe that. In the US a part of our constitution gives me this right. Today, we have politicians trying to overthrow that. I’m one that will go down standing on that hill. I don’t need no government baby sitter.
I also on the other hand support anyone committing a crime with a gun, should lose those rights and do need a babysitter.
24 oz twisted tea, 100mg Sum'ah punch and heading out fir the afternoon. Thats what i call a sunday.
Finally dont have to drive for once 👌🏼💪🏼
View attachment 6897
I've never had one of those. I tried gummies and cookies and they didn't do anything for me. not sure why. so, i never tried a drink.
Yes me too. I've tried gummies Cookies, Brownies, Chocolates, Syrup,,,,,nothing but I'm always smoking so its hard to tell the difference.
I find smoking and edibles to be two totally different buzzes... edibles are more just chill you out body buzz or relaxation... unless you really go hard on them and get the sillies... it's so different from a head high, for me at least.
I find smoking and edibles to be two totally different buzzes... edibles are more just chill you out body buzz or relaxation... unless you really go hard on them and get the sillies... it's so different from a head high, for me at least.
Like I say I wouldn't know, I smoke pot like people who smoke cigarettes so when I eat eatables I'm smoking too. I've never taken enough to get me a buzz I guess. I know there are Pops, chocolates and syrups at the online delivery service that are 1000mg in 250ml wife takes about 10 ml to knock her out...

.I'm sure 1000mg would rock me but that scares me too...I like my weed buzz I don't need or really want to get so ripped I'm praying for solid ground outside in the rain.....just a buzz thanks just a buzz......
Like I say I wouldn't know, I smoke pot like people who smoke cigarettes so when I eat eatables I'm smoking too. I've never taken enough to get me a buzz I guess. I know there are Pops, chocolates and syrups at the online delivery service that are 1000mg in 250ml wife takes about 10 ml to knock her out...

.I'm sure 1000mg would rock me but that scares me too...I like my weed buzz I don't need or really want to get so ripped I'm praying for solid ground outside in the rain.....just a buzz thanks just a buzz......
I want to try an edible or bake some brownies but if one toke gets me stoned i wonder what an edible would do
I've never had one of those. I tried gummies and cookies and they didn't do anything for me. not sure why. so, i never tried a drink.
Us either. But a few buddies like em.

We use the ABV leftover in cheap brownie mixes. Lately we switched to chocolate, oatmeal, coconut cookies, like the Christmas ones. Everyone seems to like them. I sleep longer and better with two before bed. 👍😝
Yes me too. I've tried gummies Cookies, Brownies, Chocolates, Syrup,,,,,nothing but I'm always smoking so its hard to tell the difference.
I like to take anywhere from 50-100mg, and then smoke a sativa, ive found its the best for me.
Ive found the edibles with a sativa smoke really helps with pain more than anything else ive used. The edibles really take over my entire body and i feel next to nothing.
Just got in from having a fire and smores with the Fam, my father in law leaves in the morning and i found a new fire pit at walmart today in clearance for 35 bucks so i couldn't turn down a fire tonight 😆
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We finally got rain today after a whole month, rare for michigan. Now i can go back to having morning campfires.
Its been very dry here this spring too which is wicked uncommon, we finally got rain over the last few days so it was ok to have a fire. I always spray my lawn down too just to be safe, i don't need to burn down the trailer park lol
So, it’s a balmy 56 degrees here tonight with a northwest wind. Nuts! A nw wind in June? It’s hauling azz too. Instead of a tee shirt shorts and a glass of tea, I have a sweat shirt, warm up pants and a light jacket on! Ta hell with it, imma go ahead and have that hot chocolate. Pair it up with a chocolate Mimosa smoke.. Let the good times roll!
They are so gorgeous. My father in law lives in Florida on the edge of a massive land preserve, they just had a panther walk through thier yard heading to the wild land last week.
We have mountain lions here in the Adirondacks, sightings are relatively rare, but people do catch them on game cams occasionally. They say there is no longer a sustained breeding population here, but thry are seen, so there must be some. The ADK park is 6 MILLION acres, much of it untouched wilderness, so I'd say it's possible there are more than we know about.
Here's an adorable video of a big kitty playing with a swing on a game cam... think this was out west.
I've had a eight or nine foot long 200 lb cat approach me up here on the ridge a few years ago. Growled at me and ruined my buzz for the night

Still A few lairs up there in various spots but they have large range and know I'm around here now

The biggest cat I've ever seen in the wild was right above me here maybe five hundred feet away. The cougar was dark and had solid gold eyes. But haven't seen him since

I seen a few big tracks close to the camp this winter ❄️ but that's about it. I'm always looking for signs especially in the winter months

I think they go farther up to hunt during the summer months
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We have mountain lions here now thanks to DEC. They released them to help take down the coyote population but all it did was introduce a new predator in the area.
When they screech it sounds like a woman being murdered....
We had one just off the yard over the bank last summer, and i saw tracks from one this last winter.
I don't like or trust any type of cat in the wilderness period.
I don't like or trust any type of cat in the wilderness period.
Especially when you're really stoned and it's growling aggressively

I just trying to not look at the eyes but maintain some level of confidence and not pissing on myself. Trying not to involuntary shake....

Focus franksta... You can take him. Stand your ground 🤣
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Morning all.

Morning PAL!

Got rain all night but won’t add up to 2cm. More wind and blow than anything. Still we need it.

Indoor plants are tucked away for the night. Outside got dry food yesterday in anticipation of rain. I’ll see if I can get the supports up for the cucumbers later.

Be well all.
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