That's a plus, but after buds start forming, you might want to cut using that. It might be totally harmless, I don't know. After that, check leaves -- especially the bottoms of leaves -- for moth eggs. They often lay them in a very orderly pattern.

I haven't used it on the plants at all. It's a hail mary if I have issues pre-flower. The only things I have sprayed are neem and castile soap so far.
If you have the location where you get full sun everyday then i think outdoor weed can be comparable to indoor grown. With locations like mine where we get 3 days of sun followed by 4 days of cloudy weather or raining 2-3 days a week out door grows are iffy at best. I can veg out there like the best but flowering and ripening it's just not prime conditions and crops suffer. Indoors I can control all the elements and give them full sun everyday. no rain or clouds and they finish as they should with all the light, heat and liquid they need.....No fog to burn off or moldy buds to worry about either.
Agree 💯 with this statement. If you have a bit of luck and you can tweak your environmental specifications a little

Certainly some environment are harsher than others but in ideal conditions anything is possible

An environment dialed greenhouse would be 😎
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Morning all... I've been up since 5 am. My little man puked all over the bed and himself last night at like 11, so we had to strip everything and shower, then he woke up super early with a sore throat. We've been cuddling on the couch with hot tea, soup and cartoons for like 5 hours. Bout to wake up the hubs and tag him in because I have 2 more scrogs that absolutely have to go up today because the girls are getting very stiff and it's gonna rain all week. Also need to drive to local #2 to spray this evening because I know shit is freely munching over there. I think I need another latte and my wakey bakey.
Morning all... I've been up since 5 am. My little man puked all over the bed and himself last night at like 11, so we had to strip everything and shower, then he woke up super early with a sore throat. We've been cuddling on the couch with hot tea, soup and cartoons for like 5 hours. Bout to wake up the hubs and tag him in because I have 2 more scrogs that absolutely have to go up today because the girls are getting very stiff and it's gonna rain all week. Also need to drive to local #2 to spray this evening because I know shit is freely munching over there. I think I need another latte and my wakey bakey.
Sorry to hear that the little one is sick ☹️ Must be something going around as my Daughter has been I’ll the last few days as well. It all seems to be stomach centered.
I was on the range at 7am yesterday and back home at 5:30. I gave up and took an allergy pill that knocked me straight out. I was down by six thirty and slept til eight this morning. I’m a stiff girl too this morning!
Hope your day is good and little bit is on the mend.
Mornin PC!
We actually have those in our area. Conservation dept said we did not even tho they have been seen and heard here for years. Then their own game cams caught one taking down a deer. They no longer claim they are not here! When these things scream, it’s terrifying. Sounds like a woman screaming at the top of her lungs. Will put a chill up your spine!
Mornin PC!
We actually have those in our area. Conservation dept said we did not even tho they have been seen and heard here for years. Then their own game cams caught one taking down a deer. They no longer claim they are not here! When these things scream, it’s terrifying. Sounds like a woman screaming at the top of her lungs. Will put a chill up your spine!
They are so gorgeous. My father in law lives in Florida on the edge of a massive land preserve, they just had a panther walk through thier yard heading to the wild land last week.
We have mountain lions here in the Adirondacks, sightings are relatively rare, but people do catch them on game cams occasionally. They say there is no longer a sustained breeding population here, but thry are seen, so there must be some. The ADK park is 6 MILLION acres, much of it untouched wilderness, so I'd say it's possible there are more than we know about.
Here's an adorable video of a big kitty playing with a swing on a game cam... think this was out west.
Mornin PC!
We actually have those in our area. Conservation dept said we did not even tho they have been seen and heard here for years. Then their own game cams caught one taking down a deer. They no longer claim they are not here! When these things scream, it’s terrifying. Sounds like a woman screaming at the top of her lungs. Will put a chill up your spine!
We have mountain lions here now thanks to DEC. They released them to help take down the coyote population but all it did was introduce a new predator in the area.
When they screech it sounds like a woman being murdered....
We had one just off the yard over the bank last summer, and i saw tracks from one this last winter.
We have mountain lions here now thanks to DEC. They released them to help take down the coyote population but all it did was introduce a new predator in the area.
When they screech it sounds like a woman being murdered....
We had one just off the yard over the bank last summer, and i saw tracks from one this last winter.
They had a native population in NY over 100 years ago, they were just hunted to extinction in the area much like wolves. I'm all for reintroducing native species to keep the ecosystem in check.
They had a native population in NY over 100 years ago, they were just hunted to extinction in the area much like wolves. I'm all for reintroducing native species to keep the ecosystem in check.
I get bringing them back, but they were never this far downstate. They were really up in the adks mainly, but the reason DEC did it was dumb. They only brought them in to kill the coyotes and all it did was create more issues for farmers and such with them eating all their livestock.
My parents neighbor had 9 cows killed by mountain lions last year.
Farmers wiped them out to begin with, itll just happen again unfortunately, humans suck. 😑
Mornin PC!
We actually have those in our area. Conservation dept said we did not even tho they have been seen and heard here for years. Then their own game cams caught one taking down a deer. They no longer claim they are not here! When these things scream, it’s terrifying. Sounds like a woman screaming at the top of her lungs. Will put a chill up your spine!
Gmorning. I thought that the eyes looking straight forward was beautiful. With 3 black cats of my own this one would be fun to play with. I watch a Russian guy with his pet Puma, Messi on Yt, I like the big cats and watching these guys interact with the big ones like they're kittens is cool.
I am pretty sure my buddies pitbull went after a mountain lion a few years ago in stl County. I was there and seen the cat, no Bob cat much bigger with a tail....and the noise it made was something crazy...

They are known to been in the boonies around here but I think they're much closer to the big city's than folk realize
but I think they're much closer to the big city's than folk realize
This is actually the case now because a lot of the smaller easy to kill prey live near populated areas, so the predators are getting closer and closer to civilization.
I was reading something about it in a conservation article.
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