That's so sad! So many people lost. I didn't know anyone who lost their life. All my relatives were vaccinated. I just had the current booster. I'm in my 70s, so I'm in a vulnerable group. The vaccinations made me feel weak for a few days, but I'm still here. I was happy when the vaccines became available.
Im glad you are still here. If you had other media coverage you would know that the actual numbers on death has reached over 400k, despite the fact that the CDC changed their numbers several times and stopped counting back in March. That number is the amount of poked that died from the vax.
I disagree. This country is great when we all work together. Individual rights end when they deprive other people of their rights. That includes endangering the health and wellbeing of others. There's no excuse for that. We all have a right to life.
We entirely agree on this. Funny tho, it works both ways. I feel like forcing me to have a vax I do not want, that I have seen wreck two family members and now so many dead friends and acquaintances is wrong. I would definitely consider that endangering the health and well being of others. I too have a right to life. If you feel so protected by a vax you chose to take, then why worry about exposure to the unvaccinated?
Epidemiology involves a population-wide view. Yes, a vaccine might harm a few, but it is purpose is to save many more than it harms. It's better to lose 1 out of a thousand than it is to lose 10 out of a thousand. That's not an easy decision for anyone, but it's the best decision. The reason we have government is to make decisions that serve the welfare of the greatest number of citizens, even when they are gut-wrenching decisions. We'll never know how many died unnecessarily because some thought their rights were more important, but we can be sure many did.
Since you seem to be knowledgeable about epidemiology, then you would know a few details of other vaccines. Fifteen deaths shut down an entire vax program prior to this.
Gates has a warrant out for his arrest in Africa for the death of thousands of children with his vax experiments. Where was their rights?
The government can kiss my ass. I don’t need nor want their help. I will make decisions that govern my body. My rights to not have that shot is just as great as those of you that took it.
Its all about “my body, my choice “, until it no longer fits the rights of “some”, huh?
I can't imagine how anyone could ignore the carnage, but they did. I've heard stories about patients dying in disbelief. How could anyone die from a hoax? As a result, many doctors and nurses decided to change careers. Now, the medical profession is understaffed.
The carnage is ignored daily. Children dieing from blood clots and heart problems. My family member (Sister) that is now destroyed was in the medical field for thirty five years, she as well as other employees are now finished in their profession for life. Some refused to be a part of the hoax. That’s the reason medical is so understaffed.
There are always two sides to every single story, and the truth lies in the middle.
I don’t rely on a government controlled media for the truth.
I had Covid, my husband had Covid and my granddaughter had Covid. It was rough and unpleasant, in a three year period none of us have ever had it again. Yet people I know that took the vax, some of them have had it four to five times since. So, not exactly a cure for the problem.
I respect those of you that made that decision, it was yours to make, but I resent the hell out of those of you that think others should be forced to do so.
One last thought for you.. your government says that growing that weed is illegal and smoking it is harmful to you. Is this facts that you just chose to kick out, or is this a bit of noncompliance, or something you just chose to ignore?