CannaGranny’s Corner a Thread For General BS and Good Will On BudBuilders

You stop, take beer from cup holder, have drink or two, put back in cup holder, and then keep cutting grass. Let me know if you need help with anything else, lol
I didn't even see cup holders on the zero turns~!

Welcome to Bud Builders @Dankvinci ~!
Jump in anywhere you like.
I've been married to my lawn mower for over 25 years~!
I got her a new Cub Cadet 2 years ago to keep her off mine.
She didn't always mow the lawn but my laissez faire attitude encouraged her involvement~!:p
No zero turn. How do drink your beer?
It was a deal braker for me~!

i'm kinda the same way but with smokin.. how do ya smoke on 0 turn?!?!?!

besides with a gem lik like this who would want one!!!


yes that is really my mower^^^^

I had a John Deere riding mower when I first bought this house 20 years ago. I rode that thing 5 or 6 seasons before it died. I have had this Kabota close to 15 years and it runs as strong as the day I bought it. It cut my grass cutting time in half. I’ll never go back to a regular riding mower.
Had a Bobcat skid steer with the Kubota engine. I abused the hell out of that thing and it just kept on ticking. I used to drive that thing through some pretty disgusting ick when I had an industrial laundry. We used to stone wash denim with pumice rocks so the pumice dust mixed with cotton fibers and whatever other chemicals we were using to process jeans made a disgusting stew in our sediment catch that we had to dig out and haul away.
Got the new one in today. So far they're pretty damn sweet bongs. The bigger one will choke you if you aren't paying attention. That's why we're giving the little one a try.

If anyone wants to look into these, they're pretty sweet and I can get two people $20 off. Plus their 20% discount code is easy to get.
Got the new one in today. So far they're pretty damn sweet bongs. The bigger one will choke you if you aren't paying attention. That's why we're giving the little one a try.

If anyone wants to look into these, they're pretty sweet and I can get two people $20 off. Plus their 20% discount code is easy to get.
View attachment 49602

thats a badass looking ashtray!!!!!!
But what concert are they all meeting up and heading to?

In my area it's all about the jeeps, all the soccer moms got jeeps with colored door handle kits n shit, stock, ready to go to war though in the deepest swamp, maybe drive across the bay somewhere, you know...
That's gotta be Angeles Crest. A few of the car clubs I was involved in back in California liked to do Angeles Crest runs through the mountains. Rice rockets love that run but I've seen a few fatalities from not so good bike riders going endo over the guard rail with a long, rocky roll down to the valley floor. RIP.

Watched some dumbass in an Evo3 go over the rail thinking he was rally racing.....not sure if he survived. It was a long roll down.

I was thinking it might be Dragonstail in North Carolina but that run is full of trees. The picture has the same scrub brush I saw in Angeles Crest .
i bet there quite a few "man-buns" in there!!!!!!!!!!!!

The number of tight fitting black tshirts is alarming.
And they're all looking at each other like they all expected somebody else to bring the watermelon flavor spiked seltzer but nobody brought it

But what concert are they all meeting up and heading to?

In my area it's all about the jeeps, all the soccer moms got jeeps with colored door handle kits n shit, stock, ready to go to war though in the deepest swamp, maybe drive across the bay somewhere, you know...

I think it's a gang and they were meeting up before the rumble with the Rivian Boiz from the West Side
...A guy walks into a bar with his pet monkey.

He orders a drink and while he's drinking, the monkey starts jumping all over the place.
The monkey grabs some olives off the bar and eats them, then grabs some sliced limes and eats them,
then jumps up on the pool table, grabs the cue ball, sticks it in his mouth and swallows it whole.

The bartender screams at the guy, "Did you see what your monkey just did?" The guy says,
"No, what?" "He just ate the cue ball off my pool table - whole!" says the bartender.

"Yeah, that doesn't surprise me," replies the patron. "He eats everything in sight, the little jerk.
I'll pay for the cue ball and stuff." He finishes his drink, pays his bill, and leaves.

Two weeks later he's in the bar again, and he has his monkey with him.
He orders a drink and the monkey starts running around the bar again.
While the man is drinking, the monkey finds a maraschino cherry on the bar. He grabs it, sticks it up his butt, pulls it out, and eats it.

The bartender is disgusted. "Did you see what your monkey did now?" "Now what?" asks the patron.
"Well, he stuck a maraschino cherry up his butt, then pulled it out and ate it!" says the barkeeper.
"Yeah, that doesn't surprise me," replies the patron.

"He still eats everything in sight, but ever since he ate that cue ball he measures everything first."
...A guy walks into a bar with his pet monkey.

He orders a drink and while he's drinking, the monkey starts jumping all over the place.
The monkey grabs some olives off the bar and eats them, then grabs some sliced limes and eats them,
then jumps up on the pool table, grabs the cue ball, sticks it in his mouth and swallows it whole.

The bartender screams at the guy, "Did you see what your monkey just did?" The guy says,
"No, what?" "He just ate the cue ball off my pool table - whole!" says the bartender.

"Yeah, that doesn't surprise me," replies the patron. "He eats everything in sight, the little jerk.
I'll pay for the cue ball and stuff." He finishes his drink, pays his bill, and leaves.

Two weeks later he's in the bar again, and he has his monkey with him.
He orders a drink and the monkey starts running around the bar again.
While the man is drinking, the monkey finds a maraschino cherry on the bar. He grabs it, sticks it up his butt, pulls it out, and eats it.

The bartender is disgusted. "Did you see what your monkey did now?" "Now what?" asks the patron.
"Well, he stuck a maraschino cherry up his butt, then pulled it out and ate it!" says the barkeeper.
"Yeah, that doesn't surprise me," replies the patron.

"He still eats everything in sight, but ever since he ate that cue ball he measures everything first."
That's funny shit
That poor monkey🤣🤣
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