Fear and Loathing in Las Phoenix

Them ladies are lookin mighty fine man
I just shed a tear 🥹 thanks brotha. Means much and I'm feeling like things are going better than past grows so far. Very stoked with my Oossaah abilities this grow. Just been better about not gettin my panties in a bunch and tryin to enjoy the ride.
I just shed a tear 🥹 thanks brotha. Means much and I'm feeling like things are going better than past grows so far. Very stoked with my Oossaah abilities this grow. Just been better about not gettin my panties in a bunch and tryin to enjoy the ride.
Well doing something more than right lol
Day 10 of 🌼 and still not a uno pest, nada 😲 They seem not to like my soil and or watering habits hah
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My Guy!!! Beautiful!!

I'm thinking maybe one of the issues you've been having is you stressing over your plants. I'm a firm believer that plants can read what you are feeling. If you're all stressed out over them they think something is wrong. Do it long enough and they get plant PTSD. This run you've been pretty chill throughout and your girls are reflecting that spirit!!

Probably just a bunch of mumbo jumbo broscience but when I visit the girls I always try and do it when I'm in a good mood. It's never failed me yet!!!!😆

Be like GNick and throw on some cool tunes and hang with your girls while you preen on them. Like going to the beauty shop!!! When you've cleared away all the dead leaves, pruned and fed them you stand back and look at how pretty your girls look. They know what you're thinking and they love it!!!!🥰

Bonus to all this is by hanging with your girls you'll give them a temporary boost of CO2 especially if you're singing along to the music or talking to them!!!!
Nice man, I think somebody figured out how to grow. I wouldn't change a thing. Except we need to get you better speakers! What are we working with here?

Thanks Moe and I hope you are on to something. Have quite some time left to veer off course though so surely can't get complacent. Have a few things to work out but hopefully I will pull it together. Can't really picture wth I will do come time to harvest but I will figure it out.

:LOL: yeahhhh about those speakers. On a scale of 1-10 I am working with roughly 1.28 tops. Have an amazon echo dot on top of one of the tents(Alexa THAT WHORE!) hah she can't hear me here :LOL: that I play music to the plants with and is usually what you hear in any video I post. The Zepplin video above though I tripped, fell and turned up my cheap external desktop pc speakers and whelp, yeah I just listened and oooof yeah thanks for the heads up
My Guy!!! Beautiful!!

I'm thinking maybe one of the issues you've been having is you stressing over your plants. I'm a firm believer that plants can read what you are feeling. If you're all stressed out over them they think something is wrong. Do it long enough and they get plant PTSD. This run you've been pretty chill throughout and your girls are reflecting that spirit!!

Probably just a bunch of mumbo jumbo broscience but when I visit the girls I always try and do it when I'm in a good mood. It's never failed me yet!!!!😆

Be like GNick and throw on some cool tunes and hang with your girls while you preen on them. Like going to the beauty shop!!! When you've cleared away all the dead leaves, pruned and fed them you stand back and look at how pretty your girls look. They know what you're thinking and they love it!!!!🥰

Bonus to all this is by hanging with your girls you'll give them a temporary boost of CO2 especially if you're singing along to the music or talking to them!!!!

What it be brosef Roots? Thanks my man and they seem to be comin along. I agree with ya and I also try not to stress around the ladies. I'm even trying to channel positive vibe energies we can't see such as sounds and electroculture. I just removed my sticky traps cause I'm tired of looking at them. Also done as peace offering to the harmony Gods 🤣

Play shit like this from YT on loop to them while they sleep or on Alexa I have a "music for plants" playlist. Heck I like the vibes as well so why not. I'm a believer in frequencies be healing and such and if it don't hurt then why not.

As for CO2, yeah I am in the room with them a good 6-8hrs a day and maybe 25% the tent is open. If not open both have flaps open, and the tents are connected by 1 8" tube, but I have no other intake except opening the flaps.

As for being more chill, this is my current vibe as I read your post. You rock man thanks
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How am I so late to the damn party Coco??? This grow is looking fantastic my man. Nicely done!

You far from late my brotha and always great to see ya. I'm not even 2 weeks into flower yet so have quite a ways to go. Hopefully I can stay the course a frikkin grow and harvest something not so embarrassing.

What's good in your hood? Lemme know if have a journal goin so I can oO and Ahh along with ya
I was wondering who tf this @Coco Lopez dude was, good to see ya round PT! :)

edit: still reading through as I have time, but you do NOT want to bottom water exclusively in my wizardpinion. Remember you are TOP DRESSING your plants to feed, and you want some of the water to be mixing/activating with the amendments up top as you water. I'm not sure if bottom watering exclusively would provide the same activation?
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I was wondering who tf this @Coco Lopez dude was, good to see ya round PT! :)

edit: still reading through as I have time, but you do NOT want to bottom water exclusively in my wizardpinion. Remember you are TOP DRESSING your plants to feed, and you want some of the water to be mixing/activating with the amendments up top as you water. I'm not sure if bottom watering exclusively would provide the same activation?

haha yeah I sensed that and have missed ya man. Thought maybe the CCP was threatening you. I knew though was simply matter of time until you'd get pushed into using the Ancient spell of the Go F Yoself 🍾

And nonono I for sure have been wise at least imo about watering. Would be nice if was ok to always bottom feed cause so simple but I know it isn't the way. I simply found that combining it "some" times with top feeding, really helped achieve what seemed optimal saturation. I've had them wick up 1L x 2, maybe 3 times tops the entire grow. The rest was all super slow from the top and always when top dress or compost tea. Spray top soil a bit with yucca water and wait. Then I hit them with 1L each from the top. Then I repeat after 15-20 min. They usually seem to like 3/4-1G at a time. Any run off, which is never too much, I just turkey baste up to the top. Any time I had run-off sit in container more than 20 min I shop vac it out.
haha yeah I sensed that and have missed ya man. Thought maybe the CCP was threatening you. I knew though was simply matter of time until you'd get pushed into using the Ancient spell of the Go F Yoself 🍾

And nonono I for sure have been wise at least imo about watering. Would be nice if was ok to always bottom feed cause so simple but I know it isn't the way. I simply found that combining it "some" times with top feeding, really helped achieve what seemed optimal saturation. I've had them wick up 1L x 2, maybe 3 times tops the entire grow. The rest was all super slow from the top and always when top dress or compost tea. Spray top soil a bit with yucca water and wait. Then I hit them with 1L each from the top. Then I repeat after 15-20 min. They usually seem to like 3/4-1G at a time. Any run off, which is never too much, I just turkey baste up to the top. Any time I had run-off sit in container more than 20 min I shop vac it out.

Should have clued in to the bella avatar with the funny hat :ROFLMAO: nah no KGB I was just on a minor hiatus from forums or most life activities in general. With all the recent drama going on my joy for posting was sapped away anyways and we had lost some really good contributors.

Sounds good brotha I just read a post on the first page or so where you were considering bottom watering exclusively, I have no idea what convos transpired after that! Good to see you're getting a grasp on it though. Each 7gal pot of mine is getting about 4-4.5 liters of water every 2 days so that's right in line with your 1 gallon. At this point I don't even stress about the runoff I just know that they can handle half of my watering can :)
Should have clued in to the bella avatar with the funny hat :ROFLMAO: nah no KGB I was just on a minor hiatus from forums or most life activities in general. With all the recent drama going on my joy for posting was sapped away anyways and we had lost some really good contributors.
Hah yeah she has about 15 of them and funny thing is not a one is for looks. They are to keep her from head shaking.
Sounds good brotha I just read a post on the first page or so where you were considering bottom watering exclusively, I have no idea what convos transpired after that! Good to see you're getting a grasp on it though. Each 7gal pot of mine is getting about 4-4.5 liters of water every 2 days so that's right in line with your 1 gallon. At this point I don't even stress about the runoff I just know that they can handle half of my watering can :)
It is time for my mixture of bloom nutes. How much gypsum to add to 5 gal pot? And I don't have too much epsom salt that I know is ok for plants but have a ton that is for the bath. You can't assume it is ok to give just because it is ES right? Pretty sure bath stuff has some things added. Maybe eucalyptus or some shit. Below was what I was in the process of doing. Could really use advice about if anything I'm about to do is a nono.

Today is 17 days into Flower. Was going to top dress today and water in tomorrow. Only cause gave mild watering on satruday

2c Dr Earths Flower Girl 3-9-4 (12lb for $36 ordered through Ace Hardware)
2tbs mr wigglers EWC
Gypsum x ?
Epsom x ?
1.5c compost I got from local organic place called Singh Meadows. Bought 100lb sack for $18
Hah yeah she has about 15 of them and funny thing is not a one is for looks. They are to keep her from head shaking.

It is time for my mixture of bloom nutes. How much gypsum to add to 5 gal pot? And I don't have too much epsom salt that I know is ok for plants but have a ton that is for the bath. You can't assume it is ok to give just because it is ES right? Pretty sure bath stuff has some things added. Maybe eucalyptus or some shit. Below was what I was in the process of doing. Could really use advice about if anything I'm about to do is a nono.

Today is 17 days into Flower. Was going to top dress today and water in tomorrow. Only cause gave mild watering on satruday

2c Dr Earths Flower Girl 3-9-4 (12lb for $36 ordered through Ace Hardware)
2tbs mr wigglers EWC
Gypsum x ?
Epsom x ?
1.5c compost I got from local organic place called Singh Meadows. Bought 100lb sack for $18
Look for epsom with nothing added… usually any pharmacy. 1gram per gal and i use 2 gram per gal for the last week or 2.

Gypsum i feel is beneficial for soil structure but quicklime maybe more beneficial?
Hah yeah she has about 15 of them and funny thing is not a one is for looks. They are to keep her from head shaking.

It is time for my mixture of bloom nutes. How much gypsum to add to 5 gal pot? And I don't have too much epsom salt that I know is ok for plants but have a ton that is for the bath. You can't assume it is ok to give just because it is ES right? Pretty sure bath stuff has some things added. Maybe eucalyptus or some shit. Below was what I was in the process of doing. Could really use advice about if anything I'm about to do is a nono.

Today is 17 days into Flower. Was going to top dress today and water in tomorrow. Only cause gave mild watering on satruday

2c Dr Earths Flower Girl 3-9-4 (12lb for $36 ordered through Ace Hardware)
2tbs mr wigglers EWC
Gypsum x ?
Epsom x ?
1.5c compost I got from local organic place called Singh Meadows. Bought 100lb sack for $18

2 cups might be a little much for a 5 gallon - that's what I was giving my 7 gallons.

I would do like 1-1.5 cups per 5 gallon of the 3-9-4
1-2 cups of EWC
2-3 tbspn of Gypsum & Epsom
1 cup compost (don't know how hot this stuff is)

+1 to @Aqua Man on the Epsom Salt. Plain unscented is what you want.

Looks like it would def work to cover Cal but haven't used it myself so rely on Aqua for amounts :p
Man those plants are picture perfect

Comin from you eeesh that goes a long way. Just trying to keep it simple and listen to sound advice vs "hearing" it. I'm concerned about only putting out 600ish or less ppfd to the center and borderline 450ish to corners. I am dialing up the phlizon a smidge each day for 3 days from like 550--625 but dang why do they talk about 600-900 in flower if it isn't something ideal/to shoot for. It makes me thing that my height and /or intensity is surely not optimized if I'm barely out of veg light recommendations.
Fuuuuuck yeah PT! Looking better than my own damn grow 😂

I thought that was you howling at the end of the video! LOL
oOO you caught that. I have not yet known how to go about mentioning that Phlizon came though with the contest I won in April at the carnival. One thing is for sure, they did what they said they would and that goes a long way. They didn't ask a single thing but I'd like to thank them with showing the light in use somehow. I just don't know if should or not because I failed politics in grade school 😆
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Comin from you eeesh that goes a long way. Just trying to keep it simple and listen to sound advice vs "hearing" it. I'm concerned about only putting out 600ish or less ppfd to the center and borderline 450ish to corners. I am dialing up the phlizon a smidge each day for 3 days from like 550--625 but dang why do they talk about 600-900 in flower if it isn't something ideal/to shoot for. It makes me thing that my height and /or intensity is surely not optimized if I'm barely out of veg light recommendations.

oOO you caught that. I have not yet known how to go about mentioning that Phlizon came though with the contest I won in April at the carnival. One thing is for sure, they did what they said they would and that goes a long way. They didn't ask a single thing but would like I'd like to thank them with showing the light in use. I just don't know if should or not because I failed politics in grade school 😆

Phlizon has been awesome any time I've had to deal with them and I've really enjoyed my light from them as well. At least they weren't signing blood oaths for newborn children like another vendor that shall not be named.

If you really wanted to you could just go to the Phlizon website, under Contact Us and let them know you got the light/have a grow journal going over here and that you won't be posting @ thc farm for personal reasons.
Comin from you eeesh that goes a long way. Just trying to keep it simple and listen to sound advice vs "hearing" it. I'm concerned about only putting out 600ish or less ppfd to the center and borderline 450ish to corners. I am dialing up the phlizon a smidge each day for 3 days from like 550--625 but dang why do they talk about 600-900 in flower if it isn't something ideal/to shoot for. It makes me thing that my height and /or intensity is surely not optimized if I'm barely out of veg light recommendations.

oOO you caught that. I have not yet known how to go about mentioning that Phlizon came though with the contest I won in April at the carnival. One thing is for sure, they did what they said they would and that goes a long way. They didn't ask a single thing but would like I'd like to thank them with showing the light in use. I just don't know if should or not because I failed politics in grade school 😆
A-lot depends on the individual size of the plant and leaf surface area…. Most important co2 so good air exchange and VPD to drive more water through the plant to keep it cooler. Fans also created forced evaporation … both provide evaporative cooling.

Adequate nutrients to support photosynthesis the harder you drive them the more dialed in you need to be to the plants needs. I see many growrrs trying to overdo the light and it stunts them hard…. Always better to little than to much as you can see by those super healthy plants.

Outdoors some days plants only get 2000-5000lux. And clear sunny days around 100,000lux but only for peak periods of 3-4 hrs. Plus usually a shorter light period.

With our artificial lights we can blow the DLI away for 12 hrs in flower.

The best is to read the plants… your leaves are nice and flat so you can bump the light up a bit until you see a slight V in the upper 2-3 nodes only. Thats walking the line and what you want to do in flower. But do it slowly in increments.

Imho your far better off slightly low than to risk the damage and stunting from too much. I honestly think the majority of growers run lights a bit to high and not only does cause health issues but yield and quality also
Yooo brotha Steam! Hah ya made my day

Yeah I kind of knew what I was getting into but this was my last YOLO run before going clone only and getting serious with 1 or 2 plants per 4x4.
Have really found it interesting how each cultivar has grown differently. Just really cool to watch the differences. The Vanilla Frosting from Anesia Seeds for instance has been the runt of them all and I will be happy if she nets me a few quarters at this rate. She also busted out with the neon overnight leaf growth inside the leaves not new growth. Seems the most finicky and least likely I would grow again. And then on the opposite spectrum is the Black Domina from Sensei Seeds that @ninjadip(he not here yet lol) gifted me. That thing is like a honey badger. It don't give no shit and has showed zero signs of anything but being a pleasure to grow. Also the SNS(Saturday Night Special) a dude I know online from Lake Havasu crossed it and it just grows like wild. All 8 strains are pretty heavily indica except that one though so may play a role. I do not know what it is at all but it sure grows sativa-ish in the way it is growing like wild.
Thanks for sayin you think I'm ok to Flip. Moving now to full-flipmode and securing all light leaks. Will change lights tomorrow to turn off at 6pm and 12/12 will begin

Yeah the water is brutal. They claim like 300 ppm and I've tested near 700-800. I let it sit out for days to dechlorinate but maybe it is still to "hard"? I use RO in my dehumidifiers but it is an under-the-sink that is slow enough just keeping up with how much the dehumidifiers take. I would not be able to feed these ladies 6-8g at a time with it. I've tried past grows with it and found I ran into like opposite spectrum issues so this time got sold on that my soil would be enough. I'm thinking it isn't and this is PH related. The video completely masks all the deficiencies/issues each are having. Gonna watch Otto with the woman and will take pics later. Thanks much again my friend
That SnS is looking good my brotha... thanks for hooking me up with this place...
That SnS is looking good my brotha... thanks for hooking me up with this place...

Hah thanks for being here. You are exactly what I see this place is all about. I owe much of starting to grow to you and won't ever forget.

That SnS is out of sight man. I love the growth and everything about it. I literally can't say anything bad about it aside from it deserved more room. I have 8 strains growing from 6 different breeders all over the world and yours is for sure the one that would yield the most if was scrogged alone. I would choose it for a 1 plant grow contest out of all of them if that makes sense. It even has a brighter color than all the others. Great work man
Day 21F update

Sup BBfamdamly, happy friday out there and hopin you are makin the most of it. Things aight on here in the desert and doin best not to burn away.

Monday I top dressed and watered in slowly. I am just doing my best to relax and not get in my own way. I've kinda given up on the Imperium X for now as it is a bush of leaves I am baffled by. Supposedly 65/35 sativa yet expresseses pheno of 200% indica. Crazy how you just never know when grow random beans. The tiniest plant of all that I would have been happy if harvested an 1/8th from and didn't expect would make it, is taller than the other 3 in the tent. I'm really looking forward to the next genetics I am going to run. All I can say is ABS(apple Banana Shugga)and GSK(Grape Shugga Kake) are exactly what I need. Ridiculously tolerant and back-tested out here and 2 of the frostiest ever seen.
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Day 21F update

Sup BBfamdamly, happy friday out there and hopin you are makin the most of it. Things aight on here in the desert and doin best not to burn away.

Monday I top dressed and watered in slowly. I am just doing my best to relax and not get in my own way. I've kinda given up on the Imperium X for now as it is a bush of leaves I am baffled by. Supposedly 65/35 sativa yet expresseses pheno of 200% indica. Crazy how you just never know when grow random beans. The tiniest plant of all that I would have been happy if harvested an 1/8th from and didn't expect would make it, is taller than the other 3 in the tent. I'm really looking forward to the next genetics I am going to run. All I can say is ABS(apple Banana Shugga)and GSK(Grape Shugga Kake) are exactly what I need. Ridiculously tolerant and back-tested out here and 2 of the frostiest ever seen.
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Great looking plants brother, looks like you got em dialed in nicely 👌🏼
Thanks much 🧙‍♂️ and G-money. I am hoping looks aren't deceiving yet again. I have had too much experience than I'd like to admit with things appearing better than they turned out. My last grow for instance, I moved plants from 1 tent to another and sent into slight reveg due to supreme stoner move of not realizing 2nd tent timer was set to half hour or more of light than not. Caused them to take forever which I wouldn't have minded so much if weren't for that the THC was the lowest of any grow yet. Very low trich production that really affected the turn-out.
Now I'm 3 weeks into flower and am thinkin I should have more trichs. I am constantly at odds with whether cooler temps or hotter temps are more ideal now. Also I know that it technically gets warmer and cooler throughout the days if they were outdoors, but generally it would ramp up to a peak and then cool down. With my current situation I have them moving easily 5-8 degrees up and down like 5-10 times a day while lights are on. I am just not able with what I have to make the tents be automatically maintaining an ideal temp and rh.
Will it affect trich production negatively because it swings so often?
With these LEDs(HLG Blackbird and Phlizon FD-8000) should I take into account leaf temps more than what my tents sensor and other hygrometers say?
My leaf temps appear to be 2-4 on avg lower than tents say. If leaf temps count more then what should I shoot for3 weeks into flower? 77-78?
Is it common for the plants not to be giving off ANY distinct smells yet? Even if carefully rub where trichs are forming there really isn't anything. The Bubba Kush I "thought" I smelled bubblegum and almost fell over and then couldn't smell it again 😢
How do I increase trich production :unsure:
Know I asked a lot but any help from my fam out there is welcomed and appreciated 🤗

Pic is of a Black Domina branch I have named after the late @NinjaDip 😥
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