Kuwl - Cinderella C99

How much peddling do you have to do on your bike? When you go uphills is there stress on your legs and......most importantly your knees? I can't put too much stress or pressure on my knees without them swelling up and aching for months afterwards. They can go round and round okay but climbing a hill is out there's no way my knees will take it if the power assist doesn't do ...ALL..... of the work and my legs just go round and round.
You need a Sur Ron and just forget about peddling lol
You need a Sur Ron and just forget about peddling lol
Ya but no, that would hurt. I'm too old for that now I just want to putt along the trails. I'm looking at these. I used to ride a similar one with a gas motor years ago we called a tote goat and I was a pro on it. Well I thought I was, anyways,,,, I'm very familiar with riding bikes its just the peddling part now and my knees.1722463048083.png
Ya but no, that would hurt. I'm too old for that now I just want to putt along the trails. I'm looking at these. I used to ride a similar one with a gas motor years ago we called a tote goat and I was a pro on it. Well I thought I was, anyways,,,, I'm very familiar with riding bikes its just the peddling part now and my knees.View attachment 67502
This style is super popular in the cities near me. If I didn't live in the middle of nowhere I'd have one too but it would 100% die before I got it home lol
How much peddling do you have to do on your bike? When you go uphills is there stress on your legs and......most importantly your knees? I can't put too much stress or pressure on my knees without them swelling up and aching for months afterwards. They can go round and round okay but climbing a hill is out there's no way my knees will take it if the power assist doesn't do ...ALL..... of the work and my legs just go round and round.
I do pedel a bit but was trying out the ebike so wanted to use as much battery power as I could.
Going uphill on my old 21 speed was a challenge that wrecked my legs, they felt like wet noodles by the time I got up it.
Not with the ebike haha I whizz up with no problem but the hills here are not big.
Biggest ones are in the gorge lower trail and when I had the 21 speed I could not and had to walk the bike up.
I haven't gone down that pathway yet but now that I'm reminded of it, I am, if there are any rain free days left.
Rain all this week.
The power assist or pedal assist really works good but I didn't use it much as the normal power does the trick.
When I did use it on a straight away (cause you really speed up) it zoomed along very fast.
But found out it's not for going around coners or sharp curves as I crashed when I forgot to turn it off and peddled
around a corner and skeemed with the side of my tire on the curb and did a slow timber type fall haha.
So I don't use the throttle so much but peddle - throttle - pedal assist - peddle.
A little bit of both and my legs feel great after 14 miles.
I have the 500w version if I had big hills or lots of hills I would get a more powerful version 750-1000w
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How much peddling do you have to do on your bike? When you go uphills is there stress on your legs and......most importantly your knees? I can't put too much stress or pressure on my knees without them swelling up and aching for months afterwards. They can go round and round okay but climbing a hill is out there's no way my knees will take it if the power assist doesn't do ...ALL..... of the work and my legs just go round and round.
How much peddling do you have to do on your bike? When you go uphills is there stress on your legs and......most importantly your knees? I can't put too much stress or pressure on my knees without them swelling up and aching for months afterwards. They can go round and round okay but climbing a hill is out there's no way my knees will take it if the power assist doesn't do ...ALL..... of the work and my legs just go round and round.
50/50 but I have good knees, it's my back that kills me,
I'll use the electric power to go up hill and if needed I shift down and pedal a bit.
I hardly have to peddle at all if I want, The ebike does all the work, it's a really nice toy, I love it.
It's sorta up to you if you want to peddle and how much.
The small inclines I went up were a breeze.
50/50 but I have good knees, it's my back that kills me,
I'll use the electric power to go up hill and if needed I shift down and pedal a bit.
I hardly have to peddle at all if I want, The ebike does all the work, it's a really nice toy, I love it.
It's sorta up to you if you want to peddle and how much.
The small inclines I went up were a breeze.
Thanks, I'm a strong old human with knees that work, when my knees go out I'm an old cripple that can't walk. I had been riding up to 15 miles in an hour on the stationary bikes at the gym and I'd fight through the pain. After about 5-6 miles the pain would go away but after my ride my knees would quit, get stiff and I was in agony for weeks, specially at night in bed it was horrible.

I saw a specialist and he said if I use them I'll lose them and any more than regular usage I'll need knee replacements. He said the next time I see him its for knee replacement and not consultation. Right now my knees are great but I'm worried spending a whack of cash on a bike then fking my knees up with excessive strain on them. Its good to know they can carry you up a hill with little work. I can peddle I just can't put a lot of force on the peddles
Week 4 in Veg
Going pretty good, no probs, nothing but the growth of that C99
About 2" per day, it's 2" tall now and starting to spread out.
I transplanted her to the final AP pot and turned on the system.
All is well with the New Athena nutes and her roots looked pretty good too.
I get some curling of the leaves, I think due to light stress, as I can't keep up with her growth rate.
I pick the light up 2-4 inches at a time.
I have not increased the light past 35% and it's at a 40 lux
and she don't want no more, it seems.
I used a 3-1-1 mix of Coco Coir - Pro Mix - Perlite.
Intake and Exhaust fans keeping Temp at 79 and RH at 61-67%
I moved some of my daughters stuff out of the GH and re-arranged the rest to give me some room.
This plant is doing excellent. I don't think she will go into flower too soon tho.
Still pretty hot for August around here. Weather usually breaks about this time.
Lately it has been a hot month so maybe Sept, early I hope.
Week 4 in Veg
Going pretty good, no probs, nothing but the growth of that C99
About 2" per day, it's 2" tall now and starting to spread out.
I transplanted her to the final AP pot and turned on the system.
All is well with the New Athena nutes and her roots looked pretty good too.
I get some curling of the leaves, I think due to light stress, as I can't keep up with her growth rate.
I pick the light up 2-4 inches at a time.
I have not increased the light past 35% and it's at a 40 lux
and she don't want no more, it seems.
I used a 3-1-1 mix of Coco Coir - Pro Mix - Perlite.
Intake and Exhaust fans keeping Temp at 79 and RH at 61-67%
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I moved some of my daughters stuff out of the GH and re-arranged the rest to give me some room.
This plant is doing excellent. I don't think she will go into flower too soon tho.
Still pretty hot for August around here. Weather usually breaks about this time.
Lately it has been a hot month so maybe Sept, early I hope.
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Around here my plants started to turn mid Aug and that puts me into cold wet damp grey days at the end of their life. Not ideal and too many tears trying. A GH might be an option some years we get a great fall but not most.

Looking great you'll have to tie her down to keep her off the roof if she stretches much, a small envy causing problem to have. Beautiful green in her too.
Around here my plants started to turn mid Aug and that puts me into cold wet damp grey days at the end of their life. Not ideal and too many tears trying. A GH might be an option some years we get a great fall but not most.

Looking great you'll have to tie her down to keep her off the roof if she stretches much, a small envy causing problem to have. Beautiful green in her too.
Yes and almost no stress and hardly any maintenence.
Feed her every 3-4 days and I move her into the GH when it rains.
Kinda heavy when it gets fed haha.
She surprized me after she reveged and started to grow "normal".
Then she started to thrive and grow so nice and healthy.

If you end up buying a ebike I would take my time and look at all the options.
I check the reviews on each one but don't get to discouraged by the bad ones, some people can never be pleased.
I like my bike but I have to admit I like the one my wife got better lol. Guess I should have researched better before buying.
She got a bike rack and back brake light and really nice fenders with mud flaps!
I paid $100 extra for my fenders and no brake light and no heavy duty rack either o_O
And her bike was less $
Yes and almost no stress and hardly any maintenence.
Feed her every 3-4 days and I move her into the GH when it rains.
Kinda heavy when it gets fed haha.
She surprized me after she reveged and started to grow "normal".
Then she started to thrive and grow so nice and healthy.

If you end up buying a ebike I would take my time and look at all the options.
I check the reviews on each one but don't get to discouraged by the bad ones, some people can never be pleased.
I like my bike but I have to admit I like the one my wife got better lol. Guess I should have researched better before buying.
She got a bike rack and back brake light and really nice fenders with mud flaps!
I paid $100 extra for my fenders and no brake light and no heavy duty rack either o_O
And her bike was less $
View attachment 68003
Nice looking bike you have there,I can't remember if I posted this before but I'm looking at this style for me. Its bigger than it looks. I used to ride a similar style as a kid and thought I was pretty good at it 60 years ago...lol 500watt motor that peaks at 750 watt disk hydraulic brakes and a 48v 25ah battery gives it almost 100 mile range

I fly out to Vancouver tomorrow am I won't be on for about a week I guess..
Nice looking bike you have there,I can't remember if I posted this before but I'm looking at this style for me. Its bigger than it looks. I used to ride a similar style as a kid and thought I was pretty good at it 60 years ago...lol 500watt motor that peaks at 750 watt disk hydraulic brakes and a 48v 25ah battery gives it almost 100 mile range

I fly out to Vancouver tomorrow am I won't be on for about a week I guess..
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Yes I seen that and it's awesome, I would like that alot haha but needed a more affordable model.
I have a 27.5" that's my wifes bike there in the pic.
My bike is for sidewalks and streets, although I did take it on a trail that one time.
Not sure my tires would hold up if I rode trails alot.
I guess it depends on what you are going to use it for. Mine is strickly pleasure with no going to the store
or supermarket cause it would get stolen around here.
My 500w has not failed me yet going up hills is a breeze and makes it fun again.
Reminds my of riding my motorcycle alot and gives my that free spirit feeling.

Have a safe trip buddy!
Seems it has a Mag def or PH prob.
Put a tbl of Epsom in the feed bin which has about 5-6 gals of nutes in it.
Adjusted PH to 6.2 from 6.8
Turned light up to 100%
Might be more of a ph problem, I think, as the soil measured 6.8
Now I'm thinking of firing up the uv and reds but have to see the specs on that.
Not sure if it's for veg or just for flower.
Got 2 more weeks till it goes 12/12
I would think you would want to lower the light intensity or raise it higher in the environment until you solve the mineral deficiency.

Looks like you have caught it early.

Maybe a foliar feed can help.
Have you considered ditching the auto pots and hand watering til you figure out the issue? Seems these autopots have been giving you hell lately.

Maybe try reducing nutrient solution by 50% too?
Also back your light off until she rebounds
Ya but no, that would hurt. I'm too old for that now I just want to putt along the trails. I'm looking at these. I used to ride a similar one with a gas motor years ago we called a tote goat and I was a pro on it. Well I thought I was, anyways,,,, I'm very familiar with riding bikes its just the peddling part now and my knees.View attachment 67502
Looks like a Hard Tail Harley, no rear suspension?
Have you considered ditching the auto pots and hand watering til you figure out the issue? Seems these autopots have been giving you hell lately.

Maybe try reducing nutrient solution by 50% too?
Also back your light off until she rebounds
Yes might throw another 2g bucket of plain water in the tank and checking the light now.
I cut the nutes in the tank to 900ppm and reduced the ph to 5.8
Using a new nutrient mix so I'm sure there will be a learning curve.
Mag in the grow bottle says 3% so it is getting some Mag.
Pretty sure it's ph related.
Light is 100% (TS1000-240w) but I raised it to 20" with lux @ 30k.
Leaf temp @ 70 degrees, with one 6" occilating fan going while lights on,
with 4" SF intake set at 3 and 6" SF exhaust at 6, Room Temp 80 degrees, RH 58-63, pretty much optimal enviroment.
I put a tablespoon of epsom salts in the tank yesterday so might take a few days to show.
If that is the answer. If not, then I'm stumped.
With only one plant in the AP System, I don't have the problems with multipul plants
and strains, it should be a breeze. Guess I'll find out.
I'm using Athena nutrients this time.
I gotta get a ppm meter.

I think your ppms are too high, that's probably what is causing the twisting and burning at the tips.
Might be, but the mix that's called for in the instructions gives me a 1250 ppm which I thought was wayyyy up there.
I reduced to 900 so I'll let it sit for a couple of days and see if it gets worse or better or stays the same.
Maybe I'll go and flush the pot out with fresh ph'ed water and give it a re-set.
Maybe haha I've got a ton of stuff to do so hope I'll get to it :cool:
Might be, but the mix that's called for in the instructions gives me a 1250 ppm which I thought was wayyyy up there.
I reduced to 900 so I'll let it sit for a couple of days and see if it gets worse or better or stays the same.
Maybe I'll go and flush the pot out with fresh ph'ed water and give it a re-set.
Maybe haha I've got a ton of stuff to do so hope I'll get to it :cool:
Flushed it out and measured ppm from 1400 at the first flush to 800 at the final flush.
That 1400 is partialy due to the tablespoon of Epsom Salts I threw in.
Ph was at 6.5 at final and at that point I got tired and said f it.
I also diluted the rez tank down to 800 ppm also.

With a new nute mix that I've never used before, I'm still on the curve.
5 wks + 2 days in Veg
Cinderella 99 C99 is doing well

Thanks for all the feed back it really helps me sort out things in my head.
I probably should have this knowlege all bookmarked in my head
after 5 years of growing on this site and another
but it's not in there when I need it. :LOL:
Anyway it seems the shit I did worked and the plant is doing fine
with no spreading of the problem, stopped in it's tracks.
Maybe PH or maybe too much nutes, I did both so Idk which was the prob or it was both.
I did some topping to increase the spread, I hope, cause right now it's got a palm tree look to it.

Problem........ with way to much nute mix in the rez tank to use with only one week left of veg,
then it's a switch to a different mix of mostly bloom, no more Grow nute.
Soooo I will use this mix for the plant outside even tho
it's a different nute brand it should be ok and will add some Grow to
increase the ppm a bit since it's at 800 atm and I want it closer to 1200.

The outside plant is doing well in it's 10 gal. cloth pot and is on track.
I have to feed/water it in cycles of feed / feed/ water / feed / feed / water / etc.
This is every 3 - 4 days and would use up all my nutes if I didn't comprimise.
I did a lil back cracking and LST but not much.
Temps are cooling a bit, I can't wait for those flowers to start popping!
I got my UV's and Red's hooked up and ready to go.
UV's go on the last 3 weeks of flower for 2 hrs a day.
Red's I'm reading on the SF site go on @ flower and stay on the same cycle as reg lights 12/12 until harvest.
Not sure if it's 100% right but that's what it says on the Spider Farmer site.
5 wks + 2 days in Veg
Cinderella 99 C99 is doing well

Thanks for all the feed back it really helps me sort out things in my head.
I probably should have this knowlege all bookmarked in my head
after 5 years of growing on this site and another
but it's not in there when I need it. :LOL:
Anyway it seems the shit I did worked and the plant is doing fine
with no spreading of the problem, stopped in it's tracks.
Maybe PH or maybe too much nutes, I did both so Idk which was the prob or it was both.
I did some topping to increase the spread, I hope, cause right now it's got a palm tree look to it.
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Problem........ with way to much nute mix in the rez tank to use with only one week left of veg,
then it's a switch to a different mix of mostly bloom, no more Grow nute.
Soooo I will use this mix for the plant outside even tho
it's a different nute brand it should be ok and will add some Grow to
increase the ppm a bit since it's at 800 atm and I want it closer to 1200.

The outside plant is doing well in it's 10 gal. cloth pot and is on track.
I have to feed/water it in cycles of feed / feed/ water / feed / feed / water / etc.
This is every 3 - 4 days and would use up all my nutes if I didn't comprimise.
I did a lil back cracking and LST but not much.
Temps are cooling a bit, I can't wait for those flowers to start popping!
View attachment 68771
I got my UV's and Red's hooked up and ready to go.
UV's go on the last 3 weeks of flower for 2 hrs a day.
Red's I'm reading on the SF site go on @ flower and stay on the same cycle as reg lights 12/12 until harvest.
Not sure if it's 100% right but that's what it says on the Spider Farmer site.
Ahh shes finally starting to come around!! Looking a lot better man.

That outdoor beast isn't flowring yet?
Oh nvm you're not north you're west of me lol
Flushed it out and measured ppm from 1400 at the first flush to 800 at the final flush.
That 1400 is partialy due to the tablespoon of Epsom Salts I threw in.
Ph was at 6.5 at final and at that point I got tired and said f it.
I also diluted the rez tank down to 800 ppm also.

With a new nute mix that I've never used before, I'm still on the curve.
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Hey I've been away for a few days, just getting back at it. When I see spots on my leaves like that I think ph problems not nute problems. I was told burnt tips means either too much food and not enough light or too much light and not enough food. As the food goes up so should the light and visa versa. If 95% of your plant looks good and only a few leaves with issues ...meh alls good fk those leaves that can't keep up with the program.....lol
Hey I've been away for a few days, just getting back at it. When I see spots on my leaves like that I think ph problems not nute problems. I was told burnt tips means either too much food and not enough light or too much light and not enough food. As the food goes up so should the light and visa versa. If 95% of your plant looks good and only a few leaves with issues ...meh alls good fk those leaves that can't keep up with the program.....lol
He’s back. 👍
Rough trip, way too much booze ,smoke and restaurant food, long flight/day both ways so I'm all out of whack not sure witch time zone my body is in.

Got lost on the ferry over to the sunshine coast, we couldn't find our car. up down left right and back again no car car's trucks all started leaving, we talked to staff on the ship and they kept sending us on wild goose chases saying it happens all the time.

Finally found the car after all other cars were long gone ours was the only one left on the boat, it can handle like 300 cars all the staff was standing there cross armed saying we're the kind of folks that give ferries a bad rep for not staying on time ......highlight of the trip...my buddy and I cracked up about that the rest of the trip
You need a Sur Ron and just forget about peddling lol

Canadian price before shipping charges....besides it would make me break bones, I'm unsupervised remember and should not be left alone with dangerous toys.
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