Kuwl - Cinderella C99

Week 6 in Veg. Aug. 18th..... Flip Day!
I should wait another week but not.
Got the new side lights hooked up, kinda had to use my imagination to get er done.
They are made to go on the walls of a tent. I got no tent so hung from the rafters with sticks.


$59 thought I would try them out to see what happens.
Low electrical usage for this one plant is what I'm going for, so these fit right in with my plan.

The Red's will now go on, 1 hr after lights on and go off 1 hour before lights out, so 10 hours on.
The UV's won't be turned on till week 5 for 2 hours a day.
Outside plant FP 2.0 is thick as a brick,
Ran accross this bike, real nice bike but check out those accessories! WOW and that price I would have to win the lotto hahaha and no rear suspention.
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So these guys in this Auto Pot group are funny with some of their views.
Some say you should top water the AP's all threw the grow and just use water in the tank, lol
Today a few said the tray's are supposed to go dry then the valve opens and refills the tray, after it goes dry
Holy cow!
But one guy did say something interesting.
He showed this gizzmo and I'm a nut for gizzmo's.
I guess it reads the moisture level of trees but you can use it to measure the moisture in a bud to see
if it's ready, dry enough, to put in a jar or grove bag or what ever you use to cure it.

I dunno if it's a needed gizzmo or not,
I've only messed up once in that way and they got moldy, had to throw out the whole bag .
So these guys in this Auto Pot group are funny with some of their views.
Some say you should top water the AP's all threw the grow and just use water in the tank, lol
Today a few said the tray's are supposed to go dry then the valve opens and refills the tray, after it goes dry
Holy cow!
But one guy did say something interesting.
He showed this gizzmo and I'm a nut for gizzmo's.
I guess it reads the moisture level of trees but you can use it to measure the moisture in a bud to see
if it's ready, dry enough, to put in a jar or grove bag or what ever you use to cure it.

View attachment 70334
I dunno if it's a needed gizzmo or not,
I've only messed up once in that way and they got moldy, had to throw out the whole bag .
Yes, I bought one of those a few years back when we were ,on the farm, it might work but I can trust mine it'll read one side or spot on a bud will read 12% the other 16%. So it sits with a few other gadgets at the ready if I need it.

I just bagged up my stuff to day, its over dry but I put 2 of the large humidity packs in with them and I'll seal them for 2 weeks. Its the best way I've found. I can get 62% humidity but not 62f so they dry crunchy at 60 ish% and 72f ish after over 2 weeks of drying I clipped off the buds today. if I don't clip them off they can crumble to dust if I man handle them
Yes, I bought one of those a few years back when we were ,on the farm, it might work but I can trust mine it'll read one side or spot on a bud will read 12% the other 16%. So it sits with a few other gadgets at the ready if I need it.

I just bagged up my stuff to day, its over dry but I put 2 of the large humidity packs in with them and I'll seal them for 2 weeks. Its the best way I've found. I can get 62% humidity but not 62f so they dry crunchy at 60 ish% and 72f ish after over 2 weeks of drying I clipped off the buds today. if I don't clip them off they can crumble to dust if I man handle them
They are great fun to ask your wife ( optimumly when shes bent over) if the ends are sharp. It never gets old ...trust me...lol..
F! everythings breaking!!! :eek: n
So far 2 timers and now my Spider Farmer 6" Exhaust Fan w/controler is broke.
It stopped working maybe last night not sure cause it's pretty quiet.
Contacted them via email/customer service, that's a $120 piece of equipment dam.
Both Digial Timer's stopped working, one from Vivosun and one from SF the last one was hooked up to my reds so
not a big issue so hooked them to a manual timer. The other one from Vivosun failed a while ago during veg and forgot what it
was hooked up to.
Lucky I have backups and had to dig out my old 6" Vivosun basic exhaust fan but have a manual speed controler for it.

And of course there is more lol
Well the fence went up and sky the dog was happy but my Rango outside alley cat not so much so I built an area fenced off for him.
Also two other kittens were joining in the free food. One Taby and one black fuzzy one that was a bit younger.

But and there is always a but šŸ™€ ...... before I could build it , Sky the protective one attacked the black kitten at early morning when my wife
went out at 5 am to take Sky out and Sky went after the kitten and my wife got it from Sky before any damage was done but she got scratched
up and brought the kitten in the house to make sure it was ok. So we tried to put it in a carrier box but it bolted out and down the cellar.

I looked for it later that day and seen it and tried to get it but lost track of it. I had the cellar door and front door open so I figured it went out.
Two days later my wife found some small turds on the living room floor. šŸˆā€ā¬›
uh oh....... next day found more. So after an exhaustive search NADA nothing.
It's a ghost and that it's new name but not sure where it's hidding.
Btw my cat's Panda and Shady are no help at all and Sky goes upstairs with mama at 8pm when she goes to bed.
The cellar door is left open for my cat's to play in the cellar. I did leave food on the stairs but it didn't bite.
Must be eating in the kitchen or in my bathroom downstars where my bedroom is, that's where their food/water dishes are.
If it's pooping it must be eating.
Any tips on how to catch...the Ghost?

The only good news is I am seeing pre-flowers on both outdoor and indoor plants
And got the GH moved to a safer closer place near my front porch with the help of wifey :love:
Been working my tail off to get the place straightened out after the fence went up and they corrected their mistakes.
Except for moving the 2 sheds and the GH to there final places We Are Done!!!
I keep forgetting I am 75 and got to take it easy for the time we have left
hahahaha Keep On Truckin'
Have a hart traps are expensive.
Some places rent them.
I have seen large enough for cats/kittens.
I use mini have harts in my shop with mouse traps.
3 mice and 2 chippies this week so far~!
Tis the season for creatures. At least yours says meow.
Have a hart traps are expensive.
Some places rent them.
I have seen large enough for cats/kittens.
I use mini have harts in my shop with mouse traps.
3 mice and 2 chippies this week so far~!
Tis the season for creatures. At least yours says meow.
View attachment 70983
2 part solution, I hope.

#1 Closing the cellar door tonight with food down there.
If there, it will eat or poop or both, then we'll know it's there.
Then we have to find it's hiding place.

If there is still poop in the living room area then it's in the spare room, upstairs, which is highly unlikely, since Sky goes up there and would go nuts.
Then it has to be one of our cat's do do but I would be shocked since it has never happened before. They always use the kitty litter, which is in my bathroom.

#2 The other plan is for tomorrow night, leave cellar door open and turn on the motion sensor to the cam I got in the dinning room
for watching dog and cats while we are out shopping thru my iphone.
It has night vision so should catch the filthy lil critter if the ghost is the culprit.
But oh boy if it is one of my cat's I'll never hear the end of it.šŸ¤£

Btw No one has heard a meow or hiss or nothing in the cellar area, even when the cats are down there
but when I did see it on the first day it was quiet and very very fast.
Tomorrow will be day 3 of the Ghost watch.
One poop was on the floor the other poop was on my sectional couch ..........I'm starting to worry.....
F! everythings breaking!!! :eek: n
So far 2 timers and now my Spider Farmer 6" Exhaust Fan w/controler is broke.
It stopped working maybe last night not sure cause it's pretty quiet.
Contacted them via email/customer service, that's a $120 piece of equipment dam.
Both Digial Timer's stopped working, one from Vivosun and one from SF the last one was hooked up to my reds so
not a big issue so hooked them to a manual timer. The other one from Vivosun failed a while ago during veg and forgot what it
was hooked up to.
Lucky I have backups and had to dig out my old 6" Vivosun basic exhaust fan but have a manual speed controler for it.

And of course there is more lol
Well the fence went up and sky the dog was happy but my Rango outside alley cat not so much so I built an area fenced off for him.
Also two other kittens were joining in the free food. One Taby and one black fuzzy one that was a bit younger.

But and there is always a but šŸ™€ ...... before I could build it , Sky the protective one attacked the black kitten at early morning when my wife
went out at 5 am to take Sky out and Sky went after the kitten and my wife got it from Sky before any damage was done but she got scratched
up and brought the kitten in the house to make sure it was ok. So we tried to put it in a carrier box but it bolted out and down the cellar.

I looked for it later that day and seen it and tried to get it but lost track of it. I had the cellar door and front door open so I figured it went out.
Two days later my wife found some small turds on the living room floor. šŸˆā€ā¬›
uh oh....... next day found more. So after an exhaustive search NADA nothing.
It's a ghost and that it's new name but not sure where it's hidding.
Btw my cat's Panda and Shady are no help at all and Sky goes upstairs with mama at 8pm when she goes to bed.
The cellar door is left open for my cat's to play in the cellar. I did leave food on the stairs but it didn't bite.
Must be eating in the kitchen or in my bathroom downstars where my bedroom is, that's where their food/water dishes are.
If it's pooping it must be eating.
Any tips on how to catch...the Ghost?

The only good news is I am seeing pre-flowers on both outdoor and indoor plants
And got the GH moved to a safer closer place near my front porch with the help of wifey :love:
Been working my tail off to get the place straightened out after the fence went up and they corrected their mistakes.
Except for moving the 2 sheds and the GH to there final places We Are Done!!!
I keep forgetting I am 75 and got to take it easy for the time we have left
hahahaha Keep On Truckin'

Make a simple box trap with nice bait. Itā€™s a kitten so should be too big or smart yet.
F! everythings breaking!!! :eek: n
So far 2 timers and now my Spider Farmer 6" Exhaust Fan w/controler is broke.
It stopped working maybe last night not sure cause it's pretty quiet.
Contacted them via email/customer service, that's a $120 piece of equipment dam.
Both Digial Timer's stopped working, one from Vivosun and one from SF the last one was hooked up to my reds so
not a big issue so hooked them to a manual timer. The other one from Vivosun failed a while ago during veg and forgot what it
was hooked up to.
Lucky I have backups and had to dig out my old 6" Vivosun basic exhaust fan but have a manual speed controler for it.

And of course there is more lol
Well the fence went up and sky the dog was happy but my Rango outside alley cat not so much so I built an area fenced off for him.
Also two other kittens were joining in the free food. One Taby and one black fuzzy one that was a bit younger.

But and there is always a but šŸ™€ ...... before I could build it , Sky the protective one attacked the black kitten at early morning when my wife
went out at 5 am to take Sky out and Sky went after the kitten and my wife got it from Sky before any damage was done but she got scratched
up and brought the kitten in the house to make sure it was ok. So we tried to put it in a carrier box but it bolted out and down the cellar.

I looked for it later that day and seen it and tried to get it but lost track of it. I had the cellar door and front door open so I figured it went out.
Two days later my wife found some small turds on the living room floor. šŸˆā€ā¬›
uh oh....... next day found more. So after an exhaustive search NADA nothing.
It's a ghost and that it's new name but not sure where it's hidding.
Btw my cat's Panda and Shady are no help at all and Sky goes upstairs with mama at 8pm when she goes to bed.
The cellar door is left open for my cat's to play in the cellar. I did leave food on the stairs but it didn't bite.
Must be eating in the kitchen or in my bathroom downstars where my bedroom is, that's where their food/water dishes are.
If it's pooping it must be eating.
Any tips on how to catch...the Ghost?

The only good news is I am seeing pre-flowers on both outdoor and indoor plants
And got the GH moved to a safer closer place near my front porch with the help of wifey :love:
Been working my tail off to get the place straightened out after the fence went up and they corrected their mistakes.
Except for moving the 2 sheds and the GH to there final places We Are Done!!!
I keep forgetting I am 75 and got to take it easy for the time we have left
hahahaha Keep On Truckin'
lol, a ghost cat, never had one of them. not sure how you'd catch it. I have problems with our cats bringing in squirrels and mice to let run around while they play with them. Cats are tricky, might need a raccoon trap or something similar. Local vets may have a suggestion, maybe some go to sleep food,if they have such a thing here kitty kitty take a nice bite and have a nap. Its early I haven't had a smoke yet, I get much better ideas after a puff or 2.
2 part solution, I hope.

#1 Closing the cellar door tonight with food down there.
If there, it will eat or poop or both, then we'll know it's there.
Then we have to find it's hiding place.

If there is still poop in the living room area then it's in the spare room, upstairs, which is highly unlikely, since Sky goes up there and would go nuts.
Then it has to be one of our cat's do do but I would be shocked since it has never happened before. They always use the kitty litter, which is in my bathroom.

#2 The other plan is for tomorrow night, leave cellar door open and turn on the motion sensor to the cam I got in the dinning room
for watching dog and cats while we are out shopping thru my iphone.
It has night vision so should catch the filthy lil critter if the ghost is the culprit.
But oh boy if it is one of my cat's I'll never hear the end of it.šŸ¤£

Btw No one has heard a meow or hiss or nothing in the cellar area, even when the cats are down there
but when I did see it on the first day it was quiet and very very fast.
Tomorrow will be day 3 of the Ghost watch.
One poop was on the floor the other poop was on my sectional couch ..........I'm starting to worry.....
I love it, except for the shitting part, worse I'd think would be cat piss, crap gets hard and cleans up, piss on the other hand stinks like fk as it dries and permeates through the room.

We have a boy Qnight who hides and finds places that are out of the way and we can't find him in our house no matter how hard we look for him. I get concerned that he might have gotten out side some how, maybe through my outdoor containment area but he'll show up yawning, stretching and happy from somewhere and our house is small with only 1 floor inside he has access to. Black cats hide well in small spaces they just look like shadows in the void.
Ghost Update:
Ah put a lil food on a saucer and left it on the cellar stairs.
Looked after a bit and there it was, looked at me and split, poof!
Got a flash light and found it hiding in a small 2 inch space between luggage and the wall.
Got wifey and we blocked it in and she went for it and it scooted out and around me before I could move my old bones lol.
Under a large wood cabinet.

Plan C:
I opened the cellar door part way and the back door till they met like a wedge,
then opened the other pantry back door to outside, so it had a clear shot to leave.
We watched.............nada.
I think it likes it here.
I talked my wife into giving up and maybe just keeping it.
So if it did not get out before we set up a watch, then it's still in the cellar.
I will try my best to give it a chance to stay, I have hope.
It'a a long hair black cat as far as I could see. But really cute, dam it!

Ok here's some pic's I took today
The first 2 are the GH plant, Fruity Pebbles 2.0
Nice growth but wish it was a auto.
Worried about the smell once it gets going.
This C99 looks nothing like the first one I grew.
More like a palm tree, the other was short n bushy, very much like an auto.
Not much stretch with this one either. I'll know when I see it in full bloom.
Sun will be 2 wks in flower 12/12
So she is right on schedule.
The one thing I would have to say is so far this new nutrient is pretty darn good.
No fuss, No muss, I mix the same amount all through the grow till wk 6 then switch the Core to Fade.
Athena Core 19ml per gal. and Bloom 32ml per gal the only thing I did was add a pinch of
ES when I thought the plant was in need of cal but looking back I believe it was a PH problem.
I adjust it to 6.5 cause I forgot I was using a new soil mix of 3-1-1 Coco Coir - Pro Mix - Perlite
My PH for that should be 6.5 and not the 5.8 I was at. So my bad, lol.
The plant is looking real good now with the reds on 10hrs and side lights on 12/12 same as main light (MarsHydro TS1000 140w)
The UV's will go on for 2 hrs a day at wk 6.
I love it, except for the shitting part, worse I'd think would be cat piss, crap gets hard and cleans up, piss on the other hand stinks like fk as it dries and permeates through the room.

We have a boy Qnight who hides and finds places that are out of the way and we can't find him in our house no matter how hard we look for him. I get concerned that he might have gotten out side some how, maybe through my outdoor containment area but he'll show up yawning, stretching and happy from somewhere and our house is small with only 1 floor inside he has access to. Black cats hide well in small spaces they just look like shadows in the void.
I put kitty litter down there in a $ store litter pan, if I find more poop around, I'll put it in the pan.
Ghost Update:
Ah put a lil food on a saucer and left it on the cellar stairs.
Looked after a bit and there it was, looked at me and split, poof!
Got a flash light and found it hiding in a small 2 inch space between luggage and the wall.
Got wifey and we blocked it in and she went for it and it scooted out and around me before I could move my old bones lol.
Under a large wood cabinet.

Plan C:
I opened the cellar door part way and the back door till they met like a wedge,
then opened the other pantry back door to outside, so it had a clear shot to leave.
We watched.............nada.
I think it likes it here.
I talked my wife into giving up and maybe just keeping it.
So if it did not get out before we set up a watch, then it's still in the cellar.
I will try my best to give it a chance to stay, I have hope.
It'a a long hair black cat as far as I could see. But really cute, dam it!

Ok here's some pic's I took today
The first 2 are the GH plant, Fruity Pebbles 2.0
Nice growth but wish it was a auto.
Worried about the smell once it gets going.
View attachment 71082View attachment 71083
This C99 looks nothing like the first one I grew.
More like a palm tree, the other was short n bushy, very much like an auto.
Not much stretch with this one either. I'll know when I see it in full bloom.
Sun will be 2 wks in flower 12/12
So she is right on schedule.
View attachment 71084View attachment 71085View attachment 71086
The one thing I would have to say is so far this new nutrient is pretty darn good.
No fuss, No muss, I mix the same amount all through the grow till wk 6 then switch the Core to Fade.
Athena Core 19ml per gal. and Bloom 32ml per gal the only thing I did was add a pinch of
ES when I thought the plant was in need of cal but looking back I believe it was a PH problem.
I adjust it to 6.5 cause I forgot I was using a new soil mix of 3-1-1 Coco Coir - Pro Mix - Perlite
My PH for that should be 6.5 and not the 5.8 I was at. So my bad, lol.
The plant is looking real good now with the reds on 10hrs and side lights on 12/12 same as main light (MarsHydro TS1000 140w)
The UV's will go on for 2 hrs a day at wk 6.
I'm using the reds for 15 min at lights out in veg now and its getting my plants tall and wide faster than normal. I like what the reds are doing, it seems to keep/make them healthier. Just that 15 min seems to make a difference. I was hoping to flip today but I still don't have them in the trays, just in the pots, trays are ready to go but I've been busy with other shit, maybe tomorrow
Well, finally got a response from Spider Farmer for my $120 2 yr old broken 6" exhaust fan.
It was a week over the 2 yr guarantee so they gave my a discount code and suggested
my fans parts wore out cause it's old and I should just buy a new fan.
That's $60 a year plus electic for one fan, that's crazy and they want me to double down and buy another!
The code they gave me saves me $8.80 on a $109.00 fan wow and in 2 years I'll need another. lol

SF can stick it! I've lost all faith in their products and will go with MarsHydro or Vivosun if I need snything.

My Vivosun 6" fan is still running after bout 3 years, a lil bit more noisy but I can deal with that.
Not as fancy but I don't think the SF temp/humi controller ever worked like it should.
I have a govee temp. humi in the room which I read from my iphone anyway.

Kitten used the kitty litter last night so that's cool.
Wife is against keeping it but we can't catch it either soooo.
It's getting braver, seen it a couple of times and think it's up here now, behind the couch.
Sky is curiously poking her head looking behind the couch wagging her tail.
That's good! Day by day we'll see what happens.

I am getting real excited about that outside plant, it's doing real well.
I will be growing auto's out there next season, for sure.
We moved the green house to a better location near the house to keep a close eye on it.
I feel much better about that since it's not near any human trafic and the smell will disapate better.
Hardly any maintenence just feed every 3-4 days. That's it. No fussing with anything.
Cellar plant has been easy peasy too.
When I grow next time it will be one strain. I think it's much better that way.
OK I think I got everything off my mind haha good talk.
Never had a good feeling about SF.:unsure:
I use MH lights and AC fans/controllers.
My AC stuff is old school, no wifi or whatever.
Still works like first day. Going on 4 years.
Never had a good feeling about SF.:unsure:
I use MH lights and AC fans/controllers.
My AC stuff is old school, no wifi or whatever.
Still works like first day. Going on 4 years.
That's all I use SF tents & lights, fans were too expensive. I just buy the cheap stuff off amzon warehouse deals. I did buy a Mars 6" osculating tent pole fan on some sale I'm not using yet but I seems to work well and I like SF lights, sure they paid for all of my stuff except the far reds I bought them but it all still works well
Did your C99 come from brothers Grimm? Just curious because I have a Durban Thai x C99 from him I am thinking about running next
Well, finally got a response from Spider Farmer for my $120 2 yr old broken 6" exhaust fan.
It was a week over the 2 yr guarantee so they gave my a discount code and suggested
my fans parts wore out cause it's old and I should just buy a new fan.
That's $60 a year plus electic for one fan, that's crazy and they want me to double down and buy another!
The code they gave me saves me $8.80 on a $109.00 fan wow and in 2 years I'll need another. lol

SF can stick it! I've lost all faith in their products and will go with MarsHydro or Vivosun if I need snything.

My Vivosun 6" fan is still running after bout 3 years, a lil bit more noisy but I can deal with that.
Not as fancy but I don't think the SF temp/humi controller ever worked like it should.
I have a govee temp. humi in the room which I read from my iphone anyway.

Kitten used the kitty litter last night so that's cool.
Wife is against keeping it but we can't catch it either soooo.
It's getting braver, seen it a couple of times and think it's up here now, behind the couch.
Sky is curiously poking her head looking behind the couch wagging her tail.
That's good! Day by day we'll see what happens.

I am getting real excited about that outside plant, it's doing real well.
I will be growing auto's out there next season, for sure.
We moved the green house to a better location near the house to keep a close eye on it.
I feel much better about that since it's not near any human trafic and the smell will disapate better.
Hardly any maintenence just feed every 3-4 days. That's it. No fussing with anything.
Cellar plant has been easy peasy too.
When I grow next time it will be one strain. I think it's much better that way.
OK I think I got everything off my mind haha good talk.
Nothing wrong with just growing one strain. I did it for a few years. I learned a lot that way. Made feeding and correcting deficiencies a little easier.
That's all I use SF tents & lights, fans were too expensive. I just buy the cheap stuff off amzon warehouse deals. I did buy a Mars 6" osculating tent pole fan on some sale I'm not using yet but I seems to work well and I like SF lights, sure they paid for all of my stuff except the far reds I bought them but it all still works well
So far my side lights and reds are working fine and didn't cost too much.
I look at sf lights occasionally just incase my FC4800 fails but they cost too much and I always see a better deal from MarsHydro.
I've had 2 expensive ($50ea) small occillating fans go bad on me after only one season.
One from Gro Buds the other from Vivosun.
I got cheap no name fans from Goodwill that last longer. But that 6" sf exhaust fan that broke really took the cake for me.
It was a nice fan and worked great until it didn't haha I really like that fan and I guess that's why it pissed me off so much.
I'll use my 6" Vivosun until it breaks and I think I have another one packed up some where in the shed. :cool:
So far my side lights and reds are working fine and didn't cost too much.
I look at sf lights occasionally just incase my FC4800 fails but they cost too much and I always see a better deal from MarsHydro.
I've had 2 expensive ($50ea) small occillating fans go bad on me after only one season.
One from Gro Buds the other from Vivosun.
I got cheap no name fans from Goodwill that last longer. But that 6" sf exhaust fan that broke really took the cake for me.
It was a nice fan and worked great until it didn't haha I really like that fan and I guess that's why it pissed me off so much.
I'll use my 6" Vivosun until it breaks and I think I have another one packed up some where in the shed. :cool:
I have without fudging the numbers at least 15-20 fans and parts of fans. We were going to value village a lot and I couldn't pass up a good $5 fan - my 30% seniors discount and they always have fans.

What I kept looking for were the small tent pole osculating. lots of 6" clip on's but few osculating. In my 5x5 in flower I like to have 2 sm 6" above my lights, 2 at canopy osculating and 1 - 2 osculating below the canopy depending on season + intake and exhaust.

I finely got a 6" osculating pole fan from Mars I haven't used yet but seems to work well and silent.

I find the fans that run 100% of the time last a long time but those I turn on and off with timers fk up faster, start to stick and make worn bearing noises.
I haven't met an oscillating 6" fan yet that can last more than a few grows. The ACI Gen 2's that I got I haven't had a chance to really run through an entire run so I'm looking forward to seeing how they perform although I'm still seriously thinking of chucking all the small fans and do the box fan near the ceiling idea I had.
I have without fudging the numbers at least 15-20 fans and parts of fans. We were going to value village a lot and I couldn't pass up a good $5 fan - my 30% seniors discount and they always have fans.

What I kept looking for were the small tent pole osculating. lots of 6" clip on's but few osculating. In my 5x5 in flower I like to have 2 sm 6" above my lights, 2 at canopy osculating and 1 - 2 osculating below the canopy depending on season + intake and exhaust.

I finely got a 6" osculating pole fan from Mars I haven't used yet but seems to work well and silent.

I find the fans that run 100% of the time last a long time but those I turn on and off with timers fk up faster, start to stick and make worn bearing noises.

I think @Pipecarver has used their seeds. šŸ¤”
Ya you bet, seemed like a good guy and all of the seeds and freebies he sent grew well. I think my favorite plants of all so far have been QC Blue from QCS & a recent Bubba mac & Cheese from Captain Redbeards, via Granny
Lots of bud sites on this plant.
It's doing well for 2.5 wks in flower.
I have not much need for clip fans now that I have this room to grow in.
I set up a bar to clip one or two on if needed and have one there that turns on when the reds go on.
The other stand up 8" fan sits on a crate and is not occilating at the moment.
I like the larger stand up occilating fans the best.
But have one big oc fan that mounts on a wall.
That fan is my fav but won't need it till the plant get more buds and thicker.
It's got a lot of functions like natural wind and burst wind and it's a powerful fan too.
Then I'll switch on that one and turn off the others.
Trying to keep electrcal cost down to a minimum.
I got the exhaust fan set as slow as it will go, 1 6" stand up fan, 1 smal 4" clip fan,
an oil heater set low (76-80 degrees) and the lights, 2 reds and the TS1000 (140w).
I might have to turn on the de-humidifier if the humi goes up again.
Last week it got up to 70%, thats when I noticed some white spots on the leaves.
I didn't do nothing about it cause the humi dropped to 50% where it is now.
Yes that open space is a better way to grow. I went from open space with hps to led and tents. I can contain the heat better but with hps I didn't need to add heat my 1000w lamp did both jobs with light and heat.

I used panda plastic 5x5' panels I hinged in the corners so I had 4 -5'x5' - panels in a diamond shape with stand up fans in the open corners. Then Spiderfarmer offered me free lights and here I am, paying for heat in tents. I'll need to add soon its only 75f in there now with lights on.
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