Kuwl - Cinderella C99

Well when it rains it pours haha
After a really easy grow, both outside and inside,
I took a closer look and seen some mildew on the leaves.
Forgot what to use, then while looking, I seen some pic's of stuff on leaves that said thrips or some bug like that
and spider mites, Yiiiiiiips I took a closer look before I sprayed with Apple Cider Vineger (2tbs per qt.) for mildew.
Got the loup out cause I'm practacly blind and whoaaa thripes and SM's not many tho,
I only seen a couple of smites and one thrip or I think it was.
Doesn't matter, it's bugs!!!!
I used Bonide Captain Jacks insecticidal soap I had on hand will have to order more of it tho.
There was another that was suggested Monterey, maybe I'll try it next. Not neem oil, I won't use that.

As far as the Athena nutrient I'm using, it's great with no problems at all.
I got it at 1500 ppm now and it's drinking good.
I add 2 gal's a week maybe less than a week, I don't keep track lol.
The outside plant is on track but maybe a week behind the cellar room plant.
I give it the remaining nutrients from Dyna Grow and it's doing well.
I did see a lil mag problem on some lower leaves so added a tbls of ES to the last feed.
I mix 4 gals of nutes at a time then feed it 2 gals then another 2 the next day or two.
I'm out of Dyna Bloom so will be using another for than part of the mix.

Sightings of Ghost are mostly at night or if it gets hungry it will creep out.
It hides behind the wrap around couch where my other cats dodge the dog.
Slow going but I keep talking to it and showing freindlyness to my cats in front of it
so it sees there is no threat, I hope.

2 pic's of Cinderella C99 about 4 weeks into flower
After I defoiliated it and sprayed it good.
When I used Athena there were around 8 - 9 different bottles. Are you using the entire line or just a select few?
Hey I thought I would post an update on Ghost.
See him every night but daytime he stays in the cellar and hides when we go down there,
Moved his feeding dish to the top stair doing what I can to humanize him.
Snapped a daytime pic this morning before I fed him.
This one is last night the next two are this morning. He really likes Shady and follows him everywhere at night.
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