Been awhile

I'm chillin' and taking care of business.
Taking good care of her and everything is fine here.
I'm bored tho and achin' to get back into it.
But cannot do that right now.
That don't stop me from planning it.
Black Friday was my chance. Oooooh I'm feeling weak.
Like the Godfather, it's an offer I can't refuse.
Sooooo I did it!
Brought a new light and some other goodies!
My old FC4800 works great and I was thinking of retiring it to a back up, if ever needed.
Which I do not really have atm.
1st I went to SF, they offered a discount of 8% off a nice light (SF7000 650w) with controller and free grinder for $509 -8%
I added on a 4 tier plant stand $107 + $509 = $616 - 8% = $566 + the light came with a controller in the pkg. deal.
I thought great deal and proceeded to checkout.
Not to be.....After much hassle because they blocked the extra 8% by putting in another discount of .05 cents
and they would not remove it.
Not to happy at that point (understatement) and went looking at MarsHydro.
Found a light there WoW!
MH Smart Dimmable FC-E8000 BridgeLux 800w Led Grow Light
with Smart Eviromental Control Sys Monitor Temp, Hummi, Co2, PPFD ($134.99)
I added on a 6" clip fan ($39.99) and Iconnect smart controller ($8.99) (I didn't know one came with it so now have 2 of em)
Total $599.36 - $30 discount = $569.96
All discounts went thru and they also sent me a gift pkg. of a 4 layer Mesh Herb Drying rack w/ prunning sheer (22.99).
I was really happy about that buying experience. Then I seen those IR lights I don't have.
I have the Deep Reds and UV's so why not? lol
They were on sale of course! $63.99 at the time but noticed I have points to use 28000 or something like that.
That took $28 off and I got the IR30's for $35.99 a good deal, I brought them too.
Now that FC8000 EVO light will do sunrise and sunset and be controlled by an app on my iphone too.
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I don't think I will use Co2 tho, at least not yet. This light is BIG, much larger than my old 4800. (I think it's 44"x45")
Some kitty cat pic's over the last month. Ghost is getting bigger and less scared of me.
She likes chicken and I feed her a few peices every night after Sky n wifey go to bed, Ghost hops up on the seat
next to mine and waits for chicken hahaha. But still won't let me pet or touch. Like MC Hammer "Can't touch this"
But will come back to me for another piece of that chicken.
Now when I open the front window curtains, she jumps up and lays there looking out.
Lil bit by lil bit. I figure when she out grows out of the kitten stage, she will pacify.
Panda always acting cute. Panda and Shady looking out the my bathroom window at the birds pecking the wild berries on that vine.
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Not sure when I will start the next grow but thinking on 2 strains and 8 plants total w/ Two 4 pot AP Systems.
I also brought the SF AP system ( it has only one valve for the Four 5 gal. cloth pots and might use it )