Red's Thread ~ All things Cannabis

Did you just call me illiterate? I’ll have you know I have a dictionary on my nightstand for causal bedtime reading. Currently up to Abecedarian.
Nope, my Grandpa wasn't ill either, played 5 instruments, Spoon, mouth harp, accordian and guitar' I was kidding with ya,Cheers SS
Nope, my Grandpa wasn't ill either, played 5 instruments, Spoon, mouth harp, accordian and guitar' I was kidding with ya,Cheers SS
You couldn't offend me if ya tried. You are one of my favorite potheads SS. Pretty hard to call someone illiterate when the only means of communication is written.

The real question is am I human or AI?

Gusher Runtz and coffee on this Sat AM - I'm ready to go! 32*F here. Smells like autumn. Love it.

Time to start up this rotovap. But that sounds exactly like what a machine would say...

@Aqua Man I have been very patient trying to get these sensors to the point I can chart a whole grow, it has not been easy. This is the last thing I need to move the connection to PC (software ready) but I think they lost it. :confused: They keep pushing the delivery date back.

@Aqua Man I have been very patient trying to get these sensors to the point I can chart a whole grow, it has not been easy. This is the last thing I need to move the connection to PC (software ready) but I think they lost it. :confused: They keep pushing the delivery date back.

View attachment 29617
They obviously don’t seem to understand the importance of this project… bastards
Damn you have some fun looking toys there my dude. Makes me feel like a Neanderthal the way I make my stash haha. Very science.

Would love to have a setup like this. Probably never gonna happen, but I sure would put it to good use.
Damn you have some fun looking toys there my dude. Makes me feel like a Neanderthal the way I make my stash haha. Very science.

Would love to have a setup like this. Probably never gonna happen, but I sure would put it to good use.
It's very peaceful down here. Kinda zen the whole process. Everybody leaves me alone for a day.

Decarb is almost done then I can finish this run on the hotplate and get it into syringes. I'll test the final product for THC so we can set the dose.

Making fudge tomorrow.
Freeze drier to painted fingernails, coconut oils and beakers! Reminds me of Biology class in High School. I was good with the experiments and equipment but "Math" was my downfall, I hate math learning. Nice basement for sure, I am remodeling my grow room to live in there, smoke eat, and sleep soon,Cheers Moe stay down, old prison saying, stay down fool, SSgrower
Wanna hear a funny story (not to my wife)

Apparently I cannot math. I was off by 10X on my mg/mL calculation.

Each piece of fudge actually has about 150mg, not the 15 I was shooting for. Whoops. Wife thought she was going to die. I have video she forbids me to share. Funny not funny.

Guess I'm sending this fudge to @SweetLeafGrow for Christmas. Nobody in my house can take that level of THC!
Wanna hear a funny story (not to my wife)

Apparently I cannot math. I was off by 10X on my mg/mL calculation.

Each piece of fudge actually has about 150mg, not the 15 I was shooting for. Whoops. Wife thought she was going to die. I have video she forbids me to share. Funny not funny.

Guess I'm sending this fudge to @SweetLeafGrow for Christmas. Nobody in my house can take that level of THC!
That sounds like a damn good time!
I remember eating 150 and 200mg edibles when i lived in maine.

Super stoned for 2 hours, then napping for 2 hours🤣
Each piece of fudge actually has about 150mg, not the 15 I was shooting for. Whoops. Wife thought she was going to die. I have video she forbids me to share. Funny not funny.
I did this by accident with my wife too, yea I felt bad. Hope Mrs Moe is doing better today!
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