Red's Thread ~ All things Cannabis

My Mother's Dad, my grampa was a Master Plumber who could not read or write, like Moe I guess, but he drew a diagram of how to plumb a house and the state Of Tennessee gave him a certificate, he could "pull Permits". SS
Moe, i take it you have done this process before, or is this an actual experiment?
I think you are asking if I have done an etoh extraction before. The answer is more times than I can count. I’ve even printed up parts to make the process easier.

The experiment part is the white bud vs green. If you remember a few grows ago we talked about bleached buds possibly being more potent. That freeze dried weed (the little samples) are getting tested, just now getting around to that. I think maybe I should be called the slacker too.
My Mother's Dad, my grampa was a Master Plumber who could not read or write, like Moe I guess, but he drew a diagram of how to plumb a house and the state Of Tennessee gave him a certificate, he could "pull Permits". SS
Did you just call me illiterate? I’ll have you know I have a dictionary on my nightstand for causal bedtime reading. Currently up to Abecedarian.
Only other time I've seen that much everclear was at a frat party!🤪
Following along because this is a long ways from squishin' buds and I have no idea what's happening here but if it means oil at the end I'm on board
🩲For posting this😋
Yes, full spectrum oil is the end product. From there it goes in the vacuum oven for decarb. Purges any remaining eth while making it active. It gets hard and very viscous at that point, so I cut it with MCT oil if I want it to be room temp viscous, or coconut if I want it to be solid for capsules, etc.

Then I run that product thru TLC to get the % THC, and I can make calculations for dose from there.

I'm cheating tho and using a rotovap, fun to watch but when you see the price I doubt you will buy more than 2 or 3.
Yes, full spectrum oil is the end product. From there it goes in the vacuum oven for decarb. Purges any remaining eth while making it active. It gets hard and very viscous at that point, so I cut it with MCT oil if I want it to be room temp viscous, or coconut if I want it to be solid for capsules, etc.

Then I run that product thru TLC to get the % THC, and I can make calculations for dose from there.

I'm cheating tho and using a rotovap, fun to watch but when you see the price I doubt you will buy more than 2 or 3.

TLC, is that Thin Layer Chromatography?
I really want to see how that goes!

Back when I got my Purpl there were several options I was looking at and TLC was up there because it could do extracts but also looked kinda confusing and I really didn't have a space to be using it.
Others like MyDx and Alpha Cat were also considered but I went with Purpl because the others had ok to bad reviews and Purpl had none really at the time so I kinda was a beta tester for the product.
They were a tech start up at the time and it was glitchy at first but after some firmware updates and reworked app things started to roll. Now it's really rolling with a lot of people using it and the price has almost doubled with it's popularity.
I lost it for a while boxed up in a remodel storage but found it this week and started testing again.
I mostly used it for pheno hunts in breeding and seeing where I could improve in potency with products like terp enhancers which I found for the most part are snake oils even though I still keep trying them out to see if any really are legit.
My only regret was that it only did flower and I could trick it into doing kief. Concentrate testing kits were supposed to be out two years ago but are still in testing so I'm not even sure if that will ever happen.
One positive though was they updated the firmware to also do moisture so now it can also tell me how well I'm curing my pot and if Grove bags really work which it has verified, the bags do work.
That actually isn't too far off.

If i remember correctly, i think it was @Dirtbag that bypassed the temp control to make the freezer extra froze
Yep, just put a jumper wire going over the thermostat from the hot line in to the line out of the thermostat. It'll cause the compressor to run constantly. I should add though I didn't keep it plugged in all the time so as not to fry the thing. I'd plug it in when I loaded it up with iso and weed, let it freeze for 48 hrs before making the product. Was able to get it down to around -25c.
Once the oil run was done I'd unplug it. Didn't use it for food.

Extract came out very yellow.

After passing through 2 coffee filters inside the chest freezer, it was clear as could be. I only took the product out of the freezer once it was filtered.20191230_154907.jpg

I'd then air evaporate it outdoors in a large Pyrex pan covered in a nylon stocking to keep bugs and dust out. Once it was mostly evaporated i would spread the oil out on a big glass door from a pop cooler to dry for a few more days.20180820_213707.jpg

Once it turned opaque like you see in the picture above I would scrape it off the glass using a new, cleaned razor blade.
The finished product resembled very blonde hash but melted like oil. Very very terpy stuff.
Tested in the low to mid 90's % thc. Used it mostly for making edible capsules, some people really liked it for dabbing too.
Think I was the only person I knew that kept their oil in a bag haha.
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TLC, is that Thin Layer Chromatography?
I really want to see how that goes!

Back when I got my Purpl there were several options I was looking at and TLC was up there because it could do extracts but also looked kinda confusing and I really didn't have a space to be using it.
Others like MyDx and Alpha Cat were also considered but I went with Purpl because the others had ok to bad reviews and Purpl had none really at the time so I kinda was a beta tester for the product.
They were a tech start up at the time and it was glitchy at first but after some firmware updates and reworked app things started to roll. Now it's really rolling with a lot of people using it and the price has almost doubled with it's popularity.
I lost it for a while boxed up in a remodel storage but found it this week and started testing again.
I mostly used it for pheno hunts in breeding and seeing where I could improve in potency with products like terp enhancers which I found for the most part are snake oils even though I still keep trying them out to see if any really are legit.
My only regret was that it only did flower and I could trick it into doing kief. Concentrate testing kits were supposed to be out two years ago but are still in testing so I'm not even sure if that will ever happen.
One positive though was they updated the firmware to also do moisture so now it can also tell me how well I'm curing my pot and if Grove bags really work which it has verified, the bags do work.
Yes Thin Layer Chromatography. I'll post it up when done.

I also have a chromatography column that works off the same principal to separate out individual cannabinoids.
Looks like you have no issues getting the freezer cold lol.

Curious why you soak the weed before freezing though? I've only ever made it by freezing everything first and then soaking to prevent chlorophyll extraction. You still get all the other goodies out, but none of the green.

Also Fwiw, MCT oil works great for capsules. I used to use coconut oil thinking the MCT would melt the gelatin, but it doesn't.
The MCT caps are also just more appealing to the eye imho.

Looks like you have no issues getting the freezer cold lol.

Curious why you soak the weed before freezing though? I've only ever made it by freezing everything first and then soaking to prevent chlorophyll extraction. You still get all the other goodies out, but none of the green.

Also Fwiw, MCT oil works great for capsules. I used to use coconut oil thinking the MCT would melt the gelatin, but it doesn't.
The MCT caps are also just more appealing to the eye imho.

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I've seen those pics before!

With the MCT we had leakage problems from capsules. Coconut was just as easy and solid at room temp to make it leak proof.

That Alcohol I'm dumping in is at -40 or so. Friggin hard on the hands pouring it. If you look at the everclear bottles, they all have frost on them from sitting there for just a few minutes. Then it goes right in the freezer on the bottom. I think we are saying the same thing. Start as cold as possible and stay there.

I'll show you the difference with freeze dried weed - that stuff is awesome for extractions. Very clean because zero water to make the chlorophyll mobile.
View attachment 29480
That is outrageous~! :love::love::love:

@Bandit420 I am a huge fan of alcohol extraction and started it back in the 90's.
I think you just found your new rabbit hole~!
It is really easy.
I have a distiller that is made to boil lower than water for just for this...

But wait to see how @Moe.Red does it.:cool::cool::cool:
That belongs in weedgineering
You gentlemen are 50 years ahead of my redneck self! I can’t give enough credit to you all! After making QWET for a couple years I took the easy way out and give all my trim to an amigo that makes distillate. Keep half and hopefully give me 1/2 when done. Definitely zero terps or taste when done this way however if you get a little liberal with the amount you add to edibles it will seriously make for a ride you nor most people are looking for. Unfortunately I learned this the hard way!

Have a great weekend guys!
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