If it is a male and I think there is a chance it still has some safe time left.
Maybe a week or two easy?
I would keep a vigelant eye.
6 regs could should produce 3 males by my math?
I have one strain that is reg [hash plant].
I want two so I planted 4.
We'll see...
Looking real good there Scotty~! 👊
Another quick update, about halfway through 2nd week of flowering, been trying to verify sex on the rest of the plants. Been sticking my head in there looking at nodes inside the plant trying to find hairs. Then for some reason I decide to look at the tops. Holy crap there's hairs everywhere. So after looking at all the tops I am pretty sure the entire remaining are all female, 5 of 6 regs ended up being female. I guess I'm just going to have a crowded tent & spend more time than I would have liked watering 🤣


Moved the male plant out of the tent just have him under some cheap walmart LEDs that I have to manually turn off & on. And I'm doing a really shitty job of being the timer, he had a 7 on/17 off light cycle yesterday (not like I'm worried about him herming lol). I checked his tops & he's popping balls everywhere, thinking he's coming down tonight.🪦


Did a water/feed last night, everyone still looking pretty healthy as far as I can tell.

Hell yea dude. Keep vigilant on looking at your ladies though I thought I was in the clear with 3 females throwing hairs on the top and 2 had balls down below. Herms are the worst imo I'd rather straight up know haha.

Check every bud site you can especially low and on the areas that aren't readily visible. Mine thru balls in the most unseen areas for some reason I almost got caught slippin....don't be me!

Cheers man!
Had a super busy weekend, took my 9 year old to his first concert Friday (Fallout Boy) followed by a Cub Scout campout starting at 9:00 the next morning. Which meant I was either going to have to get up super early Saturday morning after being out all night Friday, or get ready for the camping trip Friday during the day. So I ended up just taking Friday off work, plants were actually needing to be watered Friday as well & there was going to be no possible time to water them again before Sunday if I didn't get them done on Friday. I literally ran all day Friday & barely got 2/3 of what I would normally give them in before I just had to give up. The boy had a great time at the concert as well as camping so it was all worth it but a little hectic all weekend to say the least.

Did run into one minor issue, in the craziness trying to get some water on the girls before we left Friday I apparently forgot to turn the fans/heater back on when I left, fortunately the exhaust fan was still on so it wasn't entirely stagnant in there, but when I got back it was like upper 60's in the tent with no air movement. Doesn't really appear to be any issues from it. Did a final lollypopping/light trimming on Sunday, little buds popping up all over the place!!

Little late on my weekly update. Buds are starting to fatten up & getting nice & frosty. I have noticed a few lower leaves yellowing & even a few falling off. But tops still seem to be in good shape other than a couple random brown spots on the edge of a couple leaves. Did another feeding last night, they seem to need water about every 3-4 days at this point. I'm actually leaving town to go on a mini vacation this weekend, going to have to water again heavy on Thursday & hopefully they'll be OK until Monday



And a few bud shots:

Sour Triangle Market

Lemon Soap
Just another weekly update, halfway through week 6 of flower. Not a whole lot to report, still having some leaves yellow & fall off from the bottom. Thinking may be mag deficiency so I top dressed some epsom salt into them about 5 days ago. My water has a ton of calcium in it so decided to try that as opposed to cal mag. Haven't noticed much difference yet. Also had a couple of tops that I think may have gotten a little light burn, I turned lights up 10% a few days ago & think I may have just pushed them a little too hard, so I dropped the light back down 10%.

Otherwise everything seems to be going pretty well.

Lookin good to me, how long the strains go?

Seen alot worse, done alot worse personally...lookin good
Week 7 of flower update. Everything still pretty much progressing about the same as last week. Still getting some lower leaves yellowing & falling off. After doing some more digging thinking it may actually be a Nitrogen deficiency. Got some bat guano & top dressing it in, we'll see if it helps. May be too little too late anyway, but if nothing else be good to know if it helps for the next run.


And here's a few bud shots:

Sour Triangle Market


Lemon Soap




Getting some cool coloration on the Bananimals & one of the STM's.
Just another weekly update, we're a couple days into week 8, coming down the home stretch!! Starting to get a lot of yellowing leaves even on some of the upper leaves. I'm assuming (or hoping) this is just fade, not sure I could do anything with it at this late stage anyway. Buds are fattening up nicely & getting nice & frosty.

One question I do have for @CannaGranny , do you flush the final 2 weeks of flower or just keep feeding as normal right until harvest?


And here's some bud porn:

Just another weekly update, we're a couple days into week 8, coming down the home stretch!! Starting to get a lot of yellowing leaves even on some of the upper leaves. I'm assuming (or hoping) this is just fade, not sure I could do anything with it at this late stage anyway. Buds are fattening up nicely & getting nice & frosty.

One question I do have for @CannaGranny , do you flush the final 2 weeks of flower or just keep feeding as normal right until harvest?

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And here's some bud porn:

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Looks great! Congrats 🍾 👏 Last two weeks I go to straight water. Yes you are seeing it burn up stored N. (As long as it’s yellowing from the bottom up) All is good! When the leaf is completely spent, it will pop off with a gentle pull. If it does not pop off easily, leave it, it’s not quite done yet.
Upon looking closer I see you have some top leaves yellowing, are they also yellowing on the bottom?
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Looks great! Congrats 🍾 👏 Last two weeks I go to straight water. Yes you are seeing it burn up stored N. (As long as it’s yellowing from the bottom up) All is good! When the leaf is completely spent, it will pop off with a gentle pull. If it does not pop off easily, leave it, it’s not quite done yet.
Upon looking closer I see you have some top leaves yellowing, are they also yellowing on the bottom?
Thanks!! I can honestly say I don't think I would be having nearly this much success without you sharing your method with me. Yeah those plants started yellowing at the bottom a week or two ago & they have just worked their way up.
Quick week 9 update, not a whole lot to update, buds continue to fatten up, getting some really pretty fades on them too. One of the Bananimals has gone completely purple on the top, really pretty.

So one of the Lemon Soaps had a branch that really stretched up from the bottom & ended up with a decent sized bud on a not very thick stem. Before I noticed it it had basically almost fully broken off. So I went ahead & cut it off & hung it in my lung room for like 4 days (about 45% RH) as a tester. It was really nice considering it had a quick dry with no cure. Nice dense buds, not harsh with a nice twinge of lemon flavor, definitely caught a nice buzz. (could tell it was early from the high, it was relatively racey) I threw in a picture of what was left of the bud after I had picked 2 lowers & the bottom of the top nug, as well as some bud porn.

Quick week 9 update, not a whole lot to update, buds continue to fatten up, getting some really pretty fades on them too. One of the Bananimals has gone completely purple on the top, really pretty.

So one of the Lemon Soaps had a branch that really stretched up from the bottom & ended up with a decent sized bud on a not very thick stem. Before I noticed it it had basically almost fully broken off. So I went ahead & cut it off & hung it in my lung room for like 4 days (about 45% RH) as a tester. It was really nice considering it had a quick dry with no cure. Nice dense buds, not harsh with a nice twinge of lemon flavor, definitely caught a nice buzz. (could tell it was early from the high, it was relatively racey) I threw in a picture of what was left of the bud after I had picked 2 lowers & the bottom of the top nug, as well as some bud porn.

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Looking good scotty 👌🏼
So one of the Lemon Soaps was struggling to stay up under the weight of it's own buds, I could have put some dowels or something in it & tried to keep it vertical, but it's so close to done & I'm really tired of paying for weed, plus it seemed like a lot of work for a plant that may only need to go like a week or so anyway, so I went ahead & chopped it. I've been pulling the worst of the drooping branches off quick drying them & smoking them anyway, so I know they're done enough to be a decent smoke, plus it will take the pressure off harvesting the rest. Based on my experience drying the other branches in the same location it should be dry in about 5-6 days. :D

So one of the Lemon Soaps was struggling to stay up under the weight of it's own buds, I could have put some dowels or something in it & tried to keep it vertical, but it's so close to done & I'm really tired of paying for weed, plus it seemed like a lot of work for a plant that may only need to go like a week or so anyway, so I went ahead & chopped it. I've been pulling the worst of the drooping branches off quick drying them & smoking them anyway, so I know they're done enough to be a decent smoke, plus it will take the pressure off harvesting the rest. Based on my experience drying the other branches in the same location it should be dry in about 5-6 days. :D

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At first I thought you were hanging your flower off the Romex in the ceiling!!! Once I blew the picture up I saw the wire rails you put up there.
At first I thought you were hanging your flower off the Romex in the ceiling!!! Once I blew the picture up I saw the wire rails you put up there.
Hahaha i thought the same thing but didnt notice he didnt do that lol.
Another weekly update, at this point should be my last update until post harvest when I can update final yields after trimming. Planning on chopping this weekend. Not a whole lot of note going on with the plants other than leaves starting to dry out, even a few sugar leaves are starting to dry out. Just started seeing a few amber trichomes, could maybe wait a little longer but I'm thinking 11 weeks is long enough.

Also finished drying & trimmed the plant I hung last week. Total I got 50 grams of smokable bud off the plant. For the first time in a long time I didn't have to purchase smoke this week. :cool:

Chopped & hung everything over the weekend. I didn't do a full wet trim, just trimmed off any fan leaves that had a stem I could get to with my scissors & left all the sugar leaves. Holy crap did I underestimate how long that was going to take. Figured I'd knock it out after the wife went to bed Saturday night. Started about 9:30 pm, had to quit at about 3 AM, woke up at 9 AM & trimmed until about 1:30 (with a short break in the middle to cook/eat lunch).


Also, a funny thing happened. My wife has been riding my pretty hard over the money spent to get this project off the ground. I kept trying to explain to her that these were investments that were going to pay off, but I think she doubted whether I would be able to actually see this thing all the way through. However now that she's seen the results, & we're seeing the savings of not buying weed every week she's like "so when are you going to set up a 2nd tent" 🤣
Congrats, wasn't that easy? Lol
Thanks!! And honestly it wasn't too bad, but I think that mostly comes down to the support that I've gotten, mainly through this place. Without CG giving me her recipe (which to me is a big deal just having a basic roadmap of what I need to do) as well as all the words of encouragement & solid advice from everybody here it could have been a lot worse.
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