SSHZ does Ethos "Zsweet Inzanity".........again

Haven't decided.....this was a tough grow. May do the Mandarins next since, by your words, the Orange Dream will be a tougher grow. i want to go thru your grow again, then i'll decide. I still have to decide whether to start up before or after my surgery on the 13th......
I’d wait long will it take you to recover from the extension 😁. will shit it in sshz..staking I reckon will b the only major thing you will have to do..
Recovery is only a few days............. i should be able to water it no issues. Its outpatient, unless there's complications so i should be home same day.

i was even thinking about growing half a room of each, but that won't be easier either.
DragonFlames order came today......very generous freebies. The regular Garlic Breath's will be offered in next months Budbuilders contest, along with some other things.

Zamal dreams is next for me also.:cool:
Jeff is very generous with freebies he adds to purchases.(y)
Waiting longer is definitely improving things on a plant by plant basis......... Maybe Monday or Tuesday........

By the way, $250 total for the entire Dragonsflame order.......that's a bargain from anyone perspective.

By the way, I did stop the UV-B......not particular reason, more about laziness than anything else.
if it's Saturday, it must be 10 weeks finished in flowering. i'm still not sure when i'll start cutting but it will be no later than Wednesday for sure. Theres some yellowing going on in the room but i'm amazed how green some of the plants remain. Only other thing to report is last time i grew these, the buds, especially the main colas, weren't particularly dense. Their time, these are way chunkier. I'm not sure it's the bud enhancing "Overdrive"I used, or letting them go longer, or both things, but these are monsters.
I decided to do the Ethos Mandarin Cookies next grow, and save the Orange Dream for the grow after. The Ethos will be an easier grow overall, and I’ve had the seeds longer. I reviewed a number of grows of it on Reddit and Growdiaries and the reviews were outstanding overall.

I’m starting to cut on Monday and without killing myself, hopefully I’ll get done Wednesday some time. I can usually go 8 solid hours of trimming with getting tired or achy, and about 20 hours total is my norm for the full room. It takes about 45 minutes a plant to trim it all up properly.

On Thursday i’ll Clean the room and start the new seeds, and by Saturday I should have the dirt work done and i’ll officially have a start.
Pretty sure thats one you gave me to try, says mc on the bag.
Has a really nice flavor and high too it. I really enjoyed that last night before bed, its was great 👊🏼👊🏼
That is original MC;
SSHZ will be growing the new type which I have 2 of growing now.
One is a mutant and the other stands as one of the biggest in the room.

Glad you enjoyed it.(y)
This one zero’s in on the better parts of the strain, as it’s a melding of two different phenos. I am growing tired of these “Cookie” strains, as they aren’t too exciting anymore. But I own the seeds and I want to use them. I usually start 30 seeds to find 24 healthy plants, these I only have 25 so I’m going to start a few of something else, which I haven’t decided on yet. I have a lot to choose from, including some Unreleased Ethos testers.........
@Moe.Red going to help me with stealth sshz with a mystery box.if it works out I will b able to send a strain that I selected different phenos which you would like..even growing one or 2 as a sample in your room.I’m growing them right now..
Send it, I'll send it back to you with a bunch of special things I have on hand i know you'll like..........

Tomorrow is the day, I hope to get half the room chopped in 8+ hours. I'll start at 10am, no breaks other than some lunch.........

I also love it when people know I'm trimming and they ask me to go to the post office to mail them some previous things.
8.5 hours cutting, got 8 plants done. Will do another 8 tomorrow. Such a nice strain!


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Very Durban like, smells like Durban's from the 80's. 72 days flowering seems to be about the perfect time for these, as they ripened quickly these these 5-6 days with the light change to 11/13. I would have taken my obligatory scissor hash hit already but i've been fighting bronchitis and it wouldn't be a fair judgement..........I'd be surprised if I'm not right at 100-105 oz for the room, considering the density and quantity of buds, with not much fluff at all.
A success sshz 👍 tell us abit about your hang room enviroment and hang time.
1200 sq. ft basement, dried out in the open, not in the rooms. I try to keep it dark most of the time. I just run string across the top ceiling, and hang fully trimmed branches along there. Temps average around 70 degrees, I often run a dehumidifer and a fan in the area too to keep humidity in line. I usually hang for 6-7 days for larger cola's, and then place in tupperware without any stems for a constant open and close releasing humidity- up tp 10X a day. I plan on hanging these longer, letting them dry quicker and packaging what's leaving by the 11th or 12th since my surgery is the 13th.

I'm constantly on the lookout for mold, especially since these are pretty dense. I have no problem raising the temp's a few degrees if I feel things are moving too slowly. I've done it long enough I just have a feel for it all now and don't go by any absolute standard. My friends always comment that my buds "stay" really well for a long time when sealed, actually months and months later. I leave about 5% (a guess) extra moisture in them, just enough so they'll never mold, so at no point will they ever be overdried, as long as they aren't opened out of their packaging on and off. This is all really a testiment to Seal A Meal Bags, and how well they hold up over time.

With all this, over course over time they only get better, as they age and cure. Last night I opened a package of Tony Green's "Bubble Head", which I did about 9 months ago- and it was still perfect, like the day I sealed it. My daughter in law was asking for something, and she specifically requested that one.

Lastly, I have quite a bit of pot in the house right now, and I'm about to convert much of my older stuff to dry-ice hash...........I have 2 customers that can sell all I give them, and around now til New Years, hash and gummies do really well.
Haha…truck filters a little different though..effective .I clean mine out with air hose .
Finished day 2 of chopping, one more day to go...........8 plants still standing. Still haven't tried it.
Exhausted…….. 22 hours to complete the room. Video coming shortly.
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