SSHZ does Ethos "Zsweet Inzanity".........again

I bet heaps of guys even have there inkbird and infinity fans on wifi.didnt know bout that .thank fuck I havnt hooked mine up..
thanks Tobh.
my bread and butter is information security. think bad, do good. so, a rule in my house is if it's "simple" and requires a wifi connection, it's not allowed. no "smart" devices allowed.

i could go deep about network segmentation, VLANs, and firewalls, but simply put is above.
my bread and butter is information security. think bad, do good. so, a rule in my house is if it's "simple" and requires a wifi connection, it's not allowed. no "smart" devices allowed.

i could go deep about network segmentation, VLANs, and firewalls, but simply put is above.
I remember on a ski lift ride up the mountain I struck a convo with my chair partner. He did info security. I asked him what is the one thing that you would tell consumers to do that would improve their info security.

Update your fucking passwords............
If it's Saturday, it means another week closer to harvest. Today is 8 weeks finished and moving tight along. I think cutting the light back to 11/13 helped things along a bit and I'm also letting the pots dry out a bit more before watering. That reduction in water availabilty can also signal the plants to finish up. I find sativa react better to these types of things than indicas.

I remember the last grow of these I had a ton of lower stuff that never finished. I decided to throw them out rather than let the lower stuff finish a bit more. I haven't decided what I'm doing yet as I need to have a better idea how much is left after harvesting the upper stuff. With all the trimming and defoliating I did with these, there's still a tons of leaves that grew back. I'm not looking forward to harvesting these.

So, at least 2 more weeks to go (except that 1 early plant that will have to be taken in 5-7 days). I'm thinking Nov 1st, which will be day 74. I may work straight thru chopping til finished, about 18 hours I'm guessing. I'lldefinitely need to hurry things along with drying and such.

Pic's up at lights on tomorrow morning........
I find if you can really open them up to more light the lowers will mature at same time...these sativa dom I’ve grown this time round have matured very’s really surprised me actually.
Too much leafage to get down below........I'm not really concerned about it, weight should still be good. I won't decide what I'm doing until I chop and actually see whats down there........
No, but have reduced it a bit........I'm at about 5ml per gallon. I'll stop it slowly, in increments. Their overall health declines rapidly when it's stopped completely, so i want to get further down the road with them before eliminating completely.
I did give the room a once over, particularly the lowest stuff and was surprised to find things further along than i thought. It will be a game day decision while i'm harvesting how i'm going to proceed with them. My preference is to be done with the room, so i can just move forward. If i feel i have enough weight in there, maybe 85+ oz, i wont worry about saving the fluff........
I remember on a ski lift ride up the mountain I struck a convo with my chair partner. He did info security. I asked him what is the one thing that you would tell consumers to do that would improve their info security.

Update your fucking passwords............
NIST and CISA both have recommended against password rotation for at least eight years. For standard citizens, the best thing I recommend on that front is use a password manager, and generate a different password for each online account. Password reuse is a significant problem that is pervasive across both civilian and corporate users, but requiring or recommending changing passwords every n period of time is a horrible idea. People get lazy, and use weaker and weaker passwords.

A password manager like keypass or 1password avoids that issue. You just have to remember one password. Biometrics are even better, albeit pretty much restricted to mobile devices for now.

To confirm your password isn't compromised or in some database dump, use This works by creating a hash of the entered password on the client side, and sends that hash to the server which then searches the database for the same hash.

to find out what platforms your email has been caught in, use If you get results, just know that you shouldn't use the same password that was associated with whatever data dump the email is in. it's not a big deal to be caught in a data dump (within reason). Just be smart.

I could go way deep with OPSEC recommendations but i don't want to blow up SSHZ's thread with going down a rabbit hole. Maybe I'll write an article at some point.
Wish they made all passwords by fingerprint.I’m always forgetting
Passwords as I never save them and simply forget when I havnt been i a sight for awhile.

there must b something against using fingerprint for it not to b used.
i had google password tell me i repeated my current password at 48 different sites and it recommended me changing them all.........yeah, right.
Wish they made all passwords by fingerprint.I’m always forgetting
Passwords as I never save them and simply forget when I havnt been i a sight for awhile.

there must b something against using fingerprint for it not to b used.
a password manager would solve that bud. you just need to remember one password, let the password manager pick the rest for ya. safer that way all around.

dollars to donut you use the same password here as you do your online banking. you're in the same bunch as 95% of other internet users. a password manager fixes that problem so you're in the 5% that's NOT a statistic.
Learn from my mistakes.......

In veg you may remember I removed everything from the "tall" side of the room to stake them up but left the "shorter" side alone. Well, its come back to bite me. These are REALLY packing on the weight now and some of the shorter plants are leaning a bit. This will only get worse in the coming weeks. So guess what, taking the easy way out earlier is forcing me now to remove the shorter side plants and stake some of those up a bit. 17 days left, at as minimum, I'll just suck it up and do it tomorrow morning.

This will also give me a chance to check out that really early plant that looks done but is difficult to get to........
stock up on the stakes.I use anywhere between 4 to 8 a pot lol..for the dude your drooling..they just can’t hold the weight ..the orange dreams should b very similar in morphology..
It didn’t take long for me to remember what I liked and didn’t like about the strain..........I think what I like is fairly obvious- large colas, loads of resin, interesting Durban Poison smell and taste and relatively easy grow until deep in flowering. With that though, you also have plants that are struggling to hold their weight and will flop over at the flip of a switch if you let them.........

Still though, one of two strains I readily recommend of Ethos. The one outlier plant is basically done and I just didn’t feel like cutting it down today.......maybe later in the week. There is still some variation in the room as to ripeness but overall, I couldn’t be more pleased.
So to further my room work this morning, Ethos does state its a 9-10 week flowering strain. Just based on the height, the shorter pheno is the earlier, probably done around 9 1/2 weeks and the taller is the later, probably 10 1/2 weeks or so but I see some people take these all the way to 13 weeks. There is an extremely early pheno done just about done now at 58 days and I think a really late one too.

This morning I removed the right side of ride side (lol) of the room, 6 plants- cleaned them up, removed some blocking leaves and staked everything. After watering tonight, I may have to do the left side (6 plants) of the right side too as I'm seeing some leaning going on there too now. But I want to buy more string and stakes tomorrow before going at it, maybe on Wed or Thurs.

The gnat issue is completely cleared up, I dropped a whole bag of mosquito bits (look it up) into my resurvoir and those waterings finally took care of the little buggers.

My Promix and perlite came today, once I have a new tarp and Dragon's seeds, I'll be ready to go (and of course the room finishing up).........
Just wanted to place some notes for future reference..........

Turned back lights to 11/13 on day 51..........flowering since Aug. 20th. Mostly sativa strain, up to 80%.

Cut back Cal/Mag day 60 to 2ml per gallon. Started Overdrive 10/13 at 15ml per 15 gallons. Up to 30ml now at day 60. I'll stop Cal/Mag on day 63.

PPM at 600 on day 60 and will start slowly lowering immediately. Still watering almost daily, 20 gallons in each day.
Max, remember this grow? Ethos "Punch Line"...............found it in 1 of my threads over at the Farm. Notice the 1 yellow plant. Every grow there's 1. LOL This IS NOT the current grow, its from 2021. If I remember, it was well received.

Max, remember this grow? Ethos "Punch Line"...............found it in 1 of my threads over at the Farm. Notice the 1 yellow plant. Every grow there's 1. LOL This IS NOT the current grow, its from 2021. If I remember, it was well received.

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That was a nice grow that one..had a nice aroma too and very dense flowers..was this the one the better half was complaining about the stink and you ended up getting the phresh filter and the other dehuey you have down stairs…
the yellow ones are the black sheep of the family 😃
It didn’t take long for me to remember what I liked and didn’t like about the strain..........I think what I like is fairly obvious- large colas, loads of resin, interesting Durban Poison smell and taste and relatively easy grow until deep in flowering. With that though, you also have plants that are struggling to hold their weight and will flop over at the flip of a switch if you let them.........

Still though, one of two strains I readily recommend of Ethos. The one outlier plant is basically done and I just didn’t feel like cutting it down today.......maybe later in the week. There is still some variation in the room as to ripeness but overall, I couldn’t be more pleased.
Looks great, I too have been trying 11 on 13 off light cycles. I like the results so far. I am a novice grower and still learning my own S.O.P. If there is one for me, as I find different practices for different strains are a thing. Working on germination, it's my 1 downfall for now, Cheers to trim parties! SSgrower
Sativa seem to react to manipulations better than indicas, IMO..........things i've tried include reducing water availability, raising lights to reduce intensity, change of ON lighting hours, remove most sun leaves late in flowering and i'm sure a few more things in can't remember just now..........they probably all have some impact.

It seems the yellowing of the single plant each grow happens to be in the same spot in the room each grow too.......I'm wondering if there is a lighting abnormality at that point in the LED?

And starting seeds in paper towels is the easiest method with the highest degree of sprouting long as the seeds are fresh, I'm nearly always at 99%-100% sprouting. People tend to overthink it.
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