SSHZ does Ethos "Zsweet Inzanity".........again

Just going thru the room a bit.......and i did do a microscope test on the single well done plant and saw 5% clear, 5% amber and the rest opaque so i decided to wait another day or too. No reason other than i had my super dose (over 65) flu shot today and my arm is sore.

I may introduce a little UV in the room these last 12 days or so.....those lamps are already hanging in there so why not. I do feel it's a bit detrimental the the plants health i.e. distorted leaves and such but this far along i don't think it really matters.
I use a glass of water w/h2o2 very little then to a makeup pad. Paper towel works too. Cheers bro SSgrower
Well, when you don't use timers, shit happens. I put the UV-B on for what was supposed to be 1/2 hour- and forgot about it. 1 1/2 hours later, I remembered.

Just went in, turned the lights out and with a high powered white flashlight, I looked around. This often gives me a better view of what's going on and the ripeness. I don't think i'll need to go longer than 10 weeks, 9 days away. Or maybe just a few more.
I'm guessing, by my count, at least 50 1000 watt fixtures..........god knows how much it costs to maintain air temps. It's also interesting how high the lights appear to be in the room. I'd also say its impossible to get to the middle of the room if there are issues.

Not too much impresses me these days after 35+ years of growing. This one wow'd me.
Most appear to b foxtailing to me..big yield but buds don’t look the best..maybe it’s the heat in there.
notice the ones to the right hand side away from the light the tops look better as in bigger.maybe a different strain..

im impressed by the size of the those big ass fans.
No doubt commercial dispensary pot......yield over quality is all that matters. Still the uniformity is impressive. I agree with a magnification they don’t look particularly good but I’m thinking they are about to harvest.

A lot of grow managers get bonuses based on overall yield, not quality of smoke........
This is what a serious grow looks like...........people don’t believe I’m getting on average 3 lbs and a couple oz per light. These guys are getting 4.5 lbs. per 1000 watts. The strain is GMO Cookies.

View attachment 26506
Definitely a big yield.
Look at the buds under the first fan on the left wall.
Barely any buds on those ones. Definitely looks like quantity over quality.

Impressive still, just not sure why there arent any isles to walk through.
That's the first thing that occurred to me too.......that's the first sign they don't care about quality and it's all about using space- i.e. yield. I thought i may be missing something, so i enlarged the pic and studied it- no isles or access to anything in there. I hope they don't have a leak in their water system or they are f*cked. Maybe they tightrope across on those pvc pipes? lol

Otherwise, today is 9 weeks finished in flowering. There's definitely some differences in phenos as to finishing times but i'm chopping everything next weekend at week 10. My water softener crapped out and i'll need a new one, but I can't bring anyone into the house for a few weeks since it smells so bad.
No seeds, no tracking......... I’m not concerned cause I have a fallback, those Ethos Manadains, which are nice in their own right. Issue with Jeff’s seeds is they are out of stock now and I may have gotten the last of them. If I don’t get them, I’ll just reverse back out the PayPal charge.
No seeds, no tracking......... I’m not concerned cause I have a fallback, those Ethos Manadains, which are nice in their own right. Issue with Jeff’s seeds is they are out of stock now and I may have gotten the last of them. If I don’t get them, I’ll just reverse back out the PayPal charge.
They are coming!
I did not mean to post my above comments here.....I was having a converation with Max in messaging and we got messed up. Jeff (DragonsFlame) already explained to me he was fighting Covid, among other things, and he was crazy busy right now and said they would be coming. Don't let this be a reflection on Jeff, just look at MadMax's grows with DragonFlame stuff and be amazed. Max has been pushing me for months and monthss to do some of his stuff, and I just couldn't take the nagging anymore so I pulled the trigger finally. LOL
I thought I'd get everyone up to speed tonight. Today is day 64, I'll cut everything in days 70 and 71 (and maybe 72 if necessary). All fertilization has been stopped, just plain water from here on out. Under the LED's, I'm still still some hairs on some of the main colas. With lights out, under a strong flashlight, I'm seeing the buds are packed with resin. Very little clear or amber coloring, mostly cloudy all over. Wanting these to finish more, I've reduced the ON hours soome more, now at 10 on and 14 off. I'm also only watering when everything is really dry, but not wilting.

The one plant I thought was done, is but I haven't taken it down yet. Probably tomorrow though, I'll get to it. That plant stopped drinking water, it may be over done at this point. There is not much weight to it so I don't really care. This plant wasn't right all grow long for some reason.

There's some yellowing in the sun leaves now, the plants are utilizing what left inside them and they'll continue to yellow up this last week, which is fine. I won't need to flush, as the regular plain watering will accomplish that.

I may add some molasses at some point. It won't hurt anything and will add a bit of sweetness to the flavor and taste in the end. I own a jar, I might as well use it up. I prefer to keep the room a few degrees cooler right now, 78 degrees is ideal, so I'll leave the door open during the hours the light is on. The humidifier is set at 60%, I don't want any mold. I'll also be stingy with the water.

I'll take a few pic's at lights on tomorrow........
Watered tonight, big and dense colas falling all over the room. I’m spending as little time as possible in there so it doesn’t upset me. Lol. These could easily go to 80 days, but low 70’s will be fine. I cut that one plant finally today..........lots of fluff I just threw out, but a couple of real nice, we’ll done oz too.
Update.......looks like I'll extend the chopping until next week, maybe Wed/Thurs. That will be day 74/75 in flowering. I'm not real happy about it, but I think they can benefit from the extra days. With that though, it means I'll have to remove the 4 plants from the back and stake them, as they are already leaning into others. Of the 12 plants on that side, 8 have been staked, 4 have not. It has to be done, I won't prolong it anymore. Tomorrow is the day.........

One of the reasons I decided to go this way is we are going to have a weather change next week here in the mid-Atlantic, with the highs in the 50's and low in the 30's or low 40's. This means the heat will cycle on and off, and that quickens drying quite a bit in the basement.

I will need a bunch of stakes though, as all my short one have been used already. Those are all 4 footers. I have 5 footers in the garage, about 25 of those which I think I cut down to 4 feet in the morning. At lights on, at 11AM, I'll then get to those plants and stake them up. Then I can sleep at night and feel better about the next week or so.
Ripped the undone side out, tons of monster colas leaning to the floor. Staked everything and i'm good to go until next week. About 1/2 the room is done but as Soma always said, when you think it's done, wait another week so i will. People who get to try this stuff are going to be very impressed...........
Update.......looks like I'll extend the chopping until next week, maybe Wed/Thurs. That will be day 74/75 in flowering. I'm not real happy about it, but I think they can benefit from the extra days. With that though, it means I'll have to remove the 4 plants from the back and stake them, as they are already leaning into others. Of the 12 plants on that side, 8 have been staked, 4 have not. It has to be done, I won't prolong it anymore. Tomorrow is the day.........

One of the reasons I decided to go this way is we are going to have a weather change next week here in the mid-Atlantic, with the highs in the 50's and low in the 30's or low 40's. This means the heat will cycle on and off, and that quickens drying quite a bit in the basement.

I will need a bunch of stakes though, as all my short one have been used already. Those are all 4 footers. I have 5 footers in the garage, about 25 of those which I think I cut down to 4 feet in the morning. At lights on, at 11AM, I'll then get to those plants and stake them up. Then I can sleep at night and feel better about the next week or so.
Told ya to stack up on stakes…but wasn’t for this grow…maybe the nxt or the one after…
you going to run the mandarin nxt
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