SSHZ does Ethos "Zsweet Inzanity".........again

Just follow recommended doses but if applied by foliar, that should be fine and enough for the plants..........more is not necessarily better. i think i applied it once a week in thru veg.......
1/2 way done, notice any

Decided against the tanglefoot, went with these yellow sticky flying bug catchers instead since i saw 2–3 gnats buzzing around.


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This strain puts off overly large sun leaves so i removed all off those off the main stem. it also puts off tons of low crap on the stem so all that was removed too. It was a thorough defol but i've removed more on other strains. As i've said numerous times before, give these a week and won't recognize on to the other side.
The room is an about 52 inches across i think......the pots are not exactly lined up.

The discoloration and leaf issues were caused by me lowering the LED's to much to soon. Once i switch to flowering, in a short time they will be fine appearance wise. I've been through it before, won't be an issue in the long run.

i don't pay attention to the PPFD chart....... this is my 13-14 grow under these LED's now, I'm on top of it. I just like to experiment a bit, up and down withthe lights, up and down with humidity, up and down with the ppm. Some strains i like to push, this is my 3rd grow with this strain since 2018.

I'll probably raise the light back up to 23-24 inches tomorrow, stick with veg ferts for 2 more weeks and do the defoliation/lolipopping on Sunday with the switch to flower.

I have a lot going on right now, with health issues and house i put my 15 minutes in a day and not much more. With the switch, i'll spend more time taking care of business. that what’s going on..I should of known..going back looking at previous posts you can see there close proximity.
just looking at the defol..close node spacing sshz.
This strain was never near my heaviest producer, but the quality more than makes up for that......should be 95 oz easily, if i let them go the full 11 weeks.
Second side done, just a cleanup and vacuum and i'm set for flowering...... almost a full trash bag was filled with leaves but under these lights, they'll bounce back very quickly.

Second side done, just a cleanup and vacuum and i'm set for flowering...... almost a full trash bag was filled with leaves but under these lights, they'll bounce back very quickly.

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Nice Job Brother! Waiting for next weeks photo but then again you can just post your pre defol pics as they'll probably look the same! 😜
Pre defoliation pics in post #92....... shocking, right? Lol

Some of you will remember my first Orange Gasm grow, I defoliated soooooo much, I thought they’d never recover from it. Way more removed than the pics just above- way more. They were bare as f*ck.....almost totally nude. A couple of weeks later, it was like they were never touched. In that thread, I kept commenting I’ve never seen leaf grow like that before. I thought it was the strain- nope. It’s all the white light from these LED’s. I’m sure Max and few of the mods here will clearly remember that..........
Yes I remember.goes to show how resilient this plants are ..the gavitas spectrum really makes them throw out the leaves and keeping them squat..great light for anyone with height restrictions.
Maybe I should do this .I had 3 that were and still are a cluster fuck of leaves..I guess I’m just chicken shit i”d make it throw a nanner by stressing them,but you prove it over and over,long as plants are healthy they bounce back within a week.I bet the rh drops in the ass too .this would b a blessing if your struggling with rh at the time.
Definitely lower humidity with fewer leaves..........I'm going to wait a week before putting up any pic's, just so the change is dramatic. The yellow traps already caught a few gnats so i placed some dunks in my reservoir, the bT in those should take care of them quickly.
i couldn't resist.......i wanted to show you the rebound off yesterdays defoliation. Notice i went heavier on one side than the other, as an experiment. Go look at both sides after the defoliation above, and todays pic's one day later. Pretty amazing.

I'm thinking I should have removed more..........LOL Every sun leaf off the main stem was removed, I lollipopped the bottom 3rd of each plant, any leaf that had a purple stem was taken, along with any that appeared to be blocking a bud site or wasn't healthy.

I filled a large green trashbag, I removed a lot of leaves. The one side I was sure they'd come back slow.......LOL

I'm thinking the plants just love when I do opens things up, the leaves are able to receive more usable light. I think they love the attention, and are repaying my love. LOL

In a week, it will be like I never touched them. I'll have to hit them again in week 3, thats the plan as of now. Crazy.
Yeah I only notice the top inch is lose that has no roots into it if I pour too quickly..I actually try and add the water to them gently when they are younger so as not to disturb it to get the roots to grow into it.when you water them in coco perlite the pouring pushes the media to the outside of the container and I use to use my hand to move it from the outside and level it off,I don’t touch it anymore as the roots grow into it so don’t have much coco perlite lose at the’s kind of on an angle lower where the stem is and higher on the sides..
Pretty crazy. It's almost time for another defoliation. lol Now i'll only remove leaves blocking bud sites. At week 3, i'll consider removing more, depending on how they look.
People that have followed me have seen it before with these LED's..............there's been grows with these I was literally removing leaves EVERY DAY throughout the entire grow. It helps that this strain produces a lot of leaves and doesn't show any signs of shock, but I've grown this before and I knew they would bounce right back. I just want, at this point, every bud site free of leaves blocking it from above. I think this is setting up for a relatively easy grow.

I'm had to up the cal/mag to 10ml per gallon with every watering, which is alot but most of the plants were showing a deficiency, seen as rippling in the leaves. Thats basically mostly gone now, so I'll drop that to 7ml per gallon for a while. I'm still feeding it 3-2-4 grow nutrients, for another 9 days. Then I'll start a 50/50 grow/bloom thru week 6 or 7.
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This Sat. night, at 1 week into flowering, I plan on hitting them with a spray 1 hour after lights out (to let the room cool down) just to make sure there's no critters on the plants anywhere. I also spray the soil on top of the pots and the floor and walls. I have a shelf full of stuff, and just haven't decided which direction I want to go. Last grow here I mentioned an old-fashioned formula with Dr. Browns castile soaps (tree oil and peppermint), hydrogen peroxide and alcohol which is quite effective on most critters (especially spider mites and anything flying)- I'll decide and let you know. Only 1 spraying though, right before buds start to form...............
Do those organic sprays work better than pure crop 1 or is it just they are a little more gentle on the plants..haven’t seen you you that for awhile…
I used it once last crop.........Some people have issues with PureCrop1, as the leaves may distort. I think we’ve discussed this or I’ve had this discussion numerous times with others.I think it’s 2 oz per gallon of water. I spray at lights out, but after an hour so the room/plant have a chance to cool down a bit. I turn all the fans offs except the main exhaust fan. The lights go on about 11 hours later, the room is usually dry by then. Normally the plants look great afterwards, they just love the stuff. Don’t apply with lights on or above recommended strength, SomeTimes I will cut the strength in 1/2, and make 2 applications 2 nights in a row. Don’t use on flowering plants, although I have and directions say it’s fine to use. If you must, let’s say in a mite attack in flowering, cut strength back to 1/2 and apply more often to minimize injury to buds.

Max, actually i think this organic one is less gentle since it has both alcohol and hydrogen peroxide in it.
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When I used it it did knock them around abit.idk why ..maybe it was because they were 3 weeks old or I just sprayed too much on them.I think I sprayed them till it was running off,.I done it as you said to do it .this was going back awhile.probably early last yr haven’t used it since as i haven’t had any problems..did you mist or spray till it was running off them..I reckon if I do use it again i will do half dose as you mentioned…it does work pretty good when I did use it..
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