SSHZ does Ethos "Zsweet Inzanity".........again

yeah, i remember.........,i actually mist them, top to bottom. i think the directions state it's not necessary to do til runoff, that may have been overkill. Anyone new using it, i'd now probably tell them to use it half strength initially, and see how the plants react to it. The biggest issue i see is people putting it on warm plants or the room being to warm when applied. That's why i wait an hour after lights out and go in with a green flashlight to apply. i set my sprayer on the lightest mist setting and go at it. Interesting how some people absolutely love it, and others stop using it after 1 application. lol

Maybe before a room application, a test on one plant should be done. That's makes sense too.
Thanks Shit.........that's appreciated.

So, last Sunday i defoliated, at a pretty good pace. On Wednesday, i showed how quickly things recovered. Today, Saturday, is 7 days and as promised, another look at both sides.

They rebounded quickly, and never missed a beat. Tomorrow i'll go thru them and pick off any leaves blocking light to buds sites below. More leaves will definitely have to be removed in the next few weeks. And I'm planning on spraying a last time before buds begin to show up late night on Sunday.

i've still running at 10ml per gallon Cal/Mag, and grow nutes combined add up to 800 ppm total. They are handling the ppm just fine, and i think going higher is necessary to make up for a low ppm i ran them at early on. With the long flower period at 11 weeks, I need more time to get the stored Nitrogen up higher (and green up the plants some more).

I also wanted to mention this is a smelly strain. One week into flowering and the air cleaner is losing it's battle- i need a new one quickly. I had new carpet, vinyl planks and hardwood floors installed in my bedrooms, hallway and bathrooms upstairs. The smells in the house are competing against each other, and it's a unique combination. The wife ain't happy.
One thing I did forget to mention is about watering 6-12 hours before spraying anything on your plants. By hydrating them, this will help reduce the stress on them caused by the spraying. I watered at dinner tonight, and will be spraying at midnight this evening, 1 hour after lights out. The plants and room will be cooler by then, as all fans will be on.

I decided to use the castile soap/alcohol/hydrogen peroxide mix. It's easy enough to mix up, and is very effective.
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Study the pic, look at the tops..........I’ll go thru both sides tomorrow, looking to expose every top (potential bid site) there is. You can tell this strain is 70-80% sativa, it’s slow to begin flowering. By the end of the week, it should scream “tops everywhere”...........
I have 1 sativa that didn’t start till day 24 and is an absolute mess..I’ve never in all my yrs of growing seen a plant shoot off soo many leaves.even from the bud sites..needs to b sheared like a sheep every week’s that bad 😳
Max.....I bet it leans really heavy to the sativa side or is 100%? Some sativas grow like indicas, others that grow the exact opposite. I have a local friend who is growing Thai's, actually 3 of them and some of his friends are growing it out too. 100% of them hermied, they were all grown outside. They looked like the classic Xmas tree figuration. They hadn't started to flower yet.......... but we're 9 ft. monsters. All were pulled and chopped up.
Definitely too much leaf in the room now.........I have to be careful though, the plants will react negatively if I remove too much as we move forward. Maybe mid week next week i’ll Pull them out one at a time and lightly go at- it helps me when I can go evenly all around the plant at one time so I can judge how much is left on. Another 3 hours of work will pay huge benefits in the end, But I’m not looking forward to it.
2 grows ago, I defoliated in week 5 (medium heavy) and I felt it delayed flowering a bit and I lost about 3/4-1 lb in overall yield. Not sure what I was thinking at the time, but the lateness clearly impacted the grow. Monday will be day 16 in flowering, Tues day 17 so I’m thinking one of those days is early enough so no Issues will arise from it. So, it’s a date.
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Would you pay $500 for a heavy yielding Truffle clone??????? I'm thinking about it, but haven't pulled the trigger yet. It's been 30 years since I dealt with mother plants and clones and it would mean opening up a second room (I haven't asked/told the wife yet).

Personally, no
Most of the clone only's I've ran didn't impress me as much as I'd hoped. I'd rather hunt through some beans and find a keeper that loves life in my environment. Don't get me wrong, there are definitely so bangers held in clone only. Then again, if you reserve a small space (I use a 2x2) to pop as many seeds as you comfortably can and find your own keeper..... with someone with your skill caliber..... I HIGHLY DOUBT you'll be dissapointed
Would you pay $500 for a heavy yielding Truffle clone??????? I'm thinking about it, but haven't pulled the trigger yet. It's been 30 years since I dealt with mother plants and clones and it would mean opening up a second room (I haven't asked/told the wife yet).

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Haha..good luck with that…I wouldnt even tell her 😆..if it’s heavy yielding and smoke is up there then yes I’d get it..500 buck is fa in the grand scheme of could even take a couple cuts reverse one to seed the other then you can send them to me. 😁. I’d pay you handsomely..remember I only need say 4 good seeds .I can then reverse one and make some lol 😁
Actually, the money isn't an issue. What is though, is my customers expect something different each crop. It's hard enough to keep them out of dispensaries, where they can have access to many different strains. What keeps me alive now is my quality remains high and i price it about $100 less than they can get for similar quality. People get bored quickly, and often build up a tolerance. Switching to something new seems to keep them satisfied as my business has remained steady for many years. People come and go, but my sales remain high.

There are some seeds available, but it might mean having a variety of pheno's, some that don't weigh more than 2 oz a plant. I need 4 oz a plant to make my numbers. The seeds are pricey, fem's though, about $40 each. I may be able to weasel a discount. I could begin with 2 rooms, start extra seeds, and pull the early runts to get down to 24 of the larger phenos. That's an option.

Notice how I'm always planning months and months ahead? I usually know by now what the plan is going 2 crops out......I'm slacking.
And I'm tearing the room down Thursday (tomorrow)..........i wanted to wait til next week, but when i watered tonight- it was tough to water as branches were choking my arms while reaching. No real reason to weight, better to get it done sooner than later. Before and after pic's will be posted.
weight vs.

Thats what happens when i speed type.
Gotta b cruel to b kind 😁
One of my favorite songs, by the way….Nick Lowe did that song on Daryl’s House (Hall and Oates) some years back and it was great. Look for it on YouTube.
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