SSHZ does Ethos "Zsweet Inzanity".........again

I speak purely from a commercial point of view.......... it was not a knock on his plants mind you. When I see space in a grow room that you can drive a car thru, I see dollar bills flying out the window. It’s just my approach. No disrespect intended..........
I speak purely from a commercial point of view.......... it was not a knock on his plants mind you. When I see space in a grow room that you can drive a car thru, I see dollar bills flying out the window. It’s just my approach. No disrespect intended..........
Wasn't taken that way at all, was just out in the garage me and a bowl of hash, thinking "i like my rooms, that's why they call them "rooms
When I see space in a grow room that you can drive a car thru, I see dollar bills flying out the window.
Hey 👋🏻 20230905_203041.jpg
Gotta have room for equipment too 🤣

Usually i run 4 but the rh was pushing 60 at 4 plants even with the dehu in there.
The empty space in my tent kills me man.
I speak purely from a commercial point of view.......... it was not a knock on his plants mind you. When I see space in a grow room that you can drive a car thru, I see dollar bills flying out the window. It’s just my approach. No disrespect intended..........
I know the feeling. Whenever I pass by a vacant warehouse my first thought is "I wonder how much power they got in there?"
I’ve done only, no, not really. But it's out there somewhere as i've seen numerous breeders discuss it. But 35+ years of growing both have shown me the light.

Clones do not have the root system to support a large plant, as they do not have a main tap root like a plant from seed. You can get them to grow big, but it will be a long time in veg. With seeds, 100-110 days you get a large plant and large yield.

Further, I think clones grow roots closer to the surface. The tap root off a seed grows down deep, straight down.

Anyone else want to comment on this, help a brother out. lol
one clone I had taken early in flower I’d done in previous grows took ages to reveg and had a heap of branches when it was only 7’’ tall . cut the ones I didn’t want and bent 8 out away from ea other.stayed very short and took up fuckall room but harvested between 4-5 ounces.I thought to myself straight away if I could monstercrop all the time I reckon I could get way more plants in my room like you do sshz. but they take friggen ages lol .I only have 2-3 monster cropped ,the other taken before flower..was going to show ya a pic of the one I done a yr or so ago but my threads have been banished from the big sook farm..
I've been running 750-800ppm to try and green them up some but am giving them 50/50 grow/bloom mix now thru week 6. All told, it's been an easy grow with no real difficulties other than the continuous leaf growth. I've been fertilizing with every watering, about every day and a half. At some point though, i'll go on a flush regiment every 3rd watering but i won't start that until i see some leaf burn on the leaf tips, which hasn't happened as of yet. Reverse osmosis water only, always at 6.3 pH.

I haven't seen anymore gnats of late, that issue has been resolved i'm guessing too.
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Here's my Zsweet Inzanity grow from 2018, under 2 HPS in a different room. i didn't top, and i didn't defoliate or lolipop. This is at 3 weeks, 2 days further along than my current grow. Notice any differences? lol

IMG_0823 (1).JPG
The difference is night and day.........i used to bitch about how short the plants stayed when i first started using led's, but once i saw i could still get monster yields with shorties, it became way easier to manage the grow and i never looked back.
3 weeks done flowering today (Saturday), some pics up in the afternoon......, no, not really. But it's out there somewhere as i've seen numerous breeders discuss it. But 35+ years of growing both have shown me the light.

Clones do not have the root system to support a large plant, as they do not have a main tap root like a plant from seed. You can get them to grow big, but it will be a long time in veg. With seeds, 100-110 days you get a large plant and large yield.

Further, I think clones grow roots closer to the surface. The tap root off a seed grows down deep, straight down.

Anyone else want to comment on this, help a brother out. lol
I have never ran clones side by side either but I understand when the tap root hits the bottom of a container it will trigger flower stage. My 2 cents SSgrower
I speak purely from a commercial point of view.......... it was not a knock on his plants mind you. When I see space in a grow room that you can drive a car thru, I see dollar bills flying out the window. It’s just my approach. No disrespect intended..........
Sometimes when growing perpetual fir my own use variety is the goal not quantity I’ve pulled as little as a 1/2 lb out a 5x5 before ! - on the flip side nice work sshz you got ur grows dialed been running like that for a minute or two I would assume ! Lol
Nice work
There has been a bit of elongation going on, but i expect that to stop now or in a few days........the branches seem stout enough to be able to hold the coming bud weight, but not sure about weeks 10 and 11.
These won't fill the room like some of the others i've grown. Same as last time, it doesn't put out an over-abundance of branches. Still, it should be substantial in final yield, probably between 90-100 oz. for the room. But i'm a terrible guesser.

And i have to mention, 2 thorough defoliations and look at all those
I's just before they really take off, fill in up and down the stalks and fill out. I rated this a 9/10 on the smell meter when i grew them before, nothing has changed. These become a real problem beginning half way thru flowering.
I's just before they really take off, fill in up and down the stalks and fill out. I rated this a 9/10 on the smell meter when i grew them before, nothing has changed. These become a real problem beginning half way thru flowering.

have you thought about taking any fan leafs off that are grown in towards the center-of-canopy or is it even necessary or
I removed EVERY sun leaf off the main stem in the first defoliation.......every single one. In the second defoliation, I removed anything with purple stems, anything blocking a bud site below and anything yellowing or had any unhealthy appearance. Like you, I see the oversized fan leaves in the pics...........But i removed a lot of leaves overall, probably a large green trash bag filled to the brim. With buds starting to form, I hesitate to remove anything for a while as it could slow growth or stunt them a bit.

The plan is in week 5, I'll go thru again and remove the largest of the large leaves again, and anything blocking buds below again. 2 grows ago, i removed too much too late and it impacted overall yield- i lost about 15% overall. So, I'm trying to show some restraint right now, more will be removed but i want things to be further along.

Lastly, what you are seeing are large sun leaves off of branches, not the main stem. It just appears, like always, these LED's push so much white light with a great spread, leaves just keep growing and growing, no matter what i do or how much i remove. In my early LED grows, i defoliated the crap of the plants in the first defoliation, almost stripped them bare. It was ridiculous. I was really concerned they would never recover- they were absolutely naked. In 2 weeks it looked like i never touched them. Now i'm just trying to take a middle road, not too much or too little at any one time.
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I removed EVERY sun leaf off the main stem in the first defoliation.......every single one. In the second defoliation, I removed anything with purple stems, anything blocking a bud site below and anything yellowing or had any unhealthy appearance. Like you, I see the oversized fan leaves in the pics...........But i removed a lot of leaves overall, probably a large green trash bag filled to the brim. With buds starting to form, I hesitate to remove anything for a while as it could slow growth or stunt them a bit.

The plan is in week 5, I'll go thru again and remove the largest of the large leaves again, and anything blocking buds below again. 2 grows ago, i removed too much too late and it impacted overall yield- i lost about 15% overall. So, I'm trying to show some restraint right now, more will be removed but i want things to be further along.
ok sweet gotcha.

Lastly, what you are seeing are large sun leaves off of branches, not the main stem. It just appears, like always, these LED's push so much white light with a great spread, leaves just keep growing and growing, no matter what i do or how much i remove
right lol, i keep removing fans, etc, and 3~ Nights later they dont look like anyones cut em down.
. In my early LED grows, i defoliated the crap of the plants in the first defoliation, almost stripped them bare. It was ridiculous. I was really concerned they would never recover- they were absolutely naked. In 2 weeks it looked like i never touched them. Now i'm just trying to take a middle road, not too much or too little at any one time.
the right balance.

Still Learning 'the best practices' for flower-time.

Thanks, SSHZ.
i'll find a pic of one of my early defoliations, just so everyone can see the extent I used to go to............
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