SSHZ does Ethos "Zsweet Inzanity".........again

Sat is Week 4 in flowering, ppm steady at 680-720, but I’m occasionally up to 750+. At week 6 I like to see a bit of burnt leaf tips, which means I’ve pushed them to the edge. i’m trying hard to keep them green, but a lot of ppm is Cal/Mag right now. I am currently at 5ml per gallon cal/mag but up to last week, I was giving them 10ml and decided to cut back a bit cause they looked fine. Figure 5ml-7ml from here out until 2 weeks to chopping, where I’ll stop altogether. pH in is always 6.3...........reverse osmosis water only.

Speedy, I wasn’t sure if you were asking about the pic’s you attached or my current grow.
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Sat is Week 4 in flowering, ppm steady at 680-720, but I’m occasionally up to 750+. At week 6 I like to see a bit of burnt leaf tips, which means I’ve pushed them to the edge. i’m trying hard to keep them green, but a lot of ppm is Cal/Mag right now. I am currently at 5ml per gallon cal/mag but up to last week, I was giving them 10ml and decided to cut back a bit cause they looked fine. Figure 5ml-7ml from here out until 2 weeks to chopping, where I’ll stop altogether. pH in is always 6.3...........reverse osmosis water only.

Speedy, I wasn’t sure if you were asking about the pic’s you attached or my current grow.
Your post #35 day 13. I am curious about your mix. How much calmag? Ppm Thanks
Gotcha......I was at 5ml per gallon, but should have been at 7ml probably cause I see some leaves with some deficiency. Look for the rippling on some sun leaves so you know what it looks like. I routinely under feed them Cal/Mag early on, and catch them up with 10ml as they get bigger. I do it so I can keep my ppm a bit lower, as I prefer to underfeed rather than overfeed the first few weeks. It’s just my personal preference.
Regarding ppm, I don’t give them anything but 5ml Cal/Mag the first 10 days. Then slowly add in grow formula, I was probably around 250 ppm at that point.
Regarding ppm, I don’t give them anything but 5ml Cal/Mag the first 10 days. Then slowly add in grow formula, I was probably around 250 ppm at that point.
Thanks for your response. I am new also with a gavita in promix . I will be following along here in ernest. Great information man. Been reading your posts in a few places
Is the rippling caused by a deficiency of the calcium or the magnesium side of the calmag your adding?
Appearance wise, i think it's the calcium side. But these 2 work hand in hand so it's difficult to separate them.
of course, this is just my opinion and what works for me. using a different medium, water source, lighting, etc., could impact your results differently. the best advice i could give anyone is make small changes at a time, and observe your plants daily for any changes or issues that are arising.
Calcium deficiency will often show up in younger leaves, with a twist to the leaf and some brown spots. These plants are often more bushy, as it hurts overall plant growth.

But again, when the deficiency shows up on mine- it's the leaf rippling early on and then move on to tacoing..........i never see much leaf spotting but that would probably happen as a late stage issue.
Appearance wise, i think it's the calcium side. But these 2 work hand in hand so it's difficult to separate them.
I also believe it's the calcium side of the equation that causes the rippling, i see @Mad Max has his popcorn because this came up in conversation a while ago on another thread. I tagged you but you missed it, so thanks for clarifying.
I think I responded in Max’s thread, I saw that though............point is, this is one one the most common deficiencies you’ll see so don’t skimp on it, especially late in veg and early flowering. I’ve mentioned previously I also like to do 1-2 foliar applications, 5ml per gallon, after lights out and then wash it off at lights on in the morning. It’s not necessary of course, but if you are having these type of issues, it’s a way to get it to the plants without adding more to the medium. It’s readily absorbed by the leaves, so it’s quick acing too.
Yeah but what I don’t get why aren’t the rest affected by this as there bud growth is pretty good on 4 of them.on one the top bud hasn’t grown but lower down it’s fine.the only other time I have had this is was first week of plants life on beginner leaves.that’s the only time I have seen seedling would b def at such a young age.when I lookup calcium def it doesn’t show wavy leaves.but clorosis of the’s just one plant really showing severe symptoms.started at week 5 of flower..I think it just has something stuck in its throat 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
When this happens, i like to totally flush out the plant, let it dry well, and start over with a new mild dose of ferts. Sometimes the medium just becomes toxic or the pH swings too far one way or the other, and will never straighten out until the medium is refreshened.
I like this ^ that’s what I should have done.i guess I just thought it would correct itself when humidity came up and raising the light…I was stuck hard on this thinking that this was the problem instead of listening to you to trying what you just mentioned .
When this happens, i like to totally flush out the plant, let it dry well, and start over with a new mild dose of ferts. Sometimes the medium just becomes toxic or the pH swings too far one way or the other, and will never straighten out until the medium is refreshened.
Very similar to what i do in hydroponics. Im on the 23rd day without a water change and as you say "medium became toxic " which to me says, its time for a water change
Looking real good.
I am 2 weeks behind you in flower.
Love watching your progress.
Keep sharing so I can I keep up as well as you~! (y)
A bit disappointed, i thought they would be a little further along at this point but they are in-line to past grows. i'll put a 4 week pic up of the last grow below. i also have to remember this is an 11 week strain, i normally don't go past 10 so a slower start has to be expected.
4 weeks from the untouched grow in 2018..........appears to be on schedule actually.

I recently saw a guy's finished thread, with a similar grow style to me except fewer plants and a longer veg period- he took some to 70 days on some plants and 80 on others. From memory, that's about right. About 25-33% of them will be done a bit earlier, but going the full 11 weeks brings out the weight and extra "goodness", and i'm looking for both.
On more thing, i have not touched any plant since the second defoliation.........there are some larger leaves blocking some lower bud sights, and when i water tonight, I'll remove them, at least the ones i can get to. Also, unfortunately, i may have to pull everything out 1 last time to tie up some of the plants. Not stake them, mind you, just do a circle tie to bring the branches more towards the center if you get my drift. In no rush though, i want some more heaviness to the buds before i do it.
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Oops, i better think this thru. i've done a lot of staking in previous grows......look at the size of the colas on the untouched plants (not that mine will get this big because of the topping)......again, these were under hps.

i didn't let that crop go long was still very good smoke, but i left weight on the table.
All of these, except the really expensive ones, use shitty compressors that aren't meant to last a long time. It's like fans, expect to replace them in a couple years.
I started buying used at garage sales , not ideal but was tired of trashing $300 dehuyies ! I feel better scrapping $50 when they die
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