SSHZ does Ethos "Zsweet Inzanity".........again

Calcium deficiency will often show up in younger leaves, with a twist to the leaf and some brown spots. These plants are often more bushy, as it hurts overall plant growth.

But again, when the deficiency shows up on mine- it's the leaf rippling early on and then move on to tacoing..........i never see much leaf spotting but that would probably happen as a late stage issue.
I’ve seen the twist - can sometimes be confused with a pest issue , a loop comes in handy here imo. - great info as usual thanx for sharin bro! Always lookin lush in those rooms !😍
Day 13, on track and looking great. These are the same age today as the Glookies I pulled 2 weeks ago. Here's both sides of the room, just after a watering.View attachment 16182View attachment 16183
Thanks again for the info on early feeding. Mine are at day 13 veg today and got off to a shaky start. I watered yesterday with 5ml/gal calmag and veg nutes to 280ppm Looking better today Thanks


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i'd move the ppm up a bit higher, maybe 350-360 on the next watering..........what is your water source and starting ppm of plain water?
i'd move the ppm up a bit higher, maybe 350-360 on the next watering..........what is your water source and starting ppm of plain water?
Thank you again. Running with r.o water at 0 ppm
That's good. You may need to bump up the cal/mag to 7-10ml as they get a little bigger. Continue to look for signs as they
What’s on the cards for your nxt run.
Leaning to this one below........I grew 1-2 plants of an earlier version before and it was quite good. This is Ethos latest version and it's getting very good reviews. I own it already, but i have some other things too which i'll need to review again. I have plenty of time to decide.




Variety: Fem Photo
Flowering Time: 60-63 Days
Yield: Very High
TAC: 25-30%


Heavy Orange


Many years of breeding have gone into making this more homogenous version of Mandarin Cookies. We've finally captured all of the various desired qualities from previous versions and have them all in this one. Expect INTENSE terpenes, along with large, extremely dense flowers completely coated with trichomes. She’s amazing for extractions and easy to grow in any environment.
Pungent Terpenes
Thrives Indoors & Outdoors
Great for Extractions
High Yield


  • Her effects are long-lasting, enjoyable and chill—but not sleepy.
  • Medium height with good vigor and perfect internode spacing. She grows well in any system or environment.
  • Extremely dense with a high bract-to-leaf ratio. She’s covered in trichomes and super terpy.
Leaning to this one below........I grew 1-2 plants of an earlier version before and it was quite good. This is Ethos latest version and it's getting very good reviews. I own it already, but i have some other things too which i'll need to review again. I have plenty of time to decide.




Variety: Fem Photo
Flowering Time: 60-63 Days
Yield: Very High
TAC: 25-30%


Heavy Orange


Many years of breeding have gone into making this more homogenous version of Mandarin Cookies. We've finally captured all of the various desired qualities from previous versions and have them all in this one. Expect INTENSE terpenes, along with large, extremely dense flowers completely coated with trichomes. She’s amazing for extractions and easy to grow in any environment.
Pungent Terpenes
Thrives Indoors & Outdoors
Great for Extractions
High Yield


  • Her effects are long-lasting, enjoyable and chill—but not sleepy.
  • Medium height with good vigor and perfect internode spacing. She grows well in any system or environment.
  • Extremely dense with a high bract-to-leaf ratio. She’s covered in trichomes and super terpy.
2 weeks into flower with one and a mutant one now~!
The mutant is as tall as the best~!
I liked what I read about them also...
Not sure i'm doing these, just leaning this way.....,... i need to study my seed stash. i have over 5 weeks before deciding.

I see Scott's Miracle Grow bought out Bontanicare products, i may need to switch to something new. I've use Canna before with great success, the Blue Planet CalMag I use is great also, i will look into these guys too.
Not sure i'm doing these, just leaning this way.....,... i need to study my seed stash. i have over 5 weeks before deciding.

I see Scott's Miracle Grow bought out Bontanicare products, i may need to switch to something new. I've use Canna before with great success, the Blue Planet CalMag I use is great also, i will look into these guys too.
Have you ever run Dyna-Gro nutes? One of the places I worked at the MG was friends with someone over there so they ran most of their line. Girls seemed to really like it.
Funny Dyno-Grow story...............

In the 80's when i started growing big time, there wasn't that much on the market available in fertilizer for marijuana.....Dyna-Grow was one of those that was though, i found them in High Times. It was powdered back then, still may be, I don't know. I had rented a decent sized space in an industrial park, partitioned it off, and was growing hydroponically mostly but some rock wool slabs too. Anyway i mentioned previously in this thread i had a 300 cup California made hydro system, it was in either 4 or 6 inch pvc, holes cut on the top and cups with rock wool were inserted into the holes. The system would fill and drain, fill and drain, as the roots grew out the bottom of the cups and into the system.

Anyway, I didn't know much, other than how to from the 7-8 books I read- there was no one to ask back then. Everything in the system kept yellowing, I couldn't keep them green. Thinking it was a fertilizer issue, I just kept feeding them more and more Dyno-Grow. Any guess what the issue was yet???

I didn't know anything about a chiller back then. The water would circulate, it warmed up running thru the pumps every couple of hours. Over time, it caused issues, it was just too damn hot after days and days of running. I didn't know better.

Still, it was the strongest pot i ever produced. Seeds straight from Nevil in Amsterdam. Mainly Northern Lights stuff, #2, #5, and some other things. Pot was wayyyyy over salted from the ferts, but i was getting top dollar back then with no complaints. People swore i was doing the buds with some chemicals of some sort. So yes, I've heard of Dyno-Grow.
Yup! If you mastered hydro and had all your genetics in order it was easy to unload your entire crop. Gromie had a greenhouse in San Diego doing light dep before it was a thing. Not huge, like a 20 x 100. Like the size of a standard hoop house. Local shot caller would come into his grow at week 8 to look over the crop and leave a few racks to reserve it all. Dry weight it all and settle out. Easy Peasy.
iFunny Dyno-Grow story...............

In the 80's when i started growing big time, there wasn't that much on the market available in fertilizer for marijuana.....Dyna-Grow was one of those that was though, i found them in High Times. It was powdered back then, still may be, I don't know. I had rented a decent sized space in an industrial park, partitioned it off, and was growing hydroponically mostly but some rock wool slabs too. Anyway i mentioned previously in this thread i had a 300 cup California made hydro system, it was in either 4 or 6 inch pvc, holes cut on the top and cups with rock wool were inserted into the holes. The system would fill and drain, fill and drain, as the roots grew out the bottom of the cups and into the system.

Anyway, I didn't know much, other than how to from the 7-8 books I read- there was no one to ask back then. Everything in the system kept yellowing, I couldn't keep them green. Thinking it was a fertilizer issue, I just kept feeding them more and more Dyno-Grow. Any guess what the issue was yet???

I didn't know anything about a chiller back then. The water would circulate, it warmed up running thru the pumps every couple of hours. Over time, it caused issues, it was just too damn hot after days and days of running. I didn't know better.

Still, it was the strongest pot i ever produced. Seeds straight from Nevil in Amsterdam. Mainly Northern Lights stuff, #2, #5, and some other things. Pot was wayyyyy over salted from the ferts, but i was getting top dollar back then with no complaints. People swore i was doing the buds with some chemicals of some sort. So yes, I've heard ofDyno-Grow.ofDyno-Grow.
I used Dynagro in veg , Dyna bloom in flower in DWC when i 1st started. Its a good product and easy to use. I still use Protekt.
There he is, I knew you'd show up eventually. You'll like it here if you give it a chance. No bullshit here, much better place than where you've been hanging. The growers experience here blows everywhere else out of the water.........
There he is, I knew you'd show up eventually. You'll like it here if you give it a chance. No bullshit here, much better place than where you've been hanging. The growers experience here blows everywhere else out of the water.........
SSHZ I believe you mentioned that plant growing system before. I have a feeling I know the guy that made it for you.
I used Dynagro in veg , Dyna bloom in flower in DWC when i 1st started. Its a good product and easy to use. I still use Protekt.
I've used ProTekt almost exclusively but I ran out and there was a good deal on some Armor Si...
SSHZ I believe you mentioned that plant growing system before. I have a feeling I know the guy that made it for you.
Yes, we discussed this before.............. the system had a solinoid problem, these turned the pumps on and off, and they burned out frequently. Although I was there daily for the entire grow, many times I would leave in the evening only to return in the morning with the system dry because a solinoid burned out overnight. I never lost a crop, but I got close a couple of time. This experience convinced me to jump off of hydroponics and onto Promix. It's more forgiving..............

Further, the cups that held the plants were small, about 6 inches tall and only held a small amount of rockwool. Helpers and I discussed drilling larger holes in the PVC pipe, and growing with larger cups that held more rockwool (and thus, more water) but the solinoid issue was never resolved with the manufacturer and after a number of grows, that system was knocked down and put into storage, never to be used again.
Well, it looks like I need to rip out the room one last time and stake/tie up everything for the last time. There's multiple grow patterns with this strain, probably caused by my topping/fimming and I know when these bulk up, the room will become un-manageable. Do it now or do it later- now will be a lot easier, that I know. The mid-atlantic area is about to get a weeks worth of rain, storms and showers starting Saturday, and it looks like Saturday will be the perfect day to get it done.

And this strain does not put out the strongest branches- at least not like some of the things I've recently done. I'm not going to remove many leaves, at least I'm not planning on it. Just adding some additional support so things don't fall into each other as they gain weight. Before and after pic's, as always.........
Lol, you can always tell it's my pic as i do much of my work on a large teak table in the basement in front of my tv. image.jpg
Listened to the Rasta Jeff podcast today on Irie's "Lemon Jeffrey"......... I own it so I'll have to consider this one next time. Not lot of reviews out there on this one but it sure sells the hell out quickly each time he makes it, and it's his name sake as he named it after himself. He spoke in length about it growing tall and how to control it including topping and flowering early. One of his better podcasts, as he didn't ramble on duplicating himself over and over.
SSHZ~Can you share link here?
I've searched a lot but still found nothing.
Jeff probably has 100+, maybe 200+ podcasts on everything about growing and his strains. Here's a start:

Ive listened to many of them. He does like to repeat himself and it can drag on a bit, but his podcast on defoliation has defined much of my grow style today. His podcast on Orange Gasm is another classic. Click around, on the top of the page, is a podcast link or click the main page where it says Podcast.

Somewhere there is a master list of all his podcast titles, you just have to click thru everything until you find it.
Most of the links take you to Patron, where there is a membership fee. I have never joined or paid to listen to any of them. Let me look into it further.
OK, they are all available for free on youtube. Here is the link for Lemon Jeffries podcast, but search youtube on the subject or strain you want to listen about. Pot stuff is age restricted, but no problem getting to you with a click.

if you remember, early in the grow, i separated the taller plants to one side, the shorter to the other.......I just made an executive decision, i'm only going to do the taller side. These plants definitely need the additional support. I don't think the shorter side will be necessary to touch. They are supported by the plants surrounding themselves.

Im removing a limited amount of leaf material- just some of those larger ones that are blocking below and some stuff to the center to allow more air flow thru the plant.
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