I got 22 going now~!

wow 22 and only one overflowed a little bit... nice job man!!!!!! so can you unhook them and leave the setting the same for the next round so it's already dialed in? or do you just have to adjust em each time depending on the quantity?

Amazon makes me enjoy being lazy.

you know it man, if this would have been around when i was young i'd be flat broke right now!! haha

was looking at zon for something this morning and it was like $15 delivered in a few days so i decided to look at local spots and here lowes had it for $9 and with a same day free delivery!!!! 6pm now and i still haven't got it yet but it says on track for today so we'll see... only ever had one other thing delivered from lowes and that was my fridge a few months back.
You can't leave them un used without having to reset them. They dry up if they are not in function in soil.
I left them all shut off after last time but still hooked up leaning against the wall.
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I just had to take them off the hose which means removing the ring and soak them for 15 minutes with cap off and then cap them all full and reset after installing.
If one had given me much more trouble I would have disconnected the ring to watch for drips.
This really did go smoothly for the slacker.
Smooth Slacker/ SS ~!:D
You can't leave them un used without having to reset them. They dry up if they are not in function in soil.
I left them all shut off after last time but still hooked up leaning against the wall.
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I just had to take them off the hose which means removing the ring and soak them for 15 minutes with cap off and then cap them all full and reset after installing.
If one had given me much more trouble I would have disconnected the ring to watch for drips.
This really did go smoothly for the slacker.
Smooth Slacker/ SS ~!:D

ah that's kinda cool so if a total carrot noob like me had to initially set them up i could set them all without the rings first to keep them even to start.

one day i'll buy some..

hey i got a question, i have that new jar of beastie bloomz in my cabinet collecting dust... what application rate should i feed my plants at? the ones i have in flower now..

i figured why not? it's the perfect time to do it.
ah that's kinda cool so if a total carrot noob like me had to initially set them up i could set them all without the rings first to keep them even to start.

one day i'll buy some..

hey i got a question, i have that new jar of beastie bloomz in my cabinet collecting dust... what application rate should i feed my plants at? the ones i have in flower now..

i figured why not? it's the perfect time to do it.

Mine had a little measuring spoon inside. With two ends with marked amounts. The back says how much to use. IIRC ones small scoop per gallon.
Mine had a little measuring spoon inside. With two ends with marked amounts. The back says how much to use. IIRC ones small scoop per gallon.

hahaha you act like i follow directions!!! hahaha.... if it was a cool measuring spoon then i stold that out of there years ago... i'll have to look!!

1/4 tsp per gallon, from week 3-6 I think.

Close. 7-8

i don't have any of that timing... i'm no veg, they're ready for booster... flying by the seat of my pants, wanna load em up with a heavy dose!!!

charts and stuff aren't for outlaws... i don't read that junk!! :D

Week 3 and 4 of flower tho 🥴

idk... i'm week ten from seed... time for booster IMO... they need booster seats!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i want my damn gatorade bottle sized buds i never got last time and funky monkey is my chance!!!!!! to the moon with beastie bloomz!!!!!!!
thanks man, i'll go with a half teaspoon per gallon and see what happens.
I actually like to follow the schedule posted above mildly.
Note that it says feed up to two times per week.
I like to just water once, so I feel semi safe doubling what they list to make the same weekly feeding all in one shot.
I think most of what happens at the end with my plants usually has to due with too little not too much.
Still tunning it which is why I am using the same ferts repeatedly.
I actually like to follow the schedule posted above mildly.
Note that it says feed up to two times per week.
I like to just water once, so I feel semi safe doubling what they list to make the same weekly feeding all in one shot.
I think most of what happens at the end with my plants usually has to due with too little not too much.
Still tunning it which is why I am using the same ferts repeatedly.

i gave them just under a 1/2 teaspoon per gallon last night!! they've been getting plenty of P-K up to this point so it shouldn't be a shock on them. i think i have about a little over three weeks left till harvest so this is the right time to load em up!!!

You won't need them after this hydro run. You'll be switching teams.

i ain't make any promises of coarse but man it would be so nice to get rid of fugus gnats!!!

I got a good heavy feeding in yesterday and maybe a second dose of open sesame. I would have to look back to be sure?
Either way they should be good to flip by end of weekend and that means closing the tent door for the clones to stay in veg.
Not losing the Luv Shack Tropicana Cherry.

Friday night and we finished our out of town job today ~!
I did not over the weekend or yet today.
It does need to be done, but off cycle with moon now.
Probably around first of September with the new moon I will flip.
Easy math on days in flower also after that for those moments.
My thought is no gain from last weekend to next.
The overall growth will be about the same with the later being better quicker.
They are a PIA to water.
Big time.
I have considered dunking them.
Even with the two rows of solid at top a lot still comes out the sides lower down.
Whatever ends up in the tray is waste since the bottom of pot is elevated about 1 inch up off bottom of tray.
I have not hooked up the bluemats which IMO are made for this type thing, since I thought I would be in these a shorter time.
Maybe next time I will give them a try.
To me I see no difference from a normal grow?

Just catching up in here....
Super common issue when getting acquainted with airpots for the first time.
I'm guessing you do dry backs and let your soil get pretty dry before watering again?
That's usually the culprit that makes them difficult to water.

Think of your soil like it's a sponge. It swells when wet and shrinks when dry. When this happens in an airpot, it pulls off the walls leaving space for water to flow down the walls and out the sides.
The remedy to fix it is indeed dunking to get it to swell back up 100%.

The trick to avoiding it is first how the soil is loaded to start.
Really pack it in hard. I load mine then hold it by the bottom screen so I don't punch the screen out with one hand and with the other hand make a fist and tamp it down hard. Keep doing it until it's topped off but you want that soil packed in firmly.
Water it in then bore the hole and add your sprout.

Your airpot and soil will be very hard to over water. This is kind of a biggie not many expect. 10 days in I water every day and even that can sometimes not be enough.
One key is to pour slowly while circling the sprout with the water flow so it's not poured into one spot.

The soil is basically wrapped in air so you don't need to do a dry back the way you would with other containers. Keep that soil moist and with the design and make up of a light soil like COM, there will always be plenty of air in it and for the roots.
That moisture will keep the soil swollen up and you'll see much less water come out the side.

Every now and then an erosion channel will open up and water will flow out the side. To fix that, scratch up the surface to close that channel and maybe top dress if there's space available with more soil. All this will tame that pot to not be so leaky and much easier to manage.
Then if it does dry out at any point dunk it the next watering to get it swollen back up

Hope this helps and best of luck with the flip!!
Just catching up in here....
Super common issue when getting acquainted with airpots for the first time.
I'm guessing you do dry backs and let your soil get pretty dry before watering again?
That's usually the culprit that makes them difficult to water.

Think of your soil like it's a sponge. It swells when wet and shrinks when dry. When this happens in an airpot, it pulls off the walls leaving space for water to flow down the walls and out the sides.
The remedy to fix it is indeed dunking to get it to swell back up 100%.

The trick to avoiding it is first how the soil is loaded to start.
Really pack it in hard. I load mine then hold it by the bottom screen so I don't punch the screen out with one hand and with the other hand make a fist and tamp it down hard. Keep doing it until it's topped off but you want that soil packed in firmly.
Water it in then bore the hole and add your sprout.

Your airpot and soil will be very hard to over water. This is kind of a biggie not many expect. 10 days in I water every day and even that can sometimes not be enough.
One key is to pour slowly while circling the sprout with the water flow so it's not poured into one spot.

The soil is basically wrapped in air so you don't need to do a dry back the way you would with other containers. Keep that soil moist and with the design and make up of a light soil like COM, there will always be plenty of air in it and for the roots.
That moisture will keep the soil swollen up and you'll see much less water come out the side.

Every now and then an erosion channel will open up and water will flow out the side. To fix that, scratch up the surface to close that channel and maybe top dress if there's space available with more soil. All this will tame that pot to not be so leaky and much easier to manage.
Then if it does dry out at any point dunk it the next watering to get it swollen back up

Hope this helps and best of luck with the flip!!
Yea dry backs are a bad idea.
I packed the pots for sure.
I like how it went down but I was naive to proper use.
For that the plants got less food but other than that I like the pots.
Will use my bluemats next time and keep em wet.

You flip them bishes?
I pulled like 6 of the top sun/fan leaves off all plants in prep for flip this weekend.
They all needed the air and light to reach inside.
Going to be a nice haul this go, I can kind of tell already.;)
We're going to say today is day 1.
I like easy math. September 1 makes for easy math~!
Flipped and fed them this a.m.
Second or third dose of Open sesame [1tablespoon in 5g] along with Grow Big, Wholly Mackerel for N and first 1/2 dose of Beastie Bloomz.
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^ Tallest plant just at 4 feet above the floor. Probably only 3 feet without 5g bucket.^
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^ LuvShack TC2^
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^ LuvShack TC1^
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^ LuvSack TC2 clone^
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^ Sirius Black outdoors^
^ Sirius Black outdoors^
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^ Sirius Black^
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^ Sirius Black^
I am letting the plant fade as it wishes since the time is short here now.
Hopefully we get 4-6 more weeks but I would HOSTILE if I had to count on it~!
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^ Zamal Dreams quite a bit behind the Sirius Black^
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^ Letting it fade also hoping it will bud^
I could never again count on outdoors like back in the 90's even though the SB looks delicious.
Hope everyone is having a great weekend and get to enjoy an extra day off tomorrow.
I'll see if I can get a video of room up later.
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