i went completely dry last year for almost three months. it was great, then I flew out to Nashville on a mandatory work trip and ended up binge drinking every night for the three nights I was there. Absolute worst decision was taking that first drink of whiskey. I've been battling it again since.

But, with growing, i've always gained more from the plant through the act of growing than I ever did from the act of smoking. There's just something about this plant and the various ways to grow it that brings peace to the mind. At least, it used to. Anymore i have a dozen plates I'm spinning at any given time, and trying to keep it all balanced and not drop any of em is a hell of a lot more stressful than growing can help with. Suppose I should start putting more effort into exercise given it helps the body process cortisol.

i do love a high end whisky, though, and that's my biggest battle. I drink to deal with stress, but when it comes to Scotch, I drink that explicitly because I love the flavor and complexities of the different distillers. Nothing matches a Lagavulin 16 year, except maybe some of Oban's offerings. A few weeks ago at a wedding I cringed watching an older man and the groom shooting Woodford Reserve... some spirits are meant for that crude method of consumption but not a cask aged spirit that has so many layers that when you shoot it all you get is heat but you don't spend the time to taste every nuance of it. TL;DR: I treat whiskeys and whiskys like wine. IPAs are my go-to for casual drinking just because I don't want to drink a 12 pack to get where I intend to be. A few 9% double IPAs and it's hard to NOT catch a heavy buzz.
Just reading this makes/gives me the twitches. 🤣

Irish on the left, Scottish on the right, and both sides of the family try to convince me their whiskey is best. 🤣

Rum was the home family’s fav. I got sick on that a few times as a kid. Never touched it again. Rye is still a good one for a night out…but a lot of folks get mean on it.

Beer was always the go to or weekend fav. But the waistline pays a price along with the body.

I’m one of the few who drink to be social. Used to get invited a lot because I was fun. But I rarely got mad or in arguments.

It just stopped helping when, as you say, outside stresses got to big to manage and no one else would help. I switched to weed to help and save money. Plus wifey likes it.

Things are better now but outside stresses just came back hard. Trying not to lose my shit. Chop problems into manageable bits. But fighting with the city is the slowest most unreasonable intentionally obtuse process ever. I don’t even know who to go to anymore.

So…gardening helps…it’s just not enough.
I’m sure he mentioned it brother in his crystal palace thread over on logics mental institute that he lowers the day temp through stretch..then raises it back up..as I started doing the same right after that..😀
I do lower the lights on temp for a week or so starting right after the strip. Not by a lot, but a few degrees for sure. Maybe down to low 20's celcius for a few days. I increase it a bit as stretch goes on though, once the buds are setting i try to keep it around 25c. The lower temp increases humidity a little and reduces the transpiration demand on the newly stripped plants and also acts as another trigger that the seasons are changing. It also let's me get the temp inversion without getting too warm during the dark cycle.
I knew it was something like that dirtbag..I was close.I’ve been just sticking to 25 through stretch then once it’s finished i move it up.I like the less room temp on the plants when first put into flower..specially when your upping the intensity.a little less stressful for them.
Just reading this makes/gives me the twitches. 🤣

Irish on the left, Scottish on the right, and both sides of the family try to convince me their whiskey is best. 🤣

Rum was the home family’s fav. I got sick on that a few times as a kid. Never touched it again. Rye is still a good one for a night out…but a lot of folks get mean on it.

Beer was always the go to or weekend fav. But the waistline pays a price along with the body.

I’m one of the few who drink to be social. Used to get invited a lot because I was fun. But I rarely got mad or in arguments.

It just stopped helping when, as you say, outside stresses got to big to manage and no one else would help. I switched to weed to help and save money. Plus wifey likes it.

Things are better now but outside stresses just came back hard. Trying not to lose my shit. Chop problems into manageable bits. But fighting with the city is the slowest most unreasonable intentionally obtuse process ever. I don’t even know who to go to anymore.

So…gardening helps…it’s just not enough.
haha man, it sucks how everyone has that one spirit that they almost died on and won't touch it ever again. that's vodka for me. and soco. can't even smell that crap without gagging.

rye is one you gotta tread carefully with. i love it, but goddamn will it remind you that moderation is required unless you enjoy feeling like a bus ran you over the next day.

gonna give this dry shit a shot again. finally got the drinking schedule aligned in a sensible way so going dry today, and gonna white knuckle it through the week. been thinking about doing push ups or some other kind of exercise every time i have a craving -- trade a bad habit for a healthier habit kinda situation.

and yeah, dealing with ANY bureaucracy is always a chore. almost rather have teeth pulled than deal with those chodes. i swear they make things intentionally difficult to discourage people from interacting with them in any way. could you imagine being someone so damn miserable that you actually apply for one of those jobs, too? bet those people are fun at parties haha.
i'll give ten doll hairs to whoever wants to come stack wood closer to the house for me. i gotta figure out how to get a broken banger stem unstuck from the lady's rig so she can go to the smoke shop and buy a few more. told her quit playing fuck around and stock up. just don't know the size of the glass on glass connection so she needs the old piece to take with her.

also told her to ask em about pearls and carb caps.

she keeps bugging me about getting her a puffco but like fuck if i'm gonna invest in that shit when i've pivoted towards the sprint to harvest. ain't buying into any damn ecosystem for dabs when primo flower will be in abundance soon enough. hell, she straight up said she doesn't even like dabs. said, "flower feels like a warm fuzzy blanket and dabs is just a "fuuuuuuuuck" ride." quote for the history books, boys.
i gotta figure out how to get a broken banger stem unstuck from the lady's rig
operation successful. got a face full of reclaim smoke when i heated the connection with the torch. was sure i was about to go for a ride but looks like i held my breath just in time. y'all wouldn't have heard from me for the rest of the month if i'd ingested that shit lol
operation successful. got a face full of reclaim smoke when i heated the connection with the torch. was sure i was about to go for a ride but looks like i held my breath just in time. y'all wouldn't have heard from me for the rest of the month if i'd ingested that shit lol
Do iiiitttttt!!!
You wont🤣🤣
Doing the math on making up some stock concentrate and my head is all fuckered up. There are a couple things going on...

One is I seem to be burning through reservoirs much faster this round. Pushing the same volume of water on the same exact schedule but I could've sworn I was making up a new res every three days last round and this round I'm making up reservoirs daily. After this reservoir finishes mixing and leveling out, I'll be running a manual cycle and measuring how much is being deposited again. Something changed, and I don't know what, but this mixing a res daily is for the birds man. I don't wanna be hauling a hose into the garage every day in December. That just sound miserable.

Second, I don't recall putting in so much stock concentrate each res. The #s I'm reading (which align with some old notes I have from a call with the sales rep) say I'll be using 162ml every res for part A. That means I'll burn through 4,536 ml of concentrate each month, as a rough guesstimate. That doesn't account for tapering or adjustments as flowering progresses.

I didn't go through an entire gallon of concentrate through almost the entire run last time. Something seems off or my notes for last run seriously lacked in that documenting this relatively critical component.

Either way, I ordered the bluelab truncheon finally. I needed to re-up on calibration solutions anyways, figured it's about damn time I get an actually accurate EC meter too. The cheapo Amazon meters only work for so long and don't give an inspiration of accuracy, so we'll see just how far off I've been on my EC numbers this round soon enough haha.

Alright, done bitching about this situation. Waiting on the lady to return with gallons of water so I can mix up these batches of concentrate.
Well, that explains the reason for the res emptying itself. The only thing in the plumbing that changed is the manifold. I don't know if the new one allows more flow or what but my target is 150ml of solution per event, not 400ml.

Tapered the flow way down to be closer to that 150ml mark, probably really at 200ml.
we'll see if i can keep a res around longer than a day now. should take about three days if everything is running correctly. should also start seeing a significant drop in wasteful run off too.
Well, it's been a week. Been back on normal feed and under 12/12 since Saturday night. Stretch has started so we'll see where these land by Saturday and I will run the second trellis then.
Day 7 post flip. Chugging along, bumped the lights up so we're at 85% now and feeding 1.2 EC.

Gotta figure out how TF I'm gonna do the gymnastics in the back corner for the second trellis since I tested the strength of a door frame with my kneecap last night. Knee is pissed off, don't worry though. The door frames in this house are sound as can be.

A little progress update for ya tobh!

View attachment 26650

Gotta ten pack done for ya so far. Just waiting for some printer time to do up a bunch of tubing clips and hold down pins
Appreciate it man! I'll be sure to run em next round. These bitches got chunky quick so won't be able to fit these on this round lol
Appreciate it man! I'll be sure to run em next round. These bitches got chunky quick so won't be able to fit these on this round lol
Something tells me you'll need plenty of spares with trunks that big! 😋 I could see those trunks breaking these plates or at least cracking some. I doubt they're firm enough to girdle a plant though
Something tells me you'll need plenty of spares with trunks that big! 😋 I could see those trunks breaking these plates or at least cracking some. I doubt they're firm enough to girdle a plant though
Maybe... I'm pretty surprised with how large the trunks got in the amount of time they vegged. We'll see how these genetics finish up but they sure do produce some stalky plants
Got the second trellis in, and had the first real smell of the girls. That tent smells straight up like fresh baby shit. Like, the kind that punches you in the face where you don't have to ask the toddler if they pooped, you just know because they're fumigating the space.

Kinda impressed TBH. They didn't smell all that strong through veg.
i may be a week behind you or so.

MY veg feed mix is around 1.8 E.C
my flower feed mix is around 1.4 EC

veg = 3.0 base 2.3calnit .5 epsom
flower = 3.0 base 1.5calnit .5 epsom 0.150g calc chloride

that seems weird to me ? lower flower e.c than veg?
should i have mixed the same E.C point from veg solution mix to flower solution mix?

pretty cool to see the half gallon coco "kinda" "keep up" with the smaller RW-cubes

my plants seemed to have basically filled back in from the strip day on the 15th or so, my "stretch" phase should be at the end and buds setting.

figured i do one last VEG feed batch and then switch to Flower Batch.

Been watchin as you progress here, grow is lookin top notch and ready to fly! :love:

Quick crop steer question for ya, regardless of veg or generative schedule:

In "maintenance" mode do you get any runoff or should there be runoff? Right now I'm getting a few drops of runoff, should there be more? OR do we just try to maintain max water content without runoff?
(trying to read between the lines, I don't think there's anything to read into but it's keeping me up nights lol)

If I'm doing this whole crop steering correctly the only runoff should be when getting to target EC after the ramp up? YES

I wasn't planning on any more crop steering but decided I'm going to try and give it a go again and actually try harder than before which gave me mostly headaches and less hair than I already have. The big problem then was the night schedule I had to run then and I wasn't able to eff around and get things set up better plus my feed rate was too high. I don't have that stupid schedule anymore nor am I blasting water out of the lines so here we are giving this a whirl again. In other words I've got a bit smarter, not much but a bit lol.

Thanks for your help man!

Been watchin as you progress here, grow is lookin top notch and ready to fly! :love:

Quick crop steer question for ya, regardless of veg or generative schedule:

In "maintenance" mode do you get any runoff or should there be runoff? Right now I'm getting a few drops of runoff, should there be more? OR do we just try to maintain max water content without runoff?
(trying to read between the lines, I don't think there's anything to read into but it's keeping me up nights lol)

If I'm doing this whole crop steering correctly the only runoff should be when getting to target EC after the ramp up? YES

I wasn't planning on any more crop steering but decided I'm going to try and give it a go again and actually try harder than before which gave me mostly headaches and less hair than I already have. The big problem then was the night schedule I had to run then and I wasn't able to eff around and get things set up better plus my feed rate was too high. I don't have that stupid schedule anymore nor am I blasting water out of the lines so here we are giving this a whirl again. In other words I've got a bit smarter, not much but a bit lol.

Thanks for your help man!
So, I have runoff during the maintenance events primarily because I don't have the monitors to deal with water content and EC tracking in the media. If my math is right for each event's volume of solution to volume of media, then there should be minimal runoff, but runoff nonetheless.

Ideally one would be able to have events happen dozens to hundreds of times throughout the day automatically. This would enable much more accurate control over water content and EC in the media, which in turn yields the biggest benefits for using this method. In the primitive style I use it's more of a shooting in the dark and hoping I don't fuck up kind of ordeal. Last run was great, this run is shaping up a little less exciting that I had hoped but I don't have the environment dialed in nearly as well as I did last time.

Really, environment + lighting is just as important as fertigation events are in crop steering. They all play a specific role in extracting the most growth out of the plants and if any of em are out of whack, the benefits are basically nullified.
Hmph....I wish my girls looked as "grumpy" as yours........
eh, they're not as perky as they could be. Temps have been riding in the mid-60s, so it's a bit cold for em. Running a space heater in the garage is having minimal effect, too, so if they're lucky they see low 70s by mid lights on. I think if I can figure out the right seals for the sides and tops of the garage doors I can get things a bit more ideal but right now, just working with what's available.
Can you run the heater inside the tent? Ya might wanna get one of the little heaters like the one I got if yours is too big to hang off of one of the tent poles.
Can you run the heater inside the tent? Ya might wanna get one of the little heaters like the one I got if yours is too big to hang off of one of the tent poles.
I'm already near uncomfortable with what I've got running on that circuit so trying to avoid loading anything else on it. Depending on cost I might just foot the bill for a minisplit out there. it would help overall between keeping things comfortable in the winter (myself included) and less humid in the summer.

Being in the basement it's almost always some level of uncomfortably humid.
I'm already near uncomfortable with what I've got running on that circuit so trying to avoid loading anything else on it. Depending on cost I might just foot the bill for a minisplit out there. it would help overall between keeping things comfortable in the winter (myself included) and less humid in the summer.

Being in the basement it's almost always some level of uncomfortably humid.
If you can swing the cost I would say that is probably your best bet in regards to being able to control your environment.

Right now going forward is a great time to buy an A/C with winter coming. You can probably find a good 2 ton mini for under $1000. Set your parameters and let it keep the environment in range without you having to manually adjust.(y)

Been watchin as you progress here, grow is lookin top notch and ready to fly! :love:

Quick crop steer question for ya, regardless of veg or generative schedule:

In "maintenance" mode do you get any runoff or should there be runoff? Right now I'm getting a few drops of runoff, should there be more? OR do we just try to maintain max water content without runoff?
(trying to read between the lines, I don't think there's anything to read into but it's keeping me up nights lol)

If I'm doing this whole crop steering correctly the only runoff should be when getting to target EC after the ramp up? YES

I wasn't planning on any more crop steering but decided I'm going to try and give it a go again and actually try harder than before which gave me mostly headaches and less hair than I already have. The big problem then was the night schedule I had to run then and I wasn't able to eff around and get things set up better plus my feed rate was too high. I don't have that stupid schedule anymore nor am I blasting water out of the lines so here we are giving this a whirl again. In other words I've got a bit smarter, not much but a bit lol.

Thanks for your help man!
To add to what @tobh said, what I like to do for say 8 waterings a day, is set the timing so that my first 2 or 3 waterings in the day have no runoff, then a little runoff for watering #3 or #4, and decent runoff for the remainder of the waterings. Without something like a grosens controller it's too risky to go with no runoff. Those last few should rinse out any excess salts. I even like to make the last one twice as long to really rinse them out. But that can be wasteful if you aren't reusing the solution like I was.
eh, they're not as perky as they could be. Temps have been riding in the mid-60s, so it's a bit cold for em. Running a space heater in the garage is having minimal effect, too, so if they're lucky they see low 70s by mid lights on. I think if I can figure out the right seals for the sides and tops of the garage doors I can get things a bit more ideal but right now, just working with what's available.
Sounds like you need a cheapo 400w HPS bud.
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