<User Requested Deletion> 2023 Outdoor Grow

Here I am at week 2, Some of the seedlings needed a little support but that was due to me not turning on the fan early enough. No big deal as it has happened before. North Atlantic seed gave me a store credit for the 2 critical kush that failed to progress past a crack open. They instructed me to soak them in water until the taproot was 1 inch long. Dont quite know what they are smoking over there. Anyway I got more Critical kush to plant plus i got a Purple Punch freebie and a Rainbow kush Auto which i dont like but prob will plant it straight into the greenhouse beds just for giggles so now my outdoor grow will be 10 different strains. should be interesting
Here's 21 days, Kinda disappointed that I only have 1 Critical kush, I will have to clone that one. The replacement seeds North Atlantic sent did not germ either, even their freebie didnt. Seeds had that whiteish old look to them. Guess i wont be using them again. Everything else looks decent and on track. Need the weather to break as the garage where they go next is still too cold to move to.Critical Kush Day 21.jpegGelato Dream Day 21.jpegJekyl Passion day 21.jpeg3 weeks group shot.jpeg
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One Month Today. Weather is finally coming around. Supposed to be in the 70s this week. The garage plants will be happy. I will be slowly giving them some sun. Looks like it will be another week before my first pinch. I wait for 5 nodes before pinching. If the weather keeps up i may move them into the greenhouse but that means moving the light to the greenhouse from the garage to the greenhouse.Have been working compost into the spots i will be growing and have started making new compost for next year. The work never stops. Keeps this old hippy moving.critical kush 1 month.jpeggelato dream one month.jpegjekyl passion 1 month.jpeg1 month group shot.jpeggelato dream 24 days.JPG
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Weekly update: Been a warm one this week. been in the 90's in the garage.All have been transplanted except a purple punch and a late Critical kush. Most have been topped and I am rooting a clone from the Gelato Dream just in case something goes bad. They have stretched a bunch in the garage so Im taking them out every morning for an hour or so to give them some sun.Critical Kush 5 wks.jpegGD wk 5.jpegjp 5wks.jpeggroup 5 wks.jpeg
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Weekly update: Moved them out of the garage and have them sitting in the greenhouse until i put them in the ground . Better light in there. I wasnt happy how much they were stretching in the Garage from lack of light, plus the Greenhouse is cleaner too
Critical Kush 6 wks.jpeg
gelato Dream 6 wk.jpeg
jekyll Passion 6 wks.jpeg

.group shot 6 wks.jpeg

in greeenhouse 420.JPG
yeah, I'd like to move. Then I think about how much it would suck to move :oops:
Moving sux! Make sure it’s worth it ! Lol and I know I gotta do it at least 2 more times - gonna be back up up someday , my(our) parents just aren’t getting any younger
Moving sux! Make sure it’s worth it ! Lol and I know I gotta do it at least 2 more times - gonna be back up up someday , my(our) parents just aren’t getting any younger
We may be neighbors someday bro. I really want to get a place on the bluffs along the lake mi coastline. Maybe Saugatuck kinda area. Not too far from kzoo.
We may be neighbors someday bro. I really want to get a place on the bluffs along the lake mi coastline. Maybe Saugatuck kinda area. Not too far from kzoo.
Extended family just left our bluffs. Father passed, mother a few years ago. Only the oldest son still lived there. He sold and moved up North with his brother.

Wifey needs the drama and excitement of working at hospital. No where to move to. Anywhere close enough would just be a pain to move too.

By the time she’ll want or be ready to retire we’ll need to stay to be close to hospital for ourselves. 🤣
Wk 7 update . The nights were too cold to leave them in the greenhouse overnight so i just moved them to the garage at 9 overnight. They got hungry. I guess the FFOF ran out of steam. I might have to repot to a bigger pot. Note to self : Cut a month off. Always jump the gun. Been digging holes and adding compost and biochar. Fed them with a nitrogen rich top dress and some cal mag ,color is already better in a couple days
critical kush wk 7.jpeg
gelato dream wk 7.jpeg
jekyll passion wk 7.jpeg
wk 7 group.jpeggreenhouse wk 7.jpegholes dug 4:27.jpegoff color leaf.jpeg
Extended family just left our bluffs. Father passed, mother a few years ago. Only the oldest son still lived there. He sold and moved up North with his brother.

Wifey needs the drama and excitement of working at hospital. No where to move to. Anywhere close enough would just be a pain to move too.

By the time she’ll want or be ready to retire we’ll need to stay to be close to hospital for ourselves. 🤣
I’m actually gonna move back up you guys way may b somewhere around Springfield ? Non sure - but want to be 4/6 hours from my parents for the last 5/10 years of their life
I’m actually gonna move back up you guys way may b somewhere around Springfield ? Non sure - but want to be 4/6 hours from my parents for the last 5/10 years of their life
I had to look that one up. Not far from my shooting club. Before Covid I’d head out that way a few times a year. Nice. Good land.
Week 8 update, The plants are in the greenhouse and are getting supplemental lighting for a couple weeks more before going outside in their holes.I have fed them with some cal mag and top dress them with some organic stuff i got from the grow store. that should hold them over until going in the ground I hope.. Still have 3 holes to supplement with more compost, biochar, and sand. Everything is looking good. I have a starduster ( sour desiel x Ms universe) male donor plant which i plan on pollenating the female of the same strain. and i am planning on spray silver on one of the critical kush clones i have growing. Where Im going to finish these plants im not sure. Maybe take a chance and plant them on the north east side of the property as the wind doesn't usually blow from that way.
critical kush 2 months.jpeg
Gelato Dream 2 months.jpeg
Jekyl passion 2 months.jpeg
group 2 months.jpeg
Week 9 Update. Just waiting for a couple cold nights to pass before starting my planting. Holes are dug but a couple new ones I have to make. Plants are needing water daily right now. Giving them a little cal mag to keep them rolling. They also got their second top this week. These plants seem extra tough this year.Planted the Purple Punch fast in the greenhouse bed and plan on planting the 2 critical kush in there also tomorrow. The plants going outside in the ground need cages created around them to keep the deer from eating them
critical kush 9 wks.jpeg
gelato dream 9 wks.jpeg
jekyll passion 9 wks.jpeg
Greenhouse 9 wks 5:13.jpeg
purple punch fast 1 month.jpeg
10 weeks old today. All are in the ground except my breeding project plants. My Jekyll Passions turned out to be males and im not sure whoo the fathers were so i wont be using them. Kinda bummed about them . Really liked that variety. It explains why last years Jekyll was variable. I am going to give them some top dress organics to hold them over until they get their roots in the ground. The plants are very large for this time of year. the largest is over 3ft .I put cages around the all to discourage the deer from eating them. I know they could just push them over if they wanted but this method has deterred them in the past Price you pay for living in the forest. Got a good warm rain after planting too.
critical Kush 5:18.jpeg
Gelato Dream 5:18.jpeg
Cheese 5:18.jpeg
blue magoo.jpeg
Looking great! I need to get myself a greenhouse I think, this smashing them all into a closet with not enough light is not the optimal way lol.
It was a lot of work to build. It is used mostly for vegatables but does work great for hardening off. I grew some GG4 plants that i planted in July last year and they finished great and were the most potent of all my plants. This year I planted 1 auto and 2 critical Kush that are supposed to be on the shorter size in there. The plastic comes off soon and there is a thrips screen underneath that stays on. It is really pleasant in there in the summer. The raised bed of compost topped off with premix mycroriza is awesome.
Weekly update Week 11
Looking like they are settling in the ground well. Had frost on Thursday morning. Didnt think it was going to so i did not cover. They took it ok. The greenhouse poly cover is off for the summer. The insect screen will be on. It keeps out thrips and cabbage moths and helps with Hard storms and hail. We are heading into a long warm and dry stretch in Michigan so watering will have to kept up. Usually I dont water much If we get timely rains. I will mulch in June after the ground is warmed up.

Critical Kush 11 weeks.jpegGelato Dream 11 weeks.jpegStarduster 11 wks.jpegBruce Banner 11wks.jpeg
Week 12 Update:
Been a hot dry week Been having to water every day. They have been losing a few big Fan leaves but the new growth looks well. The Critical kush in the greenhouse is a little off color. That is in Promix so i need to up the feed I think. No outlook for any rain for another week so i guess i will have to stay on top of it. Luckily I only have to haul water to 3 plants by bucket. I use pond water for them. My tallest is close to 5 ft tall.The rest are 3 to 4 ft tall.Critical Kush 12 wks.jpeg
Gelato dream-1 -12 wk.jpeg
Cheese 12 wks.jpeg
Starduster  12 wks.jpeg
Bruce Banner 12 wks.jpeg
Week 13 Update. In need of rain. They say tomorrow. Its been a month since we have any. Thats a long time for Michigan. Seems like the plants have slowed down but when you check them out everyday it seems like they are growing slow. They are not as dark green as i would like. I have a Purple punch from Fastbuds in the greenhouse but im not sure if it is that strain. Came as a freebie. The fan Leaves are giant on it and is not showing flower yet at 11 wks. I am going to apply some Monterey horticultural oil this week on the crop. Critical kush 13 wks.jpeg
Gelato dream -1 13 wks.jpeg
starduster 13 wks.jpeg
purple punch 11 wks.jpeg
fan leaf purple punch.jpeg
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