<User Requested Deletion> 2023 Outdoor Grow

Week 13 Update. In need of rain. They say tomorrow. Its been a month since we have any. Thats a long time for Michigan. Seems like the plants have slowed down but when you check them out everyday it seems like they are growing slow. They are not as dark green as i would like. I have a Purple punch from Fastbuds in the greenhouse but im not sure if it is that strain. Came as a freebie. The fan Leaves are giant on it and is not showing flower yet at 11 wks. I am going to apply some Monterey horticultural oil this week on the crop. View attachment 6626
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Looks great considering the weather you been dealing with ! Gonna be monsters
Going for a scooter ride to the north country tomorrow so here is my weekly update a day early. In the greenhouse i am concerned because the purple punch auto which isnt the right strain is going bonkers and would be hitting the roof at 10 ft if ididnt bend it over so it is at 5 ft and bent at a 90 degree now and i will keep it that way for as long as i have to. I put up some netting to in there too. Way too much plant for the greenhouse, i might pinch them all if i have to. i have to make my mind up soon. almost all the plants have grown around 10 inches this week which kinda surprises me with temps in the 40s at night and low 70s day. Been raining so no oil spray this week. I will get them when i get back from my trip. Still have one GG4 cutting in a pot which im thinking of spraying with silver to get a bunch of seeds if i can figure how not to get pollen on the othersCritical kush 14 wks.jpeg
Gelato Dream 1-14 weeks.jpeg
Starduster 14 wks.jpeg
Greenhouse 6:15.jpegBruce Banner 14 wks.jpeg
Going for a scooter ride to the north country tomorrow so here is my weekly update a day early. In the greenhouse i am concerned because the purple punch auto which isnt the right strain is going bonkers and would be hitting the roof at 10 ft if ididnt bend it over so it is at 5 ft and bent at a 90 degree now and i will keep it that way for as long as i have to. I put up some netting to in there too. Way too much plant for the greenhouse, i might pinch them all if i have to. i have to make my mind up soon. almost all the plants have grown around 10 inches this week which kinda surprises me with temps in the 40s at night and low 70s day. Been raining so no oil spray this week. I will get them when i get back from my trip. Still have one GG4 cutting in a pot which im thinking of spraying with silver to get a bunch of seeds if i can figure how not to get pollen on the othersView attachment 7725
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Looking good, what oil spray do you use for a preventative?
Looking good, what oil spray do you use for a preventative?
Monterey horticultural oil, It is the same as suffoil x but cheaper. it covers hemp russet mite aphids and other insects powderty mildew and boytritis. only drawback is if sulfur is sprayed you cant use oil for a while. i decided to use this instead of sulfur this year. I also spray regalia, it is a biological that strengthens the plant cells. Thats it . I like to stay all organic
Monterey horticultural oil, It is the same as suffoil x but cheaper. it covers hemp russet mite aphids and other insects powderty mildew and boytritis. only drawback is if sulfur is sprayed you cant use oil for a while. i decided to use this instead of sulfur this year. I also spray regalia, it is a biological that strengthens the plant cells. Thats it . I like to stay all organic
I did sulfur for some thrips alreadythis year... shit does not come off.
I did sulfur for some thrips alreadythis year... shit does not come off.
i wish i knew how long it is between sulfur and oils but i do know it is any oils that cant be sprayed after sulfur
Nope, it sure doesnt. I had to spray the shit out of my in the shower🤣
Well it was finally almost gone and then I hit them with the DE storm... so now they're powdery... think I'll go spray them with the pump sprayer this morning since it's cloudy. Probably should feed them something too... I'm such a slacker weed grower... I need to keep better track of when I do shit.
Weekly Update Week 15:
This week was Beautiful, Highs in the 80s lows in the 60s and low humidity. In the greenhouse the plants of Critical Kush and whatever the other beast is are getting out of hand. I have the one I'll just call "The Beast" bent over at a 90 degree angle and keep training it. I have done a try at super cropping too but may have broke a few branches. Hope they heal. I made a MacGyvers scrog on Bruce Banner with TSDs help.Thanks a lot!!! Hope that helps keep that one a little stealthy cause delivery people can see that one. Gelato Dream #3 is now 6 feet tall. The rest look very healthy. I only had to hand water once this week. No wilt but the ground is getting dry again. Rain is expected in the upcoming days. Getting ready to harvest a tree of tart cherries
Critical Kush 15 wk.jpeg
Gelato dream1- 15 wk.jpegBruce Banner scrog 15 wks.jpeg
Gelato dream3 6fft 15 wks.jpeg
Gelato dream3 15 wks.jpeg
Greenhouse 6:22.jpeg
cherry tree 6:22:23.jpeg
Weekly Update Week 16:
Been a warm week mostly in the 80s. There was some good rain at the beginning of the week. Have not had to water anything this week. The plants in the greenhouse are out of control and I have taken some drastic Measures. i pinched a couple branches. Did some super cropping on some and bent over as many as i could. All the others are growing well and color looks great so I think the soil is good. The tallest is at 80 inches today. Sorry about the goofy pic of the plant and I but i just got out of the pond and figured nobody wanted to see that.critical kush 16 wk.jpeg
Gelato dream#1 16 wks.jpeg
chesse 16 wks.jpeg
bruce banner 16 wks.jpeg
starduster 16 wks.jpeg
16 wks 2.jpeg
Rockin and rollin like always! King of the explosive growth!

I got to get on your level I'm way off!

Would that no watering technique work in a bed or is that only recommended for stuff planted into the ground? I guess if you aren't watering the green house either than a raised or contained bed will work?

Am I understanding right you aren't watering anything?
Rockin and rollin like always! King of the explosive growth!

I got to get on your level I'm way off!
They are almost 4 months old. The plant in that spot got to 11 ft last year and this one is a foot taller than last year at this time. I built up the soil ther for 3 years prior to planting in it last year
Rockin and rollin like always! King of the explosive growth!

I got to get on your level I'm way off!

Would that no watering technique work in a bed or is that only recommended for stuff planted into the ground? I guess if you aren't watering the green house either than a raised or contained bed will work?

Am I understanding right you aren't watering anything?
Every year is different. This year when I first went into the ground from pots I had to water everyday cause we did not get any rain for 3 weeks. Since then I have not had to water at all. Now the greenhouse is a raised bed and I had to water that a few times cause I dries out quicker and shares its moisture with peppers cabbage carrots and such but if we get an inch of rain a week I don’t touch it. This week I went camping and it was fine. I go camping in late summer for 2 weeks and nobody looks after them.
Looking great! I think you should just lose the scribbling over yourself... just do various poses next to all your plants after your post pond dips... we can make it into a swimsuit calendar geared towards the older stoner lady demographic... "Farmer Dave's Frolicking Flower Fun 2024 Calendar." 🤣
Looking great! I think you should just lose the scribbling over yourself... just do various poses next to all your plants after your post pond dips... we can make it into a swimsuit calendar geared towards the older stoner lady demographic... "Farmer Dave's Frolicking Flower Fun 2024 Calendar." 🤣
Just wanna know. When did i grow boobs? Gray Hairy ones !!!!🤣
Weekly Update Week 16:
Been a warm week mostly in the 80s. There was some good rain at the beginning of the week. Have not had to water anything this week. The plants in the greenhouse are out of control and I have taken some drastic Measures. i pinched a couple branches. Did some super cropping on some and bent over as many as i could. All the others are growing well and color looks great so I think the soil is good. The tallest is at 80 inches today. Sorry about the goofy pic of the plant and I but i just got out of the pond and figured nobody wanted to see that.View attachment 11146
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Most people blur out their face, not the other way around lol
Spent a bunch of time today tucking ,bending and cutting in the greenhouse today. Going to be a pain in my rear this year. The strains were suposed to be short but nothing is in this raised bed of compost. basically growing in hundreds of gallons of my compost You can see on the side view the shadow of the plants. by the end it looks like they will take up half of the greenhousegreenhouse 1 7:2.jpeg
greenhouse2 7:2.jpeg
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