<User Requested Deletion> 2023 Outdoor Grow

Weekly Update 4 Months:
Have received rain this week. Noticing Yellow lower fan Leaves . I may give them some Epson salts if it gets more progressive. I sprayed all the plants with Montery Horticultural oil as a preventative measure. This coming week i will spray Regalia on them. I may start defoliating the bottom leaves this week especially the scrog. The greenhouse is till a problem i keep bending any shoot that comes over the netting i made.
Critical kush 4 months.jpeg
Gelato dream #1 4 months.jpeg
cheese 4 months.jpeg
Gelato dream #2 4 months.jpeg
GG4 4 months.jpeg
Bruce Banner 4 months.jpeg
Gelato dream#3 88 inches 7:6.jpeg
sour deisel xms universe 4 months.jpeg
Starduster 4 Months.jpeg
greenhouse 7:6.jpeg
Update Week 18 7/15:
Been a warm and wet week. The plants show all the rain we got with a lot of growth and it is too soon for the flower stretch i think. The Tallest Gelato dream is 8 ft now. Somehow when we got 3 inches of rain the other night the rain went thru the insect screen hard and snapped some branches in the greenhouse. Baffles me cause i would think the screen would be more protection. Been spraying my GG4 clone with silver to make some feminized seed with the clones Mother.
Critical Kush 18 wks.jpeg
Gelato Dream #1 18 wks.jpeg
Cheese 18 wks.jpeg
Gelato Dream #2 18 wks.jpeg

GG4 18 wks.jpeg
Bruce Banner 18 wks.jpeg
Gelato Dream #3 18 wks.jpeg
Gelato Dream willow 7:15:2023.jpeg
sour Deisel x ms Unive. 18wks.jpeg
starduster 18 wks.jpeg
Greenhouse July 15.jpeg
Weekly update , Week 19:
Temps about 80 all week with plenty of sun and a few storms. If I was 10 miles north I probably wouldnt have any plants as they got hit with softball hail which is very rare for here. I know of people personally that had cars just trashed. The plants have put on a lot of growth this week. The greenhouse continues to be a concern. Bent over stems touching the top. The super croppers would be proud of me. My problem plant is the Cheese plant . I think it is russet mites. waiting to spray a second time and hope it takes care of it. I believe my Starduster plant is low on magnesium so I gave it cal mag because im out of epsom salts Bruce Banner scrog needs to be cleaned out underneath the top. Also the greenhouse needs to be defoliated.
Gelato Dream #1 19 wks.jpeg
GG4 19 wks.jpeg
Bruce Banner 19 wks.jpeg
Gelato dream#3.jpeg
starduster 19 wks.jpeg
greenhouse 7:20.jpeg
Weekly update , Week 19:
Temps about 80 all week with plenty of sun and a few storms. If I was 10 miles north I probably wouldnt have any plants as they got hit with softball hail which is very rare for here. I know of people personally that had cars just trashed. The plants have put on a lot of growth this week. The greenhouse continues to be a concern. Bent over stems touching the top. The super croppers would be proud of me. My problem plant is the Cheese plant . I think it is russet mites. waiting to spray a second time and hope it takes care of it. I believe my Starduster plant is low on magnesium so I gave it cal mag because im out of epsom salts Bruce Banner scrog needs to be cleaned out underneath the top. Also the greenhouse needs to be defoliated.
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Nice - yeah seemed to be a limited area the hail was my parents house got lots of roof damage and they are south of kazoo
Weekly Update 4 Months:
Have received rain this week. Noticing Yellow lower fan Leaves . I may give them some Epson salts if it gets more progressive. I sprayed all the plants with Montery Horticultural oil as a preventative measure. This coming week i will spray Regalia on them. I may start defoliating the bottom leaves this week especially the scrog. The greenhouse is till a problem i keep bending any shoot that comes over the netting i made.
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Wow....nice stuff, I only wish I could do half of that...my weather doesn't cooperate with my wishes, I've grown the GG and the Sour D , If the SD stretches outside like it does inside you'll need another 6 ft wire mesh to support it........You have a nice spot there, you've done something right to get what you have...nice work man...
Wow....nice stuff, I only wish I could do half of that...my weather doesn't cooperate with my wishes, I've grown the GG and the Sour D , If the SD stretches outside like it does inside you'll need another 6 ft wire mesh to support it........You have a nice spot there, you've done something right to get what you have...nice work man...
Thanks. The sour deisel is real stretchy.
Here I go with another Weekly Update Tired of them yet? Oh well too bad Ha Ha. Week 20:
This week I sprayed again for Russet Mite which i believe i have on The Cheese strain. I have sprayed all twice so far and plan to spray again this coming week.
Also this week I have been busy defoliating bottom leaves and useless stems underneath. The wife cleaned up the greenhouse so that is getting more manageable. Also i had a clone of the GG4 which i sprayed colloidal silver on for the last 3 weeks and now has plentiful male flowers which i plan to pollinate a branch of the GG4 to create a lot of feminized seeds . We have had our share of rain this week. Hoping the nutrition of my beds hold up. Looking good so far except the sour deisel x ms universe and starduster which are in not so ideal soil as the rest. May have to do some supplementing there.
critical kush 20 wks.jpeg
Gelato dream#1 20wks.jpeg
Cheese 20 wks.jpeg
cheese russet mite? 20 wks.jpeg
Gelato dream #2 20 wks.jpeg
GG4 20 wks.jpeg
Bruce banner 20 wks.jpeg
Gelato dream #3 20 wks.jpeg
sour deisel x ms univ 20 wks.jpeg
Starduster 20 wks.jpeg
greenhouse 20 wks 7:27.jpeg
Here I go with another Weekly Update Tired of them yet? Oh well too bad Ha Ha. Week 20:
This week I sprayed again for Russet Mite which i believe i have on The Cheese strain. I have sprayed all twice so far and plan to spray again this coming week.
Also this week I have been busy defoliating bottom leaves and useless stems underneath. The wife cleaned up the greenhouse so that is getting more manageable. Also i had a clone of the GG4 which i sprayed colloidal silver on for the last 3 weeks and now has plentiful male flowers which i plan to pollinate a branch of the GG4 to create a lot of feminized seeds . We have had our share of rain this week. Hoping the nutrition of my beds hold up. Looking good so far except the sour deisel x ms universe and starduster which are in not so ideal soil as the rest. May have to do some supplementing there.
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If anyone is getting bored of looking at awesome weed trees they have no business being on this site!! 😄
Weekly Update Week 21:
Weather this week was another great one ,Highs around 80 lows about 60.Plenty of sun. I was listening to the podcast" Growcast" about potassium and decided to top dress some to make sure i have plenty available coming into flowering. the problem with the cheese plant is almost gone . If they were russet mites they are gone. I sprayed a third time with the Monterey Horticultural oil just in case there where any lurking around . Still waiting to see flowering in full mode. A few hairs is all i see. was hoping to see a bunch to do some pollenating before i leave for 2 wks. The timing is not quite right. Hope not too much gets seeded in the greenhouse as that is where the male is residing when im gone The pollen sacks are still tight but alot can happen in 2 wks. So far the best looking to me is the Bruce Banner tall scrog . The tall Gelato Dream #3 has slowed down a little at 9ft. Going to spray some lactobacillus that @stonemason help me make this week.
Gelato dream #1 21 wks.jpeg
cheese 21 wks damage.jpeg
GG4 21 wks.jpeg
Bruce banner 21 wks.jpeg
Gelato dream #3 21 wks.jpeg
Greenhouse 8:3 .jpeg
Hey FarmerDave! So what was the final solution as far as your pest problems? I read that you used some monterey horti oil and some other spray but which of the those was most effective? I want to know what I'll need next year when I do an outdoor grow.
Hey FarmerDave! So what was the final solution as far as your pest problems? I read that you used some monterey horti oil and some other spray but which of the those was most effective? I want to know what I'll need next year when I do an outdoor grow.
it appears 3 applications a week apart of Monterey horticultural oil did the trick for the russet mites. Last year it was 2 apps of sulfur that took care of it.You can not do both cause it will burn the plants so it has to be one or the other. the reason i went to the oil this year was because it is also labeled for powdery mildew and botrytis and other insects too. Oh and it does have the organic certification too.
it appears 3 applications a week apart of Monterey horticultural oil did the trick for the russet mites. Last year it was 2 apps of sulfur that took care of it.You can not do both cause it will burn the plants so it has to be one or the other. the reason i went to the oil this year was because it is also labeled for powdery mildew and botrytis and other insects too. Oh and it does have the organic certification too.
Guess im adding Monterey horticulture oil to my arsenal.
Sounds like its some pretty damn good stuff
Guess im adding Monterey horticulture oil to my arsenal.
Sounds like its some pretty damn good stuff
Yes, This podcast i listen to had an interview with a expert on bugs and diseases that i used to follow when working in the greenhouse business and she recommended it I gave it a try. so far so good. They say you can use it in flower but i do not use anything in flower Also if you have used sulfur already you cant use it
Yes, This podcast i listen to had an interview with a expert on bugs and diseases that i used to follow when working in the greenhouse business and she recommended it I gave it a try. so far so good. They say you can use it in flower but i do not use anything in flower
Awesome, glad it works good!
I used Dr. Zymes in flower cause it says you can, never ever ever again will i spray buds.
Made everything taste like bubble soap, it was disgusting.
Yes, This podcast i listen to had an interview with a expert on bugs and diseases that i used to follow when working in the greenhouse business and she recommended it I gave it a try. so far so good. They say you can use it in flower but i do not use anything in flower Also if you have used sulfur already you cant use it
Hey Dave everything cool?havnt seen you around in awhile
Here we go with week 24 update:
And so the flowering begins!!! Been gone on a 2 week camping trip. Miss you guys and gals.Came back to a couple plants fallen over. My fault for not staking them good enough. The soil i grow in is very loose. dont think it was too bad and are staked back up in time for the storms we have been getting. Things are looking well except the greenhouse. Im going to have to take the roof off. Was hoping to avoid that.
critical kush flower 8:24.jpeg
Gelato dream #1 24 wks.jpeg
cheese flower 8:24.jpeg
GG4 fallen over.jpeg
Bruce banner scrog 24 wks.jpeg
gelato dream#3 10 ft 24 wks.jpeg
gg4 flower 8:24.jpeg
starduster 24 wks.jpeg
starduster flower 8:24.jpeg
lake.jpeglake 2.jpeg
Thanks, Missed ya all but needed to get in the forest for a couple weeks with no cell service to clear the spirit. We do live in paradise here but its not the same. Too many distractions at home.
I forgot you went on a trip, hope you enjoyed it man.
My father in law was up this past week and was talking about possibly funding a trip to go to Yosemite or Yellowstone for 10 days. He wants to rent a small camper van, i have to drive it tho, from Maine to Cali or Maine to Wyoming. Itll be next fall if anything.
I forgot you went on a trip, hope you enjoyed it man.
My father in law was up this past week and was talking about possibly funding a trip to go to Yosemite or Yellowstone for 10 days. He wants to rent a small camper van, i have to drive it tho, from Maine to Cali or Maine to Wyoming. Itll be next fall if anything.
Thats sounds fun, Me and my buddy hitchhikedin 74 from michigan to California after high school and hit all the cool places like the badlands, Yellowstone, the Tetons, Yosemite and redwoods. we were gone for 2 months.
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