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I'm happy with everything. Soke things could be better but overall I can't bitch about it. It's been a nice grow so far.

I've got some seed projects in the works too. Will keep updated
It all looks 🔥. Have you grown Lemon Jeffery, before? I remember hearing some people on a podcast talking it up. Rasta Jeff may have been a guest, lol. I don't remember.
I've grown it and its "regular version" (Lemon Sunrise). Both are excellent if you're looking for an eye-opening, active buzz.

I just chopped two LJ plants, minutes ago. When it's dried and cured, I intend to bring it over to a lab and have it tested. Not that I doubt its potency, but when I did a glowing smoke report a few months back, another member pointed out that while I might enjoy it, anonymous people on the internet said it sucks (😮).
I can't remember if I shared this out or not but, the next round is rockin!! I gave all of them a good watering with the botanicare PBP grow and 1/2tsp of that Kelp4Less rooting hormone. They exploded in growth over night it was crazy! Only 2 slowpokes so far. 20240815_070113.jpg
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Have a few different things going in here.
Dragons D
Triple Lemon OG
Celtic Stone f5
Stoned Rhino f3
Pedretti Punch x Specimen X
Prom Night
Joker Prom
Apple Stomper
Mile High Glue
Gassy Crème Cake.

Sirius Black clone revegging, 2 Grape Gas clones, and a Coffee Crisp cut from mdk.
Looking good bro~!
Glad to see your plants here, I have a confession.
I have not even looked at one sponsored grow back at the other site. NOT ONE~!
The notion a common light will be the 'deal breaker' on great grow baffles me.
Without mentioning names, I grew the killer with lights most consider the worst common brand name going.
I can't help but believe the grower is the second most important part of a good grow.
Genetics being #1 IMO.
Full steam ahead
Alright, so I decided to take 5 of the 6 down.
While I was away on vacation the Sirius Black decided to pump out a ton of white pistils and pack on more weight, so she's gonna get 5 more days to puff up, along with the Lemon Jeffery, 2 Grape Gas, and 2 Triangle Skunk Shines.

Gonna have some weight this run 💪🏼💪🏼20240828_125551.jpg
3 Silver Dragon Haze and 2 MacDragon bx-1
Looks like its going to be a killer haul GS!
That's what it's looking like man! I'm super stoked. Going to be one of my biggest harvests.

Grape Gas and Mac Dragon are looking good too so those will be ready to fly soonish. Should be good by the time nice clone shipping weather comes back around lol.
Damn 68 dollars a seed?! Thats damn expensive man.
Searched Nukeheads before placing an order with them and saw a couple comments here. Have you ordered from them?

A work buddy recommended Nukeheads to me. They have several feminized seed packs (some auto and some photo) listed at ten for $10. I just placed an order, so will see how that goes. Super Boof was out of stock, which is one I'd like to try :( Went with Goji OG, Papaya Cookies, Alaska Thunder F_ck and Sirius Black.
Searched Nukeheads before placing an order with them and saw a couple comments here. Have you ordered from them?

A work buddy recommended Nukeheads to me. They have several feminized seed packs (some auto and some photo) listed at ten for $10. I just placed an order, so will see how that goes. Super Boof was out of stock, which is one I'd like to try :( Went with Goji OG, Papaya Cookies, Alaska Thunder F_ck and Sirius Black.
The guy that runs the place (Cody I think), I've heard mentioned as a scammer in more than one place. I can't say with certainty as I've heeded the warnings and stayed away but I do know he had a group breeding project going where the seeds produced were 68 dollars a seed. No, not a typo I was in his FB group until I seen that shit then I was like, naaaah I'm good
The guy that runs the place (Cody I think), I've heard mentioned as a scammer in more than one place. I can't say with certainty as I've heeded the warnings and stayed away but I do know he had a group breeding project going where the seeds produced were 68 dollars a seed. No, not a typo I was in his FB group until I seen that shit then I was like, naaaah I'm good
I saw the $68 seed conversation in this thread, but didn't notice anything like that on their website. I did see some strain that he claimed to develop that he mostly sells clones off of and rarely seeds. It was a popular plant, but I'm drawing a blank, right now.

Weirdest thing about the website, for me, was that it's formatted for smartphones. Much easier to navigate on a phone versus a computer.

Small gamble. Will see if delivery goes okay. I think outdoor grows, for me, will be a mix of different varieties. So, that's probably where these are headed. I may try Sirius Black indoors, but I'm leaning towards trying Cap't Red Beard's Orange Widow, first.
Searched Nukeheads before placing an order with them and saw a couple comments here. Have you ordered from them?

A work buddy recommended Nukeheads to me. They have several feminized seed packs (some auto and some photo) listed at ten for $10. I just placed an order, so will see how that goes. Super Boof was out of stock, which is one I'd like to try :( Went with Goji OG, Papaya Cookies, Alaska Thunder F_ck and Sirius Black.

I got scammed by Nukeheads several years ago.
I ordered Zkittles and it was supposed to be authentic, sourced from Mendocino, Ca.
It wasn't. It was a pack of mutant hermie trash. Shittiest plants I've ever seen
I got scammed by Nukeheads several years ago.
I ordered Zkittles and it was supposed to be authentic, sourced from Mendocino, Ca.
It wasn't. It was a pack of mutant hermie trash. Shittiest plants I've ever seen
👎 That's no good. You usually get what you pay for. Only tried this because a guy I work with from out West said he's had good luck with them. Showed photos of his grows to me. It'll be a while, unless I try the Sirius Black as my first indoor grow, but I'll share how these do when i grow them.
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