Checking on it yesterday showed a bit of root growth.
Top still looked like it was slowing drying/dying. So I prepped to put it in a peat puck. That’s when I saw mold. The water level used to be higher.
It was fine yesterday but I don’t always wear my glasses. I hoped it might be roots as the water level was higher but I think being under the jar, even with the side raised, was too humid.
After wiping it a bit I put it in a peat puck, carefully tucked it in.
I used one of my yellow LST clips to hold the jar higher.
This morning at lights on I found it still standing straight but with a clump of white hairs sticking out all around the stem a few mm wide.
I panicked thinking this was mold for sure now as it’s about 10mm above the soil. And reappeared over lights out.
I used some lacto and water to lightly spray just the plant while I held it sideways. I then lightly squeezed the outer rim of the puck to get rid of any extra moisture.
The dome was still damp so I cleaned it, dried it, and sprayed a shot of lacto spray inside before putting back on.
Not being 100% certain it was mold I did a search but found pics of both mold and roots that looked similar. Need to take a pic before I react next time. Then act when I’ve checked. These internet samples all look a little like it.
My wiping it before planting might have removed some near the soil. IDK, we will see I guess.
After moving the seedling into the peat puck I put hot water into the can and used it like a hot water bottle. It seemed to help but I have no idea the temp or humidity under the jar.