What's Cookin?

i'm aware they're not the same... if i do drink the once or twice a year it's beer or shine. never liked mix drinks even when i was young.

LIIT's are a young persons cocktail. Now that I'm fitty, they're pretty far down the list especially since I've lost my taste for rum and consider it gross now. When you're young you can process them rather quick but as we age, drinks like that take a while to filter thru the body so you can have 2-3 and think oh these aint too bad then all of a sudden you're under the table.😵
I don't like any of the canned drinks like the hard teas and especially spiked seltzers. The teas are just off in flavor for me and when it comes to ranch water like seltzers they're better hand made with premium booze but there again if I'm doing that, I'm going the xtra step and blending margaritas.
Margs were an acquired taste and now I love them especially when it's blistering hot and I'm down on the island. I also like a variation of the marg called a Mexican martini. Beer has been slowly fading for me. Hipsters have ruined beer with the IPA shit and all the foofoo stuff they put in so if it's beer, Coors Banquet for me. Other than that my go-to is bourbon or whiskey. The good stuff and not no fucking Seagrams poison. Bulleit or Buffalo Trace on rocks or mixed in an Old Fashioned and sipped while burning a doob after dark. Been into trying out some Japanese whiskeys lately and they can be very good too.
LIIT's are a young persons cocktail. Now that I'm fitty, they're pretty far down the list especially since I've lost my taste for rum and consider it gross now. When you're young you can process them rather quick but as we age, drinks like that take a while to filter thru the body so you can have 2-3 and think oh these aint too bad then all of a sudden you're under the table.😵
I don't like any of the canned drinks like the hard teas and especially spiked seltzers. The teas are just off in flavor for me and when it comes to ranch water like seltzers they're better hand made with premium booze but there again if I'm doing that, I'm going the xtra step and blending margaritas.
Margs were an acquired taste and now I love them especially when it's blistering hot and I'm down on the island. I also like a variation of the marg called a Mexican martini. Beer has been slowly fading for me. Hipsters have ruined beer with the IPA shit and all the foofoo stuff they put in so if it's beer, Coors Banquet for me. Other than that my go-to is bourbon or whiskey. The good stuff and not no fucking Seagrams poison. Bulleit or Buffalo Trace on rocks or mixed in an Old Fashioned and sipped while burning a doob after dark. Been into trying out some Japanese whiskeys lately and they can be very good too.

ya know rum i actually the one thing i can tolerate the most in mix drinks. a shot of spiced rum, a shot of coconut rum and fill the rest with tropical V8 twist!!!

other than that my favorite beer is moslen ice. when i can't get that then it's budweiser.

not a big fan of whiskey.. i can drink tequila but i need training wheels (lemon and salt), gin is okay if i mix it in beer! haha, yeah and absolutely non of those zima knock off selzer drinks.. i've heard you make fun of white claw, i don't even know what that is and i always take that as a good thing!! :D

and of coarse i'll sip some shine!!! oh and wine.. i like wine... and no i don't drive a mini van!!

Just a nice Sunday dinner with stuffing and gravy.

see that Bandit, it's called STUFFING!!!! or as we call it.. stuffin...
ya know rum i actually the one thing i can tolerate the most in mix drinks. a shot of spiced rum, a shot of coconut rum and fill the rest with tropical V8 twist!!!

other than that my favorite beer is moslen ice. when i can't get that then it's budweiser.

not a big fan of whiskey.. i can drink tequila but i need training wheels (lemon and salt), gin is okay if i mix it in beer! haha, yeah and absolutely non of those zima knock off selzer drinks.. i've heard you make fun of white claw, i don't even know what that is and i always take that as a good thing!! :D

and of coarse i'll sip some shine!!! oh and wine.. i like wine... and no i don't drive a mini van!!

see that Bandit, it's called STUFFING!!!! or as we call it.. stuffin...

Crap. I avoided the chilly wars only to forget about the stuffing skirmishes. 🤦
I've pretty much stopped drinking, at least in party mode, so my main go to is beer for the most part. I usually drink maybe 3 at most although, every once in a while, I'll go through a 6er if I'm feeling especially squirrelly.

Hard liquor nowadays consists of a few Jack or Makers Manhattans if I'm at a steakhouse. My main mind altering vice is weed. With my advancing age, waking up with a hangover is a whole new experience that I've decided I'd rather not inflict upon myself. With weed I can indulge to my hearts content and be ready for whatever the day brings the next day.

I used to be a big rum drinker until I got a giant splinter in my foot. I lived in a 5000 sq/ft warehouse loft with original oak floors that hadn't been maintained for years so it was raw wood for the most part. I had just gotten back from Costa Rica and brought back a few bottles of a Costa Rican rum called Centenario. My room mate and myself decided we would crack open a few bottles to "taste" them. I got so drunk I was walking around barefoot and I got this giant splinter in my foot. I was so buzzed I didn't even notice it. The next day I was hung over like a bear and still didn't notice it. After a couple days I noticed the cut under my foot but it didn't look all that bad so I just left it.

Fast forward about a year and a half and all of a sudden I feel this pain in my foot. I go to the doctor and he takes some xrays. After seeing the splinter in my foot through the xrays he schedules an in office surgery to remove the splinter. When he opened the area all this black shit came out, I could see it in the gauzes he was using to clean up the area. Once he got his tweezers on the splinter he pulls it out and his eyes get big. Since I was only locally anesthetized, I could see everything that was going on. It was a nice chunk of wood and not some little sliver. He says "Wow! You walked around with this in your foot for over a year?". He puts the splinter into a bottle that had some clear liquid, puts down the tweezers then takes the bottle over to the nurses station to show them saying "This guy was walking around with this in his foot for a year!". MInd you I'm still laying on the table with my foot cut open waiting for him to finish up. His assistant comes back into the room, cleans up the incision and sews me up.

No more rum for me.
got a new pizza tray, it's got holes in the bottom!

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Looks outstanding!!! You make the crust?

I picked up these baddies at Costco today. One for the freezer and one for the BBQ on Sunday for the regular season finale. The ribeye caps are as big as a child's head.
I'm leaning toward the Wagyu and smoking it like a brisket since I've never smoked a chuck roast before

my bread machine made it.. i'm not a kneady guy like that. :LOL:


scored some tallow today to make some fried chicken!!! also picked up all the fixins to make jalapeno poppers for the pig roast on monday.

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Funny man because this recipe made it's way into my inbox a couple weeks ago and now I wanna go buy a full packer brisket just so I can make some jars of tallow🙃

I've also been buying jars of duck fat for frying and keeping my cast iron in tip top shape.

I gotta new toy for the bar and kitchen. My Keurig is ok but when it comes to espresso it comes up a little short.
Don't wanna spend $100s on a fancy machine then I came upon a review on portable espresso machines for travel and camping. I went all in on a Staresso Classic.
I don't need all the bells and whistles of a good machine. Just a good workhorse that delivers the goods and I damn sure got it!
The little gadget is impressive! Great strong flavor but not too bitey and awesome crema for such a device.




Wife isn’t a drinker but every once in a while she gets the urge make a drink. I’m the one who gets to taste them.

This one wasn’t too bad, but should have been in a martini strainer.

Vodka, watermelon, tonic and something else…? Blended on high for a bit. Had a weird tang but not bad. Little heavy on the vodka but I’m okay with it. 👍
I was at Great Escape with my kids Friday and they started October fest up there already.
Well they were advertising "brisket" poutine, "well shit I'm down for some of that" says my stomach.

The bastards were grilling strip steaks and selling it off as "brisket"
I seen that and left extra pissed off 😤 😂
went to a friends pig roast yesterday.


our buddy Juan worked in his dads butcher shop since he was nine, dude carved it up in like 15 minutes...


smoke ring shot, even though it was really a roast at the temps..


had all the fixins to go with, i made jalapeno poppers three ways.. traditional bacon and cheese, buffalo chicken, and a rice and bean...



still full today!!!!! probably won't eat for a couple days yet!!! :D
went to a friends pig roast yesterday.

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our buddy Juan worked in his dads butcher shop since he was nine, dude carved it up in like 15 minutes...

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smoke ring shot, even though it was really a roast at the temps..

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had all the fixins to go with, i made jalapeno poppers three ways.. traditional bacon and cheese, buffalo chicken, and a rice and bean...

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still full today!!!!! probably won't eat for a couple days yet!!! :D

I've always wanted to try roasting a pig like that.
Had it once while in Korea and it was prepared by both Mexican and Polynesian guys in our artillery battery and it was a wild boar.
They collaborated/argued how to do it and it was more luau and in the ground covered by a piece of spare tank armor. I think doing it in the ground was the only thing they agreed on.
I was pretty hammered when it all went down plus my buds and I were racing RC cars during the whole shindig so I really didn't pay too much attention to it and what they were doing. I was delicious though!
Curious though...about how many lbs of meat you get off a suckling pig like that?
Was it just a straight roast or did they put it in a brine beforehand?
Do anything with the skin like make cracklin or chicharon? Both are the same thing, just pig skin but flavored different.
My butcher has suckling pigs on special order but not sure my wife would be cool with me roasting a whole pig. Hell even when I make cabrito or barbacoa I kinda lie by omission and don't tell her it's goat or beef cheeks, just let her eat the tacos and enjoy, hoping she don't ask what's in them 😋
I'd like to do one on a Santa Maria if given the chance to do it
I've always wanted to try roasting a pig like that.
Had it once while in Korea and it was prepared by both Mexican and Polynesian guys in our artillery battery and it was a wild boar.
They collaborated/argued how to do it and it was more luau and in the ground covered by a piece of spare tank armor. I think doing it in the ground was the only thing they agreed on.
I was pretty hammered when it all went down plus my buds and I were racing RC cars during the whole shindig so I really didn't pay too much attention to it and what they were doing. I was delicious though!
Curious though...about how many lbs of meat you get off a suckling pig like that?
Was it just a straight roast or did they put it in a brine beforehand?
Do anything with the skin like make cracklin or chicharon? Both are the same thing, just pig skin but flavored different.
My butcher has suckling pigs on special order but not sure my wife would be cool with me roasting a whole pig. Hell even when I make cabrito or barbacoa I kinda lie by omission and don't tell her it's goat or beef cheeks, just let her eat the tacos and enjoy, hoping she don't ask what's in them 😋
I'd like to do one on a Santa Maria if given the chance to do it

that was a small one, 80lbs. normally he gets the large at over 100lbs. he's been getting them almost ten years now from the same place. he's related to the owner somehow and gets a few buck off. i don't believe it is brined though, i'll ask him. but i know he was paranoid all night long about a bear coming up to his house and eating the thing before it went on the roaster!!!! haha

some people took skin and ears for pets and stuff... there wasn't much left over but but skin and bones. not much fat at all, most of it is rendered down.


you gotta have a lot of hungry people though... or freeze it or something.. it costs like $400 for the small one, he picks everything up and returns it.

this year might have been his last one. less people anymore and we could have steaks and seafood for that kind of price!

Found something else beans don't belong in

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Fucking Brits always gotta make it weird 😋

ewwwwwww!!! just why!?!?!?
you guys ever try the beans and toast?


i've seen it travelling but never ate it. seems so bland.. one thing i really liked about europe breakfasts are the breads and cold cuts for breakfast!! i'm not a big breakfast food person but you lay out lunch for breakfast i'm all in!!! just not beans n toast man!!! ditch the toast and put in some onions peppers spices and bbq sauce and you kinda got something...
you guys ever try the beans and toast?


i've seen it travelling but never ate it. seems so bland.. one thing i really liked about europe breakfasts are the breads and cold cuts for breakfast!! i'm not a big breakfast food person but you lay out lunch for breakfast i'm all in!!! just not beans n toast man!!! ditch the toast and put in some onions peppers spices and bbq sauce and you kinda got something...

That toast couldn't be toasted enough for that bean sauce to make it a wet mess.
Those beans, that canned pork & beans shit gives me PTSD from when I was little. Mom divorced Dad, she eventually got custody of me but we were quite poor for about 4 years. Franks and Beans was often our dinner during those times. Even though the can said "pork", it was always just a gross cube of pork fat in that sweet sauce with beans. Talk about sadness soup!!

Yeah I can get down on some breakfast food Brother! Holy shit it's right there with BBQ and medium rare ribeyes for me!
We don't really do pancakes, waffles, or oatmeals. Cold cereal is more for late nights, sub for a very late dinner
We're a little regional with our breakfasts most of the time so quite often it's bfast tacos, migas, eggs sunny side up served with refried beans and salsa.
Bfast tacos are usually scrambled eggs with either diced potatoes, bacon, or chorizo and of course the bean and cheese taco. Always served on warm flour tortillas.
We also get down on bfast sandwiches. Usually a hot biscuit with spicy sausage, egg, and cheese.
And of course, biscuits and sausage gravy.
If we're feeling a little aristocratic, eggs benedict the traditional way with ham steak and hollandaise on english muffin, nothing weird.
New York got me into bagels & lox but damn it's so filling. Avocado toast can be good but I'd rather have a taco if I'm doing something with avocado.
But yeah man, a good bfast taco and strong coffee is a staple around this house.
Just this morning I got a little fancy with my taco...chicken al pastor, sauteed onions, guac, and mole sauce served up with two shots of espresso. Start a day with this and it's gonna be a great day!!!

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There are a few things I'll order if I see, no matter the establishment, and eggs benny is one of them.
Never tried them. Couldn’t get past the look. I’ll stick with over easy, sunny side up or scrambled. Just make sure you cook them with a little bacon fat.
i'm this way with scrapple.
Had to look that up. Interesting. Like all the ingredients. Don’t know why but cornbread disappeared when I was a kid. Even the muffins. Bread selection is minimal and poor quality these days as well. We have to find good hole in the wall bakeries these days just for nice rye with caraway seeds. So of course we have to get the danish too. 🤔
Had to look that up. Interesting. Like all the ingredients. Don’t know why but cornbread disappeared when I was a kid. Even the muffins. Bread selection is minimal and poor quality these days as well. We have to find good hole in the wall bakeries these days just for nice rye with caraway seeds. So of course we have to get the danish too. 🤔

a scrapple egg and cheese on an english muffin is one of my favs.. mc d's ain't got nuthin on those!!!


finally got some home grown tomatoes coming in... they're small but very tasty!!!!!! just when ya want seeds ya can't find any!!

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