What's Cookin?

I've noticed CB and I are similar when it comes to food. We both like to cook and value presentation! 🤣

I made a chocolate cake with chocolate ganache for GF's birthday one year. I decided to surprise her with breakfast in bed. Benedict with all the trappings including Mimosas. Even made the Hollandaise from scratch. Topped it off with nice strong coffee and a slice of the cake. I plated the cake and garnished with mint leaves and chocolate shavings around the slice.
On sale this week for $5.99! (2019 prices. Some stores want $10 now!)

It’s a sign! Need to stock up.

Canna Honey
Ounce of last harvest buds
(Ground fine and filtered after sitting in honey 8 hours, twice, then squeezed.)

I call them chocolate macaroons but really a chocolate cluster.

Son had one thinking it was like the ABV cookies. After an hour he felt something but thought he was okay for two.

He got ripped. Then lost function. Wife and I are sleeping upstairs. He made it to bed without falling or throwing up. But he did get spins and waves. He was still fuzzy 12 hours later. 😝

I haven’t had one yet. Wife didn’t think it was that strong but she only had one. I think one of his cookies had a larger portion of buds or a pocket of honey. 🤷‍♂️

We’ll see. He doesn’t want one tonight. Looks hungover. 🤣 I’m wait until bed time. 👍
The future is here
There's some sushi restaurants here using those robot waiters.

We also have these guys running around populated areas of the city delivering pizza and ChicFilA with these robots things but people rob the robot so a human still has to watch it


And of course driverless taxi cabs


The robot delivery takes a $20 pizza and makes it a $35 pie just because a robot delivers it. And the autonomous car costs around $24/mile to ride in. Techy cities are not as cool as they think they are and it's shit like this that has me wanting the quiet beach bum life in a small coastal town and leave this city life in the rearview mirror.
There's some sushi restaurants here using those robot waiters.

We also have these guys running around populated areas of the city delivering pizza and ChicFilA with these robots things but people rob the robot so a human still has to watch it

View attachment 20770

And of course driverless taxi cabs

View attachment 20771

The robot delivery takes a $20 pizza and makes it a $35 pie just because a robot delivers it. And the autonomous car costs around $24/mile to ride in. Techy cities are not as cool as they think they are and it's shit like this that has me wanting the quiet beach bum life in a small coastal town and leave this city life in the rearview mirror.
I left the big city for some country livin for a while we are in the heart of Amish country and tech hasn’t made it here yet we’ll so we thought ! I see way more of these than cars drive by my place ! Lmao


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Nah, in the future the robots will have laser weaponry and wear Stetsons.....this is a tame version, somewhere in the Midwest judging by the accents.
Been a spell since I had a Sunday dinner throw down. Made this spread up for 'Dega.

Steamed tails with garlic butter. Sous vide tenderloins at 135F for three hours then seared with my flame thrower in the cast iron with butter and drippings. Texas garlic toast with and without blue cheese. Lobster & 5 cheese mac baked in cast iron and a side of creamed spinach


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