Zen_seeker’s DIY Mixmash

Its nice so far today, suns out, ya black flies & ticks make it a bit unpleasant outside, even the cats get bit and get small bald spots where they get bit. They'll lay outside and I guess the mosquitoes get through their fur. We pull a couple of ticks off them yearly, not too bad as they are mostly elevated and on ramps.
Mosquitoes have been out for a bit here as well. I haven’t been out of the city yet this year so can’t say about anything else, like black flies.

A few things have bitten us this year but I think nothing more than garden spiders.

We have special med we give them to fight off lyme disease but it doesn't stop them from getting bit and packing them in the house. I've had 2 crawling on me so far this year, none have bit so far...I think, we can get bit and never know it if we don't feel them or see them.....
Ticks are a worry. If Willow goes onto the yard or for a walk I try to check her over before letting her in. She’s allowed in our bed so I don’t need any unwanted guests.

Over Covid I went to my rifle range. Ticks crawling all over, two on my pants. After a shorter trip than planned we headed home. My wife saw one crawl out my shirt sleeve. We got it with a water bottle lid without being bit. I think.

We watched Naked and afraid the other night, a guy in Columbia got a tick right on him dick's helmet and they had to yard it off him....fkin ouuuuuch.
Nope, nope, nope…that’s just wrong. 🤢

My cat Coal sleeps along side me at night and that show now has me paranoid on where those fkers like to bite
Thanks, now I’m going to be itching and scratching all day. 🤣😝

Carry on sir. ✊


Only the Jilly Beans look normal. Lucky I’m not growing for looks. 🤣

First feeding was yesterday.
1.5ml/gal Base 4-0-0
3ml/gal Grow 2-6-6
120ml each red cup.
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Only the Jilly Beans look normal. Lucky I’m not growing for looks. 🤣

First feeding was yesterday.
1.5ml/gal Base 4-0-0
3ml/gal Grow 2-6-6
120ml each red cup.
The back right one seems to be growing out of its funk, shouldn't be too much longer and you'd never know they were fuggly mofos.
The back right one seems to be growing out of its funk, shouldn't be too much longer and you'd never know they were fuggly mofos.

That’s the Purple Diesel I dropped three feet on its head.

Part of my new germination process. Grow faster or I spike you into the ground. 🤣
That’s the Purple Diesel I dropped three feet on its head.

Part of my new germination process. Grow faster or I spike you into the ground. 🤣
There was a guy years ago on the farm that posted a video of him doing some HST, high stress training.....he took a stick and whacked his plant 6-7 times and mangled it all to fk and then grew out a beauty from his whackery creation....They can take a licking and keep on ticking a little drop on the head just toughens them up...if they survive
There was a guy years ago on the farm that posted a video of him doing some HST, high stress training.....he took a stick and whacked his plant 6-7 times and mangled it all to fk and then grew out a beauty from his whackery creation....They can take a licking and keep on ticking a little drop on the head just toughens them up...if they survive
I used a bamboo stick to train my outdoor plants last year.

Just whack the steam and it folds right over, too hard and it's gone though 😂

RH still holding at mid 60’s.
Temperature 20*-23*

Really liked the feeding and took off over the last 12 hours. Obviously bigger and new leaves look better.

Jilly Beans is the smallest but normal and nothing unexpected. She was praying last night and roots are spreading.

The Purple Diesel is still growing fugly leaves but doing well.

The Strawberry Lemonade is growing out of the funky leaves. Top set looks good so far.

Her roots are the first to leave the bottom of the cup.

I took @SSgrower advice and tried the straw trick to support the weak stem. It seems to have worked so I removed it. PITA! Won’t do that again. 🤣

The stem looks thinner where the straw covered it and roots are growing out of the stem. 😳
That was unexpected.IMG_8471.jpegIMG_8473.jpeg

Definitely thinner stem on the bottom. But it worked. Try something else next time.IMG_8474.jpeg

I think I have about another week before transplanting them into one or two gallon pots. Can’t wait. 😝

Moving day.

RH was 77% lights off. 65% lights on. So I put them in the lower zone this morning 3’x4’x1’. If all goes well I’ll up pot in a week.


Old light was 100w at 8000-9000 LUX. Now it’s a 200w at 16000 LUX. It’s higher to match what the LUX was at the canopy. They started at 8000 but grew into the light at about 15000 LUX. So I matched that in the lower zone.

My precious…
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So far so good. The move went well and they seem good this morning.

Only the Strawberry Lemonade was droopy. Drank much faster than the other two.

She also smells like strong weed already. The other two smell mostly like green plants. Is this a genetic trait or because of the dry back and droop?

Roots on all have taken off. I like them thicker but still think I’ll be transplanting next week.

I’ve been debating how to grow them out and which to do a SCROG with. I was told the SL likes to get tall so maybe SCROG it?

Jilly Beans looks great and normal. Strawberry Lemonade is droopy and stinky but that’s fine. But the Purple Diesel is all shades of mucked up. 🤣 More that from just being dropped I think. We shall see.

At this point i consider them plants and believe I can keep them alive for the duration. (Famous last words.)

RH 75%
Temp 21*

Humidity has been high all season but with the higher temps it’s become uncomfortable. Plants seem okay. I’d be happier I’d RH was at 60%. Personally I hate high humidity.


We finally got that storm over night. Doesn’t seem to have added up to much. Didn’t get through some of the tree canopy. At least it watered the gardens.

Cutting my hair this morning. To humid to keep it longer. Going to end up looking like Bobby from king of the hill. 😳IMG_8559.jpeg

RH 75%
Temp 21*

Humidity has been high all season but with the higher temps it’s become uncomfortable. Plants seem okay. I’d be happier I’d RH was at 60%. Personally I hate high humidity.

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We finally got that storm over night. Doesn’t seem to have added up to much. Didn’t get through some of the tree canopy. At least it watered the gardens.
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Cutting my hair this morning. To humid to keep it longer. Going to end up looking like Bobby from king of the hill. 😳View attachment 60557
They are well ready to transplant now. I like going into 1 gal before larger pots, it makes watering easier to manage. I find some plants early on have odd looking leaves, twisted & mangled a bit but they seem to grow out of it.......

.Cut your hair???......I did that back in 2013 for the last time, big savings on razor blades and barber shops, I've probably saved $100 bucks in razor blades alone...lol.........Hair ties are cheap the $1 store thingys work great to keep the hair out of my eyes.
They are well ready to transplant now. I like going into 1 gal before larger pots, it makes watering easier to manage. I find some plants early on have odd looking leaves, twisted & mangled a bit but they seem to grow out of it.......
Think so? Only the SL has a nice set of roots. PD is getting there. The JB are fine and thin but not plentiful yet.

.Cut your hair???......I did that back in 2013 for the last time, big savings on razor blades and barber shops, I've probably saved $100 bucks in razor blades alone...lol.........Hair ties are cheap the $1 store thingys work great to keep the hair out of my eyes.
I tried that two years ago, three now? Winter was fine. Spring bearable. Summer wasn’t fun. I think I heard one of my nephews say I looked like a 80’s drug dealer. 🤣
Personally I thought I was looking like a skinnier version on comic book guy. 😝IMG_8560.jpeg
Think so? Only the SL has a nice set of roots. PD is getting there. The JB are fine and thin but not plentiful yet.

I tried that two years ago, three now? Winter was fine. Spring bearable. Summer wasn’t fun. I think I heard one of my nephews say I looked like a 80’s drug dealer. 🤣
Personally I thought I was looking like a skinnier version on comic book guy. 😝View attachment 60577
Oh ya they're big enough, watch them jump in size after a few days in larger pots, roots or not they feel the space, Zen like maybe...lol
Oh ya they're big enough, watch them jump in size after a few days in larger pots, roots or not they feel the space, Zen like maybe...lol
I see what you did there. 🤣

I haven’t decided if I want to go into the 3g or 1g yet. But since two are close and you weighed in…tomorrow or Saturday it is. Need to get more fresh soil from the garage.

RH 65-70%
Temp 23*

At PC’s prompting I got things ready to transplant for first this this morning.

Unfortunately the Strawberry Lemonade was droopy again. Looked fine before bed.

The cup is pretty light but I can see water at the top and bottom but not in the middle.

But being extremely impatient this week trying to get stuff done and out of the way I pushed on instead of waiting another day.

Lights out at 10am so I had to hurry. IMG_8563.jpeg73945729361__6EA2DBE0-553C-461C-833A-E66F6843C68B.jpeg73945803297__09DDAB69-499E-4492-A97B-46A0D3EE1F72.jpegIMG_8571.jpeg

I didn’t water so the soil would leach some of the moisture from the roots. I’ll see if they need the water at 4pm lights on.

First time I’ve had to label the pots. 🤣

@Pipecarver was right. The roots took off and all cups are full of them.

I added a few grams of the Dynomyco to each pot before transferring, since I have it. And turned on the dehumidifier. It’s already helping but the rain started again.

Now the hardest part…waiting.
I see what you did there. 🤣

I haven’t decided if I want to go into the 3g or 1g yet. But since two are close and you weighed in…tomorrow or Saturday it is. Need to get more fresh soil from the garage.
1 gal would be best imho, water feed the pot not the plant if you're in an appropriate size pot. I see some folks starting in 10gal pots, that makes water/feeding done by guess work and with roots not growing into dry soil its not a good way to water, I saturate and let my plants sit in the run off until they take all they want then I dump the rest still in the tray. With a small plant in a large pot that can't be done so no run off??? & dribble watering???.......

Oops too late I see you've transplanted already
1 gal would be best imho, water feed the pot not the plant if you're in an appropriate size pot. I see some folks starting in 10gal pots, that makes water/feeding done by guess work and with roots not growing into dry soil its not a good way to water, I saturate and let my plants sit in the run off until they take all they want then I dump the rest still in the tray. With a small plant in a large pot that can't be done so no run off??? & dribble watering???.......

Oops too late I see you've transplanted already

I can’t tell if the SL is over or under watered. The cup is always the lightest out of the three so far. Roots are the most aggressive too. But the leaves droop not the petiole. (Had to look that up.) 🤷‍♂️

Watering I try to move out from where I last new them to be. Once I know she’s good I water/feed until a little runoff. 300ml just to flush a bit of salts. Usually this is every 5, then 4, then 3 days. Depends. I’m open to trying some new things.

I wanted to go 1g but they are wider shorter pots. The 3g pot is tall and only a bit wider so up potting doesn’t work as well. The roots didn’t grab at the top soil as much. I thought it would be denser and full of roots as it was only about a 2” diameter difference. Only did that once, and this is only the 3 or 4 time I’ve used these green pots.

I wonder if chewing up the sides of the soil before transplanting would help or do more damage? I know it works for some plants and others you can remove about half and still replant. I usually look this stuff up but should start asking here. Always feels weird though. IDKW

So I agree 100% the 1g would have been better but a little fear and impatience has me here. I’ll get a tall set of 1g to help from the $ store.

Thanks PC.
I can’t tell if the SL is over or under watered. The cup is always the lightest out of the three so far. Roots are the most aggressive too. But the leaves droop not the petiole. (Had to look that up.) 🤷‍♂️

Watering I try to move out from where I last new them to be. Once I know she’s good I water/feed until a little runoff. 300ml just to flush a bit of salts. Usually this is every 5, then 4, then 3 days. Depends. I’m open to trying some new things.

I wanted to go 1g but they are wider shorter pots. The 3g pot is tall and only a bit wider so up potting doesn’t work as well. The roots didn’t grab at the top soil as much. I thought it would be denser and full of roots as it was only about a 2” diameter difference. Only did that once, and this is only the 3 or 4 time I’ve used these green pots.

I wonder if chewing up the sides of the soil before transplanting would help or do more damage? I know it works for some plants and others you can remove about half and still replant. I usually look this stuff up but should start asking here. Always feels weird though. IDKW

So I agree 100% the 1g would have been better but a little fear and impatience has me here. I’ll get a tall set of 1g to help from the $ store.

Thanks PC.
I don't like man handling the roots, I know some folks do, even cutting off the coil on the bottom...not me I spread the mycos on the bottom of my pre made hole then add as much soil as I need, tap all in place then water or feed depending on cycle. It helps seat the plant it its new home.

Then about 5 days later after my initial water/ feed I water/ feed again but after that only 3-4 days between water/feed....78-80f 60-65% light 12-15,000 lux - 25,000 lux...transplant/ flip...25- 50,000 lux........something like that anyways

RH 71%
Temp 23*
LUX is 14000-16000.
Outside is 15* & raining still.

It’s 2:45am and the transplant seems to have gone well. Plants are recovering. They were fed at 4pm yesterday. Tents open and the dehumidifier is on full.



Now I need to keep an eye on the Purple Diesel, it’s a reg. 👀
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RH 62-87%
Temp 22-23*

Still more rain than sun the last week but temps came way down. Made the humidity more comfortable.

Life’s been a PITA the last month or two but the plants are getting better. Looking much stronger and happier. Getting a little lighter in colour and possible striping on some leaves. Adding 2ml ProCal to next feeding. Maybe a epsom foiler later. See how it goes at the time.


Strawberry Lemonade

Purple Diesel

Jilly Bean

Looking over the feed chart. I only use the Base, Grow and Bloom.

Nice to be growing again. Felt weird taking the winter off. If I had a choice I’d rather have the summer off. But it’s good to be back at it.

RH 62-87%
Temp 22-23*

Still more rain than sun the last week but temps came way down. Made the humidity more comfortable.

Life’s been a PITA the last month or two but the plants are getting better. Looking much stronger and happier. Getting a little lighter in colour and possible striping on some leaves. Adding 2ml ProCal to next feeding. Maybe a epsom foiler later. See how it goes at the time.

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Strawberry Lemonade
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Purple Diesel
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Jilly Bean
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Looking over the feed chart. I only use the Base, Grow and Bloom.
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Nice to be growing again. Felt weird taking the winter off. If I had a choice I’d rather have the summer off. But it’s good to be back at it.
Hey, yes they look better in the new pots, You mentioned Epsom salt spray, Do you ever just add it to your feed? I use 1tsp/gal every feed, even a bit more than that when I saw 1 plant fading a bit. From week 2 in veg when they get their first feed I give them 1/2tsp/gal.......My leaves stay greener and healthier using it regularly under led lights.
Hey, yes they look better in the new pots, You mentioned Epsom salt spray, Do you ever just add it to your feed?
Morning PC.

So far so good. Yes, almost every grow the last two years. I mix 7.5L at a time. (My container size.) I’d have to check my journal but 5ml-15ml per jug was what I was adding iirc. GNick wasn’t big on it or foliar so I stopped foliar spraying all together until recently. I agree if you feed the roots right the plant will work things out. But when I fail I like foliar to help get things back in line. I just don’t often know how. 🤣

I use 1tsp/gal every feed, even a bit more than that when I saw 1 plant fading a bit. From week 2 in veg when they get their first feed I give them 1/2tsp/gal.......My leaves stay greener and healthier using it regularly under led lights.
I was going to add 2ml/g of ProCal for the first real feed coming up in the next day or so. Feed to runoff. I can add epsom or use epsom and skip ProCal?

My seedlings are usually much darker at this point but I’ve been cautious and reduced amounts this go.

The JB is showing yellow leaves at the bottom set so I know she’s ready to eat.

I was thinking the following for the first full feed.
2ml ProCal 2-0-0
4ml Base 4-0-0
8ml Grow 2-6-6

1 Tea spoon is about 5ml. I can add epsom or sub it in?
Morning PC.

So far so good. Yes, almost every grow the last two years. I mix 7.5L at a time. (My container size.) I’d have to check my journal but 5ml-15ml per jug was what I was adding iirc. GNick wasn’t big on it or foliar so I stopped foliar spraying all together until recently. I agree if you feed the roots right the plant will work things out. But when I fail I like foliar to help get things back in line. I just don’t often know how. 🤣

I was going to add 2ml/g of ProCal for the first real feed coming up in the next day or so. Feed to runoff. I can add epsom or use epsom and skip ProCal?

My seedlings are usually much darker at this point but I’ve been cautious and reduced amounts this go.

The JB is showing yellow leaves at the bottom set so I know she’s ready to eat.

I was thinking the following for the first full feed.
2ml ProCal 2-0-0
4ml Base 4-0-0
8ml Grow 2-6-6

1 Tea spoon is about 5ml. I can add epsom or sub it in?
I don't use cal in my feed until week 3 of flower, too much ca locks out other nutes and if there is enough ca in your water you don't need to add any....in soil grows....I don't know procal but I'd assume it has ca in it. By my graph Ca isn't needed much until the 3rd week. I just added 5ml/gal Cal/mag to my mix last night for the first time week 3 is tomorrow. This graph can't be followed until the 2nd week, it shows only nitrogen until then and well.......that won't fkin work well will it?..lol...so I read it like what ever it takes to keep them green and happy until week 2 then apply this graph...at week 2 where it shows upping P I start with koolbloom liquid
I don't use cal in my feed until week 3 of flower, too much ca locks out other nutes and if there is enough ca in your water you don't need to add any....in soil grows....I don't know procal but I'd assume it has ca in it.
I’ll swap in epsom instead.

By my graph Ca isn't needed much until the 3rd week. I just added 5ml/gal Cal/mag to my mix last night for the first time week 3 is tomorrow. This graph can't be followed until the 2nd week, it shows only nitrogen until then and well.......that won't fkin work well will it?..lol...so I read it like what ever it takes to keep them green and happy until week 2 then apply this graph...at week 2 where it shows upping P I start with koolbloom liquid

I hate that graph. At least your starting point helps make better sense of it. One day it will mean more than just abstract art. 🤣

I still try to use the feed chart with minor changes. I’ve only started getting good with it.

I’ll keep stealing ideas from your grow. 😁
I’ll swap in epsom instead.

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I hate that graph. At least your starting point helps make better sense of it. One day it will mean more than just abstract art. 🤣

I still try to use the feed chart with minor changes. I’ve only started getting good with it.

I’ll keep stealing ideas from your grow. 😁
Too me it shows when & what, its just a guide to when peak nutrients should be fed. I still pretty much follow the feed formula on the labels. I'll be cutting 1 ml/gal out of my Grow & Micro feeds this week as it shows tapering off nitrogen after week 3...I gave them 6/6 last feed and upped my bloom to 8ml and introduced Koolbloom to them at 5ml because it shows adding P after 2 weeks.
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