Split wood all morning yesterday, man is that fun!

I didn't know a 6.5 ton electric splitter was as powerful as it is but it sure is a beast
Then in the afternoon I took advantage of the nearly snowless roof to inspect the chimney, snowless everywhere except of course where I had to cross over, so I couldn't walk, had to pull myself up and over the peak

I pulled the chimney cap and gave it a quick brushing and visually inspected the pipe, it was as clean as when I did the clean-out in early October
So now I know the shitty burns I'm getting is because of this crappy wood, about 1/3 of it was way too big to burn, another third are rounds, which are harder to light anyway (these are what I'm splitting) so I kind of ignored it and about a cord and a half didn't get put away before last winters snows and it's had a definite effect on the wood
But now that I know the chimney is clean as a whistle I'll burn the hell out of it and it'll get used up believe me
This is the beginning of my fourth year heating with wood & I'm still learning, I've learned that it's best to order wood in the spring and get it put away ASAP even though that's also when I open up the gardens and this year I'm adding several hundred square feet so we'll see how that plays out
Another thing I've learned is it's best to keep wood in the garage (although some disagree with storing wood indoors) and it should never be left in a pile on the ground to overwinter (below right)
Earlier this year my neighbor had a big tree come down across her woodshed in a storm, went up to help her saw it up and I saw a fresh pile of beautiful wood she just had delivered, turns out she got it from the guy I was getting it from before I tried this new guy, so I'm going back to him this year, $25 more per cord but worth it
I have a small woodshed and a large tractor shed behind the garage that I could line with skids and stack wood in there but boy it's a long trip to & fro, especially once it starts snowing!
I suppose I could get some kind of a sled cart

a lot of overgrowth would need to be cleared out tho, but I have the rest of the winter to figure it out
I do have about 3 cords in the garage but only about half of that is what I'm hoping to use this year, the other half is newer and I want to let it seasoned longer while I use up what's stacked outside, the old stuff is 10 to 12% moisture, the newest stuff is 14 to 16%, burnable but too green for my liking