All things shrooms

Decided to try an alternative, dual purpose approach to jar lids. So, these jars should be able to function both as grain and LC jars.

A couple holes punched in each, then male -to-female Luer locks are JB welded in place. Why JB weld? I need the connection to the lid to be absolutely solid and stable. Silicon would offer nothing structurally.

The two lower locks get holes punched through the middle, and the one lock on top does not. The lock that doesn't have another on top is where a syringe filter will sit for gas exchange.

Now, here's where the cool shit really comes into play with this design. I can make LCs in these jars and screw a sterile syringe onto the lock without the filter to extract the solution. Or, conversely with grain, I can inject LC into the jar via the lock without the filter.

We'll see how this works out in practice. If these turn out to execute like I anticipated they will, then I'll convert a few into no tilt LC jars, and eventually upgrade to using metal Luer locks instead.

Back to work on the remaining lids...

Just ordered a 3 pack of these
Blue meanie
A+ albino
Red boy

Never heard of the red boy or blue meanie, anyone got any experience with growing/partaking those?
Blue meanie is one of the older varieties, been around for years. Typical Cubensis potency, but they can grow some meaty fruit bodies.

Red boy I'm gonna assume is a rust colored spore hybrid. Not familiar with the name, though.

Just ordered a 3 pack of these
Blue meanie
A+ albino
Red boy

Never heard of the red boy or blue meanie, anyone got any experience with growing/partaking those?
Best of luck. Can’t wait to see how it goes.

Wasn’t blue meanie from the Beatles yellow submarine? 😝
Best of luck. Can’t wait to see how it goes.

Wasn’t blue meanie from the Beatles yellow submarine? 😝
Idk lol but I should,I love the Beatles.

A local guy told me he would give me some kinda cut off of his San Pedro which I guess is like peyote? Idk, but trying to do some research on that too, hoping it will do good in a window where my other cacti flourish.
Idk lol but I should,I love the Beatles.

A local guy told me he would give me some kinda cut off of his San Pedro which I guess is like peyote? Idk, but trying to do some research on that too, hoping it will do good in a window where my other cacti flourish.
Post what you find. Pics when you can. Cacti I have little experience with. We used to have some but they grew extremely slow. Wifey ends up overwatering eventually and we toss them. Christmas and Thanksgiving are the only ones we do well with. 🤣
Yeah some confuse blue meanies with liberty caps… not sure why but they are cubes and liberty caps are not.
What's even more confusing is pan cyans are referred to as blue meanies too.

@ninjadip if you need guidance with the San Pedro, let me know. I have Peruvian torch and Bolivian torch as well as three varieties of peyote, so know my way around those cacti a little lol
What's even more confusing is pan cyans are referred to as blue meanies too.

@ninjadip if you need guidance with the San Pedro, let me know. I have Peruvian torch and Bolivian torch as well as three varieties of peyote, so know my way around those cacti a little lol
Yes I need guidance lol. Best tip I saw so far was if I get a middle cut that it must go in the right way or won't root/take.

So what ratio of sand/perlite to soil do I need? Or what have you found to work best
Yes I need guidance lol. Best tip I saw so far was if I get a middle cut that it must go in the right way or won't root/take.

So what ratio of sand/perlite to soil do I need? Or what have you found to work best
Honestly for San Pedro, I run common peat-based soil with about 30% added perlite. During the summer months you can keep em damn near soaking wet, and they'll explode with growth, averaging 2ft- 4ft a year.

When it comes to rooting a center cut, a lot of cultivators just put it sideways buried about halfway in the soil. You'll end up with a bunch of pups coming of the side, which can then be cut after they're old enough and planted individually.
Lophophoras. Ranging between two and three years old iirc.

These I do pure sand for seed starting then into a rock/sand mix once old enough.

They get watered once a month with nutrients at the beginning of spring and middle of summer.
Lophophoras. Ranging between two and three years old iirc.

These I do pure sand for seed starting then into a rock/sand mix once old enough.

They get watered once a month with nutrients at the beginning of spring and middle of summer.
View attachment 15383
You got more going than I thought one person would be able to keep up with, never even heard of this one. Looks wild.

I'm sure you've got some things to say about what is your go to out of all those options on a Friday night

@Zen_seeker you never know, wife might be down. I was surprised how mine didn't care when I told her about my fungus project. She cares more about the smell from cannabis than anything else I do in the back room lol
You got more going than I thought one person would be able to keep up with, never even heard of this one. Looks wild.

I'm sure you've got some things to say about what is your go to out of all those options on a Friday night

@Zen_seeker you never know, wife might be down. I was surprised how mine didn't care when I told her about my fungus project. She cares more about the smell from cannabis than anything else I do in the back room lol
The peyote is being grown purely out of an effort to preserve the species because they've become endangered in they're natural habitat. The San Pedro is for future explorations but I've got some time yet before I'll be able to engage with them in that way.
Oh, and everything I have was started from seed by me personally. I'll tell you what -- these motherfuckers are hard to germinate
I bet. I was just reading about them and how they were losing their place in the wild due to their slow growth rate and people picking them

That's cool how you are doing it to preserve it. Did you have to use stratification for the seeds, score them and then store them in a fridge or something? I remember doing something crazy with this seed I was going to use for a bonsai, but i didn't get it to work

Edit, really should ask you! You would probably know what is a good seed to get to start my first bonsai?
I bet. I was just reading about them and how they were losing their place in the wild due to their slow growth rate and people picking them

That's cool how you are doing it to preserve it. Did you have to use stratification for the seeds, score them and then store them in a fridge or something? I remember doing something crazy with this seed I was going to use for a bonsai, but i didn't get it to work

Edit, really should ask you! You would probably know what is a good seed to get to start my first bonsai?
No stratification or anything like that. The seeds are Uber tiny. The problem is some just aren't viable, and keeping the parameters right to boost your chances is somewhat difficult.

As for bonsai, can't help ya there lol that's one thing I want to get into eventually but just haven't had the time or space until now. I'm also going to get into building paladariums in the relatively near future so I can start keeping poison dart frogs. So badly want to be on a work call and have some frogs going hectic with their calls 🤣
Alright, last modification needed for the Martha tent. Took a 10"x20" filter and cut it down to 10"x11"and siliconed it to the top of the tent, then cut an opening so that the tent now has a filtered air intake. I'll likely put the exhaust fan on a timer to run 5 minutes three times an hour and dial in from there once I have things growing in it.

Alright, last modification needed for the Martha tent. Took a 10"x20" filter and cut it down to 10"x11"and siliconed it to the top of the tent, then cut an opening so that the tent now has a filtered air intake. I'll likely put the exhaust fan on a timer to run 5 minutes three times an hour and dial in from there once I have things growing in it.

View attachment 15416
Fuckin love it bro
Alright, last modification needed for the Martha tent. Took a 10"x20" filter and cut it down to 10"x11"and siliconed it to the top of the tent, then cut an opening so that the tent now has a filtered air intake. I'll likely put the exhaust fan on a timer to run 5 minutes three times an hour and dial in from there once I have things growing in it.

View attachment 15416
Question: can I run the condensate from the dehumidifier in the humidifier? I'm not worried about bacteria or that kind of thing, moreso potential atomized heavy metals that might be in the water...
Question: can I run the condensate from the dehumidifier in the humidifier? I'm not worried about bacteria or that kind of thing, moreso potential atomized heavy metals that might be in the water...
Yeah the only heavy metals will come from the catch pan and they are usually plastic or coated. Should be dam near 0 ppm if its clean
Yeah the only heavy metals will come from the catch pan and they are usually plastic or coated. Should be dam near 0 ppm if its clean
I'm a fucking dumbass. Didn't even think about checking it with the EC meter.

Rather use that than keep paying $3.50 for a gallon of distilled water. Already running the dehumidifier as it is...
I'm a fucking dumbass. Didn't even think about checking it with the EC meter.

Rather use that than keep paying $3.50 for a gallon of distilled water. Already running the dehumidifier as it is...
yeah i just use tap and keep up on cleaning it if needed to remove scale

sometimes add a little hypo or h2o2 for any bacterias.
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