All things shrooms

Well, a little Googling seems to suggest that 1lb of rye berry grain = about 2.43 quarts of spawning substrate. 10 lbs of grain would likely satisfy my my mycology "studies" for awhile. I have the canning jars but I'll need to purchase the wide mouth lids. This is the style lids I thought about purchasing.

Well, a little Googling seems to suggest that 1lb of rye berry grain = about 2.43 quarts of spawning substrate. 10 lbs of grain would likely satisfy my my mycology "studies" for awhile. I have the canning jars but I'll need to purchase the wide mouth lids. This is the style lids I thought about purchasing.

Look good to me. You can buy all that stuff to make your own though. I have a bunch if you want me to send you say 30 of each to modify lids. Just pay the shipping if you like. If you rather just avoid the hassle and buy that’s understandable just wanted to offer
Well, a little Googling seems to suggest that 1lb of rye berry grain = about 2.43 quarts of spawning substrate. 10 lbs of grain would likely satisfy my my mycology "studies" for awhile. I have the canning jars but I'll need to purchase the wide mouth lids. This is the style lids I thought about purchasing.

i've considered those but i question the viability of them going through multiple pressure cooking cycles. if you do get them, i'll be watching to see what your success looks like because modifying the metal lids is time consuming and quite a bit of a PITA.
Look good to me. You can buy all that stuff to make your own though. I have a bunch if you want me to send you say 30 of each to modify lids. Just pay the shipping if you like. If you rather just avoid the hassle and buy that’s understandable just wanted to offer
I was going to purchase my first set already made with the idea of making my own going forward. I was going to start with 6-8 lids.

However, I like your idea ... My typical means for payments of the type you're suggesting is paypal.

@tobh The plastic lids would be much easier to make a clean drill hole through it. I haven't drilled the metal ones yet but I'd think there's a risk of "punching" the drill through instead of a nice clean round hole. The metal ones might also rust at the hole over time. What I'm saying is each type of lid has its plusses and minuses ... The best idea I've seen was yours .... using the JB Weld epoxy instead of RTV sealant.
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I was going to purchase my first set already made with the idea of making my own going forward. I was going to start with 6-8 lids.

However, I like your idea ... My typical means for payments of the type you're suggesting is paypal.

@tobh The plastic lids would be much easier to make a clean drill hole through it. I haven't drilled the metal ones yet but I'd think there's a risk of "punching" the drill through instead of a nice clean round hole. The metal ones might also rust at the hole over time. What I'm saying is each type of lid has its plusses and minuses ... The best idea I've seen was yours .... using the JB Weld epoxy instead of RTV sealant.
Yeah plastic are definitely the way to go bro… and come to think of it the postage will be dirt cheap ill just send you if you like. I have more than enough for myself as i bought a hundred of each a couple years ago
Yeah plastic are definitely the way to go bro… and come to think of it the postage will be dirt cheap ill just send you if you like. I have more than enough for myself as i bought a hundred of each a couple years ago
Help is always appreciated. When you have a moment, hit me up in private message and we can discuss it there.
Yeah the metal ones are a PITA. Having a drill press would make easy work of em but a hand drill does just fine so long you go slow.

I'm not sure if the JB weld is gonna hold up to multiple PC sessions, but if it doesn't, I'll find some high temp epoxy and give that a shot.
Oh so you want to dry em them out somewhat quickly ?
They dry pretty easily with some air. @Aqua showed us a nice drying hack using some scrap lumber, a window screen and a box fan. I bought a dehydrator with a low heat seating of 95F ... it also blows air with the heater off so it will blow room temperature air. Mine takes about a day or so to dry out completely.
Yes, you want to get absolutely every last bit of moisture out of them as quickly as possible, otherwise they may start to rot, and the active compounds are highly susceptible to oxidization. Quicker you get the alkaloids locked in dry tissue the better
Yes, you want to get absolutely every last bit of moisture out of them as quickly as possible, otherwise they may start to rot, and the active compounds are highly susceptible to oxidization. Quicker you get the alkaloids locked in dry tissue the better
I can dry in my fridge?

It sucks the moisture out of things lol


Just curious

I'll do that rack idea posted above down the line eventually

I won't even have anything to dry, prob wait till I move to attempt fruiting something
I can dry in my fridge?

It sucks the moisture out of things lol


Just curious

I'll do that rack idea posted above down the line eventually

I won't even have anything to dry, prob wait till I move to attempt fruiting something
I've tried, it doesn't work as well as you would think.

My drying rack used to be a cardboard box with about 6" worth it damp rid in the bottom. Eventually moved up to using a Rubbermaid tote with damp rid in it.

Having a dehydrator with low temp settings would be ideal, but either the racks @Aqua Man built or some other moisture removing material works just as good, albeit marginally slower
I looked on Amazon. 5lb bag will run you around $19.00 +/- a bit depending on where you buy it from. I agree ... my thoughts, although affordable ... expensive for what it is. What type of stores would possibly carry it locally? Krogers maybe?
I'm debating this same scenario.

This is from the bags I buy, I don't know if I feel like sourcing the individual stuff is worth it for me as I don't have any storage space to spare.

My all in one bag source claims :

Ohio grown rye berries, Organic Coco Coir, Locally sourced alfalfa based horse manure and an organic wheat bran nitrogen supplement for larger flushes.

Our horse Manure is Sun-Leeched and composted for at least 2 years. This Manure comes from horses fed an Alfalfa-based diet from a local sourced farm near our location.

Every bag is Autoclaved at 18 PSI for 2 hours, the higher temperature and increased times lead to a lower contamination rate compared to standard 15 PSI for
1 1/2 hours.

On another note I think I'm 1 week away from some magic in the tub. Currently I'm 0--1 for successful mushroom grows, but I think I got something here.

Should I wait another week before venting? I saw Black dots of what I think is primordia this morning.

Edit, I placed substrate in tub this Sunday.
"Pasteurized" this one for 4 hours at 200f.

185g rice
150? Or 152g of water

You can hear the grain "clank" against the jar, wondering if I had a gram or two too little of water, and undercooked it, and if theres enough moisture content for the mycellium.

But I will proceed regardless

I suppose you could pasteurize these jars and let them sit around for a bit first and see if any "contam" grows? -Before innoculating?

There's maybe an inch or two of uncovered rice left in little cup.


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@tobh @Aqua Man

Why couldn't you just use UV to quickly sterilize the fuck out of the jars or substrate or so?
I tried with plastic petri dishes and it ruined the plastic. But you probably could to an extent. Hard to get light exposure to all sides equally and glass will filter UV so im not sure how well it would work or exposure times needed
I tried with plastic petri dishes and it ruined the plastic. But you probably could to an extent. Hard to get light exposure to all sides equally and glass will filter UV so im not sure how well it would work or exposure times needed
So, different materiels possibly

Otherwise 🧐🤔
So I’ve been looking at a lot of this stuff online and for LC every site seems to say “inject 1lb of your grain spawn with 1.5-2mls of our LC…” if you bought a 10ml syringe and are only inoculating 2lbs of spawn why not use 5mls in each? Or 10 mls in a 1lb? Is this a situation of more isn’t necessarily better?
In my head the more you add the quicker your mycellium will replicate and the quicker you’re grain will be inoculated?
So I’ve been looking at a lot of this stuff online and for LC every site seems to say “inject 1lb of your grain spawn with 1.5-2mls of our LC…” if you bought a 10ml syringe and are only inoculating 2lbs of spawn why not use 5mls in each? Or 10 mls in a 1lb?

Is this a situation of more isn’t necessarily better?
i think so
In my head the more you add the quicker your mycellium will replicate and the quicker you’re grain will be inoculated?
to an extent

you could put too much water content in the bag for example with too much LC/Spores
So I’ve been looking at a lot of this stuff online and for LC every site seems to say “inject 1lb of your grain spawn with 1.5-2mls of our LC…” if you bought a 10ml syringe and are only inoculating 2lbs of spawn why not use 5mls in each? Or 10 mls in a 1lb? Is this a situation of more isn’t necessarily better?
In my head the more you add the quicker your mycellium will replicate and the quicker you’re grain will be inoculated?

you could put too much water content in the bag for example with too much LC/Spores
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