All things shrooms

Have unexpected company so bb in a bit. But no you can’t do the soawn on only verm… they need a food source. Most grains will be good

""Yes, mushrooms can uptake nutrients in ionic form. Like other plants and fungi, mushrooms have specialized structures called mycelium, which consist of a network of fine threads called hyphae.

Mycelium can uptake nutrients in various forms, including ionic forms. Nutrients present in the soil or substrate surrounding the mycelium can be in different forms, such as ions, molecules, or complexes. The mycelium absorbs these nutrients through its hyphae, which have the ability to transport and assimilate various forms of nutrients.""

According to chatgpt3

i could potentially mix nutrient solution with vermiculite then ?
i started using snapchat ai and chatgp3 to find answers faster.

i know they have the potential to be inaccurate or make up data but , i digress..

machine learning is dope.
""Yes, mushrooms can uptake nutrients in ionic form. Like other plants and fungi, mushrooms have specialized structures called mycelium, which consist of a network of fine threads called hyphae.

Mycelium can uptake nutrients in various forms, including ionic forms. Nutrients present in the soil or substrate surrounding the mycelium can be in different forms, such as ions, molecules, or complexes. The mycelium absorbs these nutrients through its hyphae, which have the ability to transport and assimilate various forms of nutrients.""

According to chatgpt3

i could potentially mix nutrient solution with vermiculite then ?
Nope mushrooms eat their food like humans in a sense … atleast to my under standing. Maybe there is some fungi that can take up food in ionic form but not to my knowledge
but they get that from the mycellium?/can (?) which is all connected
I believe they only eat organic matter. But i could be wrong. My understanding is you can’t just feed them synthetic nutrients

This would explain why mushroom compost is so popular for plant. If they ate up synthetic or ionic form they would take up all the nutrients that plant do and it wouldn’t be compost. I believe they break down organic matter and inturn supply ionic nutrients to the soil
yeah, mycelium doesn't interact the same way with nutrient media. given the fundamental nature of what it is, being a decomposer, it literally consumes its resources vs having the same kind of exchange that plant roots do.

it would be worth an experiment, though.

the mycellium bacteria i do have access to test with has organic compounds in it, maybe once it is consumed then maybe i could test feeding it salts?
the mycellium bacteria i do have access to test with has organic compounds in it, maybe once it is consumed then maybe i could test feeding it salts?
mycelium != bacteria. two different microorganisms. in our case, we want to avoid bacteria as it is significantly more aggressive than mycelium at early stages and can become quite hazardous.

like, literally make you sick, hospitalize you, or worse. bacteria is bad, mkay.
the mycellium bacteria i do have access to test with has organic compounds in it, maybe once it is consumed then maybe i could test feeding it salts?
Mycelium is not bacteria… infact they hate each other and fight to the death. Bacteria produce anti fungal compounds and mycelium produce anti bacterial compounds…. Thus penicillin
I believe they only eat organic matter. But i could be wrong. My understanding is you can’t just feed them synthetic nutrients

This would explain why mushroom compost is so popular for plant. If they ate up synthetic or ionic form they would take up all the nutrients that plant do and it wouldn’t be compost. I believe they break down organic matter and inturn supply ionic nutrients to the soil
that makes sense
mycelium != bacteria. two different microorganisms. in our case, we want to avoid bacteria as it is significantly more aggressive than mycelium at early stages and can become quite hazardous.

like, literally make you sick, hospitalize you, or worse. bacteria is bad, mkay.
my mistake.

thanks yall for educating me
my mistake.

thanks yall for educating me
you're learnin! it's all good man. clandestine mycology is fascinating, and vast. there are a lot of things you'll pick up on fairly quickly.

then, some day when you get around to doing agar, you'll start doing real interesting shit like taking a petri dish, handing it to your kid, and telling them to take the lid off and go run around the yard waving the dish around like a mad person. they'll love it, you'll love it, then get freaked out by all the crazy molds, fungi, and bacterium you collected.

there's an awesome thread on shroomery where people do agar art. it's madness.
you're learnin! it's all good man. clandestine mycology is fascinating, and vast. there are a lot of things you'll pick up on fairly quickly.

then, some day when you get around to doing agar, you'll start doing real interesting shit like taking a petri dish, handing it to your kid, and telling them to take the lid off and go run around the yard waving the dish around like a mad person. they'll love it, you'll love it, then get freaked out by all the crazy molds, fungi, and bacterium you collected.

there's an awesome thread on shroomery where people do agar art. it's madness.
I loved doing isolations on agar you can distinguish between subspecies and watch the fight… so much can be learned from agar and its so cheap to do
wanted to take this, and grow some mycelium to play around with. Did last year with oatmeal


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I loved doing isolations on agar you can distinguish between subspecies and watch the fight… so much can be learned from agar and its so cheap to do
after pouring ~50 plates in a SAB i finally bit the bullet and bought a 99.97% HEPA filter (24"x36") and a dayton 1tdu2 blower. still need to get plywood to assemble the thing. but laminar flow + agar is like the money shot for mycology work. pouring plates in a SAB sucks, and my contam rate has averaged around 30%, which really sucks.

this damn house is so full of spores, though, there's not much I can do to avoid it.
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Why does psilocybe move so slow?
that's the thing, psilocybe is one of the fastest and most aggressive mushroom varieties on earth. trichoderma is a mold (still a type of fungus) and it just moves faster. i've seen jars and bags that were contaminated go from one tiny spec of green to 50% consumed in a matter of 48 hours before. that stuff takes no prisoners man.
that's the thing, psilocybe is one of the fastest and most aggressive mushroom varieties on earth. trichoderma is a mold (still a type of fungus) and it just moves faster. i've seen jars and bags that were contaminated go from one tiny spec of green to 50% consumed in a matter of 48 hours before. that stuff takes no prisoners man.
can one grow mycellium from something else and inject cubes'spores into?
after pouring ~50 plates in a SAB i finally bit the bullet and bought a 99.97% HEPA filter (24"x36") and a dayton 1tdu2 blower. still need to get plywood to assemble the thing. but laminar flow + agar is like the money shot for mycology work. pouring plates in a SAB sucks, and my contam rate has averaged around 30%, which really sucks.

this damn house is so full of spores, though, there's not much I can do to avoid it.
Thats what i did built a hepa positive pressure box
i dont understand mycellium i guess, theres different kinds of mycellium or all fungi grow a mycellium
after pouring ~50 plates in a SAB i finally bit the bullet and bought a 99.97% HEPA filter (24"x36") and a dayton 1tdu2 blower. still need to get plywood to assemble the thing. but laminar flow + agar is like the money shot for mycology work. pouring plates in a SAB sucks, and my contam rate has averaged around 30%, which really sucks.

this damn house is so full of spores, though, there's not much I can do to avoid it.
That's crazy! I did pretty well with mine . I also used like disinfectant spray and sprayed the room like 20 mins before I woked.
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