All things shrooms

i probably should have ordered the first one, KSSS and PE cross? assuming more potent.
got the second one instead. ;/
since you're starting out, i recommend staying away from PE until you get a few grows under your belt. PE is a mutation, and they're notoriously difficult to grow vs standard cubensis. you also really should isolate on agar with any PE varieties. They tend to do this thing where either they don't fruit, or fruit in "blobs" instead of typical fruit bodies. agar helps to ensure you get a true fruiting isolate along with aggressive colonization.

granted, getting into agar work is a deep investment. you can do it in a SAB but really you need a flow hood. i can point you at components to build a laminar flow hood if you'd like. it's roughly a $600 investment for a 24"x36" hood.
thats definitely more professional.

once i get some extra cash ill have to get some.
they also make metal luer locks that will be more durable. those blue ones are alright, i'm just not sure what their longevity is going to be like after n cycles through the autoclave. the metal ones are just crazy expensive, those plastic ones already hurt the pocket a bit given the price for what they are.
since you're starting out, i recommend staying away from PE until you get a few grows under your belt. PE is a mutation, and they're notoriously difficult to grow vs standard cubensis. you also really should isolate on agar with any PE varieties. They tend to do this thing where either they don't fruit, or fruit in "blobs" instead of typical fruit bodies. agar helps to ensure you get a true fruiting isolate along with aggressive colonization.
thanks for youre time and information @tobh much appreciated.
good thing i didnt get them then lol.

granted, getting into agar work is a deep investment. you can do it in a SAB but really you need a flow hood. i can point you at components to build a laminar flow hood if you'd like. it's roughly a $600 investment for a 24"x36" hood.
i wouldnt be able to do anything like that too soon, but down the line i would be interested.
if its ABSOLUTE i could take one of my totes and turn it into a SABish

or maybe a hepa box, im wrapping my head around the conditions needed and why
Agree with tobh about all that. And excellent choice with the KSSS, it was my favourite cubensis. Had the best high for sure, PE or amazonian send me for a loop, most of the other ones I grew lacked much of a visual experience. KSSS was a super happy, trippy buzz with decent visuals.
Agree with tobh about all that. And excellent choice with the KSSS, it was my favourite cubensis. Had the best high for sure, PE or amazonian send me for a loop, most of the other ones I grew lacked much of a visual experience.
Glad to have you around again.
KSSS was a super happy, trippy buzz with decent visuals.
i love the visual experience, fun to play League with all the colors and shit lol.

well im excited as hell to get into this.
And thanks you for chiming in. @tobh and @Dirtbag are more up to speed on this stuff than myself
I'm a novice big time, but did play with quite a few different varieties.
My favourite are still probably wild harvested liberty caps or wild/cultivated pan cyans. I only ever grew cubes from agar plates and slants. Never fucked with spores.
man i can't wait to get my pan cyans started.between their potency and supposedly being a "cleaner" experience, i'm getting impatient lol they're the whole reason i built a martha tent.
I'm a novice big time, but did play with quite a few different varieties.
My favourite are still probably wild harvested liberty caps or wild/cultivated pan cyans. I only ever grew cubes from agar plates and slants. Never fucked with spores.
if youre a novice im a single cell lol
if youre a novice im a single cell lol
Lol, well, I only grew shrooms for less than a year, ended up with a stash so huge I haven't had to grow since. But I did jump in at the deep end, although I have access to colonized agar which made my learning curve a lot easier. Getting from spores in a syringe to clean isolated mycelium on agar seems to be the hard part. Sterilizing grain and plopping a wedge of agar into grain in an SAB is pretty simple stuff really. Properly hydrating the grain so it's got the right moisture content without bursting the grain was the trickiest bit.
Lol, well, I only grew shrooms for less than a year, ended up with a stash so huge I haven't had to grow since.
did something right lol.
But I did jump in at the deep end, although I have access to colonized agar which made my learning curve a lot easier. Getting from spores in a syringe to clean isolated mycelium on agar seems to be the hard part.
by access, do you mean you know someone to get the colonized agar from?
Sterilizing grain and plopping a wedge of agar into grain in an SAB is pretty simple stuff really. Properly hydrating the grain so it's got the right moisture content without bursting the grain was the trickiest bit.
probably what ill have to do.

im going to learn this and then ill study Agar slants.

dont have income to go splurge on mats
did something right lol.

by access, do you mean you know someone to get the colonized agar from?

probably what ill have to do.

im going to learn this and then ill study Agar slants.

no $ for mats.
In Canada you can buy colonized agar and even colonized grain online. Plus I have a buddy who grows commercially and hooked me up with slants of his favorite strains.
In Canada you can buy colonized agar and even colonized grain online. Plus I have a buddy who grows commercially and hooked me up with slants of his favorite strains.
ahh nice.

in backwards ass oklahoma. but we progressing slowly, maybe, hopefully.
yeah, canada is way cooler than the US. finding anyone that'll ship colonized anything that's of an active variety is borderline impossible. just the very act of germinating spores is a felony in most states.
yeah, canada is way cooler than the US. finding anyone that'll ship colonized anything that's of an active variety is borderline impossible

just the very act of germinating spores is a felony in most states.

thats absolutely ridiculous.

the war on drugs is so fucking stupid.

guess im about to rack up some more, then.

somehow, nearly 100 years after prohibition started, they haven't figured out that it doesn't work. gotta "protect" the children, yet disregard if people want to get their hands on something, they'll either get it legally or not.
somehow, nearly 100 years after prohibition started, they haven't figured out that it doesn't work. gotta "protect" the children, yet disregard if people want to get their hands on something, they'll either get it legally or not.
@Observer I recommend Oats if you have a farm supplies store near you you can buy like 40-50lbs for $8 . And yes SAB is what I used so easy just turn off all air flow around you cut holes into the sterlite bin for your arms and put cyran wrap on the holes and use it as a door and just replace the cyran wrap everytime. I did it all on a budget. Even for my agar I used tiny dollar tree containers to plate my agar. haha. I miss shrooms but I can't do em anymore after my whole life being on opiates.
@Observer I recommend Oats if you have a farm supplies store near you you can buy like 40-50lbs for $8 . And yes SAB is what I used so easy just turn off all air flow around you cut holes into the sterlite bin for your arms and put cyran wrap on the holes and use it as a door and just replace the cyran wrap everytime. I did it all on a budget. Even for my agar I used tiny dollar tree containers to plate my agar. haha. I miss shrooms but I can't do em anymore after my whole life being on opiates.
yeah probably buy some oats or ryeberries or just buy a bag thats ready to be ISO'd and injected(?), and then mix into a tub --once innoculated-- with vermiculite and coco
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Have unexpected company so bb in a bit. But no you can’t do the soawn on only verm… they need a food source. Most grains will be good
what if i mixed the vermiculite with a nutrient solution?
yeah probably bye some oats or ryeberries or just buy a bag thats ready to be ISO'd and injected(?), and then mix into a tub --once innoculated-- with vermiculite and coco
I can't remember why but I stopped using ryeberries.. either price or just didn't like it. I would also recommend spore prints. and Aqua man meant 1 to 1 ratio of spawn(colonized grains) and coco or whatever u use WILL RARELY ever contam. But when you innoculate thats when the highest chances are of contam.
I can't remember why but I stopped using ryeberries.. either price or just didn't like it. I would also recommend spore prints. and Aqua man meant 1 to 1 ratio of spawn(colonized grains) and coco or whatever u use WILL RARELY ever contam. But when you innoculate thats when the highest chances are of contam.
why spore prints?

so just be sterile in handling the syringe and inoculation media. (?)

that one video shows the person handling the spawn and substrate barehanded after the initial colonization, and mixing together.
what if i mixed the vermiculite with a nutrient solution?
Never heard of that
why spore prints?

so just be sterile in handling the syringe and inoculation media. (?)

that one video shows the person handling the spawn and substrate barehanded after the initial colonization, and mixing together.
Its easier to get a sterile innoculation from spore print onto agar. Innoculating bags is like a 50/50 chance. and i'd need to see the video. what does initial colonization mean.

u get way more tries with print and itll last years longer.
Never heard of that
possible? reading fungi exert enzymes to break food/polymers down into monomers, but can they up take ions?
Its easier to get a sterile innoculation from spore print onto agar. Innoculating bags is like a 50/50 chance. and i'd need to see the video. what does initial colonization mean.

u get way more tries with print and itll last years longer.

and i just meant the inoculation step/process.
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