All things shrooms

I used horse manure… i forget the difference exactly but i think the potassium or lower N concentration. Been a bit aince i have done them
lower N content, especially in regards to the ammonia variety. it's not as hot as cow shit over all. i too prefer horse shit, but will use cow shit in a pinch.
I used horse manure… i forget the difference exactly but i think the potassium or lower N concentration. Been a bit aince i have done them
All i know about horse shit and cow shit is, horse shit grows more weeds than cow shit cause cows have 4 parts to their stomach for digestion
You know, I would not be opposed to making lots of spawn bags and dropping them in the mail. Once I get my feet under me with all my other crap I got going.

Getting clean well developed spawn is 90% of the battle IMO. Once the spawn goes into the tub or whatever, it does not need to be strictly sterile any more.
That's what I'm gathering, seen someone barehanded spawn no contam
I think my best strain is Nepal. I like to start it in Dextrose / water and then pour that on rye berries. Add that to some nice cow shit, and you got something!

Within a couple months I'll put some together. I'll let you know.
That's what I'm gathering, seen someone barehanded spawn no contam

Once the spawn is fully colonized, it can out-compete other (mostly bacterial) organisms. But if you are not sterile before the spawn can gain a foothold, mold and bacteria can out-compete and ruin your spawn.

I take a full bag of spawn and dump it into a mixture of foods that I have pasteurized. So like HORSE shit and brown rice flour and other stuff depending on the mushies.

If the spawn is happy, and you put it into a nearly sterile media, you do not have to be overly concerned with contamination. You need good air exchange at this point anyhow because CO2 is the byproduct, and it will just hang out in your tub being heavier than air. That will cause new fruit not to pin. So unless you have a ton of equipment, the fruiting stage is not going to be sterile.

This is what I use for pasteurization of mass substrate

But for spawn, I use an autoclave under pressure to be 100% sure it is sterile. The pasteurizer is at atmospheric so I don't have an 85 gallon bomb in my garage.
The pasteurizer is at atmospheric so I don't have an 85 gallon bomb in my garage.
if you could go back in time, would you consider building a steamer?

been working on some designs for a couple because both myself and my buddy are sick of using huge stock pots to pasteurize straw lol it's way too labor and time intensive for the volumes we're needing to push.
if you could go back in time, would you consider building a steamer?

been working on some designs for a couple because both myself and my buddy are sick of using huge stock pots to pasteurize straw lol it's way too labor and time intensive for the volumes we're needing to push.
you mean building vs buying?

I looked into it and I could not do it as well for the same money as bubbas. And there was that little thing in the back of my mind that 1 engineering error and I have a big problem in my living quarters. Risk vs reward - win bubba.
you mean building vs buying?

I looked into it and I could not do it as well for the same money as bubbas. And there was that little thing in the back of my mind that 1 engineering error and I have a big problem in my living quarters. Risk vs reward - win bubba.
completely understand. steam under pressure can become catastrophic very quickly.
Once the spawn is fully colonized, it can out-compete other (mostly bacterial) organisms. But if you are not sterile before the spawn can gain a foothold, mold and bacteria can out-compete and ruin your spawn.

I take a full bag of spawn and dump it into a mixture of foods that I have pasteurized. So like HORSE shit and brown rice flour and other stuff depending on the mushies.

If the spawn is happy, and you put it into a nearly sterile media, you do not have to be overly concerned with contamination. You need good air exchange at this point anyhow because CO2 is the byproduct, and it will just hang out in your tub being heavier than air. That will cause new fruit not to pin. So unless you have a ton of equipment, the fruiting stage is not going to be sterile.

This is what I use for pasteurization of mass substrate

But for spawn, I use an autoclave under pressure to be 100% sure it is sterile. The pasteurizer is at atmospheric so I don't have an 85 gallon bomb in my garage.
i was thinking i could inoculate uncle bens brown rice bag since already sterile, once fully colonized - figure i could mix vermiculite and a nutirent solution and mix my spawn in, place in a tote flip a lid upside down, keep moist and let it fruit - if possible
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i was thinking i could inoculate uncle bens brown rice bag since already sterile, once fully colonized - figure i could mix vermiculite and a nutirent solution and mix my spawn in, place in a tote flip a lid upside down, keep moist and let it flower.
You missed one step. That rice needs to be wet to field capacity.
You missed one step. That rice needs to be wet to field capacity.
well, i dont know about field capacity but its wet/moist, every video just shows people wiping the bag down 70iso and inserting the syringe/spores.
You know, I would not be opposed to making lots of spawn bags and dropping them in the mail. Once I get my feet under me with all my other crap I got going.

Getting clean well developed spawn is 90% of the battle IMO. Once the spawn goes into the tub or whatever, it does not need to be strictly sterile any more.
That’s really an awesome proposition
I got it, those are ready to eat. I thought we were talking about a bag of dry rice.

Carry on.
everything else sounded ok?

i want to try ionic solution. and see if theyll feed off of it mixed with vermiculite

everything im reading says its possible, or should be able to.

i can not find nutrient ratio requirements for the life of me for fruiting fungi bodies

they need a carbohydrate source, so im going to use sucrose, table sugar - mixed with vermiculite and solution ?

im attempting to spawn some mycelium, did last year with oatmeal, simple, put a little tote with some verm and mycos and misting with a minute amount of nutrients.

play around with it, see if i can keep feeding it with ionic solution
everything else sounded ok?

i want to try ionic solution. and see if theyll feed off of it

everything im reading says its possible, or should be able to.
I would follow the instructions for the tek, I have never done this before.

I have used rice, but I boil it until it is soft, then bag it and sterilize in the autoclave. I'm going to assume uncle ben's uses a similar process.
they need a carbohydrate source, so im going to use sucrose, table sugar - mixed with vermiculite and solution ?
different mushies prefer different things.

The vast majority of what I use is Dextrose - from potatoes.
I would follow the instructions for the tek, I have never done this before.

I have used rice, but I boil it until it is soft, then bag it and sterilize in the autoclave. I'm going to assume uncle ben's uses a similar process.
im just broke, trying to avoid buying anything and use what i have on hand.
different mushies prefer different things.

The vast majority of what I use is Dextrose - from potatoes.
yea that would be my other issue

i cant seem to find specific "strains?" and what they like.
professional, one day ill get there, lol.
this didn't happen overnight dude.

Stick with the rice tek and get the first batch out of the way, then everything will make more sense and you can decide where to spend your time and money more effectively.

I got all this stuff because I was growing hundreds of pounds of mushrooms for restaurants. Then covid hit and took all the fun out of it. I quit that and the microgreens and never started back up. So I still have all the crap.
this didn't happen overnight dude.

Stick with the rice tek and get the first batch out of the way, then everything will make more sense and you can decide where to spend your time and money more effectively.

I got all this stuff because I was growing hundreds of pounds of mushrooms for restaurants. Then covid hit and took all the fun out of it. I quit that and the microgreens and never started back up. So I still have all the crap.
shit, if you want to offload your microgreen gear, let me know. that's a secondary venture i'm looking to spin up alongside the mushrooms
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