All things shrooms

I'm part of a few other forums where there's quite a bit of discussion about various extraction methods for psilocybin.

The most promising I've seen so far is an acid to base extraction similar to the one used on Mimosa hostilis root bark but the biggest problem is the temperatures have to be very regulated otherwise other lipids end up getting pulled out too and the end product is like a nasty slurry.

Plus, psilocybin doesn't really like being converted to an HCl as it's molecular structure doesn't really create the same kind of lattices that 5meo and nn do.

It's a wild time to be alive. Once there's a reliable way to do the extractions and have salts, the dosing regulation will be exponentially more accurate, and the research opportunities will be endless.
Do it dude! And stay dedicated to the end goal. It's all worth the effort.
i fuckin love it man organic and inorganic

you already know why/whats getting me in it/ how im discovering my passions, haha.

i just gotta get my shit together again, ill build my own home lab and experiment too, cant wait to play with all the lab toys and glass ware.
i want to get to a knowledgeable-level where i can synthesize DMT and LSD and beyond @tobh

an do it all my self, just out of passion for the subjects and learning and experience.
Synthesis of LSD-25 is intense man. It's definitely some very advanced chemistry. Just don't go reading the shit Uncle Fester wrote, his books are bullshit. With some searching on the Internet archive you'll be able to find other resources that are legitimate.
Synthesis of LSD-25 is intense man. It's definitely some very advanced chemistry. Just don't go reading the shit Uncle Fester wrote, his books are bullshit. With some searching on the Internet archive you'll be able to find other resources that are legitimate.
well good thing ive not heard of uncle fester lol

it seems the hardest thing is getting the reagents, especially without credentials.
Yeah precursors are heavily regulated now. There are ways around it, but for things like saffrole or ergotamine, good luck. Hell, even mhrb is insanely controlled now unlike even ten years ago
Yeah precursors are heavily regulated now. There are ways around it, but for things like saffrole or ergotamine, good luck. Hell, even mhrb is insanely controlled now unlike even ten years ago
besides the other precursors, would it not be easier to grow wheat and it get infected? wondered about that, having some wheat around in a backyard and ???

i wanna grow my own hostilis and keep that around
besides the other precursors, would it not be easier to grow wheat and it get infected?
No, claviceps is incredibly dangerous to handle. Just touching it can result in rapid onset of gangrene. Plus, producing enough volume to have enough alkaloids to make synthesis a worthwhile endeavor would be a massive chore. That's why other synthesis processes have been developed, and is a major contributing factor in the massive surge in other research chemicals being identified.
No, claviceps is incredibly dangerous to handle. Just touching it can result in rapid onset of gangrene. Plus, producing enough volume to have enough alkaloids to make synthesis a worthwhile endeavor would be a massive chore. That's why other synthesis processes have been developed, and is a major contributing factor in the massive surge in other research chemicals being identified.
oh, haha.

ok thanks.
can one turn LSA into LSD ?, or the other developed processes make more sense to do ?
These are the videos I show everyone that wants to get started. Just simple everyday items with simple terminology. Sporeworks, Willy Myco, Mushroom Man Mycology those are trusted vendors, I’ve used others and end up back with one of the three. Just for when or if you want to start the journey.

Watched two or three. Nice. Think these are helpful. I like how they are short and all 9 progress in order. 🍻
It seems a lot of us here have similar issues and interest.

ADD/ADHD, dyslexia, major depression, few others.

My mother didn’t like me on Ritalin, so she said, but as a single mom with kids I think cost had something to do with it as well.

It took years, tears, trial and error before I found a way to work through it on my own. Reading was a big help. I’d skip school and go read in the library all day or get a book and go read in the nature trails. (Nice ravines linked together like wild parks.)

Key was having good teachers who knew how to teach me. Once I understood something I could run with it. I also had to find it interesting. Asshole teachers would try to make me learn their way. Good teachers took the time to learn how to reach me.

Tests were 50/50. Studying was hard if I didn’t like a subject. Id ace things I liked like architecture and mechanical drafting. As an example I liked trigonometry and aced it. Didn’t like mixing numbers and letters so algebra was frustrating. But one day I did lsd at school and aced a math test. It was easy. I was the first finished and the teacher thought I cheated but couldn’t prove it. I didn’t even know we had a test coming. Was planning to skip class but couldn’t get away. Lol

Unfortunately once I get really good at something I tend to get bored and move on/loose interest. A few hobbies I’ll pick up again after years while others I’ve never cared to try again.

Alcohol was a tool for a long time. Slow my mind. Help with sleep. Easy to get. But hard on the body. Mushrooms and LSD were the two best drugs for everything else. Just hard to find/get.

Up until I retired a few years ago I still had a journal beside my bed. It can take hours to fall to sleep until my mind is ready. And if I have a problem or issues to resolve I can wake up with solutions or ideas and write them down. That worked for decades. Although some notes never did make any sense. Lol

Patterns, mazes, puzzles most are obvious or easy. But I’m a visual learner. Reading about it then watching the process is best. Computers opened up a whole new world. I knew if I got bored of one aspect I could just change lanes and go down a branching path. That worked for a long time.

These days something is broken. Either from a car accident, got to old, or some other reason. I can no longer keep focus especially for long term issues.

I’m hoping mushrooms can again help me to quiet things and control thoughts. Plus it’s a fun high. A happy high.

Just my $0.02.
It seems a lot of us here have similar issues and interest.

ADD/ADHD, dyslexia, major depression, few others.

My mother didn’t like me on Ritalin, so she said, but as a single mom with kids I think cost had something to do with it as well.

It took years, tears, trial and error before I found a way to work through it on my own. Reading was a big help. I’d skip school and go read in the library all day or get a book and go read in the nature trails. (Nice ravines linked together like wild parks.)

Key was having good teachers who knew how to teach me. Once I understood something I could run with it. I also had to find it interesting. Asshole teachers would try to make me learn their way. Good teachers took the time to learn how to reach me.

Tests were 50/50. Studying was hard if I didn’t like a subject. Id ace things I liked like architecture and mechanical drafting. As an example I liked trigonometry and aced it. Didn’t like mixing numbers and letters so algebra was frustrating. But one day I did lsd at school and aced a math test. It was easy. I was the first finished and the teacher thought I cheated but couldn’t prove it. I didn’t even know we had a test coming. Was planning to skip class but couldn’t get away. Lol

Unfortunately once I get really good at something I tend to get bored and move on/loose interest. A few hobbies I’ll pick up again after years while others I’ve never cared to try again.

Alcohol was a tool for a long time. Slow my mind. Help with sleep. Easy to get. But hard on the body. Mushrooms and LSD were the two best drugs for everything else. Just hard to find/get.

Up until I retired a few years ago I still had a journal beside my bed. It can take hours to fall to sleep until my mind is ready. And if I have a problem or issues to resolve I can wake up with solutions or ideas and write them down. That worked for decades. Although some notes never did make any sense. Lol

Patterns, mazes, puzzles most are obvious or easy. But I’m a visual learner. Reading about it then watching the process is best. Computers opened up a whole new world. I knew if I got bored of one aspect I could just change lanes and go down a branching path. That worked for a long time.

These days something is broken. Either from a car accident, got to old, or some other reason. I can no longer keep focus especially for long term issues.

I’m hoping mushrooms can again help me to quiet things and control thoughts. Plus it’s a fun high. A happy high.

Just my $0.02.
Its funny how there are so many similarities between people like this.

To me it’s a perfect example of challenging what is ACTUALLY NORMAL. To me the concept of normal as we are taught is absurd.

Diversity is what drives evolution and its only normal to accept there is no such thing as normal. If that makes any sense to you all.

Just my thoughts
The modern, public education system was never designed to deal with neurodivergent children, or any children above or below the median. I would say since at least the 70s (when my brother went through primary school) it's been a problem of whether the child fits within a small margin of competency and capability that determined their academic success.

Then, good ol Bush Jr (not him specifically, but he did sign the No Child Left Behind Act) decided "we can't leave any children behind!" and right fucked the ship even more, at least in the US. So instead of a child the might need a little extra help because of a learning disability being supported properly, or a child with exceptional intelligence being given guardrails to direct their experimentation and exploration, every child became a square that needed smashed into a round hole.

Some of it may be by design, though. The reality is the children that didn't fall into that median group have higher statistical chances of falling into addiction and crime in their adult lives, and eventually become wards of the state. Sometimes they manage to find success and stability in their lives but that comes on a delayed timeline so they still end up lagging behind their peers. Rarely they strike gold early on and become wildly successful.

That's what makes this current time in history so exciting, though. The fact that real research is being performed with the likes of MDMA, Ketamine, and Psilocybin means we are on the verge of finding real solutions for mental illness and neurodivergence. We'll be able to help people understand themselves and their place in the world more clearly, and unlock pathways for them to be self-sufficient, healthy, and potentially even happy. The research that's happened with alcoholics and all three of those substances is an excellent example because a lot of alcoholics have that same problem -- can't shut their brain off so they drink, not realizing (at least at first) that alcohol is a self-defeating self medication because all the stress and anxiety is gonna be back in the morning since the GABA receptors have taken a massive beating and aren't ready for the flood of GABA re-entering the bloodstream.

I could go on and on about this shit, though. Mushrooms have the potential to really change human history and quality of life on so many levels. Lion's Mane for its neuroprotective and neuroregenerative properties. Reishi for its cancer prevention and general wellness. Maitake for its immunity boosting. Stropharia for its environmental cleanup capabilities. Cordyceps for its countless uses. And some, for the way they touch the mind and the soul, to remove the veil of consciousness and allow a person to see their darkness and wrestle with it; overcome it.
To me it’s a perfect example of challenging what is ACTUALLY NORMAL. To me the concept of normal as we are taught is absurd.

Diversity is what drives evolution and its only normal to accept there is no such thing as normal. If that makes any sense to you all.
Dude, this is so well said and accurate.
I see the people society terms "normal" are the furthest from "normal" lol
Didn’t know you were a chemistry guy too!!
I love extracting my own meds from all the fun plants, trees and cacti nature offers.
It was one of the only subjects that I engaged with in school, and have always been fascinated by it. Definitely not an expert by any means but can handle some basic extractions and reactions without maiming or killing myself haha. Have actually considered picking up some night classes in organic chem at the local community college just to refresh my memory and maybe pick up some new tricks along the way. In the interim i read a lot of whitepapers on various synthesis processes and keep a pulse on what the unofficial researchers are up to.
Ever had a breakthrough?
a few times i think? kind of hard to answer this

you learn wisdom and go to the next levels

ive seen some shit and communicated with something else, a few times.

like communicating with a universal consciousness too, "information downloads"

went through 5 DMT carts in 3 months, itching to get another one and dive in again, even deeper.
have you done DMT?

when i have shrooms i usually take 7gs+ and make teas.
ive done a 14g+ tea too

when i take tabs usually 3 or 4+ at a time, took 7 at once before, the house was breathing with me and demons outside all over the place.
and some weird shit happened with a lamp in the room.

it popped like it broke but it came back on. 0 issues ever before or after.


ive tripped a bunchhhhhhhhh
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really gotta write things down and record next time im in deep

theres alot that happens and a lot of information just streams to you, when in it, on DMT

those trips are "explosive"

body can just start dancing on its own.

id love to try IV way, they are getting it to last longer in lab settings, up to an hou
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