All things shrooms

really gotta write things down and record next time im in deep

theres alot that happens and a lot of information just streams to you, when in it, on DMT

those trips are "explosive"

body can just start dancing on its own.

id love to try IV way, they are getting it to last longer in lab settings, up to an hou
i had a notepad for this reason i dont know what happened to it

i like to push my mind.
@Aqua Man @SpectrumFarms have y'all ever monitored for RH swings in your setups? Have you noticed any optimal swing over a given time period? Eg, 10% drop over an hour, or whatever? Or just aim for a target of 85%+ constant?

Debating geeking out a bit as I'm still working on dialing in the Martha, but we all know where THAT goes with cannabis lol
@Aqua Man @SpectrumFarms have y'all ever monitored for RH swings in your setups? Have you noticed any optimal swing over a given time period? Eg, 10% drop over an hour, or whatever? Or just aim for a target of 85%+ constant?

Debating geeking out a bit as I'm still working on dialing in the Martha, but we all know where THAT goes with cannabis lol
I have not. Only really worked with various tub sizes. One day i will upgrade to a room i think
@Aqua Man @SpectrumFarms have y'all ever monitored for RH swings in your setups? Have you noticed any optimal swing over a given time period? Eg, 10% drop over an hour, or whatever? Or just aim for a target of 85%+ constant?

Debating geeking out a bit as I'm still working on dialing in the Martha, but we all know where THAT goes with cannabis lol

I have not ever experimented with RH swings with fungi. I do check my RH in the tubs daily through the summer months my house stays around 40-42% RH with the AC on. I have always just maintained a constant of 90-91% I am to keep the humidity at same moisture level as the fruits themselves. I haven’t upgraded much over the years I still use 4, 12qt tubs and place all four in one large 160qt tub for fruiting.
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My grandkids, in Quebec now, seemed to have inherited my issues. All three, 3 to 11, are gifted but are having trouble getting along with others and authority.

I helped my daughter by telling her who to complain to about the school and how they were treating the kids. Now two are in advanced classes and have social workers that they see. Much better but the school still tries to push back and make the parents do their job. 🤦

Middle ones being tested now for another thing. Parents have to pay for this test? He’s autistic but already functions at an 18 year old level, he’s six I think. Gets suspended occasionally for arguing with his teachers. After hearing what one argument was about it sounds like teachers want him to go play/be a six year old but he wants to do other activities.

We’ll see what comes out of this process. I don’t know the province’s systems or programs but I’m interested to hear what comes out of it.
besides the other precursors, would it not be easier to grow wheat and it get infected? wondered about that, having some wheat around in a backyard and ???

i wanna grow my own hostilis and keep that around
There’s a farm in Florida that sell saplings for $40. There are lots of other plants that are N,N DMT rich. Pharlaris grass is a common one that grows almost everywhere. Ever spend anytime over on the Nexus? Insane amounts of good info there. If you’re interested in ergot checkout Uncle Fester’s LSD book from the 90s.
There’s a farm in Florida that sell saplings for $40. There are lots of other plants that are N,N DMT rich. Pharlaris grass is a common one that grows almost everywhere. Ever spend anytime over on the Nexus? Insane amounts of good info there. If you’re interested in ergot checkout Uncle Fester’s LSD book from the 90s.
Heard of phalaris grass, wasn't sure if it'd be worth it

Briefly on nexus
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There’s a farm in Florida that sell saplings for $40. There are lots of other plants that are N,N DMT rich. Pharlaris grass is a common one that grows almost everywhere. Ever spend anytime over on the Nexus? Insane amounts of good info there. If you’re interested in ergot checkout Uncle Fester’s LSD book from the 90s.
Heard of phalaris grass, wasn't sure if it'd be worthwhile

Briefly on nexus

So I guess to do dmt intravenously I could dissolve DMT Crystals into a saline solution and inject?
Heard of phalaris grass, wasn't sure if it'd be worthwhile

Briefly on nexus

So I guess to do dmt intravenously I could dissolve DMT Crystals into a saline solution and inject?
If you have extremely clean lab made DMT then yes. At home extraction will never be pure enough in my opinion to go the IV route. You’d need that good good like Rick Strassman.
I second what has been said -- IV drug use without adequate training and purity of product is a massive health and safety risk, not to mention a monumental deviation from the appropriate topics of discussion for this forum.

Other forums such as Blue Light and Shroomery would be better served for such discussion as they're locked down a bit more tightly with regards to search engine scraping and non-member access.
If you have extremely clean lab made DMT then yes. At home extraction will never be pure enough in my opinion to go the IV route. You’d need that good good like Rick Strassman.
Damn how did this dude get his IV dmt lol
Anyone ever hear of these guys?

yeah, Northspore will hobby tax you to death. their spawn is also unreliable. my buddy and myself have received several shipments of master mix spawn that contaminated within two days of receipt.

i recommend these guys for spawn

build your own monotubs, they're cheap and easy.
Anyone ever hear of these guys?

Heard of them… think it was good from what i recall but im not sure never used them
In Canada i recommend this place. Used it for several years.

Gah. Not sure I'll run these jmf again. They colonized aggressive as hell, but fruiting is taking for damn ever. It's been 13 days since exposure to fruiting conditions and only have one single visible pin so far. Did some reading and apparently they're on par with PE at the fruiting stage. I do have other bags that should be ready to go into substrate next weekend, though. Soaking more than this evening, will be cooking tomorrow.
one thing of note, that may or may not be a contributing factor, is the mycelium working to metabolize the nutrients from the straw. i didn't consider this initially, but given how long it's taken for the tubs to even show a single pin (one pin per tub), I'm thinking it's possible that the straw actually had a reverse affect on the fruiting timeline vs just straight CVG.

as such, in subsequent runs I will be doing a side-by-side for flush density, fruit size, velocity of colonization, velocity of consolidation, and time to first pin(s) from birthing of the substrate. if my hypothesis is right, we should see multiple days difference between birthing to first pin(s) with the introduction of straw to the substrate. at least, with cubensis. i don't expect similar results with oysters or lion's mane as i won't be running those on CVG, and will be using primarily straw or master's mix (if I can find some damn soy hulls locally).
will snag pics later, but things are finally kicked off here! more pins are popping up seemingly by the hour. will say 14 days from birthing to fruiting initiation. bit longer than I expected based on prior experience but it looks like the martha is dialed in for happy fruiting conditions.

prepping more grains as we speak, as well. goal is to stockpile about 30 bags by this weekend so that supply doesn't continue to be a bottleneck. that process is so damn time intensive, have got to figure out a more scalable way of bulk grain prep. eight to ten bags per ~24 hours of prep and cook time is not scalable.
Shelf is filling up quick. Gotta get more grain soaking, again. The bags on the left will be going into substrate this weekend, and I'll be doing G2G transfers on the pink oyster bag to really expand that out.

Bags inoculated today with pan cyan varieties and lion's mane agar wedges. Also made a bunch of transfers for the APE run. So long the transfers look clean, I'll probably do micro runs with each to get some fruits to clone from instead of wasting time hoping to not end up with blobs or no fruits at all.
Shelf is filling up quick. Gotta get more grain soaking, again. The bags on the left will be going into substrate this weekend, and I'll be doing G2G transfers on the pink oyster bag to really expand that out.

Bags inoculated today with pan cyan varieties and lion's mane agar wedges. Also made a bunch of transfers for the APE run. So long the transfers look clean, I'll probably do micro runs with each to get some fruits to clone from instead of wasting time hoping to not end up with blobs or no fruits at all.
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I never had good luck with bags and transfers. Think i meed to try again.
I never had good luck with bags and transfers. Think i meed to try again.
So far I've only had one failure and I think that was just me being sloppy with my aseptic techniques. We'll see, though. I'm liking using bags way better than jars at this point though. Higher volume of spawn in the same amount of time, and less cleaning, albeit more waste going to the landfill
So far I've only had one failure and I think that was just me being sloppy with my aseptic techniques. We'll see, though. I'm liking using bags way better than jars at this point though. Higher volume of spawn in the same amount of time, and less cleaning, albeit more waste going to the landfill
Yeah thats why i want to switch but i also had issues PCing them and turning white
Yeah thats why i want to switch but i also had issues PCing them and turning white
Yeah it gets kinda iffy initially after they come out of the PC, lots of condensation. But it dissipates within a day or two. The quality of bags is important, I've learned. I ordered some larger ones for master mix bags, and am hoping they work out just as well as the ones I'm using for grains.
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