Auto Issues


Know it all
Apr 14, 2023
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My buddies growing an auto plant. He's having issues. Miracle Gro soil in a 3 gallon pot with an SF1000 for light. 76°/55%

Terrapin leaf issues.jpgTerrapin leaf issues A.jpg
just watch that the small pots dont dry out the root or the top of the soil drying when they are out in the full sun.once you get past that first week you should b good.just put them someplace snails can’t get to them..even part shade part sun won’t hurt them.
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just watch that the small pots dont dry out the root or the top of the soil drying when they are out in the full sun.once you get past that first week you should b good.just put them someplace snails can’t get to them..even part shade part sun won’t hurt them.
Perfect! 👍🙏
Does anyone else think homegrown is far superior to dispensary in effects? This is my first experience with smoking homegrown and it's totally blowing me away. It's like it's so potent I think I need to use less of this than dispensary weed, but who wants to do that? 😂
This plant has quit using water and will be harvested next week or the week after ( the 14th week) based on the other plant.

I'm thinking the reason why I'm seeing a handful of large fan leaves deteriorating is because the plant is shutting down. Does this sound correct?
A decline in water uptake is a big signal to finishing IME.
Most plants I grow show signs of deterioration before they are done but others actually finish green~! I'm the slacker.😁
I would guess since the color change is mid plant that it is actually a nute deficiency, but being an auto I can't say for sure.
I will guess Potassium?
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I would not try to correct it at this point though.
Your buds look great~!
A decline in water uptake is a big signal to finishing IME.
Most plants I grow show signs of deterioration before they are done but others actually finish green~! I'm the slacker.😁
I would guess since the color change is mid plant that it is actually a nute deficiency, but being an auto I can't say for sure.
I will guess Potassium?
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I would not try to correct it at this point though.
Your buds look great~!

This is a good article, thanks for you comments slacker! 👍🙂
Has anyone ever noticed photos have a tendency to be more leggy the first week when the seeds break through the soil?

I was so impressed with the autos the first week:

But all 3 varieties of my photos are way too leggy:


I'm getting the issue corrected by letting them dry out and increasing the light and a gentle fan on them, so I'm not worried. . .

But it seems to me it is their nature to be more leggy than autos?
Can anyone tell me at what point humidity will cause concerns during the drying process please?

I'm up to 71% in this closet on day 4. Thank you!
Can anyone tell me at what point humidity will cause concerns during the drying process please?

I'm up to 71% in this closet on day 4. Thank you!
View attachment 56890
If she was mine and my first harvest i would pluck all the nugs off on day 7 and jar them with a hygrometer. Ideally if they are stable around 68 to 72% you can finish the drying process in the jars.

At 62% you can stop burping and leave them shut as the curing process now begins.
If she was mine and my first harvest i would pluck all the nugs off on day 7 and jar them with a hygrometer in the jar. Ideally if they are stable around 68 to 72% you can finish the drying process in the jars.

At 62% you can stop burping and leave them shut as the curing process now begins.

This sounds tempting. Thanks 🙏 never even would have thought of this as an option. I might just do this.

Um going to be gone from May 21st to May 25th and wouldn't be able to burp my jars for 4 days.

My original plan was to put them in jars when I got back on the 25th, but with this high humidity I might not have the option to do that. The 25th would make 21 days of drying.

If I put them in jars before I left and couldn't burp them for 4 days do you think that would cause a problem?

Thanks again 👍
PS it went up to 75% humidity today, I freaked out a little bit and went out and got 3 damp rid containers and put my computer fan on the floor blowing air out of the closet under the door like an exhaust fan. This brought it back down to 70% humidity but I know that's still too high.
This sounds tempting. Thanks 🙏 never even would have thought of this as an option. I might just do this.

Um going to be gone from May 21st to May 25th and wouldn't be able to burp my jars for 4 days.

My original plan was to put them in jars when I got back on the 25th, but with this high humidity I might not have the option to do that. The 25th would make 21 days of drying.

If I put them in jars before I left and couldn't burp them for 4 days do you think that would cause a problem?

Thanks again 👍
I use humidity packs in my jars, and yes 4 days are ok. I also use Terp-Loc Grove bags, 1 Lb size for weeks without worry. Cheers,enjoy your trip
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