Alcohol can be quit overnight if it is desired by the person. A little thing called

Psilocybe cubensis

I haven't had a drink in 5 years now. Don't miss it. Used to drink beer like it was one of the food groups. I'm happy to help anyone on this path, just PM me. I've got you covered!

A study showed that 87% of people who smoked cigarettes and wanted to quit, were still smoke free a year later using cubensis.

I like to think of it like the ski slope. You get to the top of the hill, and there are so many tracks already in the snow, you just fall into taking the same route down the hill over and over. Mushrooms are like a 2' snowfall for your brain. You get to pick your new path, and erase habits in the process. 10/10 must recommend.
I’ve been micro dosing for about a year now just once a week sometimes 2 times for anxiety - better than any drug the doc has prescribed! - I’m a believer for sure - want to try that reset sometime ? Lo but I’m chicken still .
So, I’m still in trim jail. Please send wine, cereal, pop tarts, candy bars and a toothbrush. Just skip making bail and save your money, it’s not that bad here 😂 Just two or three more days and I’ll be sprung.
It's good to have a masseuse around to massage the back of the neck. There never seems to be one around when you need them.
I lived in Grand Rapids for a while. Wife and I will hopefully retire up there on the lake coast side before too long. Love it up there.
A little too much snow for me.

My wife had been trying to get us to move to Michigan for years, to be closer to her daughter and the grand kids. We lived in NC. Once, I found the Forestry Service had two open soil scientist positions in Ironwood and Ontonagon, so I interviewed for them.

When my wife realized Ontonagon got an average of 13 feet of snow per year, and Ironwood was an 11 hour drive to Step Daughterville (it was a 12 hour drive from our home in NC), I had to reassess.
A little too much snow for me.

My wife had been trying to get us to move to Michigan for years, to be closer to her daughter and the grand kids. We lived in NC. Once, I found the Forestry Service had two open soil scientist positions in Ironwood and Ontonagon, so I interviewed for them.

When my wife realized Ontonagon got an average of 13 feet of snow per year, and Ironwood was an 11 hour drive to Step Daughterville (it was a 12 hour drive from our home in NC), I had to reassess.
Aren't you in Michigan in the Ann Arbor area?
Someone will join and get the message out and even if that means falling on their sword and being kicked banned for life ... at least the truth will be known.
I still have an un-banned membership over there that I haven't been using. Maybe I'll go over with the online equivalent of a suicide vest and explain. A few people will see it before that membership is banned.
This is subject lined "A Public Service Announcement," written by "1diesel!"

We have noticed that numerous members have been inquiring about the whereabouts of particular moderators who are no longer part of our community. To begin with, let's discuss Moe.Red.

Moe.Red obtained clones from a supporter of The Farm but, due to his limited knowledge, ended up with an infestation, possibly spider mites or something similar. Without any evidence, Moe.Red accused the supporter of causing the issue. Despite having access to advanced equipment that could have identified the problem, Moe.Red failed to provide any proof.

As a result, Moe.Red violated moderating protocols and was asked to step down as a moderator, though he was allowed to retain his supporter badge due to his otherwise exemplary membership. However, Moe.Red chose to leave The Farm, followed by Aquaman. (who had high hopes for Moe.Red's invention as a potential financial opportunity)

Moe.Red, Moshmen and Aquaman have since been spreading false allegations about The Farm's administration online. Logic, the creator of The Farm, has been exceptionally kind to these former members, who are now permanently banned from the site. In a private exchange with other moderators, personal information, including real names and addresses, was shared.

Unfortunately, Moe.Red has chosen to publicly reveal Logic's personal information on the internet. We wanted to clarify the situation for our members and caution them against trusting these individuals, as they may attempt to deceive you if you cross paths with them.
We wish you happy growing at The Farm!
The Staff

In addition, you can no longer PM someone, unless you have at least 50 posts. Can't imagine why that was done. Nope, can't think of a reason.
Yeah 👍 it's an outlet for suffering people to not focus on the negative sometimes. Lots of demons people carry around brother it's hard to imagine. psilocybin is proven effective at diminishing symptoms

I like to Trip alone personally

Keep the mind more occupied and focused on the experience itself..... Like my waterfall area noise here
Yes alone in nature is my preferred setting. It is hard to overlook the beauty in the world and feel some sense of purpose and connection to everything, while hiking up a mountain or sitting by a river tripping. Everyday life in this world is enough to cause you to lose sight of what's good and important, let alone all the trauma some people have on top of this capitalist hellscape we've made our society. I better stop before I go on a rant. 🤣 If everyone ate mushies a couple times the world would be a better place I think.
Ain’t nobody gonna fill your shoes…. And certainly not her. Im sorry but many will see this as an opportunity. She is not wrong about others stepping up…. and they will but from what i have seen left over there it will lay on a very few who are not very active…

and there will be an immense amount of shit advice as ppl guess and make shit up just to have an answer. Not gonna lie i did some peeking over there and i was laughing. I mean @MiGrampa was the last very active source of help there.

What stings the most is they don’t know what happened and bought the BS
This is subject lined "A Public Service Announcement," written by "1diesel!"

We have noticed that numerous members have been inquiring about the whereabouts of particular moderators who are no longer part of our community. To begin with, let's discuss Moe.Red.

Moe.Red obtained clones from a supporter of The Farm but, due to his limited knowledge, ended up with an infestation, possibly spider mites or something similar. Without any evidence, Moe.Red accused the supporter of causing the issue. Despite having access to advanced equipment that could have identified the problem, Moe.Red failed to provide any proof.

As a result, Moe.Red violated moderating protocols and was asked to step down as a moderator, though he was allowed to retain his supporter badge due to his otherwise exemplary membership. However, Moe.Red chose to leave The Farm, followed by Aquaman. (who had high hopes for Moe.Red's invention as a potential financial opportunity)

Moe.Red, Moshmen and Aquaman have since been spreading false allegations about The Farm's administration online. Logic, the creator of The Farm, has been exceptionally kind to these former members, who are now permanently banned from the site. In a private exchange with other moderators, personal information, including real names and addresses, was shared.

Unfortunately, Moe.Red has chosen to publicly reveal Logic's personal information on the internet. We wanted to clarify the situation for our members and caution them against trusting these individuals, as they may attempt to deceive you if you cross paths with them.
We wish you happy growing at The Farm!
The Staff

In addition, you can no longer PM someone, unless you have at least 50 posts. Can't imagine why that was done. Nope, can't think of a reason.
Good morning all of my dangerous fellow constituents. Falling out of my chair laughing! Fifty huh?
Somebody needs to tell that wanker, all I had to do was type Logic and forum name up and it came up page after page. That had nothing to do with Moe!
Anyways, as you see I was blocked from messaging anybody.
Today, I am close to parole from trim jail. Daughter is going to help, we should be hanging to dry by tonight. Yay!
Girls seem happy this morning. Still got a few weeks before I start hardening them off so hopefully they’ll just continue getting stronger.
This year I vow to get a light for my tent so i don’t keep using the work bench 🤣….baby steps
Girls seem happy this morning. Still got a few weeks before I start hardening them off so hopefully they’ll just continue getting stronger.
This year I vow to get a light for my tent so i don’t keep using the work bench 🤣….baby steps
View attachment 3337
Looking happy! 🥰
Good morning all of my dangerous fellow constituents. Falling out of my chair laughing! Fifty huh?
Somebody needs to tell that wanker, all I had to do was type Logic and forum name up and it came up page after page. That had nothing to do with Moe!
Anyways, as you see I was blocked from messaging anybody.
Today, I am close to parole from trim jail. Daughter is going to help, we should be hanging to dry by tonight. Yay!
I decided to work my way up to 50 before the suicide vest. I can probably do it quickly just by answering newbies, and getting involved in a "Photos vs. Autos" argument. People on this site will probably be able to tell which newbie is me if they go over there.

But the post from 1diesel1 now has me concerned: I have crossed paths with @Moe.Red, @Aqua Man and @Moshmen. They could be deceiving me at this very moment, and I'm totally unaware. Maybe Moe is just after my $5 Patreon payment! That bastard!
Good morning all of my dangerous fellow constituents. Falling out of my chair laughing! Fifty huh?
Somebody needs to tell that wanker, all I had to do was type Logic and forum name up and it came up page after page. That had nothing to do with Moe!
Anyways, as you see I was blocked from messaging anybody.
Today, I am close to parole from trim jail. Daughter is going to help, we should be hanging to dry by tonight. Yay!
Pics ! Pics this is the best part you get to show those beautiful flowers !
Good morning all of my dangerous fellow constituents. Falling out of my chair laughing! Fifty huh?
Somebody needs to tell that wanker, all I had to do was type Logic and forum name up and it came up page after page. That had nothing to do with Moe!
Anyways, as you see I was blocked from messaging anybody.
Today, I am close to parole from trim jail. Daughter is going to help, we should be hanging to dry by tonight. Yay!
Left out the part where he also just banned anyone by association lol....
You ever have someone try to really screw and it backfires in their face?
I just keep getting this overwhelming feeling like that lately.
I had the same thoughts of retribution as many of you have but I really feel and will repeat that my ultimate revenge is my success.
I feel things concerning growing and communicating with knowledgeable people who even think like me a little is looking better every day.
If someone was to post a thread, I would title it 'Thanks".
I no longer have an account just for posting here…..but my elation for finding the folks I had been missing far surprises any need to ever visit that place again.

The past is the past let’s move forward with this community/family in a direction of love, expectance and general good will towards one another.

The knowledge base here is so deep us newbies are in the best hands possible and I for one am great-full for that.

Now it’s time to coach lacrosse for the next three hours in the pouring rain….yayyy sports 🤣🤣🤣
i use to struggle alot with em, psyches, or CEs, helped me a lot.

Yes alone in nature is my preferred setting. It is hard to overlook the beauty in the world and feel some sense of purpose and connection to everything, while hiking up a mountain or sitting by a river tripping. Everyday life in this world is enough to cause you to lose sight of what's good and important, let alone all the trauma some people have on top of this capitalist hellscape we've made our society. I better stop before I go on a rant. 🤣 If everyone ate mushies a couple times the world would be a better place I think.
That's why I've been here on the mountain 🏔️ for a year now

Basics... Like simple pleasures of cooking a meal or cleaning up in the river. When you focus energy like listening to your breathing or connection with the birds singing... Watching the water flow down the river it grounds us again. Connecting us to the Earth 🌎 SURVIVAL

Just like gardening...

Almost all other parts of our lives are contrived/controlled by mankind and is the main source of the insanity or anxiety.

Reset buttons work but most people are scared and/or in a captivity of their own design
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This is the???? They want me to take these days

That's why I've been here on the mountain 🏔️ for a year now

Basics... Like simple pleasures of cooking a meal or cleaning up in the river. When you focus energy like listening to your breathing and the birds singing... Watching the water flow down the river it grounds us again. Connecting us to the Earth 🌎

All the other stuff is basically contrived by mankind and is the main source of the insanity
I totally agree. Humans weren't designed to live the way society says we should. Lack of human connection, and connection with mother nature is what has brought us to this point, so many unhappy, depressed, lost souls trying to make it in this crazy materialistic world. Maybe someday the sun will flip out and all the electronics and man made shit will be fried and we can go backnto simplistic living. Or we'll self destruct first, who knows lol.
I totally agree. Humans weren't designed to live the way society says we should. Lack of human connection, and connection with mother nature is what has brought us to this point, so many unhappy, depressed, lost souls trying to make it in this crazy materialistic world. Maybe someday the sun will flip out and all the electronics and man made shit will be fried and we can go backnto simplistic living. Or we'll self destruct first, who knows lol.
Yeah 👍 I'm of the mind that there's a balance to be had. Sometimes ignorance is bliss

Scholastic knowledge and understanding is only beneficial up to a point Data and 🖥️ are a tool. Nothing more

Wisdom and courage matter more. Virtues matter I

Wisdom brings the ability to know when to speak up, or when to keep quiet. Courage brings the choice to overcome fear and act or to have the strength to step back when necessary.
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