Absolutely. The fact that it overwhelms your brain and does a mental reboot which takes time to recover from is part of why it works.

Psilocybin is a dead ringer for the serotonin molecule.

The one on the left is the normal interconnections in your brain. The one on the right is under the influence. The brain has the ability to talk to areas it normally wouldn't / couldn't which is why you can smell music and taste color.


There is a netflix series on my favorite author on this now:

Michael Pollan wrote "How to change your mind." and it gives a good understanding and framework for doing your own recovery when you do not have a guide or a mental health professional to walk you thru the process.
I worked in a hospital for close to 10 years and wandering the hallways they have charts and public info pictures. One in particular struck me with our daily bio rhythm's . It showed with a straight line and a curved line rolling across the straight line showing how we normally float above and below the base line in daily rhythm's.

Alcohol and drugs can take you above the line but then the fall ( hangover ) takes you down below the line and the higher you go above the line the further you fall below it. And it takes you longer to get back to your regular base line........staying hi for days keeps you low for days recovering and for some they have a hard time ever getting back to the base line again without drugs or alcohol. Depression is when you can't get back to the base line and all of your days are below the line..........I worked In a hospital once....I know these things.......lol
Buddy, you are doing something weird!

Mushrooms and tapioca are equally addictive lol.

I haven't used them in a couple years. It's a one and done thing for the vast majority of people who use it for this purpose. It's getting real studies done (Johns Hopkins has a big one right now targeting addiction) now that prohibition has lifted. All very encouraging.

I didn't really like it - basically you are confronting some of your inner demons. Not something you do on a saturday nite to hang out with friends. An intensely personal and spiritual experience.

That's not to say it cannot be used recreationally, just not what I am referring to here.

I also used them to change my relationship with food. I'm down over 100# from where I was 2 years ago. I'm a different person in many ways.

Set and setting along with mental prep and a mantra are all very important. Otherwise you are just getting stoned.
You have to remember i'm 70 and I'm talking late 60's - 70's some dove deep into the different drugs and it was a party time for a lot of us....A time and place thing, if you were there with us you'd have been involved to some extent or been in a totally different crowd .

Almost 50 years ago now and I can't even drink anymore, Its just different levels of nausea followed with a headache that can last for days....it feels like poison now.....I'll still have a drink or 2 now and then but I have to be willing to pay for it afterwards
I am a fan of micro-dosing…. Not that i dont enjoy a good trip once in a while because i absolutely do.

I think we will see more closets like this in the coming years as more information is brought to light.

Never thought id say this but i have Penis Envy lmao. Those in the know will understand that. Those who aren’t can feel free to laugh at me
I am a fan of micro-dosing…. Not that i dont enjoy a good trip once in a while because i absolutely do.

I think we will see more closets like this in the coming years as more information is brought to light.View attachment 3398

I gotta get my hands on some "innoculant"
Itching to start my own

I'd like to incorporate a few others like lions mane, gotta read up on them.

It's just amazing how it opens up the mind.

All those neurons firing and forming new connections...
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I gotta get my hands on some "innoculant"
Itching to start my own

I'd like incorporate a few others like lions mane, gotta read up on them.

It's just amazing how it opens up the mind.

All those neurons firing and forming new connections...
I think its one reason I have a great dream life, My wife says she doesn't dream...wtf...When you close your eyes and lightly press your fingers on them what do you see?...my wife says nothing...I see everything, hard to explain but I see or think / imagine all sorts of things in quick flashes or slow rolls, hard to focus on 1 thing but its a kaleidoscope of images. it certainly isn't just a black screen.
I think its one reason I have a great dream life, My wife says she doesn't dream...wtf...When you close your eyes and lightly press your fingers on them what do you see?...my wife says nothing...I see everything, hard to explain but I see or think / imagine all sorts of things in quick flashes or slow rolls, hard to focus on 1 thing but its a kaleidoscope of images. it certainly isn't just a black screen.
Interesting experiment

"Don't close you're eyelids, close you're eyes, open you're mind"

I was just seeing black =( lol

Now let me try that after taking 5gs or 500ug, haha.
Are you growing lions mane?

Ah, the staments stack.


Shame it's not more widespread...you'd think everyone would want their brains keeping neuroplasticity

But it's progressing
Nope but you can find good sources in some health food stores. I only grow the cubes. I did do pan cyans but they are a pita so after that all i do is cubes.

Toss the spent substrate into the garden and you have an extra source to pick from when conditions are right
Interesting experiment

"Don't close you're eyelids, close you're eyes, open you're mind"

I was just seeing black =( lol

Now let me try that after taking 5gs or 500ug, haha.
You just see black? you're trying to look through your eye's?........that won't work they're closed and fingers are blocking the light....lol.........

Now what do you see?...your mind hasn't stopped and thoughts are running through your head. If you try and see a .....3..... can you? what else is in that image with the 3?........lol.... even blotches or patterns....advertising? un legible writing in neon lights?....letters numbers??? a cartoon monkey with a doll in his hands?...I guess that last one was just me.....
Number three is the wheel. Human generally think in binary terms. Good or bad ...

Three is a complete number. Like a family unit. Or the third dimension..,. Or a triangulation

The mind 👁️ has three levels or a third way. Three is perception

Representative of completion
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If you look closely at nature it's filled with groups of three... So it's really important number in science

Another example of it being a complete number
Zoology...Botany.... Microorganisms ....

And 💦💦💦word-image143.pngdownload (2).jpeg
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I always tell people that if you listen carefully nature will speak to you through things like the wind or birds singing or the rush of a waterfall. People look at me like Im crazy when I tell them that like "trees cant talk" lol. They dont have a voice box but I do think nature communicates with us on another level that is seperate from speech. Since we are part of this earth, I think if we quiet our minds we let the world speak to us organically.
This is why I love riding my bike, it quiets the mind allowing the primality of life permeate the hardened shell of "normality". Try microdosing and going on an intense bikeride through the mountains, its epic on another level lol.
If you look closely at nature it's filled with groups of three... So it's really important number in science

Another example of it being a complete number
Zoology...Botany.... Microorganisms ....

And 💦💦💦View attachment 3415
Sacred geometry...to me proof that there is intelligent and intentional design behind the universe. Then again Im high so what do I know lmao
I always tell people that if you listen carefully nature will speak to you through things like the wind or birds singing or the rush of a waterfall. People look at me like Im crazy when I tell them that like "trees cant talk" lol. They dont have a voice box but I do think nature communicates with us on another level that is seperate from speech. Since we are part of this earth, I think if we quiet our minds we let the world speak to us organically.
This is why I love riding my bike, it quiets the mind allowing the primality of life permeate the hardened shell of "normality". Try microdosing and going on an intense bikeride through the mountains, its epic on another level lol.
The aliens are all around us brother we just don't usually have our eyes open

I listen to trees all the time. Talking to them sometimes. Asking questions about nature learning from them

I talk and listen to reefer plants also

The same wood pecker comes and wakes me up here almost every day

I communicate with the 🐈 also. She's getting pretty smart

I'm convinced communication is more than just speech or our limited perception of what is able to reach our brain
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I always tell people that if you listen carefully nature will speak to you through things like the wind or birds singing or the rush of a waterfall. People look at me like Im crazy when I tell them that like "trees cant talk" lol. They dont have a voice box but I do think nature communicates with us on another level that is seperate from speech. Since we are part of this earth, I think if we quiet our minds we let the world speak to us organically.
This is why I love riding my bike, it quiets the mind allowing the primality of life permeate the hardened shell of "normality". Try microdosing and going on an intense bikeride through the mountains, its epic on another level lol.
hoffmans bikeride lol
The aliens are all around us brother we just don't usually have our eyes open

I listen to trees all the time. Talking to them sometimes. Asking questions about nature learning from them

I talk and listen to reefer plants also

The same wood pecker comes and wakes me up here almost every day

I communicate with the 🐈 also. She's getting pretty smart

I'm convinced communication is more than just speech or our limited perception of what is able to reach our brain
Absolutely my friend, speech is just one form of communicating amongst many. I haven't proactively asked trees questions or anything...I wonder what will happen if I do? 👽
Nope but you can find good sources in some health food stores. I only grow the cubes. I did do pan cyans but they are a pita so after that all i do is cubes.

Toss the spent substrate into the garden and you have an extra source to pick from when conditions are right
may i ask, why are the pan cyans a pita? i see a 6cc syringe for 8-12$ from sporesfast
Me and the wife have been talking about trying mic dosing and a regular dose for a year now…..just hard finding a source you can trust, things are weird now with the stuff people are adding, we got three kids to worry about/ take care of can’t do an OD

Oh ok yes thanks, I'm not bringing shit into my place lol.

Damnit, I could buy one for 8$ but not doing all that extra shit

Do something cheap and sterile lol
Yup thats them… pita to grow. They yield about 3-4x less than cubes. Contam like made and pissy on environment. Sure they are 2-3x as potent but imo not worth growing in door. Outdoor for sure but then id go with a different one that actually requires grass in the vicinity
Yup thats them… pita to grow. They yield about 3-4x less than cubes. Contam like made and pissy on environment. Sure they are 2-3x as potent but imo not worth growing in door. Outdoor for sure but then id go with a different one that actually requires grass in the vicinity
Thanks for you're help.

So cubes or golden teachers, envy?
Absolutely my friend, speech is just one form of communicating amongst many. I haven't proactively asked trees questions or anything...I wonder what will happen if I do? 👽
I am usually trying to listen 👂 first and then when something starts taking to me I usually have a type of conversation with it

Like for instance briars conversation is usually thorny issue mixed with the bloody

The maples and cedars speak to me more than others
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