Well, on med card you're only allowed 3 anyways so im not so sure it matters? Lmao. Plus as you always say, laws are more like suggestions lol.

Id have a card but im not going to willingly give up my gun rights. Fk NY.
Yeah it's a bit ridic. BRB, gonna go legally buy enough booze to take down a football team. 🙄 They'd probably crack down on drinking if dwis didn't make them so much money.
Yeah it's a bit ridic. BRB, gonna go legally buy enough booze to take down a football team. 🙄 They'd probably crack down on drinking if dwis didn't make them so much money.
Yeah its disgusting imo.
Drive through New Hampshire, they have "NH liquor store" signs every 5 miles because they are all state owned... They also hold the record for the youngest drinking age in the country.... I have an issue with it, because my entire family is full of alcoholics and they're all nasty human beings because of it.
Yeah its disgusting imo.
Drive through New Hampshire, they have "NH liquor store" signs every 5 miles because they are all state owned... They also hold the record for the youngest drinking age in the country.... I have an issue with it, because my entire family is full of alcoholics and they're all nasty human beings because of it.
100%. I have a ton of alcolism in my family as well, my Dad was a all day every day alcoholic when my mom got pregnant, thankfully he had the desire and will to quit for me and I never knew that side of him. My mom's dad drank himself to death in his 40s and died many years before I was born. My dad's dad was a WWII vet and raging alcoholic for many years. Husband comes from a family where getting shit faced to celebrate any occasion or cover any pain is the norm... he actually just did the steps himself and was sober for 2 full years before he felt comfortable trying to have a social beverage... he got hurt at work and our whole world kind of fell apart... out the other side now though, thankfully, after almost 7 years. So yeah, fuck alcohol being legal and weed being taboo, alcohol ruins lives man, weed just makes you forget shit, giggle, and drive 30 in a 55. 🤣Screenshot_20230519_081137_Chrome.jpg
100%. I have a ton of alcolism in my family as well, my Dad was a all day every day alcoholic when my mom got pregnant, thankfully he had the desire and will to quit for me and I never knew that side of him. My mom's dad drank himself to death in his 40s and died many years before I was born. My dad's dad was a WWII vet and raging alcoholic for many years. Husband comes from a family where getting shit faced to celebrate any occasion or cover any pain is the norm... he actually just did the steps himself and was sober for 2 full years before he felt comfortable trying to have a social beverage... he got hurt at work and our whole world kind of fell apart... out the other side now though, thankfully, after almost 7 years. So yeah, fuck alcohol being legal and weed being taboo, alcohol ruins lives man, weed just makes you forget shit, giggle, and drive 30 in a 55. 🤣View attachment 3191
Glad to hear your Man made it out okay.
I couldnt agree with you more on this subject lol.
Ive seen so many people die from alcohol, or kill people because of alcohol. My father has had half his liver removed yet he still drinks like a fish.. pretty sad tbh, we havent spoke in a while, when i was a little kid it was more important for him to go to the bar after work than coming home to see his kids. His father was apparently the same way but i never met that side of him because he quit when my father was 17. My moms brother has 5 dwis and no license now, he was a mechanic for the NYS thruway for 27 years and lost everything he had worked for because of alcohol. They fired him, he went to jail and lost his house, his wife left him, his kids disowned him, but his youngest son actually bought his house when he went to jail so his father had a place to live when he got out because they didnt wanna deal with his crap. Hes finally off the booze now and smokes weed like a chimney.

Yeah ive been stopped for 30 in a 55... i was soo high i didnt realize i had been out of the 30mph zone for 7 miles🤣🤣🤣
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Alcohol can be quit overnight if it is desired by the person. A little thing called

Psilocybe cubensis

I haven't had a drink in 5 years now. Don't miss it. Used to drink beer like it was one of the food groups. I'm happy to help anyone on this path, just PM me. I've got you covered!

A study showed that 87% of people who smoked cigarettes and wanted to quit, were still smoke free a year later using cubensis.

I like to think of it like the ski slope. You get to the top of the hill, and there are so many tracks already in the snow, you just fall into taking the same route down the hill over and over. Mushrooms are like a 2' snowfall for your brain. You get to pick your new path, and erase habits in the process. 10/10 must recommend.
My wife and I were mostly social drinkers and once we hit 40s it just stopped being fun and more of a liability than anything else. We both agreed to just not drink anymore and smoke to unwind instead. Too easy to lose literally everything with just one bad night on the sauce.
Morning all of yiz!
I fully agree with the alcohol convo. It has destroyed so many people. My Dad included. My last drink was eight years ago. I still make wine, but I give it away. One of my students traded that knowledge to me for teaching him to grow. Once a year now we get together on Valentine’s Day and make up a thirty gallon batch. He sells his half, I give mine away.
It’s a gorgeous morning here in the Ozarks. Sun shining 62 degrees and the birds are singing loud this morning. I have a bunch of yard work to do, but will wait til I get out of trim jail. Hopefully this evening or tomorrow will see that finished up, least til it’s time to jar it all.
While we are talking about it , I am an alcoholic and haven't drank for 31 years now. I still go to my groups for that I quit smoking weed at the same time but decided to to start smoking again this year after 31 years. Talk about a tolerence break!!. Now i'm 2 toke man. Interesting thing is that I quit smoking ciggarettes 14 years ago and have had the the urge to smoke one ever since but after toking again that urge has finally left me which i am so grateful for
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You sound just like me. Pothead in high school, quit in college because I couldn't do the math while smoking, and picked it back up a few years ago. 3 tokes is my limit. Any more and the room starts spinning.

I have no good excuse for why I still grow pounds, except I really enjoy growing.
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Some days around here start out crazy!
This morning I’m on the porch enjoying a smoke, waking up with the day. I see one of the cats has something and I’m not sure what it is. I get up go over and lean down to look and a chipmunk runs up my arm and around to my back. I tell the Hubby, look! Can you see what’s on my back? He says no, I don’t see anything, then he says it’s in your hood!
Now, I don’t know what to do. I’m not reaching around and sticking my hands blindly into the hood of my jacket, so I stand a few secs, wondering what to do. About this time it crawls outta my hood and gets atop of my head. My Hubby is zero help at this point as he is rolling with laughter. (Fecker)
He says go to the tree and see if he will get off and go up the tree. I did. Laid my head against the tree and the little critter jumps off and up the tree he goes. Safe! Cats lost him when he ran around my back and got in my hood.
Im just glad the Hubby was there to see this. Man oh man, what a way to start the day! TFF!
You sound just like me. Pothead in high school, quit in college because I couldn't do the math while smoking, and picked it back up a few years ago. 3 tokes is my limit. Any more and the room starts spinning.

I have no good excuse for why I still grow pounds, except I really enjoy growing.
Haha... I quit for several years for the same reason, worked at a bank and felt like a dumbass half the time because I couldn't do the math. 🤣 I started back up when I became stay at home mom and was done breastfeeding... because, why not? Now I'm back to my stoner ways. I've had periods of being a heavy drinker in my 20s, but now that I'm pushing 40, it's just really not worth feeling like shit the next day. Interesting about the mushrooms and addiction... maybe that's why I've never had an issue quitting anything I've dabbled in... I've done my fair share of psychedelics lol.
You are not wrong. I guess me starting a forum of my own, to stay in touch with the friends I lost, after getting kicked out in the same fashion you just were, was pissing on his floor? It sure didn't feel like that's what I was doing at the time.

I have no intention of competing with him. We are just not cut from the same cloth. I'm done and have moved on.

I'd do it the same way again tho, but knowing what I know now I would tell people up front that joining here means you will be removed over there. Allow people to make up their minds informed. He could have done that too.

The coffee shop is under new management. Long live the coffee shop.
I've been pissing over there for a good long time now and he never did anything until this....

I don't think it's about you or anything else besides a sick paranoid control freak that's incapable of collaboration with anyone

Burning down his own house is his favorite move and it's always been this way. He's got a long history of this kinda thing

I think making this place a big success would be awesome 😎 personally

Why would you want to keep people from joining us? Or want to stay small... I don't understand that strategy
Alcohol can be quit overnight if it is desired by the person. A little thing called

Psilocybe cubensis

I haven't had a drink in 5 years now. Don't miss it. Used to drink beer like it was one of the food groups. I'm happy to help anyone on this path, just PM me. I've got you covered!

A study showed that 87% of people who smoked cigarettes and wanted to quit, were still smoke free a year later using cubensis.

I like to think of it like the ski slope. You get to the top of the hill, and there are so many tracks already in the snow, you just fall into taking the same route down the hill over and over. Mushrooms are like a 2' snowfall for your brain. You get to pick your new path, and erase habits in the process. 10/10 must recommend.
Mushrooms are a hard habit to quit too when you abuse the fk out of them, I'm afraid to try them again...njope can't do it...just the thought makes me shiver......I lived on a small Island in the Frazer river Vancouver area....all Farms and cattle......and psilocybin mushrooms grew everywhere 19 -20 years old and stoned 24/7 weeks on end breakfast lunch and diner........repeat....
Mushrooms are a hard habit to quit too when you abuse the fk out of them, I'm afraid to try them again...njope can't do it...just the thought makes me shiver......I lived on a small Island in the Frazer river Vancouver area....all Farms and cattle......and psilocybin mushrooms grew everywhere 19 -20 years old and stoned 24/7 weeks on end breakfast lunch and diner........repeat....
I don't think I could just go through life tripping, that shit drains my brain man lol. We ate a bunch in our adult camping trip last year... they weren't even great ones and I still needed the entire next day to recover my faculties. 🤣
Mushrooms are a hard habit to quit too when you abuse the fk out of them, I'm afraid to try them again...njope can't do it...just the thought makes me shiver......I lived on a small Island in the Frazer river Vancouver area....all Farms and cattle......and psilocybin mushrooms grew everywhere 19 -20 years old and stoned 24/7 weeks on end breakfast lunch and diner........repeat....
Buddy, you are doing something weird!

Mushrooms and tapioca are equally addictive lol.

I haven't used them in a couple years. It's a one and done thing for the vast majority of people who use it for this purpose. It's getting real studies done (Johns Hopkins has a big one right now targeting addiction) now that prohibition has lifted. All very encouraging.

I didn't really like it - basically you are confronting some of your inner demons. Not something you do on a saturday nite to hang out with friends. An intensely personal and spiritual experience.

That's not to say it cannot be used recreationally, just not what I am referring to here.

I also used them to change my relationship with food. I'm down over 100# from where I was 2 years ago. I'm a different person in many ways.

Set and setting along with mental prep and a mantra are all very important. Otherwise you are just getting stoned.
I don't think I could just go through life tripping, that shit drains my brain man lol. We ate a bunch in our adult camping trip last year... they weren't even great ones and I still needed the entire next day to recover my faculties. 🤣
Absolutely. The fact that it overwhelms your brain and does a mental reboot which takes time to recover from is part of why it works.

Psilocybin is a dead ringer for the serotonin molecule.

The one on the left is the normal interconnections in your brain. The one on the right is under the influence. The brain has the ability to talk to areas it normally wouldn't / couldn't which is why you can smell music and taste color.


There is a netflix series on my favorite author on this now:

Michael Pollan wrote "How to change your mind." and it gives a good understanding and framework for doing your own recovery when you do not have a guide or a mental health professional to walk you thru the process.
Buddy, you are doing something weird!

Mushrooms and tapioca are equally addictive lol.

I haven't used them in a couple years. It's a one and done thing for the vast majority of people who use it for this purpose. It's getting real studies done (Johns Hopkins has a big one right now targeting addiction) now that prohibition has lifted. All very encouraging.

I didn't really like it - basically you are confronting some of your inner demons. Not something you do on a saturday nite to hang out with friends. An intensely personal and spiritual experience.

That's not to say it cannot be used recreationally, just not what I am referring to here.

I also used them to change my relationship with food. I'm down over 100# from where I was 2 years ago. I'm a different person in many ways.

Set and setting along with mental prep and a mantra are all very important. Otherwise you are just getting stoned.
Yeah there's definitely two ways to trip, set out with the intention of being silly and having a good time, or set out with the intention of confronting all the scary, dark negative shit about yourself that your ego likes to hide in your subconscious lol.... I've done both. That latter can be overwhelming, but it's cathartic for sure. Last time I was talking to myself in the mirror telling myself all the ways I was sabotaging my own happiness and why... heavy shit, faster and cheaper than therapy though. 🤣
Yeah there's definitely two ways to trip, set out with the intention of being silly and having a good time, or set out with the intention of confronting all the scary, dark negative shit about yourself that your ego likes to hide in your subconscious lol.... I've done both. That latter can be overwhelming, but it's cathartic for sure. Last time I was talking to myself in the mirror telling myself all the ways I was sabotaging my own happiness and why... heavy shit, faster and cheaper than therapy though. 🤣
I know exactly what you are speaking about. It's not fun, but the results are amazing.
Absolutely. The fact that it overwhelms your brain and does a mental reboot which takes time to recover from is part of why it works.

Psilocybin is a dead ringer for the serotonin molecule.

The one on the left is the normal interconnections in your brain. The one on the right is under the influence. The brain has the ability to talk to areas it normally wouldn't / couldn't which is why you can smell music and taste color.


There is a netflix series on my favorite author on this now:

Michael Pollan wrote "How to change your mind." and it gives a good understanding and framework for doing your own recovery when you do not have a guide or a mental health professional to walk you thru the process.
Yeah I've watched that, interesting stuff for sure, glad it's finally being studied in a clinical setting, it will help a lot of people, it looks very promising for PTSD, which both myself and my husband have for very different reasons. Fun times.
I know exactly what you are speaking about. It's not fun, but the results are amazing.
I actually looked into clinical trials to see if they'd have either of us since we're both a bit of a crazy hot mess... but they want people with no previous experience with hallucinogens... so back to my weed I go lol.
Buddy, you are doing something weird!

Mushrooms and tapioca are equally addictive lol.

I haven't used them in a couple years. It's a one and done thing for the vast majority of people who use it for this purpose. It's getting real studies done (Johns Hopkins has a big one right now targeting addiction) now that prohibition has lifted. All very encouraging.

I didn't really like it - basically you are confronting some of your inner demons. Not something you do on a saturday nite to hang out with friends. An intensely personal and spiritual experience.

That's not to say it cannot be used recreationally, just not what I am referring to here.

I also used them to change my relationship with food. I'm down over 100# from where I was 2 years ago. I'm a different person in many ways.

Set and setting along with mental prep and a mantra are all very important. Otherwise you are just getting stoned.
that’s incredible stuff! Congratulations to you on changing you life so drastically!

I have an unhealthy relationship with food. In the past 3-4 years I’ve lost 160#’s now don’t be like wow, it’s horrible cause I’m such a rollercoaster with weight.
Went from 260 to 190 back up to 220 down to 175 back to 195 down to 175 and up and down yada yada yada I run, I exercise, good food just controls me🤷🏼‍♂️ Went to school to be a chef, stopped when that career got in the way of other life goals. Foods always been a passion/obsession and a struggle (kinda like the way I over feed my plants🤣🤣🤣 to much love hahaha)

I quite cigarette’s 9 years ago on the 4th of July, still think about those damn things daily.😞 always feel like I’m one bad day away from bumming one.
I actually looked into clinical trials to see if they'd have either of us since we're both a bit of a crazy hot mess... but they want people with no previous experience with hallucinogens... so back to my weed I go lol.
That’s terrible but I hope they’re getting on the right track so it can be mainstream treatment not long from now especially for PTSD.
A good friend of mine was chief helicopter mechanic on the medivac over in Iraq. He saw and dealt with some sh*t
I truly believe they could help with his demons instead of the alcohol and drug abuse that runs rampant in our service men and wemon.
That’s terrible but I hope they’re getting on the right track so it can be mainstream treatment not long from now especially for PTSD.
A good friend of mine was chief helicopter mechanic on the medivac over in Iraq. He saw and dealt with some sh*t
I truly believe they could help with his demons instead of the alcohol and drug abuse that runs rampant in our service men and wemon.
Yeah you literally have to rewire your brain to get out of the PTSD trap, and that is a very hard thing to do unaided. My hubs was in corrections for 13 years and that's where he got hurt and lost his job, he's seen some real bad shit too. They say law enforcement COs specifically, have a higher rate of ptsd than active military because it's not just a few fucked up events or a few tours... it's every day of fucked up shit for 25-30 years. I'm actually thankful he got hurt and retired, his body Ilis fucked, but his mind is in a much better place. Not sure he'd have made it to retirement to be honest.
I was in an abusive relationship for 8 years that fucked me up pretty good... and we both had chaotic childhoods... being a human is fun lol.
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