Yep, went to that independence hall on a field trip when I was in elementary school. They even had a replica liberty bell as I remember. Bought a copy of the Declaration of Independence as a souvenir.
Hahaha! I think every schoolkid in the area followed that exact same route. We lived about a mile from Knotts before the mall was built. My earliest memories of that place are endless strawberry fields.
They had killer buttetmilk biscuits in that chicken house. Best I ever have had in my life. They were small mouth sized biscuits.
Remember the live beehive they had at the restaurant? My sisters and I would stare at it completely enthralled! 😄
Hahaha! I think every schoolkid in the area followed that exact same route. We lived about a mile from Knotts before the mall was built. My earliest memories of that place are endless strawberry fields.

Remember the live beehive they had at the restaurant? My sisters and I would stare at it completely enthralled! 😄
Don’t remember the bee hive. I remember the little museum they had with hand painted pics on the head of a pin. The steam
Locomotive ride, the stage coach ride, mules. It was a great place. This was back in the 60’s.
Good thing you aren't in my neck of the woods because around here they sell plates of that on every damn corner!!!

There's an old black lady that sets up a canopy and a fryer in her front yard and cooks up the best fried chicken you could ever find. Her gravy is so good I could sub it for the drink in my plate!! She has her niece boil the potatoes in the house and she brings them out so that mama can mash them and pour in all that lovely butter and spices into them. Sometimes she'll make green beans! Her cornbread is amazing too.
Oh man, I would loveeeee to be in your neck of the woods! Just not everybody can fry decent chicken. I’m a skinny girl trapped in a fat woman’s body! 🤣😂😅😂🤣
My fault. Been saving most of my work til later in the evening when it cools off a bit. It has been super nasty the past few days. I’m generally fairly heat brickle, but this humidity is nasty nasty.
Weather man is taking 4 100deg starting Saturday.

Plan A was to move 4 girls to the flower room and turn on the 4 hps

Rethinking plan A
Don’t remember the bee hive. I remember the little museum they had with hand painted pics on the head of a pin. The steam
Locomotive ride, the stage coach ride, mules. It was a great place. This was back in the 60’s.
Maybe this wasn't in the restaurant itself but in one of the little shops that were popping up around the restaurant. I'm thinking around '64.

It had a beehive between two panes of glass. We'd just stare at it watching the bees buzzing around inside.
I'm forced to remain optimistic with a 14 month old waiting at home for me. I gotta believe she's gonna change the world. Her own small world, if nothing else.
Good 4 you, every generation thinks, whoa this is it, yet homo sapiens keep going. Very interesting to see people grapple with climate reality. Very possible scientific bteakthroughs and clever hacks will push this camel through the eye of the needle
I have fried fruit pies stuck in my head. I need them like I need another hole in my head too…but darnnnnnn…they are good! I only do them once a year and I have some fresh peaches too.
I also have a terrible weakness for fried chicken, mashed potato and gravy.
Every one of these things the doc sez don’t eat!
I don’t very often, but mannnnn sometimes a woman has to eat!
We have an Amish store less than 2 miles away, they make all the good bad stuff... I think Wednesday is fry pie day, they do various berries, lemon, chocolate, eclair creme... then Friday is donut day, my God, peanut butter donuts, homemade Boston cremes.... I need to stay away. Also, I don't want to live in a world where I can't eat gravy. My husband says making gravy is one of my life skills... he would straight up drink my ham gravy... luckily that's usually a special occasion meal, ham dinner.
Good 4 you, every generation thinks, whoa this is it, yet homo sapiens keep going. Very interesting to see people grapple with climate reality. Very possible scientific bteakthroughs and clever hacks will push this camel through the eye of the needle
I'm sure humans have affected the climate and probably sped up warming and definitely sped up the extinction rate... but it was going to happen anyway, albeit more slowly. They planet has been going through heating and cooling cycles for millennia... ice age anyone? We've also had 5 mass extinction events and are in #6... just ask any paleontologist. We're a lot more insignificant than we like to admit. Screenshot_20230721_093146_Chrome.jpg
I'm in the corner that alot of information fed to us is a flat lie said for taxing purposes. Regular people that live day to day have no way to tell if stuff is true or not. Just pay the tax
Only 50% is a lie, but the rest is truth; our interpretation and bias. The beautifully illustrated extinction event is one of those 'Unfortunate Truths' that guy with the slide projector predicted. Too bad no one listened. Don't Look Up, Wag the Dog, Silo...all the same message. We've called the tune for a long long time, now 🛶🕛.
Mornin all Yiz!
Beautiful day in my neck of the woods. Humidity moved on last night..thank goodness! High today of 79*. Now I can handle this!
I even made it to bed without any fried pies or chicken 😂 the gravy almost got me though.
Prepping today to pop seeds on the 23rd. This coming round I think I have it figured out. Looking like it will be Blue Dream, Cement Shoes (like concrete shoes, but a little extra added) Oregon Grape, Creek Walker, Green Crack and some Haole Moonshine.
Anyone have any new genetics going?
Mornin all Yiz!
Beautiful day in my neck of the woods. Humidity moved on last night..thank goodness! High today of 79*. Now I can handle this!
I even made it to bed without any fried pies or chicken 😂 the gravy almost got me though.
Prepping today to pop seeds on the 23rd. This coming round I think I have it figured out. Looking like it will be Blue Dream, Cement Shoes (like concrete shoes, but a little extra added) Oregon Grape, Creek Walker, Green Crack and some Haole Moonshine.
Anyone have any new genetics going?
Morning CG! Cooled off for us too, yesterday was almost 90 and super humid.. I used to love that shit, now I'm getting older and my body is like "you should get stoned and take a break in the ac." I don't know why all the old folks flock to Florida... to live in the ac I suppose. We had a wicked storm blow through at around 3 am, torrential rain, crazy wind, lightning bolts everywhere... I watched it out the window for a while. Supposed to storm again in a couple hours. Being lazy and painting my nails and watchingcartoonswith little man, then I should do some household stuff... stuck here all day waiting for the safelite guy to come fix our car window that got smashed out.
Collection Age of Earth Collection Earth is estimated to be 4.54 billion years old, plus or minus about 50 million years. Scientists have scoured the Earth searching for the oldest rocks to radiometrically date. In northwestern Canada, they discovered rocks about 4.03 billion years old. As per National Geographic.
I find it hard to believe that a mere 150 years of data really can begin to predict anything.
Currently claims are made that the Ocean is drastically rising. In 2010 and 2011, the ocean actually dropped. A major study took place to find out where the water went. Having gone against most all studies done, it was largely hidden. Even though the study was conducted by John Fasullo, a climate scientist at the National Center for Atmospheric Research.
Politicians pushing this has no problems continuing to buy ocean front properties destroying the integrity of the very grounds that hold it to build multi million dollar homes.
The outcome of current studies depends on whom is paying for it and which dog they have in the race.
So, until the day the elites stop using private jets and stop destroying the integrity of the oceans shores, I have and will turn a deaf ear to yet another doomsday scenario that none of us will live to confirm.
Just my opinion.
Collection Age of Earth Collection Earth is estimated to be 4.54 billion years old, plus or minus about 50 million years. Scientists have scoured the Earth searching for the oldest rocks to radiometrically date. In northwestern Canada, they discovered rocks about 4.03 billion years old. As per National Geographic.
I find it hard to believe that a mere 150 years of data really can begin to predict anything.
Currently claims are made that the Ocean is drastically rising. In 2010 and 2011, the ocean actually dropped. A major study took place to find out where the water went. Having gone against most all studies done, it was largely hidden. Even though the study was conducted by John Fasullo, a climate scientist at the National Center for Atmospheric Research.
Politicians pushing this has no problems continuing to buy ocean front properties destroying the integrity of the very grounds that hold it to build multi million dollar homes.
The outcome of current studies depends on whom is paying for it and which dog they have in the race.
So, until the day the elites stop using private jets and stop destroying the integrity of the oceans shores, I have and will turn a deaf ear to yet another doomsday scenario that none of us will live to confirm.
Just my opinion.
Oh we're definitely making it worse, no doubt about that. Bottom line is there's too many people on the planet and not enough resources to sustain them all without serious consequences to the planet... and most treat our home as a commodity instead of the thing that allows us to exist. It's sad, but Mother Earth will probably shake us parasites off and start anew like she has done many times before.
Morning CG! Cooled off for us too, yesterday was almost 90 and super humid.. I used to love that shit, now I'm getting older and my body is like "you should get stoned and take a break in the ac." I don't know why all the old folks flock to Florida... to live in the ac I suppose. We had a wicked storm blow through at around 3 am, torrential rain, crazy wind, lightning bolts everywhere... I watched it out the window for a while. Supposed to storm again in a couple hours. Being lazy and painting my nails and watchingcartoonswith little man, then I should do some household stuff... stuck here all day waiting for the safelite guy to come fix our car window that got smashed out.
Mornin Lovely Lady!
I’m thankful for the weather break! Speaking of break, what happened to your car window?
About Florida, I don’t know average temps etc. but can tell you that in the Keys, as far south as one can go in the U.S. is surprisingly bearable. Highs in the mid 80’s with a continuous ocean breeze. Not bad at all.
Storms here for the past three days and the humidity has been crazy high. Seems to have moved on this morning and this day is lovely!
My week has been full of hurry up and wait. Phone company repairs and roofers. Yup my brand new roof is leaking! Grrrrrrr!
Happy you are back!
Mornin Lovely Lady!
I’m thankful for the weather break! Speaking of break, what happened to your car window?
About Florida, I don’t know average temps etc. but can tell you that in the Keys, as far south as one can go in the U.S. is surprisingly bearable. Highs in the mid 80’s with a continuous ocean breeze. Not bad at all.
Storms here for the past three days and the humidity has been crazy high. Seems to have moved on this morning and this day is lovely!
My week has been full of hurry up and wait. Phone company repairs and roofers. Yup my brand new roof is leaking! Grrrrrrr!
Happy you are back!
Oh no, that's not good about the roof!
I honestly don't know what happened to the car... I wasn't home. Hubs shut the door and the back hatch window shattered... thinking maybe the neighbor kids tagged it with a baseball or something and we didn't notice? No clue.
Something wild my buddy sent me this morning. Interesting to think about.

The thing to tiktok is a link idk why it came up that way
That’s exactly what is happening. Watch, once emptied and sold for pennies on the dollar, these places will become full on “smart” cities where you can be watched and controlled much easier.
Collection Age of Earth Collection Earth is estimated to be 4.54 billion years old, plus or minus about 50 million years. Scientists have scoured the Earth searching for the oldest rocks to radiometrically date. In northwestern Canada, they discovered rocks about 4.03 billion years old. As per National Geographic.
I find it hard to believe that a mere 150 years of data really can begin to predict anything.
Currently claims are made that the Ocean is drastically rising. In 2010 and 2011, the ocean actually dropped. A major study took place to find out where the water went. Having gone against most all studies done, it was largely hidden. Even though the study was conducted by John Fasullo, a climate scientist at the National Center for Atmospheric Research.
Politicians pushing this has no problems continuing to buy ocean front properties destroying the integrity of the very grounds that hold it to build multi million dollar homes.
The outcome of current studies depends on whom is paying for it and which dog they have in the race.
So, until the day the elites stop using private jets and stop destroying the integrity of the oceans shores, I have and will turn a deaf ear to yet another doomsday scenario that none of us will live to confirm.
Just my opinion.
When my daughter was maybe 6 or 7 she told me averages aren't reality

There's two ways to look at that statement and both are correct.
Hash is my favorite.
I use a lot of honey. One of the only extractions of cannabis that I use. But, big fat no from me on meat. Course you would have to know I’m no big meat consumer and the older I get the less I consume.
Honey goes with everything~! :love:
Even meat~! :oops:
Love me some honey...
Hot(spicy) honey is really good too, just tried that a few months ago. Good on pizza and other things I think, probably 🐔 too. My favorite is wildflower honey though, need to eat me a honeycomb one of these days too, heard they were amazing
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