Got a fedex rant today. I bought some stuff over the weekend. My estimated delivery date was originally tomorrow in all fairness. But yesterday evening I get a status update from FedEx updating the delivery date to today between 10:20 - 2:20. It requires a signature so I have been hostage here all day waiting. I already expect I’ll get another status update that it will be tomorrow. So same shit tomorrow. Held hostage. The fucking status right now even still shows out for delivery. It ain’t happening. They hate coming up my mountain to deliver shit. Rant over.

They only require signature if the delivery is insured for XXX amount. Or the shipper requires it which fucks you.
Talk to your shipper and change that.
Also estimated deliveries are usually not guaranteed deliveries.
I shipped alot~!
They only require signature if the delivery is insured for XXX amount. Or the shipper requires it which fucks you.
Talk to your shipper and change that.
Also estimated deliveries are usually not guaranteed deliveries.
I shipped alot~!
I know all that. It was don’t move the date up on someone and not show. Wasted my entire day that I expected to waste tomorrow. Now two days gone instead of one. That is what chapped my ass.
It is nastyyyyyyyy in Mo. today. Humidity at 98%, temp of 80.. feels like 109. Wet sticky and disgusting. I can just hear those mold spores popping. Actually it even smells moldy outside.
Thanks to all of you that kept the corner rocking while I was lining myself out. We all have our days.
Sometimes it gives us a chance to learn about ourselves and sometimes about others.
That’s some serious terrible weather.
I handle heat really well. I work in the yard a lot even in the foothills during summer and afternoons at that.
But I can’t deal with muggy. Make me feel like I’m going to blow chunks!
It is nastyyyyyyyy in Mo. today. Humidity at 98%, temp of 80.. feels like 109. Wet sticky and disgusting. I can just hear those mold spores popping. Actually it even smells moldy outside.
Thanks to all of you that kept the corner rocking while I was lining myself out. We all have our days.
Sometimes it gives us a chance to learn about ourselves and sometimes about others.
yep nasty humidity. i have the inside of house at 50% RH for my acoustic guitars. outside is crazy 79% here in KC
Yup, I got up still mad this morning so I used that energy to get my veg room cleaned top to bottom. Got my big English garden weeded, cleaned porches and did laundry.
I see a lukewarm shower, ac, a ceiling fan and some cool cotton sheets in my very near future too! My wagon be dragging.
Yup, I got up still mad this morning so I used that energy to get my veg room cleaned top to bottom. Got my big English garden weeded, cleaned porches and did laundry.
I see a lukewarm shower, ac, a ceiling fan and some cool cotton sheets in my very near future too! My wagon be dragging.
Hope you woke up in a better mood today.
My wife gave me some kisses and told me I might get some tonight when she left for work this morning.

Just want you to be in as good a mood as me 😂

Can I see your weeded English garden? I miss not having one, what's popping in there right now, anything for the bees and butterflies?
My outdoor plants are all battle scarred from hail last week. Oriental lilies are blooming from buds that have chunks missing. The scent is there, but yikes, what a mess.

Tomatoes planted close to the house look fine, the ones about 6 feet away from the house were half-stripped of leaves. Naturally, my wife promised half the neighborhood that they'd get tomato sauce this year, so I'm looking for some of those tiny jars the sell BHO and Rosin in.
My outdoor plants are all battle scarred from hail last week. Oriental lilies are blooming from buds that have chunks missing. The scent is there, but yikes, what a mess.

Tomatoes planted close to the house look fine, the ones about 6 feet away from the house were half-stripped of leaves. Naturally, my wife promised half the neighborhood that they'd get tomato sauce this year, so I'm looking for some of those tiny jars the sell BHO and Rosin in. Lol
Hope you woke up in a better mood today.
My wife gave me some kisses and told me I might get some tonight when she left for work this morning.

Just want you to be in as good a mood as me 😂

Can I see your weeded English garden? I miss not having one, what's popping in there right now, anything for the bees and butterflies?
It’s full of bees and butterflies 🥰IMG_1010.jpegIMG_0727.jpegIMG_0579.jpeg🦋 🦋 🦋 🦋 🦋 🐝 🐝 🐝 🐝 🐝 🦋 🦋 🦋 🦋 🦋 🐝 🐝 🐝 🐝 🐝 🦋 🦋 🦋 🦋 🦋 🐝 🐝 🐝 🐝 🐝 🦋 🦋 🦋 🦋 🦋 🐝 🐝 🐝
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Hope you woke up in a better mood today.
My wife gave me some kisses and told me I might get some tonight when she left for work this morning.

Just want you to be in as good a mood as me 😂

Can I see your weeded English garden? I miss not having one, what's popping in there right now, anything for the bees and butterflies?
I hardly ever just wake up mad, if I do it’s cause I went to bed mad. As to the rest of your post, I guess all I can say is, enjoy? 🤣😂😅😂🤣
Wow that’s so Beautiful
One of my fav places to have a cup of coffee and a morning smoke. Just starts the day out peaceful and right. This morning even through all the rain the scent of flowers is very strong. The hummingbirds are super active the bees not so much. My fav time of the year.
No not really, we get some shit weather at times but this is a bit above and beyond normal....the suns out now but big low grey clouds are not far keeps the population down....I wondered when I first moved here why so few people live here....I now know why , weather, taxes and nepotism make it tough for people to live here . We have some nice beaches and some people rely on that summer business to survive, ice cream, food trucks and small stores that need the upswing the heat and sun brings. No one goes to the beach in the rain...
It’s hot, 26c in shade. It’s humid, 70%RH in basement.

Both tents 3x3 zones are holding at 26c & 54RH. Great if lights on but this is lights off time. Still better than past days lately.

Rabbits are all over the yard at night and early morning. Found one baby dead, went to get a glove to deal with it and it was gone when I got back. Maybe a crow? Lots around lately. A larger rabbit was 6’ away from me and where the baby was…never heard a thing and bigger rabbit wasn’t spooked. 🤷‍♂️

A little later I checked at 7am and saw the big one and another small one still in different areas of the yard. Strawberries are 4 crates high now but the bigger rabbit keeps hanging around the area.
Hope you woke up in a better mood today.
My wife gave me some kisses and told me I might get some tonight when she left for work this morning.

Just want you to be in as good a mood as me 😂

Can I see your weeded English garden? I miss not having one, what's popping in there right now, anything for the bees and butterflies?
Reminds me of all the hiking I used to do with my wife up around Fuchs Peak 🤣🤣🤣

Hope everyone is happy and blazed today! Me, I'm sober so far been busy and didn't have any good busy weed. Building one of those cloners today....anyone with experience building these what's the best way to black out the yellow lid?20230720_130831.jpg
Beautiful garden Granny~!
We all deserve a place to have peace , comfort and take a little pride in.
NICE~! :cool:
Thanks! I have five acres of plantings. The rest is all wooded. I’m always sticking something in the ground. I also have a small orchard. Eighteen years of poking stuff in the ground. It just gets prettier every year.
Reminds me of all the hiking I used to do with my wife up around Fuchs Peak 🤣🤣🤣

Hope everyone is happy and blazed today! Me, I'm sober so far been busy and didn't have any good busy weed. Building one of those cloners today....anyone with experience building these what's the best way to black out the yellow lid?View attachment 14203
Clarify black out yellow lid please. Whatcha mean?
The yellow let's light leak through so algae I think will build....blacked out to block out the light....real dark haha

The hydro fellas always covering their net pots and stuff I think serves the same purpose, keep light from hitting roots

I thought to hydro dip it maybe but it's a big some thick spray paint but don't know if it'll be enough
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