I appreciate the fact that he never pads prices, an everything I have ever bought from him is good viable seeds. No troubles germinating, healthy plants. I have been buying from him for about four years now. One of the few that stands behind his product.
I appreciate the fact that he never pads prices, an everything I have ever bought from him is good viable seeds. No troubles germinating, healthy plants. I have been buying from him for about four years now. One of the few that stands behind his product.
Soooo many seeds to try and so little time.
Soooo many seeds to try and so little time.
That’s where I’m at smoke! Every grow brings stress as I shuffle from seed pack to seed pack trying to decide 😅 I’m in bad shape this time. I have seeds from all over the world, and man the choices are hard! Thai? Colombian? Cambodian?
Im popping some Haole Moonshine this time via @dragonsflamegenetics. Waiting til the 23rd, when the signs say plant the flower. That’s the only for sure choice right now and I have five more choices to go. I need a smoke!
and that will never happen. too much greed out there especially in Politics.
But it's not just money. Money is just the grease that makes the machine go. The problem is the mindset. Most politicians nowadays are actors not legislators or statesmen. Performative politics is what gets people off their duff and into the voting booth. Their trade is not to provide solutions to this nations problems so much as to keep the electorate voting for them. They do this by passing band aids rather than real solutions to make people think they're actually working. Real solutions involve systemic change but that's too much to ask a politician as he needs the time to fundraise for the next election. If he has the time then he'll get to problem solving but that is the last priority unless the issue can boost his standing with the electorate.

Most politicians have no idea what they are talking about since their staffs are the ones that do all the dirty work as far as research. What these politicians are spouting to you and I are products of their staff with almost zero input from them other than "learning their lines".

Social media has only made the problem worse as now people are conditioned to click bait headlines and rage posting. Context has no place in their minds only confirmation bias.
So today has been kind of a weird day for me. I just woke up in a confrontational no bullshit mood.
Im tired of bullshitters. Not often I wake up like that, but today is the day.
I spent time last night perusing Ef Bee Eye files that blew my mind. Finding out that the See Eye A has been under investigation for human trafficking since the late 80’s blew my mind. A whopping 28 percent of it, children! They were actually caught in the early 80’s. Had children caged in Virginia. Wtf? What the actual F?
Sorry naysayers, this is not via some conspiracy theorist, this is via gov files.
Go see The Sound of Freedom! We must band together and stop this NOW!
So today has been kind of a weird day for me. I just woke up in a confrontational no bullshit mood.
Im tired of bullshitters. Not often I wake up like that, but today is the day.
I spent time last night perusing Ef Bee Eye files that blew my mind. Finding out that the See Eye A has been under investigation for human trafficking since the late 80’s blew my mind. A whopping 28 percent of it, children! They were actually caught in the early 80’s. Had children caged in Virginia. Wtf? What the actual F?
Sorry naysayers, this is not via some conspiracy theorist, this is via gov files.
Go see The Sound of Freedom! We must band together and stop this NOW!
I find it interesting that you get so enraged about something like this and rightfully so yet when the CIA was dumping tons of crack into black communities no one gave a fuck.........
I find it interesting that you get so enraged about something like this and rightfully so yet when the CIA was dumping tons of crack into black communities no one gave a fuck.........
I find it shitty although i was a kid. But crack is kind of a choice, human trafficking not so much

Makes ya wonder I remember the report a few months back of 85k migrant kids missing since all this migration. Idk that it's even migration, it's just moving in for the taking at this point.
I hear ya granny.its hard to know what head of which snake to even cut off. We have the biggest drug dealer,blood drinking,pederasses running the world lying to us about everything. Poisoning our food ,water,and minds every chance they get.turning us on one another . They own everything control our news and entertainment,and we make them rich.
and half the world is oblivious. It's a deep dark spell that hangs over thier eyes and no amount of anything will break it.its hard not to just grab them and shake them.
I don't have the answer.im just as frustrated as yall. I try to just keep my love for my fellow humans burning hot in my heart. It's easy to loose patience and take it out on each other but that's just what they want.
It Is comforting knowing some people see whats up.
Half chocolate, half vanilla, with buttercream frosting.
Party is tomorrow, my wife set up some color blast thing, a tye dye thing, 2500 water baloons, squirt guns, all sorts of shit lol.

It stopped raining for now but calling for thunderstorms tonight, and 85% chance of rain tomorrow too. Next 10 days are 50%+ chance of rain.... its so wet
tie dye anything is awesome, I'm an XL BTW
Mainly cuz I had nooooooo idea! All of this is shocking to me! The more I learn, the madder it makes me.
I find it interesting that you get so enraged about something like this and rightfully so yet when the CIA was dumping tons of crack into black communities no one gave a fuck.........
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Guys, I’m out for a few days. Between wanting to physically beat the shirt out of a forum user and being talked to like shit by another, I’m thinking a break from here is in order. Least I lose my shit and say some really ugly things.
Wishing you all the best as I work on a “reset”. If that reset don’t manifest, well it’s been fun.
That’s where I’m at smoke! Every grow brings stress as I shuffle from seed pack to seed pack trying to decide 😅 I’m in bad shape this time. I have seeds from all over the world, and man the choices are hard! Thai? Colombian? Cambodian?
Im popping some Haole Moonshine this time via @dragonsflamegenetics. Waiting til the 23rd, when the signs say plant the flower. That’s the only for sure choice right now and I have five more choices to go. I need a smoke!
happy hunting!!
Guys, I’m out for a few days. Between wanting to physically beat the shirt out of a forum user and being talked to like shit by another, I’m thinking a break from here is in order. Least I lose my shit and say some really ugly things.
Wishing you all the best as I work on a “reset”. If that reset don’t manifest, well it’s been fun.
damn i came in late apparently with my previous post, sometimes a cooling off break and bowl is needed!
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