Mornin Friend!
So who told you that it was a relaxing hobby? I always tell my students that if you are successful it’s because you are married to it! It comes first. Water day? Ya sick? No matter get up on your dieing sticks and tend to it!
It has took me almost thirty years to finally be relaxed or “Zen” (pun intended) with it. I’m happy with the process and I can manage it well. I am happy with the outcome. I have grown the highest percent THC that any Mo. state licensed lab has tested. Huge buds, popcorn buds, landrace, hybrid, sativas, indicas , green bud, purple bud, red bud, black buds. So, what’s left for me?
I’ve no interest left in changing my method or process, I have tried many and failed just as many times.
It all comes down to a few simple things. Know your needs. Stay within an area you are at peace with and stop the method changing. Find a process and perfect it. Buy the dehumidifiers and humidifiers.
Then you will know peace and relaxation with this process. I’m finally there! I wish the same to all of you 🥰
Thanks CG.

Change what I can, except what I can’t. I know the drill. Just never got it to fit.

Bend like a reed doesn’t work with my back. 😝

But I have other issues more pressing these days so it doesn’t matter so much as long as I get a harvest that carries me to next time.

It’s only been a year this month since I started growing. With the help of half a dozen or so people, most here, and a lot of reading from all over the web. If nothing else I’ve learned and improved. But my environment and I have limitations. I’ll need to improve them, change them, or except them.

Working on it. 👍
Mornin Friend!
So who told you that it was a relaxing hobby? I always tell my students that if you are successful it’s because you are married to it! It comes first. Water day? Ya sick? No matter get up on your dieing sticks and tend to it!
It has took me almost thirty years to finally be relaxed or “Zen” (pun intended) with it. I’m happy with the process and I can manage it well. I am happy with the outcome. I have grown the highest percent THC that any Mo. state licensed lab has tested. Huge buds, popcorn buds, landrace, hybrid, sativas, indicas , green bud, purple bud, red bud, black buds. So, what’s left for me?
I’ve no interest left in changing my method or process, I have tried many and failed just as many times.
It all comes down to a few simple things. Know your needs. Stay within an area you are at peace with and stop the method changing. Find a process and perfect it. Buy the dehumidifiers and humidifiers.
Then you will know peace and relaxation with this process. I’m finally there! I wish the same to all of you 🥰
So true. So many ways to skin a cat.

I've been on a quest to automate, reliably, the entire process but at the end of the day the girls will require some of your time. I'm pretty good at DIYing stuff so I'm getting close to my goal and really enjoying the process of putting together a well oiled machine that needs almost zero input from me.
105.9 degrees
19% humidity

Yesterday topped out at 111.7 and 11% RH

It’s amazing that it can be this warm and dry a mere 2 hours away from the bay area, where it was only 80 yesterday and RH probably in the mid 50%s

Most plants are loving it, so long as you don’t let the dry out. I’ve seen desiccated cactus out here!
On my quest to build a perpetual grow space I do have 1 thing I need opinion on and don't want to make a thread about it.

I have a low basement 7ft. The main center beam of the house divides the areas where my tents are. My joists run over that center beam so if I have a light bulb on over by one tent that light shines up over the center beam and thru the gap made by the joists. I had thought best to run a canvas curtain of sort down my center beam length wise to help block light leaking out of my veg tent from getting over to my flower tent. Tents are 5x5 and 4x4 so I was just going to come out about 8 ft with the curtain to block direct light from leaking over. All the rest of the basement is blacked out window wise. Anyway, filling in the gap above the center beam in-between the joists...any easy way to do it? Would light coming up through that be too indirect to bother with?

My veg tent is running spider farmer se600 which is like 75 watts. So it's low light....should I just maybe do the curtain and not worry about the gap between the joists? Or should I just try to block it all?
Where the circle is, is the gap area

Where the line is drawn would be the main beam I'd hang a canvas divider curtain along.

The light shining through the gap is from a light bulb that's outside the tent that will only ever be on during lights on veg light will be in this tent but some will escape as I'm not running a carbon filter (yet) on my veg tent so light will escape through my exhaust fan
I would cut foam to block out the space between joist if you need to block out the light.
That was my initial thought too and probably what will happen...shits just all crooked and old gonna have to figure out how to make a nice template or get it close enough to caulk it. Mcguyver'n on anything but this old house is fun lol
That was my initial thought too and probably what will happen...shits just all crooked and old gonna have to figure out how to make a nice template or get it close enough to caulk it. Mcguyver'n on anything but this old house is fun lol
Not sure how easy to access or how nimble you are.

Cardboard box opened up maybe? Bang around edges to leave lines around the void.

You could also just put a sheet over it, from one side or other?

Can foam is handy as well for gaps or holes.
I can't build rooms for flood insurance purposes but perhaps a wall or a faux wall lol. Was thinking of just framing out a wall and then hanging foam board (up into that gap as well)....may be easier than trying to get my canvas curtain tight against the concrete basement wall..

Thanks for the brainstorming.

Sitting on my porch listening to the frogs...wonderful night getting ready to pack a bowl of truffles. Came down the pipeline through the traditional street market...bag appeal 10 outta 10....smoke report 7.5, get ya stoned just terps aren't lining up with my taste buds or are light at best. Wish I still had the pineapple burst I had prior. That's always a bummer when the next bag is a lesser everything from potency to taste...just disappointing
I can't build rooms for flood insurance purposes but perhaps a wall or a faux wall lol. Was thinking of just framing out a wall and then hanging foam board (up into that gap as well)....may be easier than trying to get my canvas curtain tight against the concrete basement wall..

Thanks for the brainstorming.

Sitting on my porch listening to the frogs...wonderful night getting ready to pack a bowl of truffles. Came down the pipeline through the traditional street market...bag appeal 10 outta 10....smoke report 7.5, get ya stoned just terps aren't lining up with my taste buds or are light at best. Wish I still had the pineapple burst I had prior. That's always a bummer when the next bag is a lesser everything from potency to taste...just disappointing
Can you cover the gap with a blackout curtain and staple gun? Keep it simple and easy to remove.
Was sitting on stoop with Willow when she gave a little bark.

Seems mama was creeping around the yard.

She let me get to the middle crates before I made noise and she hopped a foot. (More like a kick with flying dirt.) Then I went to the furthest crates. Strawberries are 3 or 4 crates high now. She just watched. Told her to leave them alone. 👉 😂
She is about to get fat and put some milk on for the next round of strawberry killaz....let the dandelions grow and they'll graze on those. Roger that was living by my plants left em be, he seems to have moved on I noticed at the big tree at the edge of my property a bunch of young rabbits playing in the evening so I know Roger out gettin some tang. Hope he comes back I could get within about 5 ft of him.

Imagine him being there at harvest and kicking him a bud for not eating the plants when they were young
I doubt it’s any I’ve saved since Covid. But it’s nice to think so.

They all have let me and wifey get close. I think it’s the fence and bushes that give them security.

Babies almost had eyes open the other day. Should be out and about this week.

We left the grass a few times this year for the bees and grass. Just inside the fence, most times. 🤣

Might be my imagination but I think the tall grass kept the squirrels away too. Back now though.
I miss my kids after a few hours...a week boy I'd be out of my mind. Such a part of my routine I'd be lost.
I know man, im already confused cause my little one isnt up my butt already like usual lol.
The most my kids have done is some overnights with my parents, so a week is gonna be so weird
Soooo, Saturday night I went to a bbq. Had a fantastic time until about ten p.m., when I heard the metal crunch. A lady that was there backed over my car! Not too bad other than the passenger door won’t close. Or wouldn’t close, a friend of mine was finally able to get it to latch. What a pain in the azz. This means taking the car all the way to Rolla, over a hundred miles to have body work done on it at Nissan.
That old saying, it’s always just a hot dog roast til someone gets their wiener burnt. Well, my wiener is crunchy!
Thinking about a buddy who passed away some years back now this morning. Guy was a hoot and a half.

Reason is, a name came to mind after seeing someone with a similar name on social media. So my friend told me one day "if I ever end up dead remember this name".....I still remember the name, and he did end up dead. Thing is...I'm not a rat and whatever he had himself into was deep enough he had to tell me that name (actually 2 but they are cohorts apparently). I know he was hanging with some missouri home made speeders if yall know what I mean. No matter what it wouldn't change that homie is dead. May get my family in the same situation so I stay out of it. A secret I'll have to take to the grave.

Anybody else have some info they just got to live with and keep hush on that makes them question their own morality?
Soooo, Saturday night I went to a bbq. Had a fantastic time until about ten p.m., when I heard the metal crunch. A lady that was there backed over my car! Not too bad other than the passenger door won’t close. Or wouldn’t close, a friend of mine was finally able to get it to latch. What a pain in the azz. This means taking the car all the way to Rolla, over a hundred miles to have body work done on it at Nissan.
That old saying, it’s always just a hot dog roast til someone gets their wiener burnt. Well, my wiener is crunchy!
Oh nooo, thats horrible. Ive been there before, and the worst part was my car was registered in New Hampshire, so i didnt have insurance, trying to save money😑
Never again will i not have insurance lol.
Soooo, Saturday night I went to a bbq. Had a fantastic time until about ten p.m., when I heard the metal crunch. A lady that was there backed over my car! Not too bad other than the passenger door won’t close. Or wouldn’t close, a friend of mine was finally able to get it to latch. What a pain in the azz. This means taking the car all the way to Rolla, over a hundred miles to have body work done on it at Nissan.
That old saying, it’s always just a hot dog roast til someone gets their wiener burnt. Well, my wiener is crunchy!
Over your car? What in the missouri truck nuts kinda jacked up thing she rollin coal in? 🤣😂
Soooo, Saturday night I went to a bbq. Had a fantastic time until about ten p.m., when I heard the metal crunch. A lady that was there backed over my car! Not too bad other than the passenger door won’t close. Or wouldn’t close, a friend of mine was finally able to get it to latch. What a pain in the azz. This means taking the car all the way to Rolla, over a hundred miles to have body work done on it at Nissan.
That old saying, it’s always just a hot dog roast til someone gets their wiener burnt. Well, my wiener is crunchy!
I'd like to give you both the laughing "like" and the sad "like" at the same time. So you get the wow "like."
Thinking about a buddy who passed away some years back now this morning. Guy was a hoot and a half.

Reason is, a name came to mind after seeing someone with a similar name on social media. So my friend told me one day "if I ever end up dead remember this name".....I still remember the name, and he did end up dead. Thing is...I'm not a rat and whatever he had himself into was deep enough he had to tell me that name (actually 2 but they are cohorts apparently). I know he was hanging with some missouri home made speeders if yall know what I mean. No matter what it wouldn't change that homie is dead. May get my family in the same situation so I stay out of it. A secret I'll have to take to the grave.

Anybody else have some info they just got to live with and keep hush on that makes them question their own morality?
Only against our Government. I don’t hush and that’s the prob. I proudly wear the conspiracy theorist badge. I remember the real science. Two and two still makes four in my world, a woman is a woman and a man is a man. Truth is frowned upon. Keep frowning bitches, imma keep telling truth and laying out the facts. There is an entire army of us.
Only against our Government. I don’t hush and that’s the prob. I proudly wear the conspiracy theorist badge. I remember the real science. Two and two still makes four in my world, a woman is a woman and a man is a man. Truth is frowned upon. Keep frowning bitches, imma keep telling truth and laying out the facts. There is an entire army of us.
Problem is when the conspiracies end up becoming true and people still say they're conspiracies.

Gotta love when shit comes out years later that was kept hush so some asshole could be president, or hold some other elected position. Still waiting on the day we have two totally good people to vote thing they always say is "anyone can become president" but fail to tell you "but you have to be a special kind of asshole"
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