Government has turned into a corporation. They only exist to find new ways to tax the working man because they've realized a penny from everyone adds up to big bucks. Can't let that go. And just when you get comfortable enough you don't have to work as much, they'll find a way to get you back working and paying. I seriously feel the economy is just piss because the puppet masters need to claim back all the equity people had made for themselves pre-pandemic. I remember pre-pandemic...didn't even have to try money was just everywhere.

Had someone tell me cheap gas is a sign of a shit economy because there is no demand for it thus its cheap. My take on it is cheap gas shows a strong dollar and that guy was trying some old spin doctor bullshit lol
I was pretty amazed that the term conspiracy theory was coined after the death of JFK. It was actually “created” to belittle anyone that dared to speak truth or question the narrative. That to me says a lot. Look at any pre 1960 dictionaries it will not contain that phrase.
Government has turned into a corporation. They only exist to find new ways to tax the working man because they've realized a penny from everyone adds up to big bucks. Can't let that go. And just when you get comfortable enough you don't have to work as much, they'll find a way to get you back working and paying. I seriously feel the economy is just piss because the puppet masters need to claim back all the equity people had made for themselves pre-pandemic. I remember pre-pandemic...didn't even have to try money was just everywhere.

Had someone tell me cheap gas is a sign of a shit economy because there is no demand for it thus its cheap. My take on it is cheap gas shows a strong dollar and that guy was trying some old spin doctor bullshit lol
How true that is! Let me give you a good for instance. My husband and I have worked our asses off since the age of 15. We have a decent retirement.
A few months ago my house needed a new roof. I could have pulled the whole amount and paid for it. It was cheaper to finance it and pay interest on a loan versus paying taxes on the amount I needed to pay for the roof! That’s pure bullshit!
Worked our whole lives for it and the government works everyday to get it back.
Soooo, Saturday night I went to a bbq. Had a fantastic time until about ten p.m., when I heard the metal crunch. A lady that was there backed over my car! Not too bad other than the passenger door won’t close. Or wouldn’t close, a friend of mine was finally able to get it to latch. What a pain in the azz. This means taking the car all the way to Rolla, over a hundred miles to have body work done on it at Nissan.
That old saying, it’s always just a hot dog roast til someone gets their wiener burnt. Well, my wiener is crunchy!
That bites!!!

At the party i was at on Saturday my friend's new gf was eating the infused treats for a while before anyone told her... Lol
Sooooo, are you going to tell us how this turned out? 🤣😂😅😂🤣
Well I was playing Cornhole... I did tell all the guys what they were and to keep them from away from the kids, which thankfully nothing happened there. But people kept leaving the dish down with the whole spread. You know how alcohol goes..

So I'm playing Cornhole and someone comes out the garage and is like whats her name ate a bunch of your stuff.. I'm like oh she'll be ok... for me it's not strong,I wanted it more of a mild thing people could eat and still drive home. I don't know the girl so I don't know how she normally acts, but they said she was acting real funny. I see her coming outside laughing a storm up! And I'm like oh no... She is walking to her car, and I asked twice if she was good she said yes and then got in her car and left abruptly in the middle of everything lol.

But maybe it was stronger than I thought... I had one fellow smoke friend with me there who didn't eat any until after I left. He has a high tolerance and said it put him out and he had to get an Uber home... I hope that girl is ok. I tried to tell them all when I got there to eat it now, not later, so you can enjoy the buzz here and not be too out of it when they leave

I brought a big piece to work with me today I'm about to secretly eat lol
I once saw my chicken consume a baby copperhead alive. Very satisfying to watch.
Moe, that may well fall under the category of never say this if you are undergoing a psychiatric examination! People that do not live in the country just do not get this! 😂🤣😂😅😂🥲🥹 P.S. I get it! Lol lol..
Moe, that may well fall under the category of never say this if you are undergoing a psychiatric examination! People that do not live in the country just do not get this! 😂🤣😂😅😂🥲🥹 P.S. I get it! Lol lol..
Found a Rattlesnake at the property we're renovating and had to "euthanize" it. Too many kids playing around there. Was thinking of bagging it and releasing it somewhere where there aren't people but I'm not a snake wrangler so I chose kids over snakes.
Only against our Government. I don’t hush and that’s the prob. I proudly wear the conspiracy theorist badge. I remember the real science. Two and two still makes four in my world, a woman is a woman and a man is a man. Truth is frowned upon. Keep frowning bitches, imma keep telling truth and laying out the facts. There is an entire army of us.
yes ma'am. the strength of numbers.
Found a Rattlesnake at the property we're renovating and had to "euthanize" it. Too many kids playing around there. Was thinking of bagging it and releasing it somewhere where there aren't people but I'm not a snake wrangler so I chose kids over snakes.
i am like Jim Stafford.

Government has turned into a corporation. They only exist to find new ways to tax the working man because they've realized a penny from everyone adds up to big bucks. Can't let that go. And just when you get comfortable enough you don't have to work as much, they'll find a way to get you back working and paying. I seriously feel the economy is just piss because the puppet masters need to claim back all the equity people had made for themselves pre-pandemic. I remember pre-pandemic...didn't even have to try money was just everywhere.

Had someone tell me cheap gas is a sign of a shit economy because there is no demand for it thus its cheap. My take on it is cheap gas shows a strong dollar and that guy was trying some old spin doctor bullshit lol
Nope. Corporations run government. That's why so many politicians are A-holes. They aren't there to serve the people so much as to serve their donors. ALEC is an organization made to form legislation by having lobbyist meet with congressmen and women all behind closed doors. The possibilities of graft in this situation are almost certain. Most politicians spend 80% of their time in office fundraising and spend the other 20% actually doing the work they were elected to do.

Like anything the problem is money. Before the Citizens United vs. FEC ruling got pushed through the SCOTUS, political campaigns were only allowed to accept campaign donations from small money donators like you and I while the government allotted a certain amount of taxpayer money that they could use for their campaigns. SCOTUS opened the door to allow corporations to dictate the conversation through their campaign cash as if it wasn't bad enough with them already.

The other problem is 501(C)3 Super PAC's. These are, supposedly, independent organizations campaigning for whoever they have been formed to support. These organizations are free to accept as much money as anyone wants to give them opening the door to mega billionaires being able to shape the agenda anonymously. What I don't understand is why they are allowed to operate at all. These legal non profit entities are not supposed to engage in politics yet they do it in broad daylight and the IRS pretends like it's OK even though it's clearly illegal but when you got powerful people screaming that they're being unjustly targeted by the IRS they just play along and try and keep their heads down so that they don't get fired.

In my view the biggest danger to our nation is from within. When money runs the country our demise is almost assured.
Nope. Corporations run government. That's why so many politicians are A-holes. They aren't there to serve the people so much as to serve their donors. ALEC is an organization made to form legislation by having lobbyist meet with congressmen and women all behind closed doors. The possibilities of graft in this situation are almost certain. Most politicians spend 80% of their time in office fundraising and spend the other 20% actually doing the work they were elected to do.

Like anything the problem is money. Before the Citizens United vs. FEC ruling got pushed through the SCOTUS, political campaigns were only allowed to accept campaign donations from small money donators like you and I while the government allotted a certain amount of taxpayer money that they could use for their campaigns. SCOTUS opened the door to allow corporations to dictate the conversation through their campaign cash as if it wasn't bad enough with them already.

The other problem is 501(C)3 Super PAC's. These are, supposedly, independent organizations campaigning for whoever they have been formed to support. These organizations are free to accept as much money as anyone wants to give them opening the door to mega billionaires being able to shape the agenda anonymously. What I don't understand is why they are allowed to operate at all. These legal non profit entities are not supposed to engage in politics yet they do it in broad daylight and the IRS pretends like it's OK even though it's clearly illegal but when you got powerful people screaming that they're being unjustly targeted by the IRS they just play along and try and keep their heads down so that they don't get fired.

In my view the biggest danger to our nation is from within. When money runs the country our demise is almost assured.
I would love to hear what we can do you fix this problem. i think it's inevitable.
One thing I dislike with the shift from traditional market to legal market is the sparking up of a doob with the person who got you the bag. So many times in my younger years it may have been a dry day had I not scored my friend some buds and they smoked me out or vice versa...

It's really like everyone just takes their weed and goes home now...

I'll keep it old school thanks, good morning Bb
Yes weed etiquette man... gotta burn one with whoever gets your buds! Guess when it's the dispo, that goes out the window.
Its the same here man, just im not so sure what light rain is anymore. Every time it rains shit just washes away. Its so bad this year.
It's been ridic, we've had roads here in the ADK completely washed out. This is Long Lake... I think there was a bridge thereScreenshot_20230718_085247_Facebook.jpg
And this was Standish.... which is basically just the middle of nowhere.Screenshot_20230718_085334_Facebook.jpg
Over in Ludlow Vermont they were underwater with a federal emergency declared... so much for a hot dry summer there Farmer's almanac!
Welcome back TSD hope the camping went well! and your girls where no worse for the wear with your absence
Little bit munched on and ready for some food... but overall not bad. Need to put several hours into my gardens... weeding, pruning, spraying. My poor flower beds are looking rough, everything needs to be deadheaded. Berries need picking. Oh and I gotta clean my house. Plus everything else kid/husband/sick dad related that I have to attend to... oh and work. I need to go buy some Sativa.
It's been ridic, we've had roads here in the ADK completely washed out. This is Long Lake... I think there was a bridge thereView attachment 13894
And this was Standish.... which is basically just the middle of nowhere.View attachment 13895
Over in Ludlow Vermont they were underwater with a federal emergency declared... so much for a hot dry summer there Farmer's almanac!
Yeah its been bad. My father in law had to take I-90 through mass and then up I-93 to get home because Vermont and New Hampshire are washed out all over the place.
Where i am hasnt flooded yet, but it not far from it. We are like 2 or 3 days away from flooding if it doesnt stop raining.
Yeah its been bad. My father in law had to take I-90 through mass and then up I-93 to get home because Vermont and New Hampshire are washed out all over the place.
Where i am hasnt flooded yet, but it not far from it. We are like 2 or 3 days away from flooding if it doesnt stop raining.
My river has been very angry and brown... but luckily it would require a Noah's ark level flood to reach my house. The second location where I have 2 ladies has a stream that has also been very high, came within about a foot of the plant I have down near the water... and it's usually like 30 feet away. Had so much water I've had to feed when they don't even need a drink... luckily it's pretty hard to overwater mine, they have lots of perlite in the dirt mix and the holes are surrounded by sand. They are getting big too, so they do drink quite a bit. Gotta get out there and get some new pics for my diary. Hope this fall isn't as wet... I'll be fucked if this keeps up in flower.
My river has been very angry and brown... but luckily it would require a Noah's ark level flood to reach my house. The second location where I have 2 ladies has a stream that has also been very high, came within about a foot of the plant I have down near the water... and it's usually like 30 feet away. Had so much water I've had to feed when they don't even need a drink... luckily it's pretty hard to overwater mine, they have lots of perlite in the dirt mix and the holes are surrounded by sand. They are getting big too, so they do drink quite a bit. Gotta get out there and get some new pics for my diary. Hope this fall isn't as wet... I'll be fucked if this keeps up in flower.
I had hopes and dreams when I first moved to were I'm at now the summer was good and a great fall. The following year I had 10 girls growing and summer time was great.......then fall hit and at about 3 weeks into flower the rains started and 3 weeks later it got cold and foggy, needless to say I lost everything....I was counting on a supply of weed to get me through the year needless to say I was bummed out. I tried a few times more and I had very limited success by pulling a few at 7 weeks in flower covered in pm........

That was 25 + years ago I've been indoors since, I've played with a few outside in a tent but pm got them too and 2 I tried bringing in brought in spider mites so fk that I'm 100% indoors only......unless I move to a tropical

Woooo hooo I bought a 1/10 hp Arctica Titanium chiller yesterday for $300 Cdn brand new in the box off facebook market place the guy said he paid $700 US and that's the price amzon has them at now, It looks good I need some hose and I have a pump so I should have it cooling my Auto Pot Reservoir by the end of the day...
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