Try that in a small town was exactly what happened in my tiny town. A local drug pushing Shit stirring local, lost her Son. He went to the river, had a seizure and drowned. Our local Sheriff helped recover the body, and due to location it was in had to remove it via pick up truck.
She took pics of this, sent them to a well known hate group in Springfield. Aunty Tea Fa.. Pushing the narrative, saying her sons body was mistreated and that the Sheriff killed him and this was all a cover up. They gathered up and was on their way when the calls went out. Their aim? Take over our courthouse and hang our local Sheriff for the murder of her Son.
Our entire town turned out, armed and stood vigil at our courthouse. You even knew who the local felons were, as they came with chains, baseball bats and various implements of destruction.
I will pull up the vid this evening.
Our town was all over the news. In a bad light. We were racists gun toting “ammosexuals” . Yup that was a word that was used.
Good thing we all had thick skin. I got smacked particularly hard, as I was the only woman strapped up and standing on the wall and I really stood out. To be blunt there were several armed women in that crowd, but being frontline and on the wall, I really stood out and was subject to several attacks via social media.
Did not change a damn thing for me, I’d do it again in a heartbeat. I’m proud of my small town.
So, yeah… try that in a small town, bitches.
I will load some local vids tonight. Here is a report on our local news:
They tried to come here and start their "demonstrations", but once word got back to them that our town would all be waiting for them, they never even showed face.
I didn't hear about that, sounds wild would love to see the video!

Don't F with CG!
Was good to know that our local people will stand together. Was good to see ANYBODY still standing up for what is right. Was kind of a surreal morning as I never thought I’d see snipers on the roof of our courthouse or all the citizens armed up coming together to protect the peace and lives in our town. It happened, I participated, I am not ashamed.
I'll be the first to defend Aldeans right to write and sing about whatever he wants. Personally, I think he's the biggest asshole you could ever meet but that's my personal view. I met him many many years back in a small Bakersfield bar he was playing at. It was just him and an acoustic guitar. Great songwriter and player. Just not a very nice guy. Maybe he was just having a bad night but from the way I saw him interact with others other than myself. Not likely.
I can tell everything I need to know about someone by the way they treat thier waitress.
kids aren't playing outdoors like they used too. i remember as a kid we played outdoor games til the streetlights came on. then again i'm sure if playstation and xbox were available back then i'd be playing video games . played a lot of rpg games. when i was in the military. played zelda the adventures of link in England lol.
Same. I lived outside, had 3 channels and didn't play video games till I bought my own PS2 in my late teens. Video games were a thing then... but not for me... I built cool shit in the woods and was practically feral. My husband always makes fun of me cause there's so many classic 80's movies that I haven't seen... we didn't have cable and renting or going to the movies was a treat.
My kid knows he needs to be outside after his morning veg out sesh, especially in summer... he knows this because he once flipped out about it and I took his TV right off the wall and it stayed off for like a month. We have an Xbox and PS4... but we don't do the veg out for hours on end on a nice day crap round here lol.
I'll be the first to defend Aldeans right to write and sing about whatever he wants. Personally, I think he's the biggest asshole you could ever meet but that's my personal view. I met him many many years back in a small Bakersfield bar he was playing at. It was just him and an acoustic guitar. Great songwriter and player. Just not a very nice guy. Maybe he was just having a bad night but from the way I saw him interact with others other than myself. Not likely.
I heard he didn't write that song, it was written for him.

Your from Bakersfield? My wife's family lives there and she used to as well before her journey east
I can tell everything I need to know about someone by the way they treat thier waitress.
I spoil the shit out of my waiters/waitresses, I remember wearing those shoes, so I could afford to go to school 🥰 Besides Momma always burned into our brains, treat others like we would like to be treated. Wasn’t such bad advice.
One more thing while Iam thinking about it.
Just a warning….Willingness to stand up at this point, will more than likely land you on an Ef Bee Eye 👁️ list.
So will being Christian.
So will being prolife.
So will being patriotic.
So will being a person non ignorant of our Constitutional rights.
Oh and don’t forget, as a competition shooter, I am also “ammosexual” , wtf is that?
I’m one bad ass MamaJama, right? Straight up laughable.
My entire life long philosophy of you do your thing and I will do my thing too is screwed as long as one of us are not allowed to do our thing.
Anyways just my two cents. Not that ya even asked.
Signed, Bad bad CannaGranny.
Edit, one more thing.. I still love men. Real men. Toxic testosterone filled to the brim hairy legged MEN. Whom are now known to some testosterone lacking individuals as a bad kind of toxic. I loveeeee it!
Just thought I’d confess that horrific social malfunction too.
Oh, and I’m crazy, yup quite bonkers, I say!
You can’t cancel someone that never wanted a subscription.
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I spoil the shit out of my waiters/waitresses, I remember wearing those shoes, so I could afford to go to school 🥰 Besides Momma always burned into our brains, treat others like we would like to be treated. Wasn’t such bad advice.
Used to love waiting tables in my early 20s. We had a monitor with a feed of every waiter's sales and credit card tip % and other info. A few waitresses would ask me how the fuck was I getting such high numbers..

Just treat them like people and not a job, it's not that hard lol. Talk to them, be preemptive, be available..

Used to come to work high af, drink on the job, drink/smoke more in between double shifts lol

Weirdest "tip" I ever got was a pair of boys spiderman underwear signed by every girl in some sorority lol. Once I saw it in the book, I realized why they were giggling so much the whole time
Used to love waiting tables in my early 20s. We had a monitor with a feed of every waiter's sales and credit card tip % and other info. A few waitresses would ask me how the fuck was I getting such high numbers..

Just treat them like people and not a job, it's not that hard lol. Talk to them, be preemptive, be available..

Used to come to work high af, drink on the job, drink/smoke more in between double shifts lol

Weirdest "tip" I ever got was a pair of boys spiderman underwear signed by every girl in some sorority lol. Once I saw it in the book, I realized why they were giggling so much the whole time
We had a pad of paper called a check pages ripped off and stuck on a pointed wire. It was collected at the end of the day for tally. Back then employers did not tally tips.
Weirdest tip for me, a book called Angela’s Ashes with a note written on the inside cover thanking me and a 100.00 bill. I still have that book.
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I heard he didn't write that song, it was written for him.

Your from Bakersfield? My wife's family lives there and she used to as well before her journey east
I don't have a problem with whatever anyone says in a song as long as it doesn't incite violence. You don't like it? Turn it off. I am a musician so I know all about people trying to censure songs. Remember when conservatives got all up in arms about song lyrics? That's the bullshit I had to contend with when I was in the industry. Nowadays they don't even blink when it comes to provocative lyrics so why all the theatrics? Everything has it's time and place. Some people don't want to deal with progression while others embrace it. All are right and all are wrong.

Moderation is the only way that anyone can survive in this world. ANY kind of extremism for WHATEVER reason is wrong in my book. Liberal Lefties screaming racism when they don't know what the hell their talking about is just as bad as Righties supporting racism when they know better. Look at what's happening in Alabama. A small town that's 85% minority black has had a white mayor and city council for decades. One of the black citizens decided to run for mayor. He won but the current mayor and city council decided to secretly have a meeting and reinstate themselves before the newly elected mayor was sworn in. The bank in the town prohibited the newly elected mayor from accessing the cities bank records regardless of the court order directing them to do so as the black citizen was the duly elected mayor and had a right and a duty to have access to those records. Is it racism that is fueling this? I have no idea as I only know what has been reported and I don't want to pass judgement until all the facts have been exposed but when I pair it with what's going on with the Alabama state legislature and their refusal to follow the SCOTUS's directive in regards to redistricting it starts to paint a picture that certainly points in that direction.

Personally, I feel allowing state legislatures to draw district lines for voting purposes is like allowing the fox to guard the hen house. If you really want equitable representation then an equal grid needs to be laid over the state and candidates running to represent that grid should do so based on their merits and their accomplishments not on some majority legislature with a political axe to grind. It's basically legalized cheating but because both parties can use it to their advantage they don't mention it and unless you immerse yourself in the goings on of your state in regards to how they work you'll never know how unfair it is.

I'm not from Bako but I spent a lot of time there when I was building custom cars as a friend of mine has a custom shop there. I would stay at his house and we'd run our cars around the tracks at Buttonwillow and Willow Springs trying to shake them down for whatever issues they may have in those extreme conditions. Test and tune days mostly.
yeah i just saw that, that's good news for real though! "due to increased traffic" is a good thing, so cool how something this good all started from someone else's bs
yes i was going to say something about this as well. this is a really good group. I haven't heard any issues of anyone not getting along. shit we should make ourselves our own town? we'll call it Petoria.

Looking back now, I’m glad he showed his buttocks. We have a great community, differences, and a lot of laughter.
No one is squelched here, the good the bad and the ugly. Kind of unique.
Imperium X?

Got mine ordered and going to run that strain in the 3x3 when the Apples and Bananas that is in flower now finishes.
I got them, but they were not here before the moon planting period expired. I will run them next round! Super pretty seeds.
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